Why are we discussing budgeting 25 billion dollars for the wall on the mexico border

Anyone have a list of the number and exact wording of ALL the campaign promises kept by Democrats?


I find it amazing how pathetic it is that the left try to split this hair.
Trump is a liar.

Remember, they had a wall in Berlin. That's what the GOP wants here.

The Berlin Wall split a single country in half, we are not talking about that here.
Try again.
Your lack of intelligence is very apparent. The Berlin wall split a city in half, not a country.
The fact you do not know the difference between a city and country explains why you support Trump and why it is useless to provide an intelligent answer to a person who cannot understand an intelligent answer because they are stupid.
Your anal-retentive hair splitting isn't fooling anyone, moron. There was also a big fence with gaurd towers along the border between East and West Germany.
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.

Because Americans want it! And, I think it sucks Mexico isn't going to pay for it, but isn't it better to spend dollars on what Americans want!


© Getty Images
A majority of likely voters in a new poll doesn't think the U.S. should build a wall along the country's southern border.

The conservative-leaning Rasmussen Reports poll finds that 37 percent of likely voters said the U.S. should construct a border wall in an effort to curb illegal immigration.

But 56 percent of respondents disagree.

Yeah, yeah, this poll, that poll. Got news for ya, most Americans by a large margin, want a way to stop the crossings and drugs. Now how many olls do you want me to site to show you I am correct?

Makes little difference though honestly, if you aren't interested in controlling YOUR country, then nothing I can say will change your mind.
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.

That's right. It is and should be a given that it will be built and built soon. How and when Mexico foots the bill is not relevant. It will happen.

No it won't, we the American taxpayers will foot the bill. Mexico will not pay a single peso!

So how does mehico stop us from giving them free money or more importantly how do they stop us from closing the purse strings?

Slice it any way you want, it will be OUR money paying for the wall.
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.
The right wing doesn't believe in capitalism, only socialism on a national basis.
Survival of the fittest is the way it should be... fuck redistribution
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.
The right wing doesn't believe in capitalism, only socialism on a national basis.
Survival of the fittest is the way it should be... fuck redistribution
lol. financing a tax cut is simple income redistribution; only the right wing, never gets it.
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.
The right wing doesn't believe in capitalism, only socialism on a national basis.
Survival of the fittest is the way it should be... fuck redistribution
lol. financing a tax cut is simple income redistribution; only the right wing, never gets it.
Na, The winner takes all
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.
The right wing doesn't believe in capitalism, only socialism on a national basis.
Survival of the fittest is the way it should be... fuck redistribution
lol. financing a tax cut is simple income redistribution; only the right wing, never gets it.
Na, The winner takes all
corporate welfare even pays multimillion dollar bonuses.
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.
The right wing doesn't believe in capitalism, only socialism on a national basis.
Survival of the fittest is the way it should be... fuck redistribution
lol. financing a tax cut is simple income redistribution; only the right wing, never gets it.
Na, The winner takes all
corporate welfare even pays multimillion dollar bonuses.
Fuck the village...
What a dumbass thread... typical leftist inane clap trap regurgitated garbage.

The TRUMP RUSSIAN COLLUSION FARCE has fallen COMPLETELY apart so, what do the little bubble headed leftists do?

Well, drudge up some moronic shit that's been hashed over a BILLION times already so they can harp their little TRIGGERED heads off about something that will make them forget about the SERIOUS shit that's DESTROYING their party... :lol:

Pathetic ass clowns.
I would have used landmines along the border we have lots of them already and I suspect that would deter illegal border crossing way better than a wall or probably anything else.
The right wing doesn't believe in capitalism, only socialism on a national basis.
Survival of the fittest is the way it should be... fuck redistribution
lol. financing a tax cut is simple income redistribution; only the right wing, never gets it.
Na, The winner takes all
corporate welfare even pays multimillion dollar bonuses.
Fuck the village...
end the drug war.
Survival of the fittest is the way it should be... fuck redistribution
lol. financing a tax cut is simple income redistribution; only the right wing, never gets it.
Na, The winner takes all
corporate welfare even pays multimillion dollar bonuses.
Fuck the village...
end the drug war.
The progressives will never allow that to happen
lol. financing a tax cut is simple income redistribution; only the right wing, never gets it.
Na, The winner takes all
corporate welfare even pays multimillion dollar bonuses.
Fuck the village...
end the drug war.
The progressives will never allow that to happen
the right wing have a majority in Congress.
I would have used landmines along the border we have lots of them already and I suspect that would deter illegal border crossing way better than a wall or probably anything else.
Just right wing fantasy?
It's my Friday night gift to the left wing here giving them something to go into hysterics over that is not posted with any seriousness and would never happen. Hope they enjoy it.

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