Why are we not boycotting the Beijing Olympics?

No argument from me on that. It would be symbolic and it would be the "right" thing to do for many reasons.

The only counter argument I'd make is that when you compare the nations of South Africa and Communist China, I don't think you're comparing apples to apples in terms of their economy, military, or "dogma" for lack of a better term. Revolution in China, if it happens, will happen from within.

That is the plight of the superpowers. In my view, China has studied the USSR as well as the USA and is trying to steer the middle course between the two extremes. They saw the USSR topple because people over there could see how the rest of the world lived and decided waiting 2 hours for bread isn't a winner. They look at us and see the division being sewn by the right in the guise of "freedom" and are clamping down on their own people.
Yeah it's only the right that's sowing division. Everything said to that point was on point. The fact that you think it's only one side that's causing the political divide in the US is sad.
Yeah it's only the right that's sowing division. Everything said to that point was on point. The fact that you think it's only one side that's causing the political divide in the US is sad.

I am far left, but the democrats have been totally screwed up for a long time, like Johnson with the illegal war in Vietnam, Bill Clinton with the illegal War on Drugs, Obama never got out of Iraq or Afghanistan as promised, Hillary and her Arab Spring rhetoric where she wanted to attack ever male Moslem in the world.

We need to take both parties out of the elections.
No argument from me on that. It would be symbolic and it would be the "right" thing to do for many reasons.

The only counter argument I'd make is that when you compare the nations of South Africa and Communist China, I don't think you're comparing apples to apples in terms of their economy, military, or "dogma" for lack of a better term. Revolution in China, if it happens, will happen from within.

That is the plight of the superpowers. In my view, China has studied the USSR as well as the USA and is trying to steer the middle course between the two extremes. They saw the USSR topple because people over there could see how the rest of the world lived and decided waiting 2 hours for bread isn't a winner. They look at us and see the division being sewn by the right in the guise of "freedom" and are clamping down on their own people.
It's sewn by the media and the elite. Some of the discord and division promoted in the US comes from foreign actors like China.

The form of governance that China is engaging in is far worse than that of apartheid South Africa actually. It's an even more corrupt version of state capitalism than what South Africa had.
Millions of helpless elderly people dead in nursing homes on one side and huge corporations on the other. Is that why we are not boycotting the Olympics?

Sounds like very stupid logic. Boycott Olympics because people blame China for COVID ... and what does that mean to all those athletes who worked so hard to get there? Everyone wants to blame China... for something that was going to happen eventually anyway, a pandemic. Experts agreed we were long overdue. If it didn't happen in China with COVID... it would of happened in a different country with a different virus being the pandemic. I am not saying I don't think China should of done things better and screwed up a little handling the outbreak, they did.... but countries and people are human... they make mistakes. They say the 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak originated in the United States, Kansas so why wasn't the United States then as punishment banned from participating in the 1920 Olympics in Belgium? You see how screwed up this kind of logic is don't you?
You mean like besides the genocide?

Well, what is "genocide" and is China committing it?

What about the US? Did the US not commit genocide? The US went to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, bombed Libya, Syria, Pakistan. And there's much more. And Americans telling the Chinese that they're doing bad things, therefore we should boycott their sporting events because...

This is totally political. The US wants to get at China, gets all the people wired up on "genocide" without most people even knowing what "genocide" is, except that it's "bad, really bad".
Because according to China and the left they are not responsible for their mistake or whatever we will call it and it is Trump fault…
And what was this mistake they made? Deliberately manufacturing the virus and spreading worldwide just to destroy trump? There's no solid evidence they invented it and you know it.
Remember when Biden said that no American will be left behind in Afghanistan?
Talk is cheap with Brandon.

Well, talk is cheap with most politicians, especially those who are successful. To be successful you need to talk a lot of crap, ignore things, lie etc.

But then you use "Brandon", so I guess everything you say is cheap too.
Well, what is "genocide" and is China committing it?

What about the US? Did the US not commit genocide? The US went to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, bombed Libya, Syria, Pakistan. And there's much more. And Americans telling the Chinese that they're doing bad things, therefore we should boycott their sporting events because...

