Why at this juncture do republicans believe Bernie’s version of socialism is about ending capitalism

Google "America's national debt". Then google "Social Security insolvent by 2035". Then google "Medicare insolvent by 2026". Then ask yourself "Gee if our debt is so large and we can't pay for Social Security or Medicare how do we make all that other stuff "free"?

Yes, Trump's tax cut for the rich knocked a trillion dollar hole in our debt. We owe a trillion dollars more so his rich buddies could get richer.

Which is a whole lot less than Obama added...go figure.

Yes, it cost a lot to stop the economic crash we were in the middle of when he took office. and to reverse it. Luckily for Trump, he was handed a booming economy.

It was tepid at best

Nice try.

What was a nice try was Obama's attempt at a recovery...dumbass.
Google "America's national debt". Then google "Social Security insolvent by 2035". Then google "Medicare insolvent by 2026". Then ask yourself "Gee if our debt is so large and we can't pay for Social Security or Medicare how do we make all that other stuff "free"?

Yes, Trump's tax cut for the rich knocked a trillion dollar hole in our debt. We owe a trillion dollars more so his rich buddies could get richer.

Which is a whole lot less than Obama added...go figure.

Yes, it cost a lot to stop the economic crash we were in the middle of when he took office. and to reverse it. Luckily for Trump, he was handed a booming economy.

Yep, good thing all that "new normal" was all BS.

You wanna point out where all those new coal jobs are?
Guessing you could have found these with just a smidgen of effort.

EXCLUSIVE: Jobs And Confidence Return To West Virginia Coal Country

Coal Jobs Return To Wyoming

Coal Jobs | Jobrapido.com
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even to explain this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens from the latter two are the most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.

Because in his heart like most hard core Democrat lunatics, he probably believes the American people need to be punished. Don't forget to them America is an illegitimate country, founded on oppression. Americans and mostly Americans of european ancestry have benefited by this illegitimacy according to them. We need to have wealth taken away from us and given to the rest of the world which we have oppressed and what better way to do this but through Socialism? It like Communism drift towards more and more regulation and punishment by nature especially when you are talking about these lunatic politicians who despise a good portion of this country. Is it any wonder that Bernie doesnt want to deport illegal aliens even when they dont show up for their immigration hearings? It's why they support sanctuary cities and ignore the laws they want to ignore. because inside they dont really like America. They have guilt and think we are all guilty. Capitalism gives too much power to the average person... too much freedom, to much upward mobility, thus with Capitalism in place, social justice can never occur. Socialism is needed to implement social justice according to Monte Python..... uhh I mean Bernie Sanders.
That right there is a whole lotta crazy.

Really? whats crazy about it? I'm talking about the radicals who are in power. Just like the ones here on USMB who believe the US is illegitimate because it was founded on slavery, our founders were bad people, setting power up only for 'white' europeans..... therefore if you take it to the logical conclusion the system needs to be torn down for social justice. The reason they are teaching everyone about the white guilt concept, is to make it all easier for yourself to accept.
That all fits right in with socialism and redistribution of wealth.
"What's crazy about it?" He says!

Yes, Trump's tax cut for the rich knocked a trillion dollar hole in our debt. We owe a trillion dollars more so his rich buddies could get richer.

Which is a whole lot less than Obama added...go figure.

Yes, it cost a lot to stop the economic crash we were in the middle of when he took office. and to reverse it. Luckily for Trump, he was handed a booming economy.

Yep, good thing all that "new normal" was all BS.

You wanna point out where all those new coal jobs are?
Guessing you could have found these with just a smidgen of effort.

EXCLUSIVE: Jobs And Confidence Return To West Virginia Coal Country

Coal Jobs Return To Wyoming

Coal Jobs | Jobrapido.com

Two links from 2017 and and one from an employment site don't prove your point. 2100 more coal jobs since his inauguration is't very much. Arby's employs more people than the entire coal industry.

Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even to explain this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens from the latter two are the most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.

