Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's the liberals who are violent? Really? How many liberals have bombed health clinics that did abortions and killed doctors and nurses who provided that LEGAL service?

How many liberals have bombed government buildings like in Oklahoma City?

OKC was a 100 percent false flag event and I am an expert on the events of that day. McVeigh was nothing but a patsy and the cover-up still continues to this day. Remember the weather underground? How much time did Ayers and that clunt of a wife do?
OMG This is so hilarious. OMG:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:

All this guy does is respond with wild eyed theories and tops it off with "I am an expert" :laugh: I bet you didnt even notice he never answered the question about how many liberals committed terrorist acts like republicans are known for.

I guess it hurts too bad to think about it
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's the liberals who are violent? Really? How many liberals have bombed health clinics that did abortions and killed doctors and nurses who provided that LEGAL service?

How many liberals have bombed government buildings like in Oklahoma City?

A. You don't know that McVeigh was a conservative and B. You do know that Bill Ayers a good friend of Obama's and a liberal through and through bombed government buildings. He even lamented that he didn't do more.

Timothy was a diehard conservative.

Timothy McVeigh Biography (Terrorist)

"McVeigh, who had served in the U.S. Army from 1988-91, was an extreme conservative who later told investigators he was angry over the federal government's clashes with white separatist Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge, Idaho in 1992 and with David Koresh and the Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas in 1993."
As much as I despise the neocons, I despise what passes for the left 10 times as much. I have yet to come across a pseudo liberal that didn't have his or her head so far up their ass that they could tell you what they had for dinner last week. They are petulant as hell while suffering from an over-inflated sense of self that goes right along with the arrested development issues that they also suffer from. The end justifies the means and they will use any and every dirty trick there is to get their way. The globalists that want to put a one world communist system in place has not had a better pawn than the Fabian socialists that took over the demcrat party for good in 1980. They are frustrated with the slow progress and behind schedule because of good people that have caught onto the scam and are pushing back. People better wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Such gemreat general platitudes and strawmen in this post. He just attributes every bad behavior to that of "liberals" as an excuse.

I know a lot of things and I have spent a lot of time learning and researching the things I know so I have very little patience for the stupid fucks of the world. We don't have REAL liberals anymore that believe that the individual has unalienable rights and that "gubermint" has limitations to it's power. What we have now are Fabian socialists in charge setting the narrative and their minions have been brainwashed into thinking that it's all about collectivism and that the state is god.....and if you think I am wrong, do a little research about the curriculum that is "Common Core" or as I call it "Communist Core" and then come back and tell me I am wrong. I doubt you could even handle the truth about what has been done to not only us but the rest of the world with this debt slavery system all designed to crash on cue with the same pieces of shit that caused this chaos that will step in with the solution that will be even more oppressive. You haven't seen hard times, but they are coming unless people wake up. Don't step into the fray with me unless you have something to bring to the table because I am all out of "I give a shit" when it comes to sparing feelings. I get invited to talk to groups of people as to what we are facing. I have worked my ass off to be a good speaker and lay out what I have learned in order to arouse some intellectual curiosity.

Awesome! As soon as you're asked for specifics you cite common core, a system promoted by Jeb Bush, a Republican. Funny also that you blame the entire debt system on liberals as if republicans are against it. Good job.

I do what I do here and in other forums to share what I have sacrificed a lot of time to learn because I care about people. You haven't seen the things that I have. You haven't watched little kids trying to play street hockey in a poverty ridden section of a city like Detroit with their roads full of pot holes trying their best to be happy. I doubt that you have ever bought dinner randomly for someone that had nothing and see their eyes well up in tears because such a small gesture is unheard of these days. I have been there and I have seen it and I will keep fighting for those that don't have a voice or don't understand how to articulate what is going on. I did the heavy lifting and I still do it each and every fucking day trying to make sense of it all so enter at your own risk.

Save all that, yiu don't know me and u don't know you, I'm interested in the facts and so far you blame the fact of common core on liberals while pretending JEB must be a liberal. Lol

Another liberal who keeps on bringing up RINOs...
Have you been asleep since the midterms?

RINO's? Thats funny because in the post above he thought Jeb was a liberal. You should let him know.

What the fuck do you think a RINO is?
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's the liberals who are violent? Really? How many liberals have bombed health clinics that did abortions and killed doctors and nurses who provided that LEGAL service?

How many liberals have bombed government buildings like in Oklahoma City?

OKC was a 100 percent false flag event and I am an expert on the events of that day. McVeigh was nothing but a patsy and the cover-up still continues to this day. Remember the weather underground? How much time did Ayers and that clunt of a wife do?

