Why Aren't Liberals Screaming to Have the World Cup Moved from Gay-Hating, Women-Oppressing Qatar?

It seems very strange that liberals are not screaming and protesting about gay-hating, women-oppressing Qatar hosting the 2022 World Cup. I mean, they want the NCAA to avoid holding tournaments in states that won't let boys who identify as girls use female showers and restrooms and/or that pass laws that protect unborn babies from abortion after they can feel pain, but one has barely heard a peep from liberals about Qatar hosting the World Cup--certainly nothing approaching their loud screaming about North Carolina, Georgia, and Texas for their "anti-transgender" and/or "anti-reproductive rights" laws. Could it be that some liberals realize that loudly protesting Qatar might accidentally bring up the fact that Israel has no such laws regarding gays and transgenders?

In recent days, a leading Muslim cleric in Qatar has posted a video that teaches Muslim how to property beat their wives:

Fury as vile cleric from World Cup host country Qatar films shocking guide on how Muslim men should beat their wives

And here is what human rights groups and liberal news outlets have to say about Qatar regarding women and gays:

World Report 2019: Rights Trends in Qatar

EXCLUSIVE: Under World Cup spotlight, Qataris crack down on LGBT news coverage

LGBT Rights in Qatar | Equaldex

How many threads have we seen from liberals in this forum that protest Qatar's hosting of the 2022 World Cup? I searched and did not find a single one.
Retarded thread.

Sign the Petition

Soccer: Players face career or conscience dilemma over Qatar World Cup - Reuters

Will Qatar World Cup Expansion Meet FIFA Rights Standards?

People Make Anti-Logos To Urge Sponsors To Withdraw From Qatar 2022 World Cup
Where have republicans advocated for legalizing wife beatings?
Besides bending over backwards to block laws protecting women against domestic violence?

Trump removed a bullshit feminist definition where domestic violence was classified as not giving women free shit upon request. Yes, that needed to be done.

Now I don't imagine you want to actually compare the wife beatings between Americans and Muslims?


If something like above happened in America, we would never hear the end of it and all white males would be condemned for the next five eternities.

As always, you demonstrate yourself to be a complete moron.
Trump removed a bullshit feminist definition where domestic violence was classified as not giving women free shit upon request. Yes, that needed to be done.
Neato! But there is much more history to it than what President Moron did.
Trump removed a bullshit feminist definition where domestic violence was classified as not giving women free shit upon request. Yes, that needed to be done.
Neato! But there is much more history to it than what President Moron did.

Can you brief us on the history?


Never seen it happen here. But maybe I am really missing something. Fort Fan Indiana now has an opportunity to explain himself.
It seems very strange that liberals are not screaming and protesting about gay-hating, women-oppressing Qatar hosting the 2022 World Cup. I mean, they want the NCAA to avoid holding tournaments in states that won't let boys who identify as girls use female showers and restrooms and/or that pass laws that protect unborn babies from abortion after they can feel pain, but one has barely heard a peep from liberals about Qatar hosting the World Cup--certainly nothing approaching their loud screaming about North Carolina, Georgia, and Texas for their "anti-transgender" and/or "anti-reproductive rights" laws. Could it be that some liberals realize that loudly protesting Qatar might accidentally bring up the fact that Israel has no such laws regarding gays and transgenders?

In recent days, a leading Muslim cleric in Qatar has posted a video that teaches Muslim how to property beat their wives:

Fury as vile cleric from World Cup host country Qatar films shocking guide on how Muslim men should beat their wives

And here is what human rights groups and liberal news outlets have to say about Qatar regarding women and gays:

World Report 2019: Rights Trends in Qatar

EXCLUSIVE: Under World Cup spotlight, Qataris crack down on LGBT news coverage

LGBT Rights in Qatar | Equaldex

How many threads have we seen from liberals in this forum that protest Qatar's hosting of the 2022 World Cup? I searched and did not find a single one.

Because Leftists have this bizarro Love-In with ALL things Islamic and also MANY of them planning to go to the 2022 Qatar World Cup to get some extra Muslim dick in them, they CANNOT get ENOUGH of Muh Muslim Dick ESPECIALLY the ugly Leftist Feminists that IS the ONLY dick they accept ALL Non-Muslim dick is a POTENTIAL RAPIST or whatever.
Look.....Leftsplainin' :71:
Trump removed a bullshit feminist definition where domestic violence was classified as not giving women free shit upon request. Yes, that needed to be done.
Neato! But there is much more history to it than what President Moron did.

Can you brief us on the history?


Never seen it happen here. But maybe I am really missing something. Fort Fan Indiana now has an opportunity to explain himself.
Which soccer team does she play for?
Trump removed a bullshit feminist definition where domestic violence was classified as not giving women free shit upon request. Yes, that needed to be done.
Neato! But there is much more history to it than what President Moron did.

Can you brief us on the history?


Never seen it happen here. But maybe I am really missing something. Fort Fan Indiana now has an opportunity to explain himself.
Which soccer team does she play for?

Are you joking? Everyone knows Muslim women don't have the right to play in a soccer team.
Their pet constituent oppressed religion must always be defended. Always. No matter what.

