Why are Whites celebrating themselves slowly becoming a minority


Aug 20, 2013
The White Liberal motto is: "Embrace diversity AT ALL COSTS, even if it means compromising one's own safety and standard of living, and even when non-Whites put their own racial interests first."

Why are so many Whites celebrating diversity as they slowly become minorities in nations founded and built by Whites? Some White taxpayer money is being used to help fund diversity. In other words, Whites are paying to replace themselves by non-Whites.

Whites are paying to become a minority! (read INSANITY)

And many are celebrating it!

Do non-Whites flock to White majority nations because Whites usually build the most desirable societies?

Is every race capable of building/maintaining a 1st world nation? (e.g. Detroit) Ever thought minorities are priveleged to live in White majority societies?

What's stopping minorities using their increasing wealth and power to promote their own interests at the expense of Whites? Minorities WILL NOT reciprocate the compassion and tolerance Whites have shown. (this cannot be emphasized enough)

I can't wait to see the look on White Liberal faces when Whites become a minority. Their multi-culti, Utopian dreams will come crashing down around them.

The greatest civilizations were built on recognizing people are not equal. Equality is a social construct. Race is a biological reality.
Liberals believe that white people are responsible for all the evil that has ever existed in the world and the entire planet would be better off with a genocide.
Well, now the Native Americans recognize you as Native American if you have any Native American in you. So, let's just state that anyone that has 1/32 or more of Caucasian in them is white, and whites remain the majority in this nation for the foreseeable future.

Actually, this is moot. Were every citizen to have a full geneology ran, I suspect that the majority of people in this nation would find someone of a race other than Causcasion, in their background.
Because when whites become the minority we get to start demanding special treatment like other races do.

I want a White History Month
I want a White National Committee
I want White Entertainment Television (That sounds boring as hell)
If a white guy fails a test I want to be able to blame it on racism
I want to be given a job that someone else was more qualified for (Thank you Affirmative Action)

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