Why are we discussing budgeting 25 billion dollars for the wall on the mexico border

Trump is a liar.

Remember, they had a wall in Berlin. That's what the GOP wants here.
In his first year, President Trump has already reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year in office and the barrier he wants to build to keep illegals out will be like the barrier Israel built on its border with Sinai or the eastern Europeans are building to keep the immigrants Germany and Sweden have invited to Europe. Smart barriers like the one Israel built work. Tens of thousands of East Africans flooded into Israel before the barrier was built, but not one since it went up.
Give us some links to back that up.

I would take an educated and employed Mexican over uneducated and jobless Republicans anytime. Never heard a Mexican say college is bad for America.

Yeah, but that is the problem we face. O'Mexico isn't sending over it's best and brightest....they are pawning off their least skilled and least educated which directly competes with uneducated and poorly skilled leftards. That should alarm you being that the underclass you believe is in your back pocket is going to abandon the leftard clown posse party that once kept them beholding to them.
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.

That's right. It is and should be a given that it will be built and built soon. How and when Mexico foots the bill is not relevant. It will happen.

Mexico will pay one way or the other. Their pregnant weapon-zed women that are about to squirt out an anchor baby are going to struggle getting up a wall.........just sayin'.
Trump is a liar.

Remember, they had a wall in Berlin. That's what the GOP wants here.

The Berlin Wall was built to keep people from escaping socialism.
The Border fence is to protect the American Taxpayers from being looted by millions of third world moochers.

I would say Communism but regardless the wall was built to keep innocent civilians from moving on to a better life.
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.

That's right. It is and should be a given that it will be built and built soon. How and when Mexico foots the bill is not relevant. It will happen.

Mexico will pay one way or the other. Their pregnant weapon-zed women that are about to squirt out an anchor baby are going to struggle getting up a wall.........just sayin'.
If the illegal immigrants were as dumb as Trump supporters the wall would keep them out of the US.
The illegal immigrants are much more intelligent than Trump supporters. They will find a way to circumvent the wall.
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.

That's right. It is and should be a given that it will be built and built soon. How and when Mexico foots the bill is not relevant. It will happen.

Mexico will pay one way or the other. Their pregnant weapon-zed women that are about to squirt out an anchor baby are going to struggle getting up a wall.........just sayin'.
If the illegal immigrants were as dumb as Trump supporters the wall would keep them out of the US.
The illegal immigrants are much more intelligent than Trump supporters. They will find a way to circumvent the wall.

If only illegals worked as hard at trying to improve those 3rd world shitholes they come from as they do finding new and creative ways to come over here to sponge and squat.
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.
So, 1.5 trillion in tax losses, 25 billion (to start) for a wall and another trillion for infrastructure? Remember when the GOP screamed daily about deficits and budgets and refused to pass anything Obama without an offset? Just more games that meant nothing at all. Conservatives have no guiding principles at all. Its just a game to them. I'm guessing that in another month the GOP will have spent more than Obama spent in 8 years!
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.
So, 1.5 trillion in tax losses, 25 billion (to start) for a wall and another trillion for infrastructure? Remember when the GOP screamed daily about deficits and budgets and refused to pass anything Obama without an offset? Just more games that meant nothing at all. Conservatives have no guiding principles at all. Its just a game to them. I'm guessing that in another month the GOP will have spent more than Obama spent in 8 years!
Trump criticized Obama for golfing too much, signing too many executive orders, taking too much vacation, increasing the deficit
Trump has exceeded every criticism, above, of Obama in his first year.
You cannot trust anything that Trump says to be the truth.
He is a disgusting,narcissistic, lying, immoral piece of dung; and he is our President. The founding Fathers are turning over in their graves.
Anyone have a guess on how many times this has been explained to the leftist?
I have personally explained it at least 1000 times.
Explain why if the USA and Trump are so strong we are not getting the 25 billion dollars from Mexico right now!

Are you kidding me?
Of course they aren't just going to write a check you moron.
We can tax remittance monies,we can stop federal aid,we can impose a border tax.
And thats just for starters.
Anyone have a guess on how many times this has been explained to the leftist?
I have personally explained it at least 1000 times.
Explain why if the USA and Trump are so strong we are not getting the 25 billion dollars from Mexico right now!

Are you kidding me?
Of course they aren't just going to write a check you moron.
We can tax remittance monies,we can stop federal aid,we can impose a border tax.
And thats just for starters.
Of course, turds like Elmer will fight that all the way.
The border barrier has been approved.......


H.R. 6061 (109th): Secure Fence Act of 2006 -- Senate Vote #262 -- Sep 29, 2006


Mexico will pay for it by the US limiting how much can be exported by illegal immigrants back to Mexico.


H.R. 6061 (109th): Secure Fence Act of 2006
This was a vote to pass H.R. 6061 (109th) in the Senate.

On October 26, 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109–367) into law stating, “This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform."

The bill was introduced on Sep. 13, 2006 by Peter T. King (R-NY). In the House of Representatives, the Fence Act passed 283–138 on September 14, 2006. On September 29, 2006 – the Fence Act passed in the Senate 80–19.

This summary is from Wikipedia.

Source: Wikipedia

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All Votes Republicans Democrats Independents




Nay 19%




Not Voting 1%




Date: Sep 29, 2006

Question: On Passage of the Bill in the Senate

Required: Simple Majority

Result: Bill Passed

Source: senate.gov

Ideology Vote Chart

Key: R Yea D Yea R Nay D Nay
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Nay D Inouye, Daniel HI
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Yea D Schumer, Chuck NY
Nay R Chafee, Lincoln RI

Statistically notable votes are the votes that are most surprising, or least predictable, given how other members of each voter’s party voted and other factors.