Great. It's yours. You own it. Enjoy.

I'll never understand the political affliction in this country to defend certain religious ideologies. Is Christianity better than Islam? Is Judaism better than Scientology? If you say no, partisans will try and crucify you because... feelings. If you say you don't give a shit either way, partisans will try to dismiss it until you really give them something to cry about and say something like... religion poisons everything, then they get their jimmies ruffled sufficiently and cry persecution! (don't ask them to explain how a majority religion can even be persecuted, because... crickets) like little bitches with skinned knees. You can't win with these idiots. So I try to keep my interactions with the pious fairly limited.
I'll never understand the political affliction in this country to defend certain religious ideologies. Is Christianity better than Islam? Is Judaism better than Scientology? If you say no, partisans will try and crucify you because... feelings. If you say you don't give a shit either way, partisans will try to dismiss it until you really give them something to cry about and say something like... religion poisons everything, then they get their jimmies ruffled sufficiently and cry persecution! (don't ask them to explain how a majority religion can even be persecuted, because... crickets) like little bitches with skinned knees. You can't win with these idiots. So I try to keep my interactions with the pious fairly limited.

I don't see why that's so difficult to understand, as it follows a fairly simplistic Home Team vs. Other dynamic. The rest can be fairly simply summed up under the rubric of stereotyping.

If you don't follow the game plan, you'll be treated to a solid dose of "othering". So, say, you point out the imbecility of stereotyping Islam on the occasion of "some people did something", you'll be lumped together with Them. The Other. The next step, equating The Other with something derogatory, say, terrorism, and you'll be the terrorist in no time.

Yep, you win every round in the eyes of every reasonable beholder, while the home team high-five each other. Happens. It's of no import whatsoever.
I'll never understand the political affliction in this country to defend certain religious ideologies. Is Christianity better than Islam? Is Judaism better than Scientology? If you say no, partisans will try and crucify you because... feelings. If you say you don't give a shit either way, partisans will try to dismiss it until you really give them something to cry about and say something like... religion poisons everything, then they get their jimmies ruffled sufficiently and cry persecution! (don't ask them to explain how a majority religion can even be persecuted, because... crickets) like little bitches with skinned knees. You can't win with these idiots. So I try to keep my interactions with the pious fairly limited.

I don't see why that's so difficult to understand, as it follows a fairly simplistic Home Team vs. Other dynamic. The rest can be fairly simply summed up under the rubric of stereotyping.

If you don't follow the game plan, you'll be treated to a solid dose of "othering". So, say, you point out the imbecility of stereotyping Islam on the occasion of "some people did something", you'll be lumped together with Them. The Other. The next step, equating The Other with something derogatory, say, terrorism, and you'll be the terrorist in no time.

Yep, you win every round in the eyes of every reasonable beholder, while the home team high-five each other. Happens. It's of no import whatsoever.

Guess I'm fucked then. Oh well.
Trump removed a bullshit feminist definition where domestic violence was classified as not giving women free shit upon request. Yes, that needed to be done.
Neato! But there is much more history to it than what President Moron did.

Can you brief us on the history?


Never seen it happen here. But maybe I am really missing something. Fort Fan Indiana now has an opportunity to explain himself.
Which soccer team does she play for?

Are you joking? Everyone knows Muslim women don't have the right to play in a soccer team.

Their pet constituent oppressed religion must always be defended. Always. No matter what.

Great. It's yours. You own it. Enjoy.

I'll never understand the political affliction in this country to defend certain religious ideologies. Is Christianity better than Islam? Is Judaism better than Scientology? If you say no, partisans will try and crucify you because... feelings. If you say you don't give a shit either way, partisans will try to dismiss it until you really give them something to cry about and say something like... religion poisons everything, then they get their jimmies ruffled sufficiently and cry persecution! (don't ask them to explain how a majority religion can even be persecuted, because... crickets) like little bitches with skinned knees. You can't win with these idiots. So I try to keep my interactions with the pious fairly limited.
All religions suck
Their pet constituent oppressed religion must always be defended. Always. No matter what.

Great. It's yours. You own it. Enjoy.

Mac, when you sign up for the Army to go fight the evil Muzzies, then we'll take you seriously.
Are you saying that Democrats and Leftists do ALL the fighting and dying in these Middle East wars that AMERICANS in Washington DC start? Are you saying that NO Republican's children DIED in the POINTLESS Vietnam War that the Leftist Lyndon Johnson STARTED?

Please don't do the Trump Derangement Thing about how The Donald never went to Vietnam, because Bill Clinton NEVER went to Vietnam also.

Bill Clinton was a principled middle class kid who opposed an immoral war.

Trump was an entitled rich kid who got a doctor's note for a fake medical condition to avoid service.

See the difference?
I guess we're only supposed to care about the treatment of women and gays and apostates and non-believers and infidels and others if the issue being discussed is interesting enough to Americans.

If it isn't, we just don't care one way or the other. Fuck 'em.

If this were a major American sport, then hey, we'd care about those people. We really would.

Holy crap. Are we not supposed to notice how obvious and transparent this is?

