Why California is a SHITHOLE

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Bull fucking shit..... Iā€™m slapping both sides of your face left and right but you are so pathetic and ignorant you donā€™t even know how much/many of produce products coming from California.

Entire Mexico exported total of $4.8 billions of produce to the ENTIRE US. Only small portions of that goes to California.

You are more ignorant that I thought. Yes you can buy some of those products from Mexico in local groceries but majority are home grown California.

As I said repeatedly name me a states better than California. If you hate Ca this much why donā€™t you move to Mexico. We donā€™t need people like you here.

You also avoided all of my questions. Why?

You may want to read these link to update your self so you donā€™t look so ignorant all the time.
California farms produce a lot of food ā€“ but what and how much might surprise you ā€“ Orange County Register

What Would We Eat if It Werenā€™t for California?

California farms produce a lot of food ā€“ but what and how much might surprise you. Leading the nation.

State Exports from California
As have already proved to your ignorant, obstinate ass, there is no food whatsoever grown in California that is not grown outside of California. You've been eating too much pussy.

That is not the point Iā€™m sticking to your thick skull.
Talking about fucking idiot and ignorant.
No wonder rsherm called you stupid.

I never disagree that some of the produce can be grown outside California.
I am just telling over and over how much and how many agricultural products coming out here in California. With several links dumbass.

We buy produce and other food products from other countries like Mexico, El Salvador etc etc etc..... That is because (a) California cannot feed the entire nation, (b) part of the logistical systems in the event the chain system fail in Ca other sources steps in.
Got that?

If you hate California this much why donā€™t you fucking MOVE?
I already posted quotes of you saying that there are things that are grown only in California. You're lying.

In case you haven't noticed, fuckwit....I do not live in California.

You are unbelievably stupid.

Let me get this straight so you donā€™t look so ignorant all the time. Yes there are fruits that are ONLY grown in California but are grown somewhere else in the world..... BUT they are not grown anywhere else in US except California. Stick that to your despicable ignorant attitude.
So you donā€™t live here. That shows you donā€™t really know what is going on in this states.
Is your shithole states better than California?
Name them.

California is only one state.

I live in another state.

You live in a state of confusion.

Iā€™m asking you a question dumbass.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, itā€™s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other ā€œpublic welfareā€ according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nationā€™s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! Itā€™s About the $958 Billion
Federal tax revenue by state - Wikipedia
All that indicates is that California has a shitload of people making a lot of money. California also has a shitload of people in poverty.

****California receives more in federal funding than any other state. [California gets about 99 cents for every dollar in federal taxes paid.]


Look dumbass California is a donor state.

You are LYING.
Yes Ca gets about 99 cents for every dollar in federal taxes paid..... But the national average is $1.22 per dollar.

In January 2017, the California Legislative Analystā€™s Office said by several measures California is, indeed, a donor state, but just barely. It receives $0.99 in federal expenditures per dollar of taxes paid, which is below the national average return for states of $1.22 per dollar paid, according to its review of a 2015 New York Comptroller study.

You may want to read this link and check the graph below so you donā€™t look so fucking ignorant all the time.

Does California give more than it gets from D.C.?
I don't have to read your link to know that. I know it from previous links that I have posted.

California gets back more federal dollars than any other state.

In 2013, California received more than 100 BILLION DOLLARS MORE than the second place state, Texas. The numbers don't line up in columns below, but the total for each state is the last figure in each line.

Total federal spending in millions of dollars, by state, federal fiscal 2013
State Retirement benefits Nonretirement benefits Grants Contracts Salaries and wages Total
United States $1,061,181 $870,048 $506,475 $407,277 $303,990 $3,148,971
California $101,841 $98,526 $66,693 $47,657 $29,008 $343,725
Texas $72,354 $64,922 $35,184 $39,051 $22,947 $234,459
New York $61,170 $59,858 $52,863 $10,744 $10,700 $195,334
Florida $76,959 $66,541 $19,062 $14,089 $14,180 $190,831
Virginia $34,719 $17,910 $9,081 $51,186 $25,133 $138,029
Pennsylvania $48,861 $40,341 $21,898 $16,181 $7,707 $134,989
Illinois $38,047 $35,761 $17,614 $6,497 $7,565 $105,483
Ohio $39,271 $33,182 $16,221