Why California is a SHITHOLE

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I may not agree with you why but I do agree the middle class is still struggling in California. Proof trump hasnā€™t made America great again. Weā€™re waiting.

Remember what he said before he was president, ā€œleadership, no matter what youā€™re responsibleā€

You pretty much don't have a middle-income group. do you?

No California, by far is the best state in the union. We also think red states are shit holes...but to each his own. Let us enjoy our state and run it the way we want. In the mean time we were at the beach yesterday it 82 and yes we were swimming. Please don't hate us for that too.

Fucking liar.

It was 49Ā° and raining yesterday.

That is the OC Beaches. The North Coast was FAR colder.
Few days of the year of course. Didn't deny that did i ? We are not the sahara.

Scumbag, you lied that you were swimming at the beach yesterday.

You don't live in California, you're another troll from Pyonyang.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

California sends more money to the Federal coffers than they get back.

The states that take more than they send are the red states.

Alabama, for instance, gets $2.00 back for every dollar they send to Washington.


It's not 1994 anymore Stalin.

California was the single largest recipient of the Porkulus handout by Obama, which went right into the pockets of the public employee unions. California consumes vastly more federal dollars than we generate.
I am surprised at what a bang up job those apparatchiks of the people's republic of Californistan have done , they are amazing. They practically create an atmosphere of toxicity of us mainland Americans, they create sanctuary cities for non Americans, practically embrace all forms of buggery, court high tech industries, and manage to alienate mainstream American AND go broke all at the same time. Bravo, jolly good work!
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, itā€™s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other ā€œpublic welfareā€ according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nationā€™s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! Itā€™s About the $958 Billion

Man, you conservatives are so ignorant.

Here is the fact. California is the 9th richest state in the U.S. List of U.S. states by income - Wikipedia

The poorest states with the highest poverty rates are all run by republicans.

Household income rating is only half the picture. The cost of living in each area is the other half. Quality of life (financially) is how much is left over after you pay the cost of living. Californians have a higher household income rating than Southern states, but it also has a much higher cost of living, and a much higher state tax load.

That is why the middle class is moving out of California. Slightly lower wages elsewhere, but better living standards due to lower cost of living and lower tax burden.
I may not agree with you why but I do agree the middle class is still struggling in California. Proof trump hasnā€™t made America great again. Weā€™re waiting.

Remember what he said before he was president, ā€œleadership, no matter what youā€™re responsibleā€

You pretty much don't have a middle-income group. do you?
I donā€™t understand who you mean? Michiganders or Americans?

I agree the middle class is disappearing. People who look like they live middle class are actually lower middle class and struggling with debt and zero savings
I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA either.

I live 30 minutes from Detroit. Great city called Walled Lake. I wouldnā€™t want to live in Detroit just like I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA but Iā€™m sure there are nice suburbs a half hour away from every major city.

Iā€™d hate to live in NYC but Iā€™d love it if I had a nyc 1 hour from where I live.

I go vacation up north Michigan. Very country. Love it. But itā€™s too far from a major city. The sweet spot is to live a half hour to an hour away from the crime

LA sucks.

There is nothing worthwhile in LA. Riverside and San Diego are both superior for culture, dining, and ambiance.

The attractions are in Visallia (Magic Mountain), Buena Park (Knotts), and Anaheim (Disney, Angels, Ducks)

LA is a shit hole.
I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA either.

I live 30 minutes from Detroit. Great city called Walled Lake. I wouldnā€™t want to live in Detroit just like I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA but Iā€™m sure there are nice suburbs a half hour away from every major city.

Iā€™d hate to live in NYC but Iā€™d love it if I had a nyc 1 hour from where I live.

I go vacation up north Michigan. Very country. Love it. But itā€™s too far from a major city. The sweet spot is to live a half hour to an hour away from the crime

LA sucks.

There is nothing worthwhile in LA. Riverside and San Diego are both superior for culture, dining, and ambiance.

The attractions are in Visallia (Magic Mountain), Buena Park (Knotts), and Anaheim (Disney, Angels, Ducks)

LA is a shit hole.
I know I went to the staples center for eastec. Stayed at the holiday in across the street and walked the streets at night. Ew.

I would never want to live in Detroit either or nyc. Chicago was cool. I might accept a job if it were downtown Chicago.

Califorina is a first world state next to most of the south.
-Higher standard of living
-Higher quality education
-Higher quality healthcare

You fucking cave men are so stupid that you probably should go back to school. idiot.

For whom Comrade?

