Why are we still in Afghanistan?

One word: Republicans.
Obama was a Republican?
There is no reason to have US Troops anywhere in the Mid East.
Total withdraw, Eliminate all foreign/military aid to all countries in the Middle East.

Do you enjoy biking to work in the winter, with several feet of snow on the ground?
Snow? What is snow? I live in Miami.
Besides the US gets little of its oil from the Mid East, The US is the largest exporter of oil, all we do is use that exported oi in the US

That oil in the US belongs to companies that are NOT obligated to sell that oil in the US. They will sell to the highest bidder, in Europe or the Pacific countries that use oil that originates in the Middle East that would no longer be available.

If an oil company can sell oil to Japan at $200 a barrel, why would they sell it to you for $80.00 a barrel? Most oil companies are multi-national and have no allegiance to any country.
And when are we going to leave? I'm not seeing the value of keeping troops over there any longer, it seems to me it won't make a difference if we leave in a few months, years, or decades, the result will be the same. That country will go back to the way it was before we got there; why should I believe any different? And if that's true then WTF are we doing wasting American lives and money?

Wars in other countries is how the BIG powers test their weapons.
...all we do is use that exported oi in the US

Our refineries are not equipped to process the oil we are exporting.
Then equip them, times change and they must keep up. Its not like the oil companies are hurting for money,

Obama's EPA would not let them build new refineries or expand the existing ones.

You really don't know much about this topic. Do you?
The world has moved on... News Flash Obama is no longer President
Globalism and nation building are not the role for this country to be engaged in. We accomplished our primary goal, now it's time for the people of Afghanistan to decide, will it be feudalism or human rights, democracy, and freedom?
...all we do is use that exported oi in the US

Our refineries are not equipped to process the oil we are exporting.
Then equip them, times change and they must keep up. Its not like the oil companies are hurting for money,

Obama's EPA would not let them build new refineries or expand the existing ones.

You really don't know much about this topic. Do you?
The world has moved on... News Flash Obama is no longer President

Newsflash: It takes many years to build refineries. Obama has been gone less than 2 years.

Now, don't you feel a little less stupid?
That oil in the US belongs to companies...

:aargh: Seize him ^^^ LOL THAT is why the left hate oil companies. In other countries government owns all the oil, gas, and coal and government gets all the profits. Maxine Waters once threatened to socialize all the oil companies and have the US government take them over.
That oil in the US belongs to companies...

:aargh: Seize him ^^^ LOL THAT is why the left hate oil companies. In other countries government owns all the oil, gas, and coal and government gets all the profits. Maxine Waters once threatened to socialize all the oil companies and have the US government take them over.

Yeah, the old libtard couldn't even fin the word "nationalize" to describe what she wanted to do!
We are still there because we don’t want to lose. You have to understand a truth about the world, and politicians all over the world. None of them will admit defeat unless enemy tanks are surrounding them. Look at Baghdad Bob and his hilarious press briefings as American Troops overran the country as the most recent example of this.

So what do Politicians do? They find a way to declare victory when defeat is inevitable. We declared the success of the peace with honor with Vietnam, and when the North overran the south, we decided that the South lost, but we didn’t. It took a long time before we admitted we lost in Vietnam.

It is the same reason we continue with the War on Drugs. We can’t admit we wasted money, lives, and prestige losing. So we are in Afghanistan fighting not to lose. Obama campaigned on getting us out, and we stayed in. In fact, we went other places too. John McCain said something true, and that was we would stay in Afghanistan for a century if that was what it took to win. Well it will take a century, or more. We haven’t even really began yet.

We would have to build the nation like we did Germany and Western Europe after the Second World War. Or like we did South Korea after that conflict. We would have to pour tons of money into infrastructure and even more into dragging the people out of the Seventh Century into the modern world socially speaking. That isn’t going to happen in a generation, or two. It’s going to take a very long time. It might be done in a century, but it might not. We haven’t really started yet, so that is what it would take to actually win. Create a social environment where sectarian violence is intolerable. Since this is the path to victory for us, the Taliban, and all the other hardliners, insure that path is as difficult as possible by destroying schools, threatening children who attend school, and carrying out those threats often enough to scare most of them kids away.

This way the kids remain ignorant, and become ignorant adults, who just accept that this is the only way there is.
One word: Republicans.

So Clinton, and Obama got us out of there, right? Also, a bipartisan Congress approved all this crap.
I really hate these disingenuous little snipes.

Are we talking rainbows and unicorns or are we talking politics. You see, in politics, there are two sides, one pushes for certain things, the other pushes for certain things. Politicians typically play a game where they try to play the middle to maintain power.

Which side of the two American political parties CONSISTENTLY pushes for staying in Afghanistan and starting wars like it?

I look forward to your honest reply.
It's time to leave Afghanistan to Afghanis. If they want to live under the Tyranny of Radical Islam, then that is their choice.

I don't like that decision, but it's time for Afghanistan to start defending themselves against The Taliban.

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