You just lost the tiny amount of credibility you had!

Fact: ANFO was not used for if it had, it would have been an hour before the rescue team could start removing bodies without gas masks because of the ammonia in the air. FACT: Seismic graphs in Tulsa and Norman, Oklahoma show two distinct explosions\. FEMA found two unexploded bombs in the carnage and removed them and had them exploded in an empty field. I could write about this ALLL fucking day. I even met General Benton Partin that is an explosives expert and he said it was a physical impossibility that an ANFO bomb could case concrete encased rebar to be turned to powder on the upper floors. I will take his word over yours any day.

PS, I don't NEED any "street cred" from the likes of you, can ya dig it?
Give us a link to those kinds of things happening.....you saying it happens, sadly, isn't enough. Can you show one person, just one person, who had a Starbucks barista "get in their face"?
You first have to acknowledge that their idea of "getting in their face" may not be the same as yours. Define it as "I ordered a cup of coffee and you started talking about race relations instead of just getting my coffee" and I don't think there's any argument.
Excuse me...you are the one who used the term "get in the faces of customers'....and now you want to play semantics.

So...you concede that you have absolutely no evidence of any Starbucks barista "getting in the face" of any customer. So, why did you lie? What was the purpose?
Rightwingers love using hyperbole.
Yes, I noticed....as if they think that strengthens their argument...same with photoshop....they seem to think that strengthens their argument too. And don't get me started on how bad they are at using analogies....:lol:
That sounds like you haven't had many conversations with right wingers, the kind and gentle souls on the internet.
Oh trust me...I've had quite a few....thus my comment. :lol:
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's the liberals who are violent? Really? How many liberals have bombed health clinics that did abortions and killed doctors and nurses who provided that LEGAL service?

How many liberals have bombed government buildings like in Oklahoma City?

OKC was a 100 percent false flag event and I am an expert on the events of that day. McVeigh was nothing but a patsy and the cover-up still continues to this day. Remember the weather underground? How much time did Ayers and that clunt of a wife do?

You just lost the tiny amount of credibility you had!

Fact: ANFO was not used for if it had, it would have been an hour before the rescue team could start removing bodies without gas masks because of the ammonia in the air. FACT: Seismic graphs in Tulsa and Norman, Oklahoma show two distinct explosions\. FEMA found two unexploded bombs in the carnage and removed them and had them exploded in an empty field. I could write about this ALLL fucking day. I even met General Benton Partin that is an explosives expert and he said it was a physical impossibility that an ANFO bomb could case concrete encased rebar to be turned to powder on the upper floors. I will take his word over yours any day.

PS, I don't NEED any "street cred" from the likes of you, can ya dig it?
LMAO You do dig it, don't you? LOL
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's the liberals who are violent? Really? How many liberals have bombed health clinics that did abortions and killed doctors and nurses who provided that LEGAL service?

How many liberals have bombed government buildings like in Oklahoma City?

OKC was a 100 percent false flag event and I am an expert on the events of that day. McVeigh was nothing but a patsy and the cover-up still continues to this day. Remember the weather underground? How much time did Ayers and that clunt of a wife do?
OMG This is so hilarious. OMG:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:

All this guy does is respond with wild eyed theories and tops it off with "I am an expert" :laugh: I bet you didnt even notice he never answered the question about how many liberals committed terrorist acts like republicans are known for.

I guess it hurts too bad to think about it
He's one of those tin foil hat wearers.
Such gemreat general platitudes and strawmen in this post. He just attributes every bad behavior to that of "liberals" as an excuse.

I know a lot of things and I have spent a lot of time learning and researching the things I know so I have very little patience for the stupid fucks of the world. We don't have REAL liberals anymore that believe that the individual has unalienable rights and that "gubermint" has limitations to it's power. What we have now are Fabian socialists in charge setting the narrative and their minions have been brainwashed into thinking that it's all about collectivism and that the state is god.....and if you think I am wrong, do a little research about the curriculum that is "Common Core" or as I call it "Communist Core" and then come back and tell me I am wrong. I doubt you could even handle the truth about what has been done to not only us but the rest of the world with this debt slavery system all designed to crash on cue with the same pieces of shit that caused this chaos that will step in with the solution that will be even more oppressive. You haven't seen hard times, but they are coming unless people wake up. Don't step into the fray with me unless you have something to bring to the table because I am all out of "I give a shit" when it comes to sparing feelings. I get invited to talk to groups of people as to what we are facing. I have worked my ass off to be a good speaker and lay out what I have learned in order to arouse some intellectual curiosity.

