Why are we still in Afghanistan?

I really hate these disingenuous little snipes.

Are we talking rainbows and unicorns or are we talking politics. You see, in politics, there are two sides, one pushes for certain things, the other pushes for certain things. Politicians typically play a game where they try to play the middle to maintain power.

Which side of the two American political parties CONSISTENTLY pushes for staying in Afghanistan and starting wars like it?

I look forward to your honest reply.
Disingenuous little snipes?

Which party demanded a second Senate vote for authorization in 2002, so they could be all "ME TOO!" in advance of the coming invasion of Iraq?

Which party was all aboard with the toppling of Mubarak and Gaddafi, and the attempted overthrow of Assad?

Which party said absolutely nothing, as Bill Clinton strictly enforced every one of the unilateral sanctions on Iraq from Bush's stupid war?...Then stood silent as he lobbed bombs at them to try and get his zipper out of the headlines?

Your team of little hand wringing snipes is as totally disingenuous about the warfare/welfare state, as the other team is about spending and debt.
Disingenuous little snipes?

Which party demanded a second Senate vote for authorization in 2002, so they could be all "ME TOO!" in advance of the coming invasion of Iraq?

Which party was all aboard with the toppling of Mubarak and Gaddafi, and the attempted overthrow of Assad?

Which party said absolutely nothing, as Bill Clinton strictly enforced every one of the unilateral sanctions on Iraq from Bush's stupid war?...Then stood silent as he lobbed bombs at them to try and get his zipper out of the headlines?

Your team of little hand wringing snipes is as totally disingenuous about the warfare/welfare state, as the other team is about spending and debt.
Keep voting for your war party, hack.
Disingenuous little snipes?

Which party demanded a second Senate vote for authorization in 2002, so they could be all "ME TOO!" in advance of the coming invasion of Iraq?

Which party was all aboard with the toppling of Mubarak and Gaddafi, and the attempted overthrow of Assad?

Which party said absolutely nothing, as Bill Clinton strictly enforced every one of the unilateral sanctions on Iraq from Bush's stupid war?...Then stood silent as he lobbed bombs at them to try and get his zipper out of the headlines?

Your team of little hand wringing snipes is as totally disingenuous about the warfare/welfare state, as the other team is about spending and debt.
Keep voting for your war party, hack.
You really don’t pay much attention do you?
Keep voting for your war party, hack.
You really don't pay any attention, do you?

I haven't voted at all since 2000, and haven't voted for a remocrat or depublican since 1994...They're both playing between the 40-yard lines, and reeling in foolish little team player hacks like you, like so many tuna on a run.

Grow the fuck up and wake the fuck up.
Keep voting for your war party, hack.

Here are the Captains for your "opposing teams", you delusional little clown...


Lots and lots of democrats profit off the warfare/welfare state, Chumlee.
Present them.


Want to see Democrats howling at the cameras? Announce you are going to be shutting down the use of Defense Contractors in California. Since the war on Terror began, you are looking at more than $600 billion in California alone.

California Defense Contractors - $602,401,431,582 in Government Contracts by 30,906 Contractors in 58 CA Counties

As of 2017, there were more than 84,000 defense contracts in California. Seriously. Eighty Four Thousand Defense Contracts in California, for $34.8 Billion. Those are missiles we can fire at the enemy, new and improved drones to track the enemy, software to make sense of all the crap we are intercepting and to pull a needle out of a field of data haystacks. That is just California. Where Democrats hold a huge advantage in elected seats. Both senators, most of the Congressmen, the Governors Mansion, and the state Legislature. All profiting from 84 thousand contracts.

New York, same kind of story. Six Billion dollars in 2017. New York Defense Contractors - $115,724,303,489 in Government Contracts by 11,036 Contractors in 62 NY Counties

Now, what happens when those contracts turn off? Jobs are lost, and no politician is going to stand still and allow a huge flood of unemployment to wash over their homes. Loss of tax revenue, and again, not going to stand by and let that happen.

So are you sure the Democrats aren’t invested? Because two of the biggest states run by Democrats, are invested to the tune of about thirty billion dollars a year.
Lots and lots of democrats profit off the warfare/welfare state, Chumlee.
Present them.


Want to see Democrats howling at the cameras? Announce you are going to be shutting down the use of Defense Contractors in California. Since the war on Terror began, you are looking at more than $600 billion in California alone.

