Why Big Labor Couldn't Match the Glen Beck Rally


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
The nation's biggest, richest and most powerful labor unions spent months organizing the "One Nation Working Together" rally at the Lincoln Memorial Saturday. With midterm elections approaching, they hoped to put on a show of political strength to energize struggling Democratic candidates. But even after giving it everything they had, they still weren't able to draw as many people as Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally in August. Why not?

Because the labor movement is shrinking, aging and divided. Because the best program its leaders (and co-sponsors at the NAACP) could put together was one featuring Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Richard Trumka, Van Jones and Harry Belafonte. And because George W. Bush is no longer in the White House. Put those factors together, and Big Labor's big march fell flat.

What does a tired and aging movement do? It puts on a program with tired and aging leaders. Sharpton has long ago worn out his welcome among anyone beyond the hard-core Democratic base; the same is true for Jackson. The 83-year-old Belafonte's appearance at the rally was impressive, but mostly as a vision from an earlier era. Trumka's appeal does not go beyond the labor movement, and the young gun in the group, Van Jones, left the White House last year amid scandal. It wasn't exactly an all-star lineup.

Put aside a few details -- in the Bible, it was God who brought the bones to life as Ezekiel watched -- and you're left with Sharpton's striking image of the Democratic Party as a bunch of old, dry bones. Could anything be more disheartening? In the Ezekiel story, it took a miracle to make the bones come to life. But there were no miracles to be found Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial.

Read it all here: Why Big Labor couldn't match Glenn Beck's rally | Washington Examiner

Now I skipped a bunch of paragraphs and tried to get to the salient parts, but you should really read it all. Especially the stats that prove big labor is shrinking.

However, this is indicative of the ruling elites in general. Aging, way out of touch with America, and have no clue as to why America doesn't want to live by their dictates and edicts.

This is why the One Nation Rally was a failure, despite how the left wants to lie about it. It was openly marxist, left garbage everywhere (because they really didn't care, they were paid to be there), and woefully failed to match Glen Beck's numbers.

It was a show and a fraud. Trying to look like they can muster the same numbers as Beck and all they did was bolster Beck and the voters who listen to him.

November is getting closer liberals!

to basically cut and paste from earlier, the tea party is a movement based on hypocrisy. the stimulus failed ridiculously; obamacare is little better. democrats have failed. having said that, there will never be a decrease in deficit until defense spending, such as the war that they were mysteriously absent in protesting, is drastically decreased. tea baggers and their corporate-sponsored puppet masters dont solve the root reasons for the deficit, they just bitch and moan about spending. their "philosophy" is just that. it offers no actual solutions, other than to criticize past legislation and demand to reverse it. but that just brings us back to reagonomics, which have failed. not an original idea among them.

when it comes down to it, they themselves arent willing to cut spending!

give up your social security! give up medicare! cut back the military! bring our troops home, stop supporting tax cuts that increase the deficit dramatically... be a TRUE conservative. tea party=biggest crowd of dumb jerkoffs ever gathered. they have no logic, and are the ultimate proof of how readily people will rally around a bumpersticker banner.
When you oppose something, logically you shouldn't keep accepting the tax cuts that it gives you, as well as refuse to give up the idea of a social security pension awaiting you in the future. cowards and idiots, all of them. theyre not true conservatives. they just make sarah palin and glenn beck richer.
to basically cut and paste from earlier, the tea party is a movement based on hypocrisy. the stimulus failed ridiculously; obamacare is little better. democrats have failed. having said that, there will never be a decrease in deficit until defense spending, such as the war that they were mysteriously absent in protesting, is drastically decreased. tea baggers and their corporate-sponsored puppet masters dont solve the root reasons for the deficit, they just bitch and moan about spending. their "philosophy" is just that. it offers no actual solutions, other than to criticize past legislation and demand to reverse it. but that just brings us back to reagonomics, which have failed. not an original idea among them.

when it comes down to it, they themselves arent willing to cut spending!

give up your social security! give up medicare! cut back the military! bring our troops home, stop supporting tax cuts that increase the deficit dramatically... be a TRUE conservative. tea party=biggest crowd of dumb jerkoffs ever gathered. they have no logic, and are the ultimate proof of how readily people will rally around a bumpersticker banner.

In other words you can't deny what I said about the One Nation Rally so you go on the attack.

None of your screed even made sense. "Reaganomics has failed?" :lol::lol::lol:

Yeah, let's compare Reagan's years to NOW. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

When you have evidence for any of that nonsense do let us know.

I hear a link from "Think Progress" coming now!

The Tea Baggers didn't exist until FoxNews told them to exist. They were a minor fringe group until Obama got elected and Fox decided they needed a cover group to push their agenda.

Now, with 24/7 publicity of upcoming Tea Party rallies and the Fox gallery of right wing stars to fan the flames, they can get as big a turnout as they want
Organized labor has been shrinking for a variety of reasons for decades.