Awesome! As soon as you're asked for specifics you cite common core, a system promoted by Jeb Bush, a Republican. Funny also that you blame the entire debt system on liberals as if republicans are against it. Good job.

I do what I do here and in other forums to share what I have sacrificed a lot of time to learn because I care about people. You haven't seen the things that I have. You haven't watched little kids trying to play street hockey in a poverty ridden section of a city like Detroit with their roads full of pot holes trying their best to be happy. I doubt that you have ever bought dinner randomly for someone that had nothing and see their eyes well up in tears because such a small gesture is unheard of these days. I have been there and I have seen it and I will keep fighting for those that don't have a voice or don't understand how to articulate what is going on. I did the heavy lifting and I still do it each and every fucking day trying to make sense of it all so enter at your own risk.

Save all that, yiu don't know me and u don't know you, I'm interested in the facts and so far you blame the fact of common core on liberals while pretending JEB must be a liberal. Lol

Another liberal who keeps on bringing up RINOs...
Have you been asleep since the midterms?

RINO's? Thats funny because in the post above he thought Jeb was a liberal. You should let him know.

What the fuck do you think a RINO is?
On this board? The definition is "Anyone Con-servatives disagree with from the GOP...at any given moment."
Such gemreat general platitudes and strawmen in this post. He just attributes every bad behavior to that of "liberals" as an excuse.

I know a lot of things and I have spent a lot of time learning and researching the things I know so I have very little patience for the stupid fucks of the world. We don't have REAL liberals anymore that believe that the individual has unalienable rights and that "gubermint" has limitations to it's power. What we have now are Fabian socialists in charge setting the narrative and their minions have been brainwashed into thinking that it's all about collectivism and that the state is god.....and if you think I am wrong, do a little research about the curriculum that is "Common Core" or as I call it "Communist Core" and then come back and tell me I am wrong. I doubt you could even handle the truth about what has been done to not only us but the rest of the world with this debt slavery system all designed to crash on cue with the same pieces of shit that caused this chaos that will step in with the solution that will be even more oppressive. You haven't seen hard times, but they are coming unless people wake up. Don't step into the fray with me unless you have something to bring to the table because I am all out of "I give a shit" when it comes to sparing feelings. I get invited to talk to groups of people as to what we are facing. I have worked my ass off to be a good speaker and lay out what I have learned in order to arouse some intellectual curiosity.

Awesome! As soon as you're asked for specifics you cite common core, a system promoted by Jeb Bush, a Republican. Funny also that you blame the entire debt system on liberals as if republicans are against it. Good job.

I do what I do here and in other forums to share what I have sacrificed a lot of time to learn because I care about people. You haven't seen the things that I have. You haven't watched little kids trying to play street hockey in a poverty ridden section of a city like Detroit with their roads full of pot holes trying their best to be happy. I doubt that you have ever bought dinner randomly for someone that had nothing and see their eyes well up in tears because such a small gesture is unheard of these days. I have been there and I have seen it and I will keep fighting for those that don't have a voice or don't understand how to articulate what is going on. I did the heavy lifting and I still do it each and every fucking day trying to make sense of it all so enter at your own risk.

Save all that, yiu don't know me and u don't know you, I'm interested in the facts and so far you blame the fact of common core on liberals while pretending JEB must be a liberal. Lol

Another liberal who keeps on bringing up RINOs...
Have you been asleep since the midterms?

RINO's? Thats funny because in the post above he thought Jeb was a liberal. You should let him know.

What the fuck do you think a RINO is?

You tell me stupid
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's the liberals who are violent? Really? How many liberals have bombed health clinics that did abortions and killed doctors and nurses who provided that LEGAL service?

How many liberals have bombed government buildings like in Oklahoma City?

OKC was a 100 percent false flag event and I am an expert on the events of that day. McVeigh was nothing but a patsy and the cover-up still continues to this day. Remember the weather underground? How much time did Ayers and that clunt of a wife do?
OMG This is so hilarious. OMG:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:

All this guy does is respond with wild eyed theories and tops it off with "I am an expert" :laugh: I bet you didnt even notice he never answered the question about how many liberals committed terrorist acts like republicans are known for.

I guess it hurts too bad to think about it
I think of him as an expert...on word walls. :lol:
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's the liberals who are violent? Really? How many liberals have bombed health clinics that did abortions and killed doctors and nurses who provided that LEGAL service?

How many liberals have bombed government buildings like in Oklahoma City?

