Why Ban Abortion If We Don't Execute The Murdering Mothers?

Having suffered two early miscarriages, I cannot imagine suffering this loss and then have to deal with authorities or others who suspect the miscarriage was induced and deliberate. Women get precious little support when this happens as it is.
Yeah, but they're "owning da libs".

Priorities, priorities.
Abortions don't trigger me, that is why I never had one.......I fuck pussy, you on the other hand remain fucked up by pussy...because you are a pussy...who can't control your own inner pussy, that is why you get off on trying to control others pussies..
I'm a dog. I chase cats. Because they're... well... cats.
You assume that birth control is 100% effective and it's not even close to that. Even women who have had their tubes tied, get pregnant, although it's rare. One in four women in the USA have an abortion before the age of 40.
No, I don't assume that. I question your figure of 60% of abortions terminating pregnancies that were the result of failed birth control. It sounds insane on its face, but I'm open minded enough to look at any legitimate source you present.
"Some form of birth control" include condoms, diaphrams, spermicides, cervical caps, Pills, IUD's - all of them fail, and some at pretty high rates.

Yes, I know what birth control is. Thanks for ladysplaining it to me anyway.

Since you posted a link about birth control failure, you know the convention of posting a link to back up an assertion. As soon as you do the same for your 60% figure, I'll be able to tell whether they included avoiding having sex on the fertile time of the month as "some form of birth control." At least if it is a legitimate source, it will answer that question.
And that is the Progs stock answer to Republicans. And why not it has worked for many decades as the nation is teetering on permanent decline. 62 million abortions is more than rape. And if by accident women are supposed to be top tier in intelligence and for some reason can't figure out the way to get pregnant.
Do you know that only about 10% of rapes go reported... That is a pretty sick thing to say...
You are using women who get raped and are too scared to speak out as a reason to ban abortions....

Some fucking sick church you must go to... Morality is there strong point...

"A majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has voted to overturn the landmark 1973 ruling Roe v. Wade that established the right to abortion nearly 50 years ago, according to a leaked draft opinion published by Politico on Monday. The report said that Alito was joined by justices Clarence Thomas and all three of former President Donald Trump's nominees – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Politico reported that justices Stephen Breyer, Elana Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor were working on dissents. It was unclear how Chief Justice John Roberts voted."

Now that Roe is going to be overturned -- that means as of now; at least 20 or so states will have trigger laws that make abortions, illegal. But of these states, which one is willing to give the whore mother the death penalty for murdering their baby? If mothers are not in serious threat to be put to death for committing the murder of a baby; what good is it to ban abortion? Murder is murder and if after we ban abortion, if we continue to treat it like it isn't murder; that defeats the purpose of calling it murder and demonizing everyone who has either had an abortion or supports the rights of others to have an abortion.

As for the doctors, nurse staff, others -- they should be put to death....they are basically serving as paid assassins in the murder of a baby....why shouldn't they be put to death?? The family member or friend that drove the killer to and from the abortion clinic, why shouldn't they be sentenced as anyone would be sentenced if they participated in the murder of a child? Again, if we insist on treating these people differently than others who participated in the act of murder, what good is it to call abortion murder?

Since we don't execute all murders your question is ridiculous.
They are pressured into this unnatural act by men who refuse to take responsibility for their children, and by a movement that has decided that killing babies is the path to freedom for women.
I can't understand why anyone would repeat such a baseless, unsupportable lie.
Do you know that only about 10% of rapes go reported... That is a pretty sick thing to say...
You are using women who get raped and are too scared to speak out as a reason to ban abortions....

Some fucking sick church you must go to... Morality is there strong point...
You're making an utterly ridiculous argument period.

"A majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has voted to overturn the landmark 1973 ruling Roe v. Wade that established the right to abortion nearly 50 years ago, according to a leaked draft opinion published by Politico on Monday. The report said that Alito was joined by justices Clarence Thomas and all three of former President Donald Trump's nominees – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Politico reported that justices Stephen Breyer, Elana Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor were working on dissents. It was unclear how Chief Justice John Roberts voted."

Now that Roe is going to be overturned -- that means as of now; at least 20 or so states will have trigger laws that make abortions, illegal. But of these states, which one is willing to give the whore mother the death penalty for murdering their baby? If mothers are not in serious threat to be put to death for committing the murder of a baby; what good is it to ban abortion? Murder is murder and if after we ban abortion, if we continue to treat it like it isn't murder; that defeats the purpose of calling it murder and demonizing everyone who has either had an abortion or supports the rights of others to have an abortion.

As for the doctors, nurse staff, others -- they should be put to death....they are basically serving as paid assassins in the murder of a baby....why shouldn't they be put to death?? The family member or friend that drove the killer to and from the abortion clinic, why shouldn't they be sentenced as anyone would be sentenced if they participated in the murder of a child? Again, if we insist on treating these people differently than others who participated in the act of murder, what good is it to call abortion murder?

If you're going to make stupid arguments go ahead but we don't have to take you seriously.
The "mother" who has an abortion is almost as much a victim as the child that is killed. The overwhelming majority of women find the idea of killing their own baby an anathema.

