Why California is a SHITHOLE

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If this is not a shithole I don't know what is

and this is only one photo example of how it has become over there.......disgusting!

What the heck!!! This must be the high rent neighborhood, I see a camper.

Califorina is a first world state next to most of the south.
-Higher standard of living
-Higher quality education
-Higher quality healthcare

You fucking cave men are so stupid that you probably should go back to school. idiot.

Oh look California last in the number of high school graduates

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia

State % High school graduate Rank % Bachelor's degree Rank % Advanced degree Rank
Montana 91.8% 1 29.5% 20 9.5% 32
Minnesota 92.4% 2 33.7% 10 11.2% 17
Wyoming 92.3% 3 25.7% 40 8.6% 40
Alaska 92.1% 4 28.0% 26 10.1% 27
New Hampshire 92.0% 5 34.9% 8 13.0% 9
Vermont 91.8% 6 36.0% 7 14.3% 6
North Dakota 91.7% 7 27.7% 28 7.6% 48
Maine 91.6% 8 29.0% 22 10.3% 24
Iowa 91.5% 9 26.7% 35 8.5% 41
Utah 91.2% 10 31.1% 15 10.4% 23
Hawaii 91.0% 11 30.8% 17 10.5% 21
Wisconsin 91.0% 11 27.8% 27 9.4% 33
South Dakota 90.9% 13 27.0% 33 8.0% 43
Nebraska 90.7% 14 29.3% 21 9.7% 30
Colorado 90.7% 14 38.1% 2 14.0% 7
Washington 90.4% 16 32.9% 11 12.0% 13
Kansas 90.2% 17 31.0% 16 11.0% 19
Connecticut 89.9% 18 37.6% 4 16.6% 3
Oregon 89.8% 19 30.8% 17 11.5% 15
Massachusetts 89.8% 19 40.5% 1 17.7% 1
Michigan 89.6% 21 26.9% 34 10.5% 21
Idaho 89.5% 22 25.9% 38 8.2% 42
Maryland 89.4% 23 37.9% 3 17.3% 2
District of Columbia 89.3% 54.6% 31.3%
Pennsylvania 89.2% 24 28.6% 24 11.2% 17
Ohio 89.1% 25 26.1% 37 9.7% 30
New Jersey 88.6% 26 36.8% 5 14.0% 7
Delaware 88.4% 27 30.0% 19 12.2% 12
Missouri 88.4% 27 27.1% 32 10.2% 25
Virginia 88.3% 29 36.3% 6 15.4% 4
Illinois 87.9% 30 32.3% 12 12.4% 11
Indiana 87.8% 31 24.1% 42 8.7% 38
Oklahoma 86.9% 32 24.1% 42 8.0% 43
Florida 86.9% 32 27.3% 31 9.8% 29
United States 86.7% 29.8% 11.2%
Rhode Island 86.2% 34 31.9% 13 12.8% 10
Arizona 86.0% 35 27.5% 30 10.2% 25
North Carolina 85.8% 36 28.4% 25 9.9% 28
New York 85.6% 37 34.2% 9 14.8% 5
South Carolina 85.6% 37 25.8% 39 9.3% 35
Tennessee 85.5% 39 24.9% 41 9.0% 37
Georgia 85.4% 40 28.8% 23 10.7% 20
Nevada 85.1% 41 23.0% 45 7.9% 45
West Virginia 85.0% 42 19.2% 50 7.4% 50
Arkansas 84.8% 43 21.1% 48 7.5% 49
Alabama 84.3% 44 23.5% 44 8.7% 38
New Mexico 84.2% 45 26.3% 36 11.5% 15
Kentucky 84.2% 45 22.3% 47 9.2% 36
Louisiana 83.4% 47 22.5% 46 7.7% 46
Mississippi 82.3% 48 20.7% 49 7.7% 46
Texas 81.9% 49 27.6% 29 9.4% 33
California 79.8% 50

In all fairness though, 80% of our high school students are illegal aliens.

If you took only Americans, the results would be much better.
I notice, me boy, that you posted a whole bunch of numbers, but provided no link to a source. That would be because your numbers are pure bulshit. You are lying again, me boy. Big time.
Here is an actual link to the numbers:
This is a link to a the study done by the Pew Research group. And, for your knowledge, CALIFORNIA IS NOT LAST. IT'S PERCENTAGE IS 80%. WHICH IS ABOUT AVERAGE. DIPSHIT.