California Defense Contractors - $602,401,431,582 in Government Contracts by 30,906 Contractors in 58 CA Counties

As of 2017, there were more than 84,000 defense contracts in California. Seriously. Eighty Four Thousand Defense Contracts in California, for $34.8 Billion. Those are missiles we can fire at the enemy, new and improved drones to track the enemy, software to make sense of all the crap we are intercepting and to pull a needle out of a field of data haystacks. That is just California. Where Democrats hold a huge advantage in elected seats. Both senators, most of the Congressmen, the Governors Mansion, and the state Legislature. All profiting from 84 thousand contracts.

New York, same kind of story. Six Billion dollars in 2017. New York Defense Contractors - $115,724,303,489 in Government Contracts by 11,036 Contractors in 62 NY Counties

Now, what happens when those contracts turn off? Jobs are lost, and no politician is going to stand still and allow a huge flood of unemployment to wash over their homes. Loss of tax revenue, and again, not going to stand by and let that happen.

So are you sure the Democrats aren’t invested? Because two of the biggest states run by Democrats, are invested to the tune of about thirty billion dollars a year.
Doesn't matter...He's a good little team playing party man hack...What the man in his avatar called a "political chump".
Because Bush, Obama, Clinton and Trump all work for the same people.

Trump doesn't work for anybody or take a dime from anybody including us taxpayers...he donates his presidential salary to various charities each quarter. Barry used his salary to buy weed and vacation money to get Mooch out of town so he could have his sissy pals over for pillow fights.
So rightwingers, will your Trumpenfuhrer get us out of Afghanistan then?

So rightwingers, will your Trumpenfuhrer get us out of Afghanistan then?


Well. I voted for Obama to get out and he didn’t. I voted against Hillary because she got us in more. When we get out depends on when someone can think of a plausible way to declare victory.
So rightwingers, will your Trumpenfuhrer get us out of Afghanistan then?


Well. I voted for Obama to get out and he didn’t. I voted against Hillary because she got us in more. When we get out depends on when someone can think of a plausible way to declare victory.
So do you think that ze Trumpenfuhrer will come up w/a plausible way to declare victory?

He certainly has the chops for it. The man is a walking, talking lying machine. Capable of making up the most astounding facts on the spot, and have a chunk of Americans believe him.

He should use his power for good. But will he?
So rightwingers, will your Trumpenfuhrer get us out of Afghanistan then?


Well. I voted for Obama to get out and he didn’t. I voted against Hillary because she got us in more. When we get out depends on when someone can think of a plausible way to declare victory.
So do you think that ze Trumpenfuhrer will come up w/a plausible way to declare victory?

He certainly has the chops for it. The man is a walking, talking lying machine. Capable of making up the most astounding facts on the spot, and have a chunk of Americans believe him.

He should use his power for good. But will he?

Honestly no. Because the left will trample Nuns and Orphans to get to the cameras to declare Trump a liar. We are stuck for another decade or more.
And when are we going to leave? I'm not seeing the value of keeping troops over there any longer, it seems to me it won't make a difference if we leave in a few months, years, or decades, the result will be the same. That country will go back to the way it was before we got there; why should I believe any different? And if that's true then WTF are we doing wasting American lives and money?
Military industrial complex.
It's a business.
Brits failed twice, Russians once
As they say if you are not smart enough to get a job, join the military, great socialist benefits and indoctrination
And when are we going to leave? I'm not seeing the value of keeping troops over there any longer, it seems to me it won't make a difference if we leave in a few months, years, or decades, the result will be the same. That country will go back to the way it was before we got there; why should I believe any different? And if that's true then WTF are we doing wasting American lives and money?
Come to terms with it. War and violence are our main export. Without that, we risk losing our global empire.

As the Romans said.
When you run out of enemies, you have to find another one to keep the business going
So rightwingers, will your Trumpenfuhrer get us out of Afghanistan then?


Well. I voted for Obama to get out and he didn’t. I voted against Hillary because she got us in more. When we get out depends on when someone can think of a plausible way to declare victory.
So do you think that ze Trumpenfuhrer will come up w/a plausible way to declare victory?

He certainly has the chops for it. The man is a walking, talking lying machine. Capable of making up the most astounding facts on the spot, and have a chunk of Americans believe him.

He should use his power for good. But will he?

Honestly no. Because the left will trample Nuns and Orphans to get to the cameras to declare Trump a liar. We are stuck for another decade or more.
I thought our 5 deferment brave boy was over there fighting?
And when are we going to leave? I'm not seeing the value of keeping troops over there any longer, it seems to me it won't make a difference if we leave in a few months, years, or decades, the result will be the same. That country will go back to the way it was before we got there; why should I believe any different? And if that's true then WTF are we doing wasting American lives and money?
Come to terms with it. War and violence are our main export. Without that, we risk losing our global empire.

