Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's ok when Liberals do it.
Why r u righties allowing this, is there not a set of balls amongst u?

Only when they can attack someone who isnt looking or when the police are working with them. THEN they are the BALLSIEST Sum bitches around.
I think more so its their fear of being called a scary racist. Who cares. Hell racist is so subjective nowadays does it even matter. We all know this back n forth is not working, why not just square off. Being an independent I've accepted that we will never have a strong front runner, so watching y'all fight will give us something to cheer for.
's BS. Nobody wants to have a conversation about anything. Yes I'm looking at Liberals here.

Look at the indoctrinated millennials. Chalk upsets them.
Soros pays blacks to burn down Ferguson. And he pays for Democrats to cause civil disruption. They are the stupids, paid for by the evils...

Let me see YOU converse intelligently with the Bullshit posted by ram it.

Or do you agree with that post?
If so, I think you can figure out why no one has a conversation with you or those like you.

What is there to say to that happy horseshit?

Let's see YOU converse intelligently, for I fear you are one of the stupids.....

Emory Students Express Discontent With Administrative Response to Trump Chalkings | The Emory Wheel

George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action

Moveon.Org raising funds from Trump protests, warns more disruptions to come

Ram that asshole.........
Absolutely disgusting that someone would make excuses for violence.

Not interjecting any politics on this one, but let me just say some of you should be ashamed of yourselves for your obviously partisan, and ridiculous "thoughts" on the matter.
I say no kids allowed at any rallies that way if there's a problem just square off n handle it. All these pussies screaming fuck u n fuck this, why raise ur blood pressure when u can follow ur primal instinct.

That would at least keep YOU far away from any rallies, coward.
Sadly it seems that violence has always been a tool of the democrat party. Obama's rhetoric about Police shootings of minorities is intended to rally minorities to the democrat party. Cindy Sheehan's anti-war protesters were all over the place when Bush was president but they suddenly disappeared as soon as Obama was elected even though the Military situation was the same. Occupy Wall Street occupied parks and streets and private property leaving garbage and drug paraphenalia and sexually abused young girls until the DNC saw that public opinion was turning against them and then they magically disappeared. Today's college radicals are taught that assault is a political statement and silencing free speech is the goal. Every high profile conservative speaker has been a victim of assault on a college campus sometime in their careers.
democrat followers are sheep. And violence isn't a problem for them if it can help their "political masters" agendas
Thats great but your face still makes you laugh.

Of course I know more. Thats why I told you that you dont have my permission to limit the time period to 50 years.
For all your bluster you still don't offer examples.
How can we ever forget this? this was a group of your elected so called: leaders. showing the little people what POWER they have over you. and you fell right into the meme of BLAMING your fellow citizens for heaping abuse on those elitist asses. they know who they control and it's their base of voters.p

Providing healthcare for 13 million "little people" is abusing them
. The abuse is to the 90 million people forced to pay the healthcare for those 13 million and for their own family's
Yeah, that was probably Stefunny's big concern too.

I notice that not one RWNJ traitor can say what is wrong with this photo.
What's wrong is the Democrats in the photo celebrating an illegal, unconstutional takeover of our healthcare.
I say no kids allowed at any rallies that way if there's a problem just square off n handle it. All these pussies screaming fuck u n fuck this, why raise ur blood pressure when u can follow ur primal instinct.

That would at least keep YOU far away from any rallies, coward.
Ur a prime example of one of these cowards

Another stupid guess from the illogical buffoon.
Breath 1,2,3. Breath 1,2,3
I say no kids allowed at any rallies that way if there's a problem just square off n handle it. All these pussies screaming fuck u n fuck this, why raise ur blood pressure when u can follow ur primal instinct.

That would at least keep YOU far away from any rallies, coward.
Ur a prime example of one of these cowards

Another stupid guess from the illogical buffoon.
Breath [sic]1,2,3. Breath [sic]1,2,3

You feel free not to.
I say no kids allowed at any rallies that way if there's a problem just square off n handle it. All these pussies screaming fuck u n fuck this, why raise ur blood pressure when u can follow ur primal instinct.

That would at least keep YOU far away from any rallies, coward.
Ur a prime example of one of these cowards

Another stupid guess from the illogical buffoon.
Breath [sic]1,2,3. Breath [sic]1,2,3

You feel free not to.
Come on u don't mean that
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

Typical example of conservative intellect...specifically the lack of it.. The caption should be "me neither"
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

Typical example of conservative intellect...specifically the lack of it.. The caption should be "me neither"
Do you realize that, by saying what the caption should be, you agreed with the content of the post?
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

Typical example of conservative intellect...specifically the lack of it.. The caption should be "me neither"
Do you realize that, by saying what the caption should be, you agreed with the content of the post?
You are illiterate if you think pointing out an error implies anything other than that. Thats like you claiming you are "from outer spice" and i correct you and say you meant "space". That doesnt mean i agree that you are indeed from outer space.
One simple truth that transcends human nature. We are all hypocrites. We hate, we love, we contradict ourselves. Liberals better get that through their thick skulls.

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