California has 99.9999999999% of our wealth in the hands of a dozen Oligarchs in Silicone Valley. There is no middle class anymore. 70% of the state lives in abject poverty, as seen by the cardboard boxes that are their homes along the Santa Ana. 25% are parasites "working" for the State to crush freedom and drive business out. This Apparatchik class has replaced the once dominate middle class.

California once had a community college system that was the envy of the nation, but the Jr. Colleges often fail to obtain regional accreditation as the focus turned from education to indoctrination. Students may not be able to read or write, but they hate Trump, as the Oligarchs have priorities.

I've lived here my entire life. This was once the greatest state in the nation. Now it is Venezuela.
I may not agree with you why but I do agree the middle class is still struggling in California. Proof trump hasnā€™t made America great again. Weā€™re waiting.

Remember what he said before he was president, ā€œleadership, no matter what youā€™re responsibleā€


This is fucking Kim Jong "Jerry" Brown. The state started going down the shitter under Grey Davis, Ahnold did nothing to make things better once the public union thugs cut his balls off. He became their bitch from that point on. But Brown fucked this state to the point of disaster. He is servant of the Silicone Valley Oligarchs and openly wages war to crush the middle class, which is exactly what he has done.

The only thing Trump could do to rescue California is send in federal troops to drag Brown and his goons off in chains.

Start with a federal audit of the openly corrupt elections.
I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA either.

I live 30 minutes from Detroit. Great city called Walled Lake. I wouldnā€™t want to live in Detroit just like I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA but Iā€™m sure there are nice suburbs a half hour away from every major city.

Iā€™d hate to live in NYC but Iā€™d love it if I had a nyc 1 hour from where I live.

I go vacation up north Michigan. Very country. Love it. But itā€™s too far from a major city. The sweet spot is to live a half hour to an hour away from the crime

LA sucks.

There is nothing worthwhile in LA. Riverside and San Diego are both superior for culture, dining, and ambiance.

The attractions are in Visallia (Magic Mountain), Buena Park (Knotts), and Anaheim (Disney, Angels, Ducks)

LA is a shit hole.
Riverside!? :777::777:

Califorina is a first world state next to most of the south.
-Higher standard of living
-Higher quality education
-Higher quality healthcare

You fucking cave men are so stupid that you probably should go back to school. idiot.

For whom Comrade?

California has 99.9999999999% of our wealth in the hands of a dozen Oligarchs in Silicone Valley. There is no middle class anymore. 70% of the state lives in abject poverty, as seen by the cardboard boxes that are their homes along the Santa Ana. 25% are parasites "working" for the State to crush freedom and drive business out. This Apparatchik class has replaced the once dominate middle class.

California once had a community college system that was the envy of the nation, but the Jr. Colleges often fail to obtain regional accreditation as the focus turned from education to indoctrination. Students may not be able to read or write, but they hate Trump, as the Oligarchs have priorities.

I've lived here my entire life. This was once the greatest state in the nation. Now it is Venezuela.
I may not agree with you why but I do agree the middle class is still struggling in California. Proof trump hasnā€™t made America great again. Weā€™re waiting.

Remember what he said before he was president, ā€œleadership, no matter what youā€™re responsibleā€


This is fucking Kim Jong "Jerry" Brown. The state started going down the shitter under Grey Davis, Ahnold did nothing to make things better once the public union thugs cut his balls off. He became their bitch from that point on. But Brown fucked this state to the point of disaster. He is servant of the Silicone Valley Oligarchs and openly wages war to crush the middle class, which is exactly what he has done.

The only thing Trump could do to rescue California is send in federal troops to drag Brown and his goons off in chains.

Start with a federal audit of the openly corrupt elections.
If youā€™re a republican complaining about how the rich powerful corporations own the government, I find that to be hilarious because thatā€™s the gop on a federal level.

You guys donā€™t like silicone valley and soros but you donā€™t mind the corporations controlling the gop?

You voted for a Supreme Court that represents the corporations more than we the people but you hate on industries like Detroitā€™s auto industry where the workers used to make a lot of money.

Maybe California workers should unionize against Silicon Valley?



This is LITERALLY a few miles from my house;

I have seen those elitist pricks in their spandex on their multi thousand dollar bicycles, cruising by the poor and acting aloof and at the same time opining about poor Mexicans. It's the height of liberal hypocrisy. Reminds me of Marie Antoinette thumbing her nose at the fifth state, and that didn't end well, did it?
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I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA either.

I live 30 minutes from Detroit. Great city called Walled Lake. I wouldnā€™t want to live in Detroit just like I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA but Iā€™m sure there are nice suburbs a half hour away from every major city.

Iā€™d hate to live in NYC but Iā€™d love it if I had a nyc 1 hour from where I live.

