Why Ban Abortion If We Don't Execute The Murdering Mothers?

It's actually great news for planned Parenthood.

Since they are all about pregnancy advice and prenatal and postnatal care, They can use the money they save by no longer paying doctors to kill babies for more formula, diapers, and orange juice.

They can even let women see their babies on the sonogram now.
This Abortion ban will only affect women in red states. About a third of the population

Women in those states have only themselves to blame. Especially women in Texas and Florida
They voted for Trump and Trump was clear that he would appoint judges to overturn Roe v Wade

This will only embolden Conservatives who will only set their sights on other Conservative issues like gay rights, environmental protections, school prayer, worker rights
And they don't even need to have their President in the White House. That damage is already done.

So our move towards a period of Autocratic White "Christian" Nationalism continues.
And they don't even need to have their President in the White House. That damage is already done.

So our move towards a period of Autocratic White "Christian" Nationalism continues.
It is just the beginning
Expect them to allow School Prayer this year and overturn Gay Marriage next
The "mother" who has an abortion is almost as much a victim as the child that is killed. The overwhelming majority of women find the idea of killing their own baby an anathema.

They are pressured into this unnatural act by men who refuse to take responsibility for their children, and by a movement that has decided that killing babies is the path to freedom for women.

They are pressured to do this by a system which punishes them for getting pregnant. No health insurance, no maternity leave, no job security, no subsidized child care. Countries which have all of these things, have much lower abortion rates than the USA.

The government puts these women in the position of not being able to afford another child, so they have no choice. It's either their existing children - 60% already have at least one child, or their unborn child. Most choose the children they already have.
They are pressured to do this by a system which punishes them for getting pregnant. No health insurance, no maternity leave, no job security, no subsidized child care. Countries which have all of these things, have much lower abortion rates than the USA.

The government puts these women in the position of not being able to afford another child, so they have no choice. It's either their existing children - 60% already have at least one child, or their unborn child. Most choose the children they already have.
If only there were some way to prevent unwanted pregnancies . . .
And they don't even need to have their President in the White House. That damage is already done.

So our move towards a period of Autocratic White "Christian" Nationalism continues.

What happens when abortion isn't legal, is that women who have 2nd trimester miscarriages, come under suspicion, and when abortion is illegal, they are often attacked, harassed and blamed for having an abortion. In Romania, they would be arrested. Since 1/3 of all pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion, this is problematic, and even more so when the pregnancy wasn't exactly welcome in the first place.

Having suffered two early miscarriages, I cannot imagine suffering this loss and then have to deal with authorities or others who suspect the miscarriage was induced and deliberate. Women get precious little support when this happens as it is.
Why ban anything without a death penalty? If we ban the death penalty will we have to execute anyone who performs an execution? 🤔

"A majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has voted to overturn the landmark 1973 ruling Roe v. Wade that established the right to abortion nearly 50 years ago, according to a leaked draft opinion published by Politico on Monday. The report said that Alito was joined by justices Clarence Thomas and all three of former President Donald Trump's nominees – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Politico reported that justices Stephen Breyer, Elana Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor were working on dissents. It was unclear how Chief Justice John Roberts voted."

Now that Roe is going to be overturned -- that means as of now; at least 20 or so states will have trigger laws that make abortions, illegal. But of these states, which one is willing to give the whore mother the death penalty for murdering their baby? If mothers are not in serious threat to be put to death for committing the murder of a baby; what good is it to ban abortion? Murder is murder and if after we ban abortion, if we continue to treat it like it isn't murder; that defeats the purpose of calling it murder and demonizing everyone who has either had an abortion or supports the rights of others to have an abortion.

As for the doctors, nurse staff, others -- they should be put to death....they are basically serving as paid assassins in the murder of a baby....why shouldn't they be put to death?? The family member or friend that drove the killer to and from the abortion clinic, why shouldn't they be sentenced as anyone would be sentenced if they participated in the murder of a child? Again, if we insist on treating these people differently than others who participated in the act of murder, what good is it to call abortion murder?

Thanks for another scary episode of "If Leftists Were Conservative". You people are dangerous.
If only there were some way to prevent unwanted pregnancies . . .

Spoken like a man who has never had to deal with birth control. There are ways of reducing unintended pregnancies, but there is no way to prevent them, other than to remain celibate. Husbands tend not to like that. 60% of all women who have abortions, were using some form of birth control when they got pregnant.

I have two grandchildren who were conceived while their mother was on the Pill. Many women cannot take the Pill because of side effects. I was one of those, but even those who do take the Pill, there is a 15% failure rate.

One in four American women has an abortion by age 40. In spite of birth control. So just stop with the misogyny asshole.

"A majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has voted to overturn the landmark 1973 ruling Roe v. Wade that established the right to abortion nearly 50 years ago, according to a leaked draft opinion published by Politico on Monday. The report said that Alito was joined by justices Clarence Thomas and all three of former President Donald Trump's nominees – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Politico reported that justices Stephen Breyer, Elana Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor were working on dissents. It was unclear how Chief Justice John Roberts voted."

Now that Roe is going to be overturned -- that means as of now; at least 20 or so states will have trigger laws that make abortions, illegal. But of these states, which one is willing to give the whore mother the death penalty for murdering their baby? If mothers are not in serious threat to be put to death for committing the murder of a baby; what good is it to ban abortion? Murder is murder and if after we ban abortion, if we continue to treat it like it isn't murder; that defeats the purpose of calling it murder and demonizing everyone who has either had an abortion or supports the rights of others to have an abortion.

