Why California is a SHITHOLE

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Yes. You aren’t going to reneg. Change how you pay new hires and start taxing the rich more

What am I going to renege on? I didn't vote or have anything to do with all the money thrown away by California.

You're already taxing the rich to the point they are leaving your beautiful state. Why should they pay more?
Pay to play baby

If I were well to do I’d move to California or Florida. If I was poor I’d move to Florida

That's nice.

Pay to play is political corruption, bribery.

It IS the foundation of democrat government though.
No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.
California is a net "giver" of federal funds. Yes, California pretty much supports the redneck "Trump belt".

I would expect someone who cries endlessly about California to be in possession of this basic fact.

Nope, and hasn't been for over a decade.

You moron Maoists continue to cite a report from 1994 as if it is still relevant.

Where did most of Obama's Porkulous go?

What did the Brown turd do with three quarters of a trillion dollars?

Oh, that's right, gave it to the public employee unions - who now ensure there will never again be an honest election in California.

Pay to play indeed.
Nope, and hasn't been for over a decade.
Wrong, sorry. California is, indeed, a net "giver" of federal funds. This is true in studies as recent as 2017.
You moron Maoists continue to cite a report from 1994 as if it is still relevant.

The study I pointed you to in my link is from 2013.
Where did most of Obama's Porkulous go?
Nobody knows what the hell you are trying to say, here. But, if your other statements are any indication, it would take a 6-year old with Google about 30 seconds to show it is false.
Nope, and hasn't been for over a decade.
Wrong, sorry. California is, indeed, a net "giver" of federal funds. This is true in studies as recent as 2017.
You moron Maoists continue to cite a report from 1994 as if it is still relevant.

The study I pointed you to in my link is from 2013.
Where did most of Obama's Porkulous go?
Nobody knows what the hell you are trying to say, here. But, if your other statements are any indication, it would take a 6-year old with Google about 30 seconds to show it is false.

Bullshit Comrade.

California was the top recipient of Obama's Porkulous. You Maoist pigs want to pretend that doesn't count, but it will be decades until that debt is balanced out.
Nope, and hasn't been for over a decade.
Wrong, sorry. California is, indeed, a net "giver" of federal funds. This is true in studies as recent as 2017.
You moron Maoists continue to cite a report from 1994 as if it is still relevant.

The study I pointed you to in my link is from 2013.
Where did most of Obama's Porkulous go?
Nobody knows what the hell you are trying to say, here. But, if your other statements are any indication, it would take a 6-year old with Google about 30 seconds to show it is false.

Bullshit Comrade.

California was the top recipient of Obama's Porkulous. You Maoist pigs want to pretend that doesn't count, but it will be decades until that debt is balanced out.
You can cry and scream "bullshit" all you want. California is, indeed, a donor state. the Trump belt? Nassomuch.

And still nobody knows what you are saying, son. California received MOST of the funds... of what, exactly? Use your big boy words!
Nope, and hasn't been for over a decade.
Wrong, sorry. California is, indeed, a net "giver" of federal funds. This is true in studies as recent as 2017.
You moron Maoists continue to cite a report from 1994 as if it is still relevant.

The study I pointed you to in my link is from 2013.
Where did most of Obama's Porkulous go?
Nobody knows what the hell you are trying to say, here. But, if your other statements are any indication, it would take a 6-year old with Google about 30 seconds to show it is false.

Bullshit Comrade.

California was the top recipient of Obama's Porkulous. You Maoist pigs want to pretend that doesn't count, but it will be decades until that debt is balanced out.
You can cry and scream "bullshit" all you want. California is, indeed, a donor state. the Trump belt? Nassomuch.

And still nobody knows what you are saying, son. California received MOST of the funds... of what, exactly? Use your big boy words!

You can lie all you want, but facts are facts little Maoist.

