Why Ban Abortion If We Don't Execute The Murdering Mothers?

Are they mothers? If so, than they are indeed murderers.
Well now, that is an interesting nuance to the discussion.

It may soon be illegal to have an abortion at any stage of zygote development, but........but that doesn't necessarily make the aborted zygote/fetus/mass a human being. At least by our sense of a creature that can survive without immense mechanical assistance at the hospital.
Accordingly, can the carrier of that zygote/fetus be a "Mom" unless she produces a survivable creature?

If that zygote ain't a human. Can terminating it be homicide?
Well now, that is an interesting nuance to the discussion.

It may soon be illegal to have an abortion at any stage of zygote development, but........but that doesn't necessarily make the aborted zygote/fetus/mass a human being. At least by our sense of a creature that can survive without immense mechanical assistance at the hospital.
Accordingly, can the carrier of that zygote/fetus be a "Mom" unless she produces a survivable creature?

If that zygote ain't a human. Can terminating it be homicide?
What is conceived, if not human life? Besides, the wording was mothers. If they are mothers, how could they not be?
OK, the Gal-with-the-Abortion gets the death penalty in those states that allow such.
And in those states that don't.....well, she gets what any common pre-meditated murderer would get. Life in prison?

OK, we got the one most responsible addressed with that bit of business, but........but after she's charged, it starts to get complicated.

If she didn't do it all by herself in the bathtub with the coat-hanger, well, then this nation of laws requires us to address the accessory-to-murder, the accomplice-to-murder, and likely the co-conspirators.

All those folks could have some culpability for the crime committed. And, as such, our courts need to address 'em. As do our police. They need to be arrested and charged.

That could mean great-grandma to the, ummm, 'fetus'. Could mean grandma to the, ummm, 'fetus'. Grandpops? Sister? Auntie? Well-meaning neighbor?
Oh, hell, it could mean a whole crew of folks that assisted the murderer in some manner. (Uber driver?)

Here, maybe this article can help clarify for those like good poster Hawk, who have their bloodlust up for some poor 15yr old who got raped by the step-Dad.
(Those damn 15yr olds.....need to keep their legs together!!)

Who is an Accessory?

An accessory to murder is a person who assists a principal offender before or after the murder. An accessory before the fact learns about the intended murder. However, he or she fails to prevent it or inform the authorities.
He may assist the principal offender by housing him or facilitating movement to the crime scene. He may also assist in procuring objects such as knives, knowing that the offender intends to use them for the crime of murder.

Who is an Accomplice?

Complicity refers to the act of encouraging or facilitating a person to commit a crime. An accomplice is a person who assists or encourages an offender to commit a criminal offense.

Complicity involves assisting the principal offender in the actual murder act. However, a conspirator may participate in the planning, but not the actual murder. A conspirator learns about the intended murder and agrees with the plans to commit the murder. However, he or she does not do anything to assist the offender in executing the offense.
Yes, accomplices like doctors and abortion clinics get charged too. Multiple people can be guilty of murder of one person.

As for rape, it is a nonsensical argument as it rarely ever results in pregnancy. Literally less than 1%. I’d be fine with a rape exception clause but only if the woman reported the rape immediately.

Anymore questions?
I’d be fine with a rape exception clause but only if the woman reported the rape immediately.

So, an aborted fetus/zygote from a rape victim....ain't really a human being?
And if not, per good poster Hawk, what is it?
And how is it a different creature than that produced by the sexually curious and woefully ignorant 14yr old?
So, an aborted fetus/zygote from a rape victim....ain't really a human being?
And if not, per good poster Hawk, what is it?
And how is it a different creature than that produced by the sexually curious and woefully ignorant 14yr old?
When did I ever claim it wasn’t a human being?

If you are in favor in banning abortions from rape, then go for it.

Why do you need to be a big pussy about it?
all this scare mongering... really, people are so immature these days and so hackish.

I tend to think that in America (or at least the one b4 Mr Senile Babykiller took over) you would actually... um... i dunno... have to PROVE a crime b4 it is convicted...?

i dunno... could b wrong

This isn’t scare mongering. Harassing women who’ve had miscarriages has already begun.

You obviously were alive when Roe v Wade was passed. Or you would remember.
When did I ever claim it wasn’t a human being?

It seemed you were persuadable for killing that little miniature baby human .....if it got conceived from a rape?

.....I’d be fine with a rape exception clause

So, in Hawk's world.......some little miniature baby humans can quite acceptably be murdered?