As for the doctors, nurse staff, others -- they should be put to death....they are basically serving as paid assassins in the murder of a baby....why shouldn't they be put to death?? The family member or friend that drove the killer to and from the abortion clinic, why shouldn't they be sentenced as anyone would be sentenced if they participated in the murder of a child? Again, if we insist on treating these people differently than others who participated in the act of murder, what good is it to call abortion murder?

1) we don’t have the death penalty in every state
2) no opinion has actually come down

so you know

"A majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has voted to overturn the landmark 1973 ruling Roe v. Wade that established the right to abortion nearly 50 years ago, according to a leaked draft opinion published by Politico on Monday. The report said that Alito was joined by justices Clarence Thomas and all three of former President Donald Trump's nominees – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Politico reported that justices Stephen Breyer, Elana Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor were working on dissents. It was unclear how Chief Justice John Roberts voted."

Now that Roe is going to be overturned -- that means as of now; at least 20 or so states will have trigger laws that make abortions, illegal. But of these states, which one is willing to give the whore mother the death penalty for murdering their baby? If mothers are not in serious threat to be put to death for committing the murder of a baby; what good is it to ban abortion? Murder is murder and if after we ban abortion, if we continue to treat it like it isn't murder; that defeats the purpose of calling it murder and demonizing everyone who has either had an abortion or supports the rights of others to have an abortion.

As for the doctors, nurse staff, others -- they should be put to death....they are basically serving as paid assassins in the murder of a baby....why shouldn't they be put to death?? The family member or friend that drove the killer to and from the abortion clinic, why shouldn't they be sentenced as anyone would be sentenced if they participated in the murder of a child? Again, if we insist on treating these people differently than others who participated in the act of murder, what good is it to call abortion murder?

Well about 20 million of you darkies have been terminated in 50 yrs. Not a bad bagging at all. There should have been one extra in that bunch
Spoken like a man who has never had to deal with birth control. There are ways of reducing unintended pregnancies, but there is no way to prevent them, other than to remain celibate. Husbands tend not to like that. 60% of all women who have abortions, were using some form of birth control when they got pregnant.
You were making some sense until that last sentence. I'd love to see that statistic from a credible source, i.e. not PP or NOW.

EDIT to add: Ok, I get it. "some form" of birth control. I assume that counts "I thought it was the wrong time of month to get pregnant," as a "form" of birth control?

"A majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has voted to overturn the landmark 1973 ruling Roe v. Wade that established the right to abortion nearly 50 years ago, according to a leaked draft opinion published by Politico on Monday. The report said that Alito was joined by justices Clarence Thomas and all three of former President Donald Trump's nominees – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Politico reported that justices Stephen Breyer, Elana Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor were working on dissents. It was unclear how Chief Justice John Roberts voted."

Now that Roe is going to be overturned -- that means as of now; at least 20 or so states will have trigger laws that make abortions, illegal. But of these states, which one is willing to give the whore mother the death penalty for murdering their baby? If mothers are not in serious threat to be put to death for committing the murder of a baby; what good is it to ban abortion? Murder is murder and if after we ban abortion, if we continue to treat it like it isn't murder; that defeats the purpose of calling it murder and demonizing everyone who has either had an abortion or supports the rights of others to have an abortion.

As for the doctors, nurse staff, others -- they should be put to death....they are basically serving as paid assassins in the murder of a baby....why shouldn't they be put to death?? The family member or friend that drove the killer to and from the abortion clinic, why shouldn't they be sentenced as anyone would be sentenced if they participated in the murder of a child? Again, if we insist on treating these people differently than others who participated in the act of murder, what good is it to call abortion murder?

Yay, more executions! MAGA
We don't execute hardly anyone these days. Dr Kermit Gosnell was convicted of killing baby A, Baby B and Baby E and about a hundred other charges related to his "house of horrors" abortion clinic in Philadelphia when a "patient" was found dead on a table. He was sentenced to life. Nobody wants to put a woman in prison for abortion (except maybe the radical left) but nobody wants to support Planned Parenthood that allegedly sells freaking human body parts either. All reasonable Americans want to do is put it to a vote. If you want a state government that supports abortion on demand you should be able to vote for the politicians who support it or are against it instead of seeing unregulated abominations like Gosnell's house of horrors
You were making some sense until that last sentence. I'd love to see that statistic from a credible source, i.e. not PP or NOW.

EDIT to add: Ok, I get it. "some form" of birth control. I assume that counts "I thought it was the wrong time of month to get pregnant," as a "form" of birth control?

You assume that birth control is 100% effective and it's not even close to that. Even women who have had their tubes tied, get pregnant, although it's rare. One in four women in the USA have an abortion before the age of 40.

"Some form of birth control" include condoms, diaphrams, spermicides, cervical caps, Pills, IUD's - all of them fail, and some at pretty high rates.

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Pretty simple. Man up. Have the kid. Be a dad. Make a family. Then you will understand what it's all about and what is important and you will be happier than you ever imagined you could be. 80% of our problems in society go away.

It's a man problem.

Democrats are against just about every part of that.

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