Kim Jong Brown took hundreds of billions in federal money - that you scum want to ignore it is irrelevant.
Nope, and hasn't been for over a decade.
Wrong, sorry. California is, indeed, a net "giver" of federal funds. This is true in studies as recent as 2017.
You moron Maoists continue to cite a report from 1994 as if it is still relevant.

The study I pointed you to in my link is from 2013.
Where did most of Obama's Porkulous go?
Nobody knows what the hell you are trying to say, here. But, if your other statements are any indication, it would take a 6-year old with Google about 30 seconds to show it is false.

Bullshit Comrade.

California was the top recipient of Obama's Porkulous. You Maoist pigs want to pretend that doesn't count, but it will be decades until that debt is balanced out.
You can cry and scream "bullshit" all you want. California is, indeed, a donor state. the Trump belt? Nassomuch.

And still nobody knows what you are saying, son. California received MOST of the funds... of what, exactly? Use your big boy words!

You can lie all you want, but facts are facts little Maoist.

Kim Jong Brown took hundreds of billions in federal money - that you scum want to ignore it is irrelevant.
I'm sorry... but you were about to describe which program California got "most" of the funds of. And you were going to prove all of the experts wrong, and show us California is not a donor State.
If I were well to do I’d move to California or Florida. If I was poor I’d move to Florida

A lot more benefits in California! That's why so many homeless druggies and alcoholics are hitching their way to San Francisco and Los Angeles.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion

Another hater and jealous.....Poverty rate doesn't mean much otherwise Turkmenistan is better ranked better than the US and Germany for example.
Those who are poor in California are wealthy compared to most of the inhabitants of the flyover states.
Stop hating on us, we make most of the stuff you enjoy From shows, movies, technology, food, etc....Go to Church and follow the scripture of not being mean and hateful.
I don't hate Californians. I hate California's government, Washington politicians and intolerant liberal 'professors'. Very few Hollywood movies are worth a shit these days. Hollywood stars do not turn me on and have no better political opinions than Joe the Plumber.

I love California wine, walnuts, artichokes, kiwis, plums, celery, garlic, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, and beautiful women.

I am not mean and hateful. I am admittedly harsh in the art of criticism and occasionally vulgar.

...and yes, I love you too.

California is still a SHITHOLE!

No California, by far is the best state in the union. We also think red states are shit holes...but to each his own. Let us enjoy our state and run it the way we want. In the mean time we were at the beach yesterday it 82 and yes we were swimming. Please don't hate us for that too.

If it's the best state in the union why are companies and citizens bailing out wholesale?
Said who? All I see is new developments everywhere.
Restaurants packed
Freeways packed
Parks packed
Businesses all over the place
Is a non stop 24/7
Hard to find rent
Housing market demand bigger than the supply
+2700 flight a day at LAX alone
Economy since the recession the GDP growth was twice the national average and we created more jobs than the average also.

Every young man or woman (white) I talked to are from other states, they moved here for a better future. No one is gonna leave where it' happening to go to the fly over state , not even for retirement. We have many places for that too.
If you're a criminal, a drug addict, mentally challenged, a loser, an illegal alien, someone who thinks the world owes them a living, a sexual pervert, a rapist, a liberal, someone who likes great weather.. California is the place you want to be, the taxpayers don't even realize that they're being screwed over..

Granted, I did live there for like 40 years, great places to grow up and see but now it's a tinderbox of what used to be's.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion

Another hater and jealous.....Poverty rate doesn't mean much otherwise Turkmenistan is better ranked better than the US and Germany for example.
Those who are poor in California are wealthy compared to most of the inhabitants of the flyover states.
Stop hating on us, we make most of the stuff you enjoy From shows, movies, technology, food, etc....Go to Church and follow the scripture of not being mean and hateful.
I don't hate Californians. I hate California's government, Washington politicians and intolerant liberal 'professors'. Very few Hollywood movies are worth a shit these days. Hollywood stars do not turn me on and have no better political opinions than Joe the Plumber.

I love California wine, walnuts, artichokes, kiwis, plums, celery, garlic, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, and beautiful women.

