Why are we still in Afghanistan?

A little of both. Seriously. When Trump says he is doing a good job, God help you if you are between a Democrat and a Camera. You will get trampled by people rushing out to denounce him.
If Trump can't get us out of Afghanistan, then who can?

BTW, I just double checked, Obama didn't run on getting out of Afgh, he ran on getting out of Iraq.

Remember the "Dumb Wars" statement?

So, yeah...
Because Bush, Obama, Clinton and Trump all work for the same people.

Trump doesn't work for anybody or take a dime from anybody including us taxpayers...he donates his presidential salary to various charities each quarter. Barry used his salary to buy weed and vacation money to get Mooch out of town so he could have his sissy pals over for pillow fights.

You're wrong, but it's ok. He is spending at a bigger pace than Obama. He is gearing up for a 3 front war.
Because billy boy started something a long time ago, and they didn’t get a good enough apology. We ran the Russians out of money there, and now they and Iran are using the tactic on us. With oshitmas help and the communist party objective it is working well.

That is NOTHING to do with today. Trump could pull every US trooper out of there if he wanted. He campaigned and promised to do JUST THAT.

But President Bone Spurs once again broke a promise to the American people.
And this broken promise is directly causing the death of brave US citizens.

Yes, it's Obama's fault that troops were still there when Trump took over and I despised his handling of the situation.

But now it is 100% Trump's fault that they will stay there indefinitely.
The right wing prefers to promote the general warfare, not the general welfare.

Yeah. And that is why we have been in Afghanistan since 2001. Because the Right Wing has been in charge that entire time. Idiot.
This left winger finds no authority to promote the general warfare over the general welfare, at Any given opportunity.
And when are we going to leave? I'm not seeing the value of keeping troops over there any longer, it seems to me it won't make a difference if we leave in a few months, years, or decades, the result will be the same. That country will go back to the way it was before we got there; why should I believe any different? And if that's true then WTF are we doing wasting American lives and money?

Because billy boy started something a long time ago, and they didn’t get a good enough apology. We ran the Russians out of money there, and now they and Iran are using the tactic on us. With oshitmas help and the communist party objective it is working well.

That is NOTHING to do with today. Trump could pull every US trooper out of there if he wanted. He campaigned and promised to do JUST THAT.

But President Bone Spurs once again broke a promise to the American people.
And this broken promise is directly causing the death of brave US citizens.

Yes, it's Obama's fault that troops were still there when Trump took over and I despised his handling of the situation.

But now it is 100% Trump's fault that they will stay there indefinitely.

Pulling out right away is not easy. It takes extensive coordination with the NATO allies and plans for removing tons upon tons of equipment. And, as Afghanistan has no seaports, it means airlifting everything and that requires staging areas for large amounts of aircraft. We have agreements with Turkmenistan but they would have to accept our beefing up their airfields to accommodate our increased activity.
The right wing prefers to promote the general warfare, not the general welfare.

Yeah. And that is why we have been in Afghanistan since 2001. Because the Right Wing has been in charge that entire time. Idiot.
This left winger finds no authority to promote the general warfare over the general welfare, at Any given opportunity.

A sad Troll response without the least bit of common sense.
The right wing prefers to promote the general warfare, not the general welfare.

Yeah. And that is why we have been in Afghanistan since 2001. Because the Right Wing has been in charge that entire time. Idiot.
This left winger finds no authority to promote the general warfare over the general welfare, at Any given opportunity.

A sad Troll response without the least bit of common sense.
projecting much; i have read our Constitution and understand it.

the right wing doesn't really care since they can simply make stuff up, with their Republican doctrine.
The right wing prefers to promote the general warfare, not the general welfare.

Yeah. And that is why we have been in Afghanistan since 2001. Because the Right Wing has been in charge that entire time. Idiot.
This left winger finds no authority to promote the general warfare over the general welfare, at Any given opportunity.

A sad Troll response without the least bit of common sense.
projecting much; i have read our Constitution and understand it.

the right wing doesn't really care since they can simply make stuff up, with their Republican doctrine.

You're still a
And when are we going to leave? I'm not seeing the value of keeping troops over there any longer, it seems to me it won't make a difference if we leave in a few months, years, or decades, the result will be the same. That country will go back to the way it was before we got there; why should I believe any different? And if that's true then WTF are we doing wasting American lives and money?

Follow the money. Some people get rich off war.
One, major 'reason' U.S. forces are in Afghanistan is that there is too great a volume of military resources. If there were fewer, they would only be in strategically important positions and not in such areas. Many military adventures (such as the illegal Iraq invasion) are entered into because they can be. The military option looks tempting and is at hand. "Use 'em or lose 'em" kicks in, and 'logic' takes over.
This is the obvious condition that the famous 'founding fathers' foresaw and wished to avoid. The gradual coup d'état that has taken over Federal government has eliminated the impediments to excessive, seductive martial options.
Put another way, too many dollars and not enough sense.
The costs of the 2003-2010 Iraq War are often contested, as academics and critics have unearthed many hidden costs not represented in official estimates. The most recent major report on these costs come from Brown University in the form of the Costs of War, which totaled just over $1.1 trillion. The Department of Defense's direct spending on Iraq totaled at least $757.8 billion, but also highlighting the complementary costs at home, such as interest paid on the funds borrowed to finance the wars.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_cost_of_the_Iraq_War

We should have State of the Art infrastructure not massive Debt.

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