They are pressured into this unnatural act by men who refuse to take responsibility for their children, and by a movement that has decided that killing babies is the path to freedom for women.
You make it sound like women are too stupid or ignorant to be able to make a decision on their own about their own and the only possible reason they would choose abortion is “pressure”. Women have been getting abortions long before Roe and will continue long after. It’s not about any “movement” it is about her right to make her own medical decisions.
You make it sound like women are too stupid or ignorant to be able to make a decision on their own about their own and the only possible reason they would choose abortion is “pressure”. Women have been getting abortions long before Roe and will continue long after. It’s not about any “movement” it is about her right to make her own medical decisions.
I will admit that I implied that this is why all women choose abortion, when it is actually an unknown percent. I have known that it is factor since college when I knew women who had abortions due to pressure. I even took a friend of my sister's to have an abortion because the "father" thought it would be a drag. This was the mid-eighties, and yes that was his exact reason.

I haven't found a study that gives percentages of how many women have abortions after succumbing to pressure, but the pressure is very real, as shown by these studies (and several others):

("PAR" means "partner as reason" for having the abortion)


Nearly one third of women reported PAR for abortion. Three most common partner-related reasons were poor relationships, partners unable/unwilling to support a baby, and partner characteristics that made them undesirable to have a baby with. Eight percent who mentioned PAR identified having abusive partners as a reason for abortion. One woman in this subgroup reported being pressured by her partner to seek abortion, whereas others in this subgroup sought abortion to end abusive relationships or to avoid bringing children into abusive relationships. Factors associated with identifying PAR for seeking abortion included race, education, partner's pregnancy intentions, relationship with man involved in the pregnancy, and experience of IPV.


You are pro-choice, I respect that. As a libertarian, I am also pro-choice. But I recognize three facts: abortion takes a human life, women often regret having abortions, and there is no right to abortion in the constitution. A right to medical privacy in birth control, care for gender dysphoria, weight loss surgery, etc., I can see a right (for adults and families) to privacy in those decisions in the "penumbra" of the constitution. But another human is involved in an abortion, according to the science of DNA identification.

Since there is no right of abortion in the constitution, any regulation of it should be left to the states. It is left to the states, by Amendment IX, as the court is soon to rule, barring any effective sabotage of the case.

"A majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has voted to overturn the landmark 1973 ruling Roe v. Wade that established the right to abortion nearly 50 years ago, according to a leaked draft opinion published by Politico on Monday. The report said that Alito was joined by justices Clarence Thomas and all three of former President Donald Trump's nominees – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Politico reported that justices Stephen Breyer, Elana Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor were working on dissents. It was unclear how Chief Justice John Roberts voted."

Now that Roe is going to be overturned -- that means as of now; at least 20 or so states will have trigger laws that make abortions, illegal. But of these states, which one is willing to give the whore mother the death penalty for murdering their baby? If mothers are not in serious threat to be put to death for committing the murder of a baby; what good is it to ban abortion? Murder is murder and if after we ban abortion, if we continue to treat it like it isn't murder; that defeats the purpose of calling it murder and demonizing everyone who has either had an abortion or supports the rights of others to have an abortion.

As for the doctors, nurse staff, others -- they should be put to death....they are basically serving as paid assassins in the murder of a baby....why shouldn't they be put to death?? The family member or friend that drove the killer to and from the abortion clinic, why shouldn't they be sentenced as anyone would be sentenced if they participated in the murder of a child? Again, if we insist on treating these people differently than others who participated in the act of murder, what good is it to call abortion murder?

Alito used references from TWO 17th century witch hunters in his rough draft decision. Maybe burning at the stake would be appropriate.
The "mother" who has an abortion is almost as much a victim as the child that is killed. The overwhelming majority of women find the idea of killing their own baby an anathema.

They are pressured into this unnatural act by men who refuse to take responsibility for their children, and by a movement that has decided that killing babies is the path to freedom for women.
Pick better men.

"A majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has voted to overturn the landmark 1973 ruling Roe v. Wade that established the right to abortion nearly 50 years ago, according to a leaked draft opinion published by Politico on Monday. The report said that Alito was joined by justices Clarence Thomas and all three of former President Donald Trump's nominees – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Politico reported that justices Stephen Breyer, Elana Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor were working on dissents. It was unclear how Chief Justice John Roberts voted."

Now that Roe is going to be overturned -- that means as of now; at least 20 or so states will have trigger laws that make abortions, illegal. But of these states, which one is willing to give the whore mother the death penalty for murdering their baby? If mothers are not in serious threat to be put to death for committing the murder of a baby; what good is it to ban abortion? Murder is murder and if after we ban abortion, if we continue to treat it like it isn't murder; that defeats the purpose of calling it murder and demonizing everyone who has either had an abortion or supports the rights of others to have an abortion.

As for the doctors, nurse staff, others -- they should be put to death....they are basically serving as paid assassins in the murder of a baby....why shouldn't they be put to death?? The family member or friend that drove the killer to and from the abortion clinic, why shouldn't they be sentenced as anyone would be sentenced if they participated in the murder of a child? Again, if we insist on treating these people differently than others who participated in the act of murder, what good is it to call abortion murder?