I am not mean and hateful. I am admittedly harsh in the art of criticism and occasionally vulgar.

...and yes, I love you too.

California is still a SHITHOLE!

No California, by far is the best state in the union. We also think red states are shit holes...but to each his own. Let us enjoy our state and run it the way we want. In the mean time we were at the beach yesterday it 82 and yes we were swimming. Please don't hate us for that too.

If it's the best state in the union why are companies and citizens bailing out wholesale?
Said who? All I see is new developments everywhere.
Restaurants packed
Freeways packed
Parks packed
Businesses all over the place
Is a non stop 24/7
Hard to find rent
Housing market demand bigger than the supply
+2700 flight a day at LAX alone
Economy since the recession the GDP growth was twice the national average and we created more jobs than the average also.

Every young man or woman (white) I talked to are from other states, they moved here for a better future. No one is gonna leave where it' happening to go to the fly over state , not even for retirement. We have many places for that too.

Says California liberal newspapers and media.
Use the Google.
I've been to California a whole bunch of times. LA, Orange County and San Diego mainly. Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

I live here most my adult life. I enjoy every single day.
Where else I can go for fishing, scuba, surfing, skiing, golfing, casinos, sports,, professional sports, beaches.... etc etc etc etc maybe Dubai but not even close to my life style and comfort.
The statistic show that CA is in decline.
Liberals spread poverty and misery.

We are Venezuela. The State is literally crashing as we speak.

I've never seen anything like this, nor did I ever think it could happen here. This used to be a prosperous state. Now you either work for the government, or you are homeless. All for the pleasure of a dozen billionaire Oligarchs in Palo Alto.

Not sure where you live but..... California is booming big time more than any other states.

Califorina is a first world state next to most of the south.
-Higher standard of living
-Higher quality education
-Higher quality healthcare

You fucking cave men are so stupid that you probably should go back to school. idiot.

Oh look California last in the number of high school graduates

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia

State % High school graduate Rank % Bachelor's degree Rank % Advanced degree Rank
Montana 91.8% 1 29.5% 20 9.5% 32
Minnesota 92.4% 2 33.7% 10 11.2% 17
Wyoming 92.3% 3 25.7% 40 8.6% 40
Alaska 92.1% 4 28.0% 26 10.1% 27
New Hampshire 92.0% 5 34.9% 8 13.0% 9
Vermont 91.8% 6 36.0% 7 14.3% 6
North Dakota 91.7% 7 27.7% 28 7.6% 48
Maine 91.6% 8 29.0% 22 10.3% 24
Iowa 91.5% 9 26.7% 35 8.5% 41
Utah 91.2% 10 31.1% 15 10.4% 23
Hawaii 91.0% 11 30.8% 17 10.5% 21
Wisconsin 91.0% 11 27.8% 27 9.4% 33
South Dakota 90.9% 13 27.0% 33 8.0% 43
Nebraska 90.7% 14 29.3% 21 9.7% 30
Colorado 90.7% 14 38.1% 2 14.0% 7
Washington 90.4% 16 32.9% 11 12.0% 13
Kansas 90.2% 17 31.0% 16 11.0% 19
Connecticut 89.9% 18 37.6% 4 16.6% 3
Oregon 89.8% 19 30.8% 17 11.5% 15
Massachusetts 89.8% 19 40.5% 1 17.7% 1
Michigan 89.6% 21 26.9% 34 10.5% 21
Idaho 89.5% 22 25.9% 38 8.2% 42
Maryland 89.4% 23 37.9% 3 17.3% 2
District of Columbia 89.3% 54.6% 31.3%
Pennsylvania 89.2% 24 28.6% 24 11.2% 17
Ohio 89.1% 25 26.1% 37 9.7% 30
New Jersey 88.6% 26 36.8% 5 14.0% 7
Delaware 88.4% 27 30.0% 19 12.2% 12
Missouri 88.4% 27 27.1% 32 10.2% 25
Virginia 88.3% 29 36.3% 6 15.4% 4
Illinois 87.9% 30 32.3% 12 12.4% 11
Indiana 87.8% 31 24.1% 42 8.7% 38
Oklahoma 86.9% 32 24.1% 42 8.0% 43
Florida 86.9% 32 27.3% 31 9.8% 29
United States 86.7% 29.8% 11.2%
Rhode Island 86.2% 34 31.9% 13 12.8% 10
Arizona 86.0% 35 27.5% 30 10.2% 25
North Carolina 85.8% 36 28.4% 25 9.9% 28
New York 85.6% 37 34.2% 9 14.8% 5
South Carolina 85.6% 37 25.8% 39 9.3% 35
Tennessee 85.5% 39 24.9% 41 9.0% 37
Georgia 85.4% 40 28.8% 23 10.7% 20
Nevada 85.1% 41 23.0% 45 7.9% 45
West Virginia 85.0% 42 19.2% 50 7.4% 50
Arkansas 84.8% 43 21.1% 48 7.5% 49
Alabama 84.3% 44 23.5% 44 8.7% 38
New Mexico 84.2% 45 26.3% 36 11.5% 15
Kentucky 84.2% 45 22.3% 47 9.2% 36
Louisiana 83.4% 47 22.5% 46 7.7% 46
Mississippi 82.3% 48 20.7% 49 7.7% 46
Texas 81.9% 49 27.6% 29 9.4% 33
California 79.8% 50