Mac, I just can't jump up and down and scream this early in the morning. Any post that starts off with why aren't liberals blah, blah, blah is insane.

Had the author been serious then we would be discussing Qatar financing terrorism. No? Not the topic? Not a good enough topic to goad a response?
It can be difficult to determine sincerity here, that's for sure. Much easier in real life, where you can read faces, too.

But the fact remains, the same behaviors are seen over and over on this issue. And frankly, I think it's a legitimate question.

Taking anything seriously here requires ignoring the noise and getting to the heart.

A legitimate question such as, how can you defend Muslims or Qatar and LGTBQ?

Wouldn't it be more forthright to ask how someone might be able rectify what appear to be two opposing views?
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Are you saying that Democrats and Leftists do ALL the fighting and dying in these Middle East wars that AMERICANS in Washington DC start? Are you saying that NO Republican's children DIED in the POINTLESS Vietnam War that the Leftist Lyndon Johnson STARTED?

Please don't do the Trump Derangement Thing about how The Donald never went to Vietnam, because Bill Clinton NEVER went to Vietnam also.

Bill Clinton was a principled middle class kid who opposed an immoral war.

Trump was an entitled rich kid who got a doctor's note for a fake medical condition to avoid service.

See the difference?
She will never see the difference. She is so brainwashed with religious and political garbage that reason, empathy and gray areas don't enter her equation. As a matter of fact, these boards are littered with folks just like her.

As for the OP, not interested in soccer but beating/torturing wives is wrong.
I guess we're only supposed to care about the treatment of women and gays and apostates and non-believers and infidels and others if the issue being discussed is interesting enough to Americans.

If it isn't, we just don't care one way or the other. Fuck 'em.

If this were a major American sport, then hey, we'd care about those people. We really would.

Holy crap. Are we not supposed to notice how obvious and transparent this is?

Mac, I just can't jump up and down and scream this early in the morning. Any post that starts off with why aren't liberals blah, blah, blah is insane.

Had the author been serious then we would be discussing Qatar financing terrorism. No? Not the topic? Not a good enough topic to goad a response?
It can be difficult to determine sincerity here, that's for sure. Much easier in real life, where you can read faces, too.

But the fact remains, the same behaviors are seen over and over on this issue. And frankly, I think it's a legitimate question.

Taking anything seriously here requires ignoring the noise and getting to the heart.

A legitimate question such as, how can you defend Muslims or Qatar and LGTBQ?

Wouldn't it be more forthright to ask how someone might be able rectify what appear to be two opposing views?
Well, that's the question. Ask it, though, the primary response you'll get is ISLAMOPHOBE AAAUUUGHHH
I guess we're only supposed to care about the treatment of women and gays and apostates and non-believers and infidels and others if the issue being discussed is interesting enough to Americans.

If it isn't, we just don't care one way or the other. Fuck 'em.

If this were a major American sport, then hey, we'd care about those people. We really would.

Holy crap. Are we not supposed to notice how obvious and transparent this is?

Mac, I just can't jump up and down and scream this early in the morning. Any post that starts off with why aren't liberals blah, blah, blah is insane.

Had the author been serious then we would be discussing Qatar financing terrorism. No? Not the topic? Not a good enough topic to goad a response?
It can be difficult to determine sincerity here, that's for sure. Much easier in real life, where you can read faces, too.

But the fact remains, the same behaviors are seen over and over on this issue. And frankly, I think it's a legitimate question.

Taking anything seriously here requires ignoring the noise and getting to the heart.

A legitimate question such as, how can you defend Muslims or Qatar and LGTBQ?

Wouldn't it be more forthright to ask how someone might be able rectify what appear to be two opposing views?
Well, that's the question. Ask it, though, the primary response you'll get is ISLAMOPHOBE AAAUUUGHHH
I guess we're only supposed to care about the treatment of women and gays and apostates and non-believers and infidels and others if the issue being discussed is interesting enough to Americans.

If it isn't, we just don't care one way or the other. Fuck 'em.

If this were a major American sport, then hey, we'd care about those people. We really would.

Holy crap. Are we not supposed to notice how obvious and transparent this is?

Mac, I just can't jump up and down and scream this early in the morning. Any post that starts off with why aren't liberals blah, blah, blah is insane.

Had the author been serious then we would be discussing Qatar financing terrorism. No? Not the topic? Not a good enough topic to goad a response?
It can be difficult to determine sincerity here, that's for sure. Much easier in real life, where you can read faces, too.

But the fact remains, the same behaviors are seen over and over on this issue. And frankly, I think it's a legitimate question.

Taking anything seriously here requires ignoring the noise and getting to the heart.

A legitimate question such as, how can you defend Muslims or Qatar and LGTBQ?

Wouldn't it be more forthright to ask how someone might be able rectify what appear to be two opposing views?
Well, that's the question. Ask it, though, the primary response you'll get is ISLAMOPHOBE AAAUUUGHHH

By some and it is absolutely guaranteed if asked as it was in the OP. May as well have just started a letter saying: Dear Joe, be a class A jerk on this thread.

I think it's a fair question and I think that you can get what you're after. Solidarity is a whole 'nother thing.

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