The Decline of Union Power

Ironically, however, it is labor opposition that has contributed to middle class families seeing their annual incomes fall by more than $2,600 since the 90's. Stagnant incomes led to an increased demand for credit, with the household debt-to-income ratio growing dramatically from 2001-2007. The unsustainable spending sparked the housing bubble, and subsequent collapse, and ultimately helped to trigger the Great Recession.

Press Releases - Press - U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee

With management no longer willing to pay its employees a decent living and instead outsourcing or opting for two-fers (two employees with less salary in total and zero benefits), they're making out like bandits, all at the working stiff's expense.

Who complains? Ask any knowledgeable man or woman on the street, especially one who is unemployed, and they don't blame labor unions, whether that person is a Republican or a Democrat. They blame greed, disguised as capitalism.
Why is this topic posted in the "Reviews" section? Someone planning on making a movie about the Adventures of Glenn Beck?
The Tea Baggers didn't exist until FoxNews told them to exist. They were a minor fringe group until Obama got elected and Fox decided they needed a cover group to push their agenda.

Now, with 24/7 publicity of upcoming Tea Party rallies and the Fox gallery of right wing stars to fan the flames, they can get as big a turnout as they want

So, before Obama got elected, Fox News were creating the Tea Parties? Link?
The Tea Baggers didn't exist until FoxNews told them to exist. They were a minor fringe group until Obama got elected and Fox decided they needed a cover group to push their agenda.

Now, with 24/7 publicity of upcoming Tea Party rallies and the Fox gallery of right wing stars to fan the flames, they can get as big a turnout as they want

So, before Obama got elected, Fox News were creating the Tea Parties? Link?

Before Obama got elected, you could fit the Tea Party in the back of my car. Once Obama was elected, all of a sudden spending became important for some reason. 24/7 coverage on Fox News can do that.
The nation's biggest, richest and most powerful labor unions spent months organizing the "One Nation Working Together" rally at the Lincoln Memorial Saturday. With midterm elections approaching, they hoped to put on a show of political strength to energize struggling Democratic candidates. But even after giving it everything they had, they still weren't able to draw as many people as Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally in August. Why not?

Because the labor movement is shrinking, aging and divided. Because the best program its leaders (and co-sponsors at the NAACP) could put together was one featuring Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Richard Trumka, Van Jones and Harry Belafonte. And because George W. Bush is no longer in the White House. Put those factors together, and Big Labor's big march fell flat.

What does a tired and aging movement do? It puts on a program with tired and aging leaders. Sharpton has long ago worn out his welcome among anyone beyond the hard-core Democratic base; the same is true for Jackson. The 83-year-old Belafonte's appearance at the rally was impressive, but mostly as a vision from an earlier era. Trumka's appeal does not go beyond the labor movement, and the young gun in the group, Van Jones, left the White House last year amid scandal. It wasn't exactly an all-star lineup.

Put aside a few details -- in the Bible, it was God who brought the bones to life as Ezekiel watched -- and you're left with Sharpton's striking image of the Democratic Party as a bunch of old, dry bones. Could anything be more disheartening? In the Ezekiel story, it took a miracle to make the bones come to life. But there were no miracles to be found Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial.

Read it all here: Why Big Labor couldn't match Glenn Beck's rally | Washington Examiner

Now I skipped a bunch of paragraphs and tried to get to the salient parts, but you should really read it all. Especially the stats that prove big labor is shrinking.

However, this is indicative of the ruling elites in general. Aging, way out of touch with America, and have no clue as to why America doesn't want to live by their dictates and edicts.

This is why the One Nation Rally was a failure, despite how the left wants to lie about it. It was openly marxist, left garbage everywhere (because they really didn't care, they were paid to be there), and woefully failed to match Glen Beck's numbers.

It was a show and a fraud. Trying to look like they can muster the same numbers as Beck and all they did was bolster Beck and the voters who listen to him.

November is getting closer liberals!


One fails when they do something for the wrong reason, period. Good thread. Thx.
The Tea Baggers didn't exist until FoxNews told them to exist. They were a minor fringe group until Obama got elected and Fox decided they needed a cover group to push their agenda.

Now, with 24/7 publicity of upcoming Tea Party rallies and the Fox gallery of right wing stars to fan the flames, they can get as big a turnout as they want

So, before Obama got elected, Fox News were creating the Tea Parties? Link?

Fox News coined the term "Tea Baggers"..

Keith Olbermann Reminds the Teabaggers that They Coined Their Own Name | Politicususa

And the only inkling I remember of anything resembling a "Tea Party" was Ron Paul's liberatarian movement during the Bush administration. And he was pretty much written off by most Conservatives as a loon.
Dude, you are obsessed with this rally. Get over it, move on!
Dude, you are obsessed with this rally. Get over it, move on!

She certainly seems to care more about it than anyone else I've met.

And, for the record it's not a surprise Labor Unions are shrinking. When the economy is tight like this and unemployment is high power shifts to employers pretty quick. Who's going to risk standing up for the union when their boss can replace them within 24 hours with someone desperate to have the job?