In all fairness though, 80% of our high school students are illegal aliens.

If you took only Americans, the results would be much better.

How did you came up with 80%?

We have high school here that mostly are whites and Asians.
California is a shithole because California has become a welfare State, full of illegals.. and lazy people who just want money....

Vote for the Left and get your Welfare while you can....

Disgusting human beings who never wanted to work just wanted money for free.

:no_text11: not going to work you lazy scum....sorry!

So how in the world California is the 6th largest economy of this planet?
Maybe the illegals has something to do with that?

Califorina is a first world state next to most of the south.
-Higher standard of living
-Higher quality education
-Higher quality healthcare

You fucking cave men are so stupid that you probably should go back to school. idiot.

For whom Comrade?

California has 99.9999999999% of our wealth in the hands of a dozen Oligarchs in Silicone Valley. There is no middle class anymore. 70% of the state lives in abject poverty, as seen by the cardboard boxes that are their homes along the Santa Ana. 25% are parasites "working" for the State to crush freedom and drive business out. This Apparatchik class has replaced the once dominate middle class.

California once had a community college system that was the envy of the nation, but the Jr. Colleges often fail to obtain regional accreditation as the focus turned from education to indoctrination. Students may not be able to read or write, but they hate Trump, as the Oligarchs have priorities.

I've lived here my entire life. This was once the greatest state in the nation. Now it is Venezuela.
I may not agree with you why but I do agree the middle class is still struggling in California. Proof trump hasn’t made America great again. We’re waiting.

Remember what he said before he was president, “leadership, no matter what you’re responsible”
It will take decades to reverse the damage done by liberals to the state of California.

You are full of shit and a LIAR .... REPEAT.... California is booming big time because of who live here.

You posted in this thread that you don’t live here.
In a separated thread which I blasted you ........ You live here.
Household income rating is only half the picture. The cost of living in each area is the other half. Quality of life (financially) is how much is left over after you pay the cost of living. Californians have a higher household income rating than Southern states, but it also has a much higher cost of living, and a much higher state tax load.

That is why the middle class is moving out of California. Slightly lower wages elsewhere, but better living standards due to lower cost of living and lower tax burden.
Chuck Woolery saved enough tax money by moving from Cali to Texas to pay for his new house.
Yea but he made his money in California not Texas

Yes, but he probably took his money with him.
Sure you can go to Alabama or Arkansas or Texas or New Mexico with the money you could have only made in Detroit Chicago or nyc

Problem is the money is leaving the state....not good economics.

Then explain why Ca economy is booming.
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