OKC was a 100 percent false flag event and I am an expert on the events of that day. McVeigh was nothing but a patsy and the cover-up still continues to this day. Remember the weather underground? How much time did Ayers and that clunt of a wife do?
OMG This is so hilarious. OMG:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:

All this guy does is respond with wild eyed theories and tops it off with "I am an expert" :laugh: I bet you didnt even notice he never answered the question about how many liberals committed terrorist acts like republicans are known for.

I guess it hurts too bad to think about it
He's one of those tin foil hat wearers.

Nope, my eyes are wide open and I operate on a higher plane of consciousness than most. You are going to find out the hard way that things are not even close to what you think they are.
It's the liberals who are violent? Really? How many liberals have bombed health clinics that did abortions and killed doctors and nurses who provided that LEGAL service?

How many liberals have bombed government buildings like in Oklahoma City?

OKC was a 100 percent false flag event and I am an expert on the events of that day. McVeigh was nothing but a patsy and the cover-up still continues to this day. Remember the weather underground? How much time did Ayers and that clunt of a wife do?
OMG This is so hilarious. OMG:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:

All this guy does is respond with wild eyed theories and tops it off with "I am an expert" :laugh: I bet you didnt even notice he never answered the question about how many liberals committed terrorist acts like republicans are known for.

I guess it hurts too bad to think about it
He's one of those tin foil hat wearers.

Nope, my eyes are wide open and I operate on a higher plane of consciousness than most. You are going to find out the hard way that things are not even close to what you think they are.

Stop smoking that catatonic chronic weed and you wont get so high. If youre trying to convince people of something you cant sound like you are coming off a crack high.
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's the liberals who are violent? Really? How many liberals have bombed health clinics that did abortions and killed doctors and nurses who provided that LEGAL service?

How many liberals have bombed government buildings like in Oklahoma City?

OKC was a 100 percent false flag event and I am an expert on the events of that day. McVeigh was nothing but a patsy and the cover-up still continues to this day. Remember the weather underground? How much time did Ayers and that clunt of a wife do?
OMG This is so hilarious. OMG:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:

All this guy does is respond with wild eyed theories and tops it off with "I am an expert" :laugh: I bet you didnt even notice he never answered the question about how many liberals committed terrorist acts like republicans are known for.

I guess it hurts too bad to think about it
I think of him as an expert...on word walls. :lol:
Buttecea, as always, you bring a big ol bag of nothin'to the table ...but what the hell, it's your cyber dime. (snicker)
It's the liberals who are violent? Really? How many liberals have bombed health clinics that did abortions and killed doctors and nurses who provided that LEGAL service?

How many liberals have bombed government buildings like in Oklahoma City?

OKC was a 100 percent false flag event and I am an expert on the events of that day. McVeigh was nothing but a patsy and the cover-up still continues to this day. Remember the weather underground? How much time did Ayers and that clunt of a wife do?
OMG This is so hilarious. OMG:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:

All this guy does is respond with wild eyed theories and tops it off with "I am an expert" :laugh: I bet you didnt even notice he never answered the question about how many liberals committed terrorist acts like republicans are known for.

I guess it hurts too bad to think about it
He's one of those tin foil hat wearers.

Nope, my eyes are wide open and I operate on a higher plane of consciousness than most. You are going to find out the hard way that things are not even close to what you think they are.
LMAO Oh my fucking god....That's hilarious.
OKC was a 100 percent false flag event and I am an expert on the events of that day. McVeigh was nothing but a patsy and the cover-up still continues to this day. Remember the weather underground? How much time did Ayers and that clunt of a wife do?
OMG This is so hilarious. OMG:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:

All this guy does is respond with wild eyed theories and tops it off with "I am an expert" :laugh: I bet you didnt even notice he never answered the question about how many liberals committed terrorist acts like republicans are known for.

I guess it hurts too bad to think about it
He's one of those tin foil hat wearers.

Nope, my eyes are wide open and I operate on a higher plane of consciousness than most. You are going to find out the hard way that things are not even close to what you think they are.

Stop smoking that catatonic chronic weed and you wont get so high. If youre trying to convince people of something you cant sound like you are coming off a crack high.

I am at that point that I don't give a flying fuck about "convincing" people. I simply put the info out there and let those that have any intellectual curiosity do the vetting of said information. I don't need validation....I passed that point a loooooong time ago.
OMG This is so hilarious. OMG:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:

All this guy does is respond with wild eyed theories and tops it off with "I am an expert" :laugh: I bet you didnt even notice he never answered the question about how many liberals committed terrorist acts like republicans are known for.