I go vacation up north Michigan. Very country. Love it. But itā€™s too far from a major city. The sweet spot is to live a half hour to an hour away from the crime

LA sucks.

There is nothing worthwhile in LA. Riverside and San Diego are both superior for culture, dining, and ambiance.

The attractions are in Visallia (Magic Mountain), Buena Park (Knotts), and Anaheim (Disney, Angels, Ducks)

LA is a shit hole.
I know I went to the staples center for eastec. Stayed at the holiday in across the street and walked the streets at night. Ew.

I would never want to live in Detroit either or nyc. Chicago was cool. I might accept a job if it were downtown Chicago.

I have season tickets to the Kings, spend a lot of time at Staples.

You ALWAYS wonder if you'll make it home alive after the games (I take the train to Norwalk, then drive home)
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, itā€™s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other ā€œpublic welfareā€ according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nationā€™s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! Itā€™s About the $958 Billion
Is New York a shithole?
No. Upstate New York is beautiful and rather civilized. There are portions of NYC that are shitholes. Despite having a goddamned communist mayor, there are some great things in NYC. I don't think NYC can be beat within the USA for its quality and quantity of excellent museums. I've visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art (fantastic), the American Museum of Natural History (amazing), the Frick Collection (immaculate), and the Guggenheim (least impressive, but some great art).

California is the only shithole on my list of states. Some others are on my list of states I do not plan to visit, but there are some good people in every state, including the shithole, California. (Many of the good and wise people formerly residing in California have left for better conditions. Others will follow.)

Where are they moving to?

Many of them have been, and still are, moving to Colorado. The main problem is that they are trying to turn Colorado into another California.
I spent several years in California in the 60"s and loved the place. Went back for a short time in the 90's and was horrified about what had happened to it in 30 short years. I can only imagine what it is like today. In the 90's, California was not only on it's way to becoming a shithole, it was beginning to smell like one.
You know even Poor people in Hawaii are unhappy too?

What do you tell black people who live in ghettos? You tell them to move.

So you are a poor person who moved from one shithole to the next? Why did you move from one shithole to another?

If you were unhappy and unsuccessful in two different places either itā€™s not the places fault itā€™s you or you keep moving to the wrong places.

I doubt California and Colorado are shitholes but maybe if you are poor they are?

I am not poor, and I am not rich. I retired 21 years ago at the age of 55, and I live a comfortable life style in Florida. I have never been unsuccessful anywhere. I retired early so that I could travel while I was still healthy enough to do so. I traveled extensively throughout America until I got tired of traveling, and then returned to Florida to live.

I tell anyone that you are what you make of yourself. You get out of life only what you are willing to put into it.

Colorado is not a shithole yet, but the implants from California are working hard at turning it into one.
I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA either.

I live 30 minutes from Detroit. Great city called Walled Lake. I wouldnā€™t want to live in Detroit just like I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA but Iā€™m sure there are nice suburbs a half hour away from every major city.

Iā€™d hate to live in NYC but Iā€™d love it if I had a nyc 1 hour from where I live.

I go vacation up north Michigan. Very country. Love it. But itā€™s too far from a major city. The sweet spot is to live a half hour to an hour away from the crime

LA sucks.

There is nothing worthwhile in LA. Riverside and San Diego are both superior for culture, dining, and ambiance.

The attractions are in Visallia (Magic Mountain), Buena Park (Knotts), and Anaheim (Disney, Angels, Ducks)

LA is a shit hole.
I know I went to the staples center for eastec. Stayed at the holiday in across the street and walked the streets at night. Ew.

I would never want to live in Detroit either or nyc. Chicago was cool. I might accept a job if it were downtown Chicago.

I have season tickets to the Kings, spend a lot of time at Staples.

You ALWAYS wonder if you'll make it home alive after the games (I take the train to Norwalk, then drive home)
Iā€™m a pretty tough guy and grew up in Detroit. I was trying to scalp laker tickets and this street guy tried to scam me. When I didnā€™t fall for it and called him on it he said something like ā€œyouā€™re not in Kansas anymoreā€ and I said ā€œbitch Iā€™m from Detroitā€ and he shut up.

Then this scateboarder bum mistook me for someone else one night and almost hit me with his scateboard before his old lady realized I wasnā€™t the guy. Lol crazy place
I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA either.

I live 30 minutes from Detroit. Great city called Walled Lake. I wouldnā€™t want to live in Detroit just like I wouldnā€™t want to live in LA but Iā€™m sure there are nice suburbs a half hour away from every major city.

Iā€™d hate to live in NYC but Iā€™d love it if I had a nyc 1 hour from where I live.

I go vacation up north Michigan. Very country. Love it. But itā€™s too far from a major city. The sweet spot is to live a half hour to an hour away from the crime

LA sucks.