Califorina is a first world state next to most of the south.
-Higher standard of living
-Higher quality education
-Higher quality healthcare

You fucking cave men are so stupid that you probably should go back to school. idiot.

For whom Comrade?

California has 99.9999999999% of our wealth in the hands of a dozen Oligarchs in Silicone Valley. There is no middle class anymore. 70% of the state lives in abject poverty, as seen by the cardboard boxes that are their homes along the Santa Ana. 25% are parasites "working" for the State to crush freedom and drive business out. This Apparatchik class has replaced the once dominate middle class.

California once had a community college system that was the envy of the nation, but the Jr. Colleges often fail to obtain regional accreditation as the focus turned from education to indoctrination. Students may not be able to read or write, but they hate Trump, as the Oligarchs have priorities.

I've lived here my entire life. This was once the greatest state in the nation. Now it is Venezuela.
I may not agree with you why but I do agree the middle class is still struggling in California. Proof trump hasn’t made America great again. We’re waiting.

Remember what he said before he was president, “leadership, no matter what you’re responsible”
It will take decades to reverse the damage done by liberals to the state of California.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion

Man, you conservatives are so ignorant.

Here is the fact. California is the 9th richest state in the U.S. List of U.S. states by income - Wikipedia

The poorest states with the highest poverty rates are all run by republicans.

Household income rating is only half the picture. The cost of living in each area is the other half. Quality of life (financially) is how much is left over after you pay the cost of living. Californians have a higher household income rating than Southern states, but it also has a much higher cost of living, and a much higher state tax load.

That is why the middle class is moving out of California. Slightly lower wages elsewhere, but better living standards due to lower cost of living and lower tax burden.
Chuck Woolery saved enough tax money by moving from Cali to Texas to pay for his new house.
If this is not a shithole I don't know what is

and this is only one photo example of how it has become over there.......disgusting!
You saying trump hasn’t made America great again? Glad you’re admitting he hasn’t accomplished that yet
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion

Man, you conservatives are so ignorant.

Here is the fact. California is the 9th richest state in the U.S. List of U.S. states by income - Wikipedia

The poorest states with the highest poverty rates are all run by republicans.

Household income rating is only half the picture. The cost of living in each area is the other half. Quality of life (financially) is how much is left over after you pay the cost of living. Californians have a higher household income rating than Southern states, but it also has a much higher cost of living, and a much higher state tax load.

That is why the middle class is moving out of California. Slightly lower wages elsewhere, but better living standards due to lower cost of living and lower tax burden.
Chuck Woolery saved enough tax money by moving from Cali to Texas to pay for his new house.
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion

Man, you conservatives are so ignorant.

Here is the fact. California is the 9th richest state in the U.S. List of U.S. states by income - Wikipedia

The poorest states with the highest poverty rates are all run by republicans.

Household income rating is only half the picture. The cost of living in each area is the other half. Quality of life (financially) is how much is left over after you pay the cost of living. Californians have a higher household income rating than Southern states, but it also has a much higher cost of living, and a much higher state tax load.

That is why the middle class is moving out of California. Slightly lower wages elsewhere, but better living standards due to lower cost of living and lower tax burden.
Chuck Woolery saved enough tax money by moving from Cali to Texas to pay for his new house.
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas

Yes, but he probably took his money with him.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion

Man, you conservatives are so ignorant.

Here is the fact. California is the 9th richest state in the U.S. List of U.S. states by income - Wikipedia

The poorest states with the highest poverty rates are all run by republicans.

Household income rating is only half the picture. The cost of living in each area is the other half. Quality of life (financially) is how much is left over after you pay the cost of living. Californians have a higher household income rating than Southern states, but it also has a much higher cost of living, and a much higher state tax load.

That is why the middle class is moving out of California. Slightly lower wages elsewhere, but better living standards due to lower cost of living and lower tax burden.
Chuck Woolery saved enough tax money by moving from Cali to Texas to pay for his new house.
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas

Yes, but he probably took his money with him.
Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc
If this is not a shithole I don't know what is

and this is only one photo example of how it has become over there.......disgusting!
You saying trump hasn’t made America great again? Glad you’re admitting he hasn’t accomplished that yet
Repeat post #564. It will take DECADES! Trump has only 7 more years in office!
Man, you conservatives are so ignorant.