Yes, murderers should receive the punishment for murder.
Alito used references from TWO 17th century witch hunters in his rough draft decision. Maybe burning at the stake would be appropriate.

You people have begun to take a lot of joy from aborting your children. That's evil, and it needed to be stopped.
Yes, murderers should receive the punishment for murder.
No, I said death penalty....mothers should receive the death penalty or all of that talk Conservatives have been spouting off is complete and utter bullshit
Pick better men.
True this.

In my day, it used to be that women picked men on the basis of how they looked in designer jeans, and how cool their hair was. Then they would be surprised when Mr. Jordache Wings didn’t turn out to be the father type.

I have no idea what the modern criteria that foolish women use to pick men. But wise women look for what wise women have always looked for: Respectful, hard-working men who take care of business without making a big deal of it.
No, I said death penalty....mothers should receive the death penalty or all of that talk Conservatives have been spouting off is complete and utter bullshit
Well that is a lot of black women to get the death penalty then, as black women have abortions at five times the rate of white women.

Maybe we should draft up a law to exempt black women and allow them all the free abortions they want? It’s certainly done wonders for the black community for the last 50 years, hasn’t it?
Yes, murderers should receive the punishment for murder.
OK, the Gal-with-the-Abortion gets the death penalty in those states that allow such.
And in those states that don't.....well, she gets what any common pre-meditated murderer would get. Life in prison?

OK, we got the one most responsible addressed with that bit of business, but........but after she's charged, it starts to get complicated.

If she didn't do it all by herself in the bathtub with the coat-hanger, well, then this nation of laws requires us to address the accessory-to-murder, the accomplice-to-murder, and likely the co-conspirators.

All those folks could have some culpability for the crime committed. And, as such, our courts need to address 'em. As do our police. They need to be arrested and charged.

That could mean great-grandma to the, ummm, 'fetus'. Could mean grandma to the, ummm, 'fetus'. Grandpops? Sister? Auntie? Well-meaning neighbor?
Oh, hell, it could mean a whole crew of folks that assisted the murderer in some manner. (Uber driver?)

Here, maybe this article can help clarify for those like good poster Hawk, who have their bloodlust up for some poor 15yr old who got raped by the step-Dad.
(Those damn 15yr olds.....need to keep their legs together!!)

Who is an Accessory?

An accessory to murder is a person who assists a principal offender before or after the murder. An accessory before the fact learns about the intended murder. However, he or she fails to prevent it or inform the authorities.
He may assist the principal offender by housing him or facilitating movement to the crime scene. He may also assist in procuring objects such as knives, knowing that the offender intends to use them for the crime of murder.

Who is an Accomplice?

Complicity refers to the act of encouraging or facilitating a person to commit a crime. An accomplice is a person who assists or encourages an offender to commit a criminal offense.

Complicity involves assisting the principal offender in the actual murder act. However, a conspirator may participate in the planning, but not the actual murder. A conspirator learns about the intended murder and agrees with the plans to commit the murder. However, he or she does not do anything to assist the offender in executing the offense.
What happens when abortion isn't legal, is that women who have 2nd trimester miscarriages, come under suspicion, and when abortion is illegal, they are often attacked, harassed and blamed for having an abortion. In Romania, they would be arrested. Since 1/3 of all pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion, this is problematic, and even more so when the pregnancy wasn't exactly welcome in the first place.

Having suffered two early miscarriages, I cannot imagine suffering this loss and then have to deal with authorities or others who suspect the miscarriage was induced and deliberate. Women get precious little support when this happens as it is.
all this scare mongering... really, people are so immature these days and so hackish.

I tend to think that in America (or at least the one b4 Mr Senile Babykiller took over) you would actually... um... i dunno... have to PROVE a crime b4 it is convicted...?

i dunno... could b wrong

"A majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has voted to overturn the landmark 1973 ruling Roe v. Wade that established the right to abortion nearly 50 years ago, according to a leaked draft opinion published by Politico on Monday. The report said that Alito was joined by justices Clarence Thomas and all three of former President Donald Trump's nominees – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Politico reported that justices Stephen Breyer, Elana Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor were working on dissents. It was unclear how Chief Justice John Roberts voted."

Now that Roe is going to be overturned -- that means as of now; at least 20 or so states will have trigger laws that make abortions, illegal. But of these states, which one is willing to give the whore mother the death penalty for murdering their baby? If mothers are not in serious threat to be put to death for committing the murder of a baby; what good is it to ban abortion? Murder is murder and if after we ban abortion, if we continue to treat it like it isn't murder; that defeats the purpose of calling it murder and demonizing everyone who has either had an abortion or supports the rights of others to have an abortion.

As for the doctors, nurse staff, others -- they should be put to death....they are basically serving as paid assassins in the murder of a baby....why shouldn't they be put to death?? The family member or friend that drove the killer to and from the abortion clinic, why shouldn't they be sentenced as anyone would be sentenced if they participated in the murder of a child? Again, if we insist on treating these people differently than others who participated in the act of murder, what good is it to call abortion murder?

Are they mothers? If so, than they are indeed murderers.

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