There is nothing worthwhile in LA. Riverside and San Diego are both superior for culture, dining, and ambiance.

The attractions are in Visallia (Magic Mountain), Buena Park (Knotts), and Anaheim (Disney, Angels, Ducks)

LA is a shit hole.
I know I went to the staples center for eastec. Stayed at the holiday in across the street and walked the streets at night. Ew.

I would never want to live in Detroit either or nyc. Chicago was cool. I might accept a job if it were downtown Chicago.

I have season tickets to the Kings, spend a lot of time at Staples.

You ALWAYS wonder if you'll make it home alive after the games (I take the train to Norwalk, then drive home)
Iā€™m a pretty tough guy and grew up in Detroit. I was trying to scalp laker tickets and this street guy tried to scam me. When I didnā€™t fall for it and called him on it he said something like ā€œyouā€™re not in Kansas anymoreā€ and I said ā€œbitch Iā€™m from Detroitā€ and he shut up.

Then this scateboarder bum mistook me for someone else one night and almost hit me with his scateboard before his old lady realized I wasnā€™t the guy. Lol crazy place

You mentioned that you doubted California was a shithole...welcome to Southern California.
santa ana riverbed - Bing video
Is New York a shithole?
No. Upstate New York is beautiful and rather civilized. There are portions of NYC that are shitholes. Despite having a goddamned communist mayor, there are some great things in NYC. I don't think NYC can be beat within the USA for its quality and quantity of excellent museums. I've visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art (fantastic), the American Museum of Natural History (amazing), the Frick Collection (immaculate), and the Guggenheim (least impressive, but some great art).

California is the only shithole on my list of states. Some others are on my list of states I do not plan to visit, but there are some good people in every state, including the shithole, California. (Many of the good and wise people formerly residing in California have left for better conditions. Others will follow.)

Where are they moving to?

Many of them have been, and still are, moving to Colorado. The main problem is that they are trying to turn Colorado into another California.
I spent several years in California in the 60"s and loved the place. Went back for a short time in the 90's and was horrified about what had happened to it in 30 short years. I can only imagine what it is like today. In the 90's, California was not only on it's way to becoming a shithole, it was beginning to smell like one.
You know even Poor people in Hawaii are unhappy too?

What do you tell black people who live in ghettos? You tell them to move.

So you are a poor person who moved from one shithole to the next? Why did you move from one shithole to another?

If you were unhappy and unsuccessful in two different places either itā€™s not the places fault itā€™s you or you keep moving to the wrong places.

I doubt California and Colorado are shitholes but maybe if you are poor they are?

I am not poor, and I am not rich. I retired 21 years ago at the age of 55, and I live a comfortable life style in Florida. I have never been unsuccessful anywhere. I retired early so that I could travel while I was still healthy enough to do so. I traveled extensively throughout America until I got tired of traveling, and then returned to Florida to live.

I tell anyone that you are what you make of yourself. You get out of life only what you are willing to put into it.

Colorado is not a shithole yet, but the implants from California are working hard at turning it into one.
Iā€™m just saying the people you blame may not be the people responsible for why

A. Wages are down
B. Insurance costs going up
C. No one is saving for retirement
D. We arenā€™t doing as well as our parents did

I make more money than my parents did but they had it good. They got social security and Medicare cheap, good interest on their savings, pensions. Iā€™m 47. How much do I need to retire at 65? Depends on if my social security and Medicare are as good as you got it now
California is a shithole because California has become a welfare State, full of illegals.. and lazy people who just want money....

Vote for the Left and get your Welfare while you can....

Disgusting human beings who never wanted to work just wanted money for free.

:no_text11: not going to work you lazy scum....sorry!

This is LITERALLY a few miles from my house;

I have seen those elitist pricks in their spandex on their multi thousand dollar bicycles, it's the height of liberal hypocrisy. Reminds me of Marie Antoinette thumbing her nose at the fifth state, and that didn't end well, did it?

Ooops, the one in blue is actually my son.

I was really pointing out the vast homeless population.
Blue spandex,blue tarps, blue dumpster? I am avid cyclist, but thanks for the photos, I have seen the rising tide of homeless and use a camera. My bike is over 20 years old, cost 200 bucks. It's NOW my sole means of transportation, out of necessity. As I cycle every morning to work, I see the growing numbers of mostly white people living in tents and sleeping on cardboard along the bike path. All the homeless that have multiplied in the last 20 years, and how we causally just seem to accept it. It's like global warming, do we just ignore it, or do we do something about it?
If this is not a shithole I don't know what is

and this is only one photo example of how it has become over there.......disgusting!
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