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Yea D Pryor, Mark AR
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Nay D Salazar, Ken CO
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Yea R Martinez, Mel FL
Yea D Nelson, Bill FL
Yea R Chambliss, Saxby GA
Yea R Isakson, John GA
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Nay D Inouye, Daniel HI
Yea R Craig, Larry ID
Yea R Crapo, Michael ID
Nay D Durbin, Richard Obama, Barack IL
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Yea D Dayton, Mark MN
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Yea R Ensign, John NV
Nay D Reid, Harry Gregg, Judd NH
Yea R Sununu, John NH
New Jersey
Nay D Lautenberg, Frank NJ
Nay D Menéndez, Bob NJ
New Mexico
Nay D Bingaman, Jeff NM
Yea R Domenici, Pete NM
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Yea D Clinton, Hillary NY
Yea D Schumer, Chuck NY
North Carolina
Yea R Burr, Richard NC
Yea R Dole, Elizabeth NC
North Dakota
Vote Party Representative State
Yea D Conrad, Kent ND
Yea D Dorgan, Byron ND
Yea R DeWine, Mike OH
Yea R Voinovich, George OH
Yea R Coburn, Thomas OK
Yea R Inhofe, Jim OK
Yea R Smith, Gordon OR
Yea D Wyden, Ron OR
Yea R Santorum, Rick PA
Yea R Specter, Arlen PA
Rhode Island
Nay R Chafee, Lincoln RI
Nay D Reed, John RI
South Carolina
Yea R DeMint, Jim SC
Yea R Graham, Lindsey SC
South Dakota
Yea D Johnson, Tim SD
Yea R Thune, John SD
Yea R Alexander, Lamar TN
Yea R Frist, Bill TN
Yea R Cornyn, John TX
Yea R Hutchison, Kay TX
Yea R Bennett, Robert UT
Yea R Hatch, Orrin UT
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Nay D Leahy, Patrick VT
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Yea R Warner, John VA
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Nay D Murray, Patty WA
West Virginia
Yea D Byrd, Robert WV
Yea D Rockefeller, Jay WV
Nay D Feingold, Russell WI
Yea D Kohl, Herb WI
Yea R Enzi, Michael WY
Yea R Thomas, Craig WY
Anyone have a guess on how many times this has been explained to the leftist?
I have personally explained it at least 1000 times.
Explain why if the USA and Trump are so strong we are not getting the 25 billion dollars from Mexico right now!

Are you kidding me?
Of course they aren't just going to write a check you moron.
We can tax remittance monies,we can stop federal aid,we can impose a border tax.
And thats just for starters.
Of course, turds like Elmer will fight that all the way.
Those who believed that Mexico would pay for the wall are idiots.
We the people of the US will pay for the wall. Any taxes. tariffs etc. that are charged on Mexican goods will be paid by US consumers in the form of higher prices for the goods.
Dumb is Dumb is Dumb is a Trump supporter
Anyone have a guess on how many times this has been explained to the leftist?
I have personally explained it at least 1000 times.
Explain why if the USA and Trump are so strong we are not getting the 25 billion dollars from Mexico right now!

Are you kidding me?
Of course they aren't just going to write a check you moron.
We can tax remittance monies,we can stop federal aid,we can impose a border tax.
And thats just for starters.
Of course, turds like Elmer will fight that all the way.
Those who believed that Mexico would pay for the wall are idiots.
We the people of the US will pay for the wall. Any taxes. tariffs etc. that are charged on Mexican goods will be paid by US consumers in the form of higher prices for the goods.
Dumb is Dumb is Dumb is a Trump supporter

So explain to me.
How would taxing remittance monies cost the American taxpayer more money?
As it is we're losing 69 billion a year that should be going into our economy.
Trump is a liar.

Remember, they had a wall in Berlin. That's what the GOP wants here.

The Berlin Wall was built to keep people from escaping socialism.
The Border fence is to protect the American Taxpayers from being looted by millions of third world moochers.

I would say Communism but regardless the wall was built to keep innocent civilians from moving on to a better life.

Illegal aliens are not innocent civilians.
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.

Because Americans want it! And, I think it sucks Mexico isn't going to pay for it, but isn't it better to spend dollars on what Americans want!
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.

Because Americans want it! And, I think it sucks Mexico isn't going to pay for it, but isn't it better to spend dollars on what Americans want!

Besides, once we take their auto plants and parts suppliers, they may not be able to afford toilet paper-)
Trump is a liar.

Remember, they had a wall in Berlin. That's what the GOP wants here.
In his first year, President Trump has already reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year in office and the barrier he wants to build to keep illegals out will be like the barrier Israel built on its border with Sinai or the eastern Europeans are building to keep the immigrants Germany and Sweden have invited to Europe. Smart barriers like the one Israel built work. Tens of thousands of East Africans flooded into Israel before the barrier was built, but not one since it went up.
Give us some links to back that up.

I would take an educated and employed Mexican over uneducated and jobless Republicans anytime. Never heard a Mexican say college is bad for America.

This post is filled with so much stupid it's hard to know where to start.....
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.

That's right. It is and should be a given that it will be built and built soon. How and when Mexico foots the bill is not relevant. It will happen.

No it won't, we the American taxpayers will foot the bill. Mexico will not pay a single peso!

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