Why California is a SHITHOLE

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Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc

Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.
Itā€™s like the 5th largest economy in the world.

When businesses leave and people leave, money goes with them. It may be 5th largest but it doesn't matter what they did last year or 10 years ago, it only matters what they do this year and the next 10 years.
Iā€™m thinking what would a republican tell anyone struggling. Maybe youā€™re in the wrong state or profession. And republicans are in charge of Texas. Letā€™s see Texas do better

Well, Texas does seem to be where a lot of Californians and California businesses are moving.
Texas and Florida.
Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.
Itā€™s like the 5th largest economy in the world.

When businesses leave and people leave, money goes with them. It may be 5th largest but it doesn't matter what they did last year or 10 years ago, it only matters what they do this year and the next 10 years.
Iā€™m thinking what would a republican tell anyone struggling. Maybe youā€™re in the wrong state or profession. And republicans are in charge of Texas. Letā€™s see Texas do better

Well, Texas does seem to be where a lot of Californians and California businesses are moving.
Texas and Florida.
Then donā€™t cry
Chuck Woolery saved enough tax money by moving from Cali to Texas to pay for his new house.
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas

Yes, but he probably took his money with him.
Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc

Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.
Itā€™s like the 5th largest economy in the world.
...and has a 426 BILLION DOLLAR debt...growing by the minute.
State of California Debt Clock
Itā€™s like the 5th largest economy in the world.

When businesses leave and people leave, money goes with them. It may be 5th largest but it doesn't matter what they did last year or 10 years ago, it only matters what they do this year and the next 10 years.
Iā€™m thinking what would a republican tell anyone struggling. Maybe youā€™re in the wrong state or profession. And republicans are in charge of Texas. Letā€™s see Texas do better

Well, Texas does seem to be where a lot of Californians and California businesses are moving.
Texas and Florida.
Then donā€™t cry
The only people I might cry for are those that want to leave California but cannot afford to do so.
Chuck Woolery saved enough tax money by moving from Cali to Texas to pay for his new house.
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas

Yes, but he probably took his money with him.
Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc

Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.
Itā€™s like the 5th largest economy in the world.
California ranks 43rd in FISCAL CONDITION RATING (2017)


State Fiscal Rankings
I donā€™t understand who you mean? Michiganders or Americans?

I agree the middle class is disappearing. People who look like they live middle class are actually lower middle class and struggling with debt and zero savings

You spoke of California. One or the other in California, no middle ground. Either you're very wealthy or very poor. Teachers, police and many others can't afford to live where they work. Not somewhere I'd live but, to each his own.
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas

Yes, but he probably took his money with him.
Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc

Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.
Itā€™s like the 5th largest economy in the world.
...and has a 426 BILLION DOLLAR debt...growing by the minute.
State of California Debt Clock
So does America. Letā€™s see republicans fix that
When businesses leave and people leave, money goes with them. It may be 5th largest but it doesn't matter what they did last year or 10 years ago, it only matters what they do this year and the next 10 years.
Iā€™m thinking what would a republican tell anyone struggling. Maybe youā€™re in the wrong state or profession. And republicans are in charge of Texas. Letā€™s see Texas do better

Well, Texas does seem to be where a lot of Californians and California businesses are moving.
Texas and Florida.
Then donā€™t cry
The only people I might cry for are those that want to leave California but cannot afford to do so.
So now you should have some empathy for black people who live in ghettos
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas

And he's spending it in Texas! Smart man!
Then stop your whining. Heā€™s winning and Texas is winning. You should move to Texas. Donā€™t come to California for the gold rush then leave with it. Go serve chuck woolery.

By the way he has always been known to be an airhead. Not a bright guy.
Itā€™s [California] like the 5th largest economy in the world.

That matters not one iota insofar as they are hundreds of billions in debt and getting in deeper every day. There is no way they can afford to pay the wild retirement benefits they promised their government workers and no plan to resolve the problem.

Are you expecting me (the other taxpayers) to pick up the cost for your irresponsibility?
Iā€™m thinking what would a republican tell anyone struggling. Maybe youā€™re in the wrong state or profession. And republicans are in charge of Texas. Letā€™s see Texas do better

Well, Texas does seem to be where a lot of Californians and California businesses are moving.
Texas and Florida.
Then donā€™t cry
The only people I might cry for are those that want to leave California but cannot afford to do so.
So now you should have some empathy for black people who live in ghettos
I have sympathy for them, not empathy. Learn the difference.

No California, by far is the best state in the union. We also think red states are shit holes...but to each his own. Let us enjoy our state and run it the way we want. In the mean time we were at the beach yesterday it 82 and yes we were swimming. Please don't hate us for that too.

Fucking liar.

It was 49Ā° and raining yesterday.

That is the OC Beaches. The North Coast was FAR colder.
Few days of the year of course. Didn't deny that did i ? We are not the sahara.

Scumbag, you lied that you were swimming at the beach yesterday.

You don't live in California, you're another troll from Pyonyang.
Swimming ? Lol....take your meds dumbo.
I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA either.

I live 30 minutes from Detroit. Great city called Walled Lake. I wouldnā€™t want to live in Detroit just like I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA but Iā€™m sure there are nice suburbs a half hour away from every major city.

Iā€™d hate to live in NYC but Iā€™d love it if I had a nyc 1 hour from where I live.

I go vacation up north Michigan. Very country. Love it. But itā€™s too far from a major city. The sweet spot is to live a half hour to an hour away from the crime

LA sucks.

There is nothing worthwhile in LA. Riverside and San Diego are both superior for culture, dining, and ambiance.

The attractions are in Visallia (Magic Mountain), Buena Park (Knotts), and Anaheim (Disney, Angels, Ducks)

LA is a shit hole.
Lol did he say riverside ?
Itā€™s [California] like the 5th largest economy in the world.

That matters not one iota insofar as they are hundreds of billions in debt and getting in deeper every day. There is no way they can afford to pay the wild retirement benefits they promised their government workers and no plan to resolve the problem.

Are you expecting me (the other taxpayers) to pick up the cost for your irresponsibility?
Yes. You arenā€™t going to reneg. Change how you pay new hires and start taxing the rich more
This is what happens when a liberal state legalizes dope...

Blue spandex,blue tarps, blue dumpster? I am avid cyclist, but thanks for the photos, I have seen the rising tide of homeless and use a camera. My bike is over 20 years old, cost 200 bucks. It's NOW my sole means of transportation, out of necessity. As I cycle every morning to work, I see the growing numbers of mostly white people living in tents and sleeping on cardboard along the bike path. All the homeless that have multiplied in the last 20 years, and how we causally just seem to accept it. It's like global warming, do we just ignore it, or do we do something about it?

Doing something about it means driving the ruling Communists from power. Sadly we need federal help to do that. California elections are rigged. The only way Kim Jong Brown, Kevin DeLeon, and the rest of the Stalinist crooks running the state will leave power is if the Federal Department of Justice steps in to restore free and fair elections.
Yes. You arenā€™t going to reneg. Change how you pay new hires and start taxing the rich more

What am I going to renege on? I didn't vote or have anything to do with all the money thrown away by California.

You're already taxing the rich to the point they are leaving your beautiful state. Why should they pay more?
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