As the Romans said.
When you run out of enemies, you have to find another one to keep the business going
Until eventually you’re the enemy
Honestly no. Because the left will trample Nuns and Orphans to get to the cameras to declare Trump a liar. We are stuck for another decade or more.
I honestly don't know if you're kidding or serious here.
And when are we going to leave? I'm not seeing the value of keeping troops over there any longer, it seems to me it won't make a difference if we leave in a few months, years, or decades, the result will be the same. That country will go back to the way it was before we got there; why should I believe any different? And if that's true then WTF are we doing wasting American lives and money?
the right wing prefers to cut social spending for the Poor.
So rightwingers, will your Trumpenfuhrer get us out of Afghanistan then?


Well. I voted for Obama to get out and he didn’t. I voted against Hillary because she got us in more. When we get out depends on when someone can think of a plausible way to declare victory.
So do you think that ze Trumpenfuhrer will come up w/a plausible way to declare victory?

He certainly has the chops for it. The man is a walking, talking lying machine. Capable of making up the most astounding facts on the spot, and have a chunk of Americans believe him.

He should use his power for good. But will he?

Honestly no. Because the left will trample Nuns and Orphans to get to the cameras to declare Trump a liar. We are stuck for another decade or more.
I thought our 5 deferment brave boy was over there fighting?

I love people who keep whipping out the deferments as if it is proof of wrongdoing. Let me link to Snopes.

FACT CHECK: Donald Trump's Draft Deferments

Four of the Deferments were the same sort every single student in College who had not done their service before their education got. In other words, probably 99% of the students had those same deferments. Why are they somehow wrong for Trump, but not for anyone else? Just out of curiosity.

The last one, started as a temporary deferment. Again, nothing unusual, plenty of people got temporary deferments due to a temporary medical condition. And if you think feet are not important for a soldier, you haven’t done a day in the military. Now, this temporary, or 1-Y deferment was just that. A one year temporary deferment. But he was never called back. If you had evidence he fiddled with the Draft Board to avoid his call back, then that might be an issue, but so far nope. The Military got rid of the 1-Y in 1972, when Vietnam was winding down. Vietnam War Allied Troop Levels 1960-73

We didn’t need the people, and we didn’t want them. We didn’t want them because we didn’t have anything for them to do. The war was essentially over. At that time, as an administrative effect, all 1-Y deferments were converted, even if they had long expired, to 4F. Why? Because we didn’t need anyone. The war was over. We were bringing people home fast then. We were not sending people over there to fight anymore.

So Trump is no hero. Granted, given, and accepted without comment. But does the standard and available to anyone deferments make him somehow slimy? I only ask, because there are a lot of people who got those deferments, and who never served, who we should immediately identify and shame right?

Unless we want to be honest for a change. Clinton never served, and I was in the Army when Bill was President. I obeyed his orders to the best of my ability. As was my duty as a Soldier no matter who the President is. That is the system. I didn’t realize that military service was a requirement for a President. Because if I had known, I would have voted for McCain, which I didn’t do, as Obama never served either.

It’s funny, that the service of a President is a huge issue when the Republican is up, but not one when the Democrat is up. Then it doesn’t matter because the Constitution doesn’t require it. Yet when a Republican is running, or elected, then he better have more medals than Alvin York and a greater military history than Chesty Puller. Rambo would wish to be the Republican right?

I disagree with Trump on Policy. You will find me speaking out against the FDA and DEA. I have many times spoken out against the ending of the Compliance Actions against the police departments. Yet, I do not create fake crap to bash him with. Because I have too much respect for myself.

Now, that you have set the Standard, and Trump is the first republican I have ever voted for, I know what I have to do. If neither the Democrat, nor the Republican are war hero’s, who do I vote for? Who does that leave for the Democrats to run in 2020? We need a hero who served in combat. So start looking, because other than Tammy Duckworth, you’re looking a little bare in that cupboard.
Honestly no. Because the left will trample Nuns and Orphans to get to the cameras to declare Trump a liar. We are stuck for another decade or more.
I honestly don't know if you're kidding or serious here.

A little of both. Seriously. When Trump says he is doing a good job, God help you if you are between a Democrat and a Camera. You will get trampled by people rushing out to denounce him.

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