You may need to re-think your anti-abortion stance there good poster.
You seem to want to ban abortions merely as a punishment against a woman who was careless, forgetful, relied too much on contraception, or had her timing off.
Seems a tad judgmental ......from a uterus-free poster.

Time for the government to step in and give reversable vasectomies to men.....and when they want to have children, they can petition the government to get it reversed.

That makes no sense. Oh, I get it. YOu said something stupid and I pointed out it was stupid so you are trying to distract from that and bury your loss in shit.
This isn’t scare mongering. Harassing women who’ve had miscarriages has already begun.

You obviously were alive when Roe v Wade was passed. Or you would remember.
I was alive when Roe V. Wade was passed. I lucked out to be born before it, because my mom was unmarried and my dad wasn't exactly a "catch," She has said that she wanted an abortion, but didn't want to go to some fern place like New Mexico where there were less restrictions. She said that while we were watching a show about abortion protesters, having started the conversation by saying, "Why is it all these men talking about banning abortion, when they can't have abortions in the first place?"*

After she made the statement about wanting an abortion, I said, "Mom, you know you're talking about me, right? Me, that you would have aborted." She said "well, no . . . (long pause) . . . it wasn't you. Not yet. Not until you were born." The logic of the pro-abortion mind, for you.

*Liberals, please! Don't hate on my mom. I know you were on her side, until you read that part about how she said that men can't have abortions. She's from a simpler time, when the words "man" and "woman" had definitions.

EDIT: Oh, BTW, where's the link for these women who are being harassed because they had miscarriages?
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The things you anti-science nutjobs have to convince yourselves of is really staggering.
Et tu, Marv?
You too subscribe to Hawk's seeming view that not all zygotes are created equal?

And, that those fetuses that are a product of rape will not enjoy the protections of the proposed anti-abortion strictures?

How do you parse the difference in these human lives, Marv? Not equal, after all? Not human? Eh?
Seems like a fraught judgment to make.
At least my avatar wouldn't wanna be in your position.

Just sayin'.
Time for the government to step in and give reversable vasectomies to men.....and when they want to have children, they can petition the government to get it reversed.
Won't that pretty much be covered when they start giving those "reversable" puberty blockers to biological male third graders in case it turns out that they were misgendered at birth?
I was alive when Roe V. Wade was passed. I lucked out to be born before it, because my mom was unmarried and my dad wasn't exactly a "catch," She has said that she wanted an abortion, but didn't want to go to some fern place like New Mexico where there were less restrictions. She said that while we were watching a show about abortion protesters, having started the conversation by saying, "Why is it all these men talking about banning abortion, when they can't have abortions in the first place?"*

After she made the statement about wanting an abortion, I said, "Mom, you know you're talking about me, right? Me, that you would have aborted." She said "well, no . . . (long pause) . . . it wasn't you. Not yet. Not until you were born." The logic of the pro-abortion mind, for you.

*Liberals, please! Don't hate on my mom. I know you were on her side, until you read that part about how she said that men can't have abortions. She's from a simpler time, when the words "man" and "woman" had definitions.

EDIT: Oh, BTW, where's the link for these women who are being harassed because they had miscarriages?

Why don’t you do your own research? It’s not that hard. Start by reading this:


  • 0FB94C0F-2785-4A67-886A-0A76B1DA18AD.jpeg
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Why don’t you do your own research? It’s not that hard. Start by reading this:
I don’t know who Paul Peterson is, or how real those numbers are. But, it doesn’t matter because I agree with Democrats about providing birth control as a way to reduce the number of abortions. I don’t like socialism, but since we are bound and determined to have it because so few people are willing to take responsibility for themselves, at least let it be efficient.

Giving condoms to high school and college students if very cost effective. I’ll wait for that link to women being harassed for having miscarriages.
Et tu, Marv?
You too subscribe to Hawk's seeming view that not all zygotes are created equal?

And, that those fetuses that are a product of rape will not enjoy the protections of the proposed anti-abortion strictures?

How do you parse the difference in these human lives, Marv? Not equal, after all? Not human? Eh?
Seems like a fraught judgment to make.
At least my avatar wouldn't wanna be in your position.

Just sayin'.

Again, I take the pro-science view on this. Life begins at conception, and all life has the same inherent value.

Your voodoo belief that a child isn't alive until it exits the birth canal is backwards, ignorant, and anti-scientific.
If it were a “made up problem”, the Supreme Court wouldn’t be going against public opinion and 50 years of precedent in order to declare that women have no right to privacy in their lives or personal decisions.
Of course, that is not what the Supreme Court "declared" but, carry on with your rant.

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