Because in his heart like most hard core Democrat lunatics, he probably believes the American people need to be punished. Don't forget to them America is an illegitimate country, founded on oppression. Americans and mostly Americans of european ancestry have benefited by this illegitimacy according to them. We need to have wealth taken away from us and given to the rest of the world which we have oppressed and what better way to do this but through Socialism? It like Communism drift towards more and more regulation and punishment by nature especially when you are talking about these lunatic politicians who despise a good portion of this country. Is it any wonder that Bernie doesnt want to deport illegal aliens even when they dont show up for their immigration hearings? It's why they support sanctuary cities and ignore the laws they want to ignore. because inside they dont really like America. They have guilt and think we are all guilty. Capitalism gives too much power to the average person... too much freedom, to much upward mobility, thus with Capitalism in place, social justice can never occur. Socialism is needed to implement social justice according to Monte Python..... uhh I mean Bernie Sanders.
That right there is a whole lotta crazy.

Really? whats crazy about it? I'm talking about the radicals who are in power. Just like the ones here on USMB who believe the US is illegitimate because it was founded on slavery, our founders were bad people, setting power up only for 'white' europeans..... therefore if you take it to the logical conclusion the system needs to be torn down for social justice. The reason they are teaching everyone about the white guilt concept, is to make it all easier for yourself to accept.
That all fits right in with socialism and redistribution of wealth.

If you rake out that little bit at the very first, and that last little bit, and all that crazy crap in the middle, it doesn't sound crazy at all.
Which is a whole lot less than Obama added...go figure.

Yes, it cost a lot to stop the economic crash we were in the middle of when he took office. and to reverse it. Luckily for Trump, he was handed a booming economy.

Yep, good thing all that "new normal" was all BS.

You wanna point out where all those new coal jobs are?
Guessing you could have found these with just a smidgen of effort.

EXCLUSIVE: Jobs And Confidence Return To West Virginia Coal Country

Coal Jobs Return To Wyoming

Coal Jobs | Jobrapido.com

Two links from 2017 and and one from an employment site don't prove your point. 2100 more coal jobs since his inauguration is't very much. Arby's employs more people than the entire coal industry.

View attachment 266555

Great, although a coal job probably pays more than your Arby's job.
Yes, it cost a lot to stop the economic crash we were in the middle of when he took office. and to reverse it. Luckily for Trump, he was handed a booming economy.

Yep, good thing all that "new normal" was all BS.

You wanna point out where all those new coal jobs are?
Guessing you could have found these with just a smidgen of effort.

EXCLUSIVE: Jobs And Confidence Return To West Virginia Coal Country

Coal Jobs Return To Wyoming

Coal Jobs | Jobrapido.com

Two links from 2017 and and one from an employment site don't prove your point. 2100 more coal jobs since his inauguration is't very much. Arby's employs more people than the entire coal industry.

View attachment 266555

Great, although a coal job probably pays more than your Arby's job.

I thought about getting a retirement job at Arby's, but they wanted me to show up even on days I didn't want to, or days I wanted to do something else. Screw that.
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even to explain this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens from the latter two are the most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.
Mentally insane people believe Socialism works… Albert Einstein Said that once
Bernie is a millionaire. He never once proposed eliminating millionaires or billionaires and just pushed for higher taxes. For some bizarre reason, republicans still think his platform has anything to with Venezuela’s model.

I could go on and on about how the US has always been socialist in nature, but it’s pointless even this to republicans.

Bernie’s brand of socialism is more like that of Canada, Denmark or Sweden. Countries with high approval ratings among citizens for their country’s healthcare system. These citizens are also the two most happy populations according to a world happiness survey.

Republicans cherrypicking Venezuela really sets the coveration back.
Because they like to lie.

Plain and simple.

Good news is, "socialism" is not a scary word anymore.

In fact, Americans are starting to actually LIKE IT!

Fuck ups believe it’s a good thing, Even though it’s been tried countless times in countless forms and has a 100% failure rate.... Only fucking retards embrace socialism
If socialism was worse the ship, progressively keep it to themselves. Obviously it’s not worth a shit so they have to force their shit on other people that want nothing to do with their socialism.

Someone has to pay for the deadbeats I guess
Yep, good thing all that "new normal" was all BS.

You wanna point out where all those new coal jobs are?
Guessing you could have found these with just a smidgen of effort.

