Why aren't monkeys evolving now?

People don't seem to be educated about or understand the theory of evolution.
Well, where in hell did the monkeys come from in the first place?
LOL You need to educate yourself regarding the theory of evolution. All land creatures evolved from sea creatures coming on land.
So then, where did the sea creatures come from? I'm curious.
The evolved from lesser sea life, which evolved from single cell life which came from primordial soup, which was a pond if ameno acids, which may have been created by heat, light, water. Nobody really knows it even could have been the hand of God.

But just because we don't know exactly what it came from or how it became life doesn't mean the entire theory is rubbish, just that it is incomplete. Incomplete as it may be, it's a better theory than a man being made out of clay and magiced into existence even if you believe in God.
Believing in a fairy tale creator makes more sense to these people than scientific explanations. LOL
People don't seem to be educated about or understand the theory of evolution.
Well, where in hell did the monkeys come from in the first place?
LOL You need to educate yourself regarding the theory of evolution. All land creatures evolved from sea creatures coming on land.
So then, where did the sea creatures come from? I'm curious.
The evolved from lesser sea life, which evolved from single cell life which came from primordial soup, which was a pond if ameno acids, which may have been created by heat, light, water. Nobody really knows it even could have been the hand of God.

But just because we don't know exactly what it came from or how it became life doesn't mean the entire theory is rubbish, just that it is incomplete. Incomplete as it may be, it's a better theory than a man being made out of clay and magiced into existence even if you believe in God.
Believing in a fairy tale creator makes more sense to these people than scientific explanations. LOL
People don't seem to be educated about or understand the theory of evolution.
Well, where in hell did the monkeys come from in the first place?
LOL You need to educate yourself regarding the theory of evolution. All land creatures evolved from sea creatures coming on land.
So then, where did the sea creatures come from? I'm curious.
The evolved from lesser sea life, which evolved from single cell life which came from primordial soup, which was a pond if ameno acids, which may have been created by heat, light, water. Nobody really knows it even could have been the hand of God.

But just because we don't know exactly what it came from or how it became life doesn't mean the entire theory is rubbish, just that it is incomplete. Incomplete as it may be, it's a better theory than a man being made out of clay and magiced into existence even if you believe in God.
Believing in a fairy tale creator makes more sense to these people than scientific explanations. LOL
Believing that some intelligence sparked off these occurrences is just as valid as believing that one didn't.

But believing a genie magiced everything into existence seems really banal.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

Do you really not understand this or are you just trolling?

Evolution is always happening- is always occurring.

Evolution is why some humans have blue eyes and some can digest milk. Interestingly human evolution may be affected by modern medicine- one of the limitations on human biology is that the size of a babies head limits natural birth because of pelvic size- caesarian sections may change that.

Why would you expect monkeys to be doing human things, instead of monkey things? Monkeys will continue to evolve into whatever they evolve into- whatever works for those monkeys and monkey descendents- whatever makes them survive better.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

They are still evolving, google bonobo chimpanzees. More highly evolved than we are in certain respects that's for darn sure.
[QUOTE=", humans are larger than they used to be. Go to an ancient site and see the size of doorways, beds, clothing, etc. Humans are getting larger, physically.[/QUOTE]

That's due to a good food supply and decent health care.
Dogs and cats are evolving too before our very eyes. Can onopen doors now, and saw a video of a dog move a chair next to the kitchen counter so it could hop on it and up onto the counter to get some treat. That's complex problem solving on par with human intelligence.

Be coming for us soon I expect. :)
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving.
1). Evolution is not fact. It's a THEORY.

2). You are mistaking adaptation for evolution.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving.
1). Evolution is not fact. It's a THEORY.

2). You are mistaking adaptation for evolution.

Scientific theories are based on tested, repeatable, verified facts. They're as close to "a sure thing" as science gets. They are not "theories" as when a stupid person says they have a theory about something. That's a hypothesis, not a theory.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

If your posting is reflective of the current state of intellectual evolution, I don't just agree that it has stopped cold, but has actually started to devolve.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving.
1). Evolution is not fact. It's a THEORY.

2). You are mistaking adaptation for evolution.
Evolution is absolutely a fact and a theory, meeting the requirements of both descriptions.