That's a shame, as even though the OP would never admit, Unions for all their excesses have done a lot to make the American workplace a better safer place.
The Tea Baggers didn't exist until FoxNews told them to exist. They were a minor fringe group until Obama got elected and Fox decided they needed a cover group to push their agenda.

Now, with 24/7 publicity of upcoming Tea Party rallies and the Fox gallery of right wing stars to fan the flames, they can get as big a turnout as they want

Fox news can't move people. People have to want to move.

And the Tea Party did not exist until last April.

You give people something they want to see, they will show up. You give them a bore, they snore. If your headliner is a pop star without a hit in 30 years....How loud would you laughed if the best the Tparty people could come up with was Andy Williams?

Fanning Flames requires a spark. The Tparty folks have a spark. The other follks... they were all wet.
The Tea Baggers didn't exist until FoxNews told them to exist. They were a minor fringe group until Obama got elected and Fox decided they needed a cover group to push their agenda.

Now, with 24/7 publicity of upcoming Tea Party rallies and the Fox gallery of right wing stars to fan the flames, they can get as big a turnout as they want

So, before Obama got elected, Fox News were creating the Tea Parties? Link?

Fox News coined the term "Tea Baggers"..

Keith Olbermann Reminds the Teabaggers that They Coined Their Own Name | Politicususa

And the only inkling I remember of anything resembling a "Tea Party" was Ron Paul's liberatarian movement during the Bush administration. And he was pretty much written off by most Conservatives as a loon.

Did I ask who coined the name? No. Either answer the fucking question I asked or don't but don't waste my time answering questions that I didn't ask.
The Tea Baggers didn't exist until FoxNews told them to exist. They were a minor fringe group until Obama got elected and Fox decided they needed a cover group to push their agenda.

Now, with 24/7 publicity of upcoming Tea Party rallies and the Fox gallery of right wing stars to fan the flames, they can get as big a turnout as they want

An idiot speaks. :rofl:

Too bad that isn't how the Tea Party got started.

Rick Santelli: Tea Party Rant ‘Was the Best Five Minutes of My Life’ - TVNewser

Even if it was Fox News, what of it? So, that makes it illegitimate somehow?

Only in the delusional liberal hysteria you live in. The truth is Barack Obama and the Democrats started it, when they made it clear they didn't care about the views of the American people.

You do that, the American people will rise up.

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The Tea Baggers didn't exist until FoxNews told them to exist. They were a minor fringe group until Obama got elected and Fox decided they needed a cover group to push their agenda.

Now, with 24/7 publicity of upcoming Tea Party rallies and the Fox gallery of right wing stars to fan the flames, they can get as big a turnout as they want

An idiot speaks.

Too bad that isn't how the Tea Party got started.

Rick Santelli: Tea Party Rant ‘Was the Best Five Minutes of My Life’ - TVNewser

Even if it was Fox News, what of it? So, that makes it illegitimate somehow?

Only in the delusional liberal hysteria you live in. The truth is Barack Obama and the Democrats started it, when they made it clear they didn't care about the views of the American people.

You do that, the American people will rise up.


The fact is that you and your movement are a tool of a mullti-media empire controlled by a foreign mogul. They made you and they will drop you like a week old sock once they no longer need you
Dude, you are obsessed with this rally. Get over it, move on!

A), I'm not a "dude."

B) Liberals are always telling us to "get over it" when they are embarassed by their own's behavior.

We had to "get over" Clinton porking anything in a skirt.

But, do liberals "get over it" when they think they are in the right? :lol::lol:

Yeah right! They hung onto the idea of Frog Marching Karl Rove out of the White House for TWO FREAKIING YEARS even when it was clear it was really Richard Armitage that outed Valerie Plame.

So who needs to get over it? I think it's liberals and their constant self serving preaching.

The Tea Baggers didn't exist until FoxNews told them to exist. They were a minor fringe group until Obama got elected and Fox decided they needed a cover group to push their agenda.

Now, with 24/7 publicity of upcoming Tea Party rallies and the Fox gallery of right wing stars to fan the flames, they can get as big a turnout as they want

An idiot speaks.

Too bad that isn't how the Tea Party got started.

Rick Santelli: Tea Party Rant ‘Was the Best Five Minutes of My Life’ - TVNewser

Even if it was Fox News, what of it? So, that makes it illegitimate somehow?

Only in the delusional liberal hysteria you live in. The truth is Barack Obama and the Democrats started it, when they made it clear they didn't care about the views of the American people.

You do that, the American people will rise up.


The fact is that you and your movement are a tool of a mullti-media empire controlled by a foreign mogul. They made you and they will drop you like a week old sock once they no longer need you

Oh yeah, those backing Obama, they weren't tools of multi-media.


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, of course not! How could I think that liberals are the tools of multi-media?????????

Good lord! Do liberals even think before they rant? Obviously not!


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