Here is the fact. California is the 9th richest state in the U.S. List of U.S. states by income - Wikipedia

The poorest states with the highest poverty rates are all run by republicans.

Household income rating is only half the picture. The cost of living in each area is the other half. Quality of life (financially) is how much is left over after you pay the cost of living. Californians have a higher household income rating than Southern states, but it also has a much higher cost of living, and a much higher state tax load.

That is why the middle class is moving out of California. Slightly lower wages elsewhere, but better living standards due to lower cost of living and lower tax burden.
Chuck Woolery saved enough tax money by moving from Cali to Texas to pay for his new house.
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas

Yes, but he probably took his money with him.
Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc

Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.
Household income rating is only half the picture. The cost of living in each area is the other half. Quality of life (financially) is how much is left over after you pay the cost of living. Californians have a higher household income rating than Southern states, but it also has a much higher cost of living, and a much higher state tax load.

That is why the middle class is moving out of California. Slightly lower wages elsewhere, but better living standards due to lower cost of living and lower tax burden.
Chuck Woolery saved enough tax money by moving from Cali to Texas to pay for his new house.
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas

Yes, but he probably took his money with him.
Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc

Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.
It’s like the 5th largest economy in the world.
Household income rating is only half the picture. The cost of living in each area is the other half. Quality of life (financially) is how much is left over after you pay the cost of living. Californians have a higher household income rating than Southern states, but it also has a much higher cost of living, and a much higher state tax load.

That is why the middle class is moving out of California. Slightly lower wages elsewhere, but better living standards due to lower cost of living and lower tax burden.
Chuck Woolery saved enough tax money by moving from Cali to Texas to pay for his new house.
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas

Yes, but he probably took his money with him.
Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc

Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.
As long as it doesn’t leave the country.

California made enough money off chuck Woolley
Chuck Woolery saved enough tax money by moving from Cali to Texas to pay for his new house.
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas

Yes, but he probably took his money with him.
Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc

Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.
It’s like the 5th largest economy in the world.

When businesses leave and people leave, money goes with them. It may be 5th largest but it doesn't matter what they did last year or 10 years ago, it only matters what they do this year and the next 10 years.
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas

Yes, but he probably took his money with him.
Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc

Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.
It’s like the 5th largest economy in the world.

When businesses leave and people leave, money goes with them. It may be 5th largest but it doesn't matter what they did last year or 10 years ago, it only matters what they do this year and the next 10 years.
I’m thinking what would a republican tell anyone struggling. Maybe you’re in the wrong state or profession. And republicans are in charge of Texas. Let’s see Texas do better
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas

Yes, but he probably took his money with him.
Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc

Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.
It’s like the 5th largest economy in the world.

When businesses leave and people leave, money goes with them. It may be 5th largest but it doesn't matter what they did last year or 10 years ago, it only matters what they do this year and the next 10 years.
Just keep it in the USA
Yes, but he probably took his money with him.
Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc

Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.
It’s like the 5th largest economy in the world.

When businesses leave and people leave, money goes with them. It may be 5th largest but it doesn't matter what they did last year or 10 years ago, it only matters what they do this year and the next 10 years.
I’m thinking what would a republican tell anyone struggling. Maybe you’re in the wrong state or profession. And republicans are in charge of Texas. Let’s see Texas do better

Well, Texas does seem to be where a lot of Californians and California businesses are moving.
Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc

Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.
It’s like the 5th largest economy in the world.

When businesses leave and people leave, money goes with them. It may be 5th largest but it doesn't matter what they did last year or 10 years ago, it only matters what they do this year and the next 10 years.
I’m thinking what would a republican tell anyone struggling. Maybe you’re in the wrong state or profession. And republicans are in charge of Texas. Let’s see Texas do better

Well, Texas does seem to be where a lot of Californians and California businesses are moving.
Great! Sounds like a great state. Matthew mcconnahy should start a Texas movie studio.
I agree with everything Chuck Woolery says about California.

...also with what Fabio says.

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