Evolution is a Fact and a Theory
Sorry, but no, evolution is now and will remain, nothing more than a theory.

And no amount of opinion pieces written by evolution supporters will change that.

The only way evolution will ever be accepted as fact is if irrefutable proof is ever found and it's published in a scientific journal and presented to the world for review, and if that ever happens, it will be the headlines around the world, and the person that proved it will be so famous, his/her name will be known in every household. This has never happened, and more than likely never will.

It's a theory, and what you evolution supporters are trying to pass off as evolution is nothing more than common adaptation.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving.
1). Evolution is not fact. It's a THEORY.

2). You are mistaking adaptation for evolution.
Evolution is absolutely a fact and a theory, meeting the requirements of both descriptions.

Evolution is a Fact and a Theory
Sorry, but no, evolution is now and will remain, nothing more than a theory.

And no amount of opinion pieces written by evolution supporters will change that.

The only way evolution will ever be accepted as fact is if irrefutable proof is ever found and it's published in a scientific journal and presented to the world for review, and if that ever happens, it will be the headlines around the world. This has never happened, and more than likely never will.

It's a theory, and what you evolution supporters are trying to pass off as evolution is nothing more than common adaptation.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving.
1). Evolution is not fact. It's a THEORY.

2). You are mistaking adaptation for evolution.
Evolution is absolutely a fact and a theory, meeting the requirements of both descriptions.

Evolution is a Fact and a Theory
Sorry, but no, evolution is now and will remain, nothing more than a theory.

And no amount of opinion pieces written by evolution supporters will change that.

The only way evolution will ever be accepted as fact is if irrefutable proof is ever found and it's published in a scientific journal and presented to the world for review, and if that ever happens, it will be the headlines around the world, and the person that proved it will be so famous, his/her name will be known in every household. This has never happened, and more than likely never will.

It's a theory, and what you evolution supporters are trying to pass off as evolution is nothing more than common adaptation.

There is the theory of evolution and there is the FACT of evolution. Species change-- there is variation within one kind of animal. There is a predictable range of genetic variation in a species, as well as an expected rate of random mutations. Creationists/Flat Earthers'/YEC'ists grudgingly admit that a "kind" (an ambiguous, non-scientific term) can develop into different species (i.e. a dog "kind" can evolve into wolves, coyotes, foxes, and all types of domestic dogs) but they insist that it must stop there. They never give any reason for this fabricated limitation-- they just deny that it can happen. They just can't accept macroevolution, because it contradicts the "truth" of their dogma. But in reality, there is no limit to the degree that a species can change. Given enough time, a fish-like species can evolve into a amphibian-like species, an amphibian-like species can evolve into a reptilian-like species, a reptilian-like species can evolve into a mammalian-like species, and an ape-like species can evolve into the modern human species.

You are in need of new conspiracy theories if you insist that biological evolution is just a theory. While you want to believe that Evilutionist scientists are all co-conspirators in some vast conspiracy you envision, you will need something better than paranoia to displace science. Science is a self-correcting mechanism that relies on the evidence. The evidence points to abiogenesis as the probable start of life, thanks in large part to our understanding of bio- and organic chemistry. The evidence points to evolution as the explanation for the diversity of life, thanks in large part to two centuries of evidence including fossils, genetics, and geology. The evidence points towards a 14 billion year old universe, thanks in large part to our understanding of physics and cosmology and CBR.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

You've got some wild misconceptions about evolution. Do some reading.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

Actually evolution suffered a regression. Those once intelligent monkeys are now called "atheists".
It seems like the theory of evolution is something we're supposed to believe because "scientists say so", sort of like global warming, global cooling, and nuclear winter.
It seems like the theory of evolution is something we're supposed to believe because "scientists say so", sort of like global warming, global cooling, and nuclear winter.
You could use the evidence of biological evolution to accept it as fact. The downside, if course, is that your literalist biblical views are impossible to reconcile.
I have to say, I am underwhelmed by your responses.

You constantly demand that Christians defend what we believe in, to provide you with "proof."

Now, I've turned the tables and asked you to defend your beliefs, provide me with proof that evolution is true.

You have failed to meet that challenge.

LOL....oh was that what your OP was supposed to be?

I thought it was just a display of ignorance.

But I was wrong- it was a display of bad writing- and ignorance.

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