I guess it hurts too bad to think about it
He's one of those tin foil hat wearers.

Nope, my eyes are wide open and I operate on a higher plane of consciousness than most. You are going to find out the hard way that things are not even close to what you think they are.

Stop smoking that catatonic chronic weed and you wont get so high. If youre trying to convince people of something you cant sound like you are coming off a crack high.

I am at that point that I don't give a flying fuck about "convincing" people. I simply put the info out there and let those that have any intellectual curiosity do the vetting of said information. I don't need validation....I passed that point a loooooong time ago.
gimme a break slick. You are dying for recognition. Why are you putting the information out there if you are not trying to convince people?
OKC was a 100 percent false flag event and I am an expert on the events of that day. McVeigh was nothing but a patsy and the cover-up still continues to this day. Remember the weather underground? How much time did Ayers and that clunt of a wife do?
OMG This is so hilarious. OMG:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:

All this guy does is respond with wild eyed theories and tops it off with "I am an expert" :laugh: I bet you didnt even notice he never answered the question about how many liberals committed terrorist acts like republicans are known for.

I guess it hurts too bad to think about it
He's one of those tin foil hat wearers.

Nope, my eyes are wide open and I operate on a higher plane of consciousness than most. You are going to find out the hard way that things are not even close to what you think they are.
LMAO Oh my fucking god....That's hilarious.

He's off on another plane, alright.

He had a thousand ideas, you might have heard his name

He lived alone with his vision
Not looking for fortune or fame
Never said too much to speak of
He was off on another plane
The words that he said were a mystery
Nobody's sure he was sane

But he knew, he knew more than me or you
No one could see his view, Oh where was he going to (LOL)
I know a lot of things and I have spent a lot of time learning and researching the things I know so I have very little patience for the stupid fucks of the world. We don't have REAL liberals anymore that believe that the individual has unalienable rights and that "gubermint" has limitations to it's power. What we have now are Fabian socialists in charge setting the narrative and their minions have been brainwashed into thinking that it's all about collectivism and that the state is god.....and if you think I am wrong, do a little research about the curriculum that is "Common Core" or as I call it "Communist Core" and then come back and tell me I am wrong. I doubt you could even handle the truth about what has been done to not only us but the rest of the world with this debt slavery system all designed to crash on cue with the same pieces of shit that caused this chaos that will step in with the solution that will be even more oppressive. You haven't seen hard times, but they are coming unless people wake up. Don't step into the fray with me unless you have something to bring to the table because I am all out of "I give a shit" when it comes to sparing feelings. I get invited to talk to groups of people as to what we are facing. I have worked my ass off to be a good speaker and lay out what I have learned in order to arouse some intellectual curiosity.

Awesome! As soon as you're asked for specifics you cite common core, a system promoted by Jeb Bush, a Republican. Funny also that you blame the entire debt system on liberals as if republicans are against it. Good job.

I do what I do here and in other forums to share what I have sacrificed a lot of time to learn because I care about people. You haven't seen the things that I have. You haven't watched little kids trying to play street hockey in a poverty ridden section of a city like Detroit with their roads full of pot holes trying their best to be happy. I doubt that you have ever bought dinner randomly for someone that had nothing and see their eyes well up in tears because such a small gesture is unheard of these days. I have been there and I have seen it and I will keep fighting for those that don't have a voice or don't understand how to articulate what is going on. I did the heavy lifting and I still do it each and every fucking day trying to make sense of it all so enter at your own risk.

Save all that, yiu don't know me and u don't know you, I'm interested in the facts and so far you blame the fact of common core on liberals while pretending JEB must be a liberal. Lol

Another liberal who keeps on bringing up RINOs...
Have you been asleep since the midterms?

RINO's? Thats funny because in the post above he thought Jeb was a liberal. You should let him know.

What the fuck do you think a RINO is?
On this board? The definition is "Anyone Con-servatives disagree with from the GOP...at any given moment."

Another moron who's been asleep since the midterms.
Sadly it seems that violence has always been a tool of the democrat party. Obama's rhetoric about Police shootings of minorities is intended to rally minorities to the democrat party. Cindy Sheehan's anti-war protesters were all over the place when Bush was president but they suddenly disappeared as soon as Obama was elected even though the Military situation was the same. Occupy Wall Street occupied parks and streets and private property leaving garbage and drug paraphenalia and sexually abused young girls until the DNC saw that public opinion was turning against them and then they magically disappeared. Today's college radicals are taught that assault is a political statement and silencing free speech is the goal. Every high profile conservative speaker has been a victim of assault on a college campus sometime in their careers.

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