This is totally political. The US wants to get at China, gets all the people wired up on "genocide" without most people even knowing what "genocide" is, except that it's "bad, really bad".
Are you serious? Yes China is committing genocide against the Uyghurs in NW China. And no the US wasn’t trying to exterminate an entire ethnicity of people during the Iraq War or by bombing Syria or Libya.
And what was this mistake they made? Deliberately manufacturing the virus and spreading worldwide just to destroy trump? There's no solid evidence they invented it and you know it.
Yeah it jumped from a bat to a human in an area those bats dont exist in. Or the virus lab in that area doing research on bat corona virus’s leaked it. I wonder which of those 2 scenarios is more likely.
Are you serious? Yes China is committing genocide against the Uyghurs in NW China. And no the US wasn’t trying to exterminate an entire ethnicity of people during the Iraq War or by bombing Syria or Libya.

Okay, PROVE to me that China is committing genocide.

1) Tell me what genocide is.
2) Explain how China is committing this.

Is China trying to exterminate the Uighurs? I think not.
Yeah it jumped from a bat to a human in an area those bats dont exist in. Or the virus lab in that area doing research on bat corona virus’s leaked it. I wonder which of those 2 scenarios is more likely.

Probably the latter. A team of UK scientists, working in collaboration with Chinese scientists, applied for funding to be able to develop a coronavirus that wouldn't jump to humans. They got turned down. So either they got funding from the Chinese govt or their Chinese collaborators did. Seems they got the virus from Laos.
You mean like those basketball players that get millions playing in China? Oh, now I get it.

The Olympic athletes are not being paid to be in China. Most of them had to go through testing hell just to be allowed in the country.

This is just another "hate on China" thread. It was Trump's politicizing of the virus, and refusal to listen to the scientists that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and crashed your economy. The rest of the first world countries in the world are dealing with it.

"China is committing “genocide and crimes against humanity” against its mostly Muslim Uighur minority in the western region of Xinjiang, the US State Department said in its annual report on human rights globally.

At a minimum the US Government believes that the Chinese are committing genocide against the Uyghurs.
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What reasons are there to boycott the Olympics?

The US invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, bombs Libya, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan.... and China... oh, China has some woman who said her former lover was a dick and then got into trouble for it before saying she was wrong, and some Muslims (yeah, you read that right) are being locked up (think Guantanamo Bay) and the US is getting all sanctimonious about it all.
What reasons?
Genocide....harvesting humans for their organs.....spreading COVID all over the planet.
What other reason do you think justifies a boycott?
Not getting the jab?
Yeah it jumped from a bat to a human in an area those bats dont exist in. Or the virus lab in that area doing research on bat corona virus’s leaked it. I wonder which of those 2 scenarios is more likely.
WHO representatives from USA have still yet to determine the exact origin. Yet you appear to have inside knowledge that no one else has. You are a special kind of idiot.
No one hates like repubmicans.
Because >50% of our $hit is made in China nowadays and our gutless nutless leadership (on both sides) lacks the brains and ball$ to fix that?
Trump was promoting 'made in America' but Democrats installed Biden who is in bed with China.
WHO representatives from USA have still yet to determine the exact origin. Yet you appear to have inside knowledge that no one else has. You are a special kind of idiot.
No one hates like repubmicans.
I said which is more plausible dip shit. Learn to read.
Millions of helpless elderly people dead in nursing homes on one side and huge corporations on the other. Is that why we are not boycotting the Olympics?
The Bejing Olympics should have been cancelled, but since Obama, Biden and Fauci conspired with Bejing to create and unleash COVID on us so Obama could have his 3rd term, I guess principles mean nothing. The Ends always justify The Means when you are a DemNazi.

Viewers should boycott it all on their own.
WHO representatives from USA have still yet to determine the exact origin. Yet you appear to have inside knowledge that no one else has. You are a special kind of idiot.
No one hates like repubmicans.
Well, China is the one holding up the process for a determination. But, it would take some honesty from yourself to admit it.

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