EXCLUSIVE: Jobs And Confidence Return To West Virginia Coal Country

Coal Jobs Return To Wyoming

Coal Jobs | Jobrapido.com

Two links from 2017 and and one from an employment site don't prove your point. 2100 more coal jobs since his inauguration is't very much. Arby's employs more people than the entire coal industry.

View attachment 266555

Great, although a coal job probably pays more than your Arby's job.

I thought about getting a retirement job at Arby's, but they wanted me to show up even on days I didn't want to, or days I wanted to do something else. Screw that.

Did they offer employee discounts? Although, geez fast food, not sure if they could ever pay enough.
All you government-dependent, sexually perverted, society-sucking worthless leftist traitors can kiss my ass.
You wanna point out where all those new coal jobs are?
Guessing you could have found these with just a smidgen of effort.

EXCLUSIVE: Jobs And Confidence Return To West Virginia Coal Country

Coal Jobs Return To Wyoming

Coal Jobs | Jobrapido.com

Two links from 2017 and and one from an employment site don't prove your point. 2100 more coal jobs since his inauguration is't very much. Arby's employs more people than the entire coal industry.

View attachment 266555

Great, although a coal job probably pays more than your Arby's job.

I thought about getting a retirement job at Arby's, but they wanted me to show up even on days I didn't want to, or days I wanted to do something else. Screw that.

Did they offer employee discounts? Although, geez fast food, not sure if they could ever pay enough.

Didn't care about the money. I earned enough money to get by before I retired.

Two links from 2017 and and one from an employment site don't prove your point. 2100 more coal jobs since his inauguration is't very much. Arby's employs more people than the entire coal industry.

View attachment 266555

Great, although a coal job probably pays more than your Arby's job.

I thought about getting a retirement job at Arby's, but they wanted me to show up even on days I didn't want to, or days I wanted to do something else. Screw that.

Did they offer employee discounts? Although, geez fast food, not sure if they could ever pay enough.

Didn't care about the money. I earned enough money to get by before I retired.
Socialism always runs out of other peoples money
Two links from 2017 and and one from an employment site don't prove your point. 2100 more coal jobs since his inauguration is't very much. Arby's employs more people than the entire coal industry.

View attachment 266555

Great, although a coal job probably pays more than your Arby's job.

I thought about getting a retirement job at Arby's, but they wanted me to show up even on days I didn't want to, or days I wanted to do something else. Screw that.

Did they offer employee discounts? Although, geez fast food, not sure if they could ever pay enough.

Didn't care about the money. I earned enough money to get by before I retired.
Socialism always runs out of other peoples money

That was a goofy remark the first time I heard it.

Two links from 2017 and and one from an employment site don't prove your point. 2100 more coal jobs since his inauguration is't very much. Arby's employs more people than the entire coal industry.

View attachment 266555

Great, although a coal job probably pays more than your Arby's job.

I thought about getting a retirement job at Arby's, but they wanted me to show up even on days I didn't want to, or days I wanted to do something else. Screw that.

Did they offer employee discounts? Although, geez fast food, not sure if they could ever pay enough.

Didn't care about the money. I earned enough money to get by before I retired.

Once in a while I'll think of working at someplace like Home Depot or Lowes, someplace that may be kinda interesting.
Great, although a coal job probably pays more than your Arby's job.

I thought about getting a retirement job at Arby's, but they wanted me to show up even on days I didn't want to, or days I wanted to do something else. Screw that.

Did they offer employee discounts? Although, geez fast food, not sure if they could ever pay enough.

Didn't care about the money. I earned enough money to get by before I retired.
Socialism always runs out of other peoples money

That was a goofy remark the first time I heard it.

Probably even less fun to live it.
Speaking of lies when will the left stop lying about giving people free this and free that? You want the government to provide people with healthcare, college education and other things call them what they are taxpayer funded and stop with this only the rich will get taxed more to pay for it.
Fuck ups believe it’s a good thing, Even though it’s been tried countless times in countless forms and has a 100% failure rate.... Only fucking retards embrace socialism
Another blatant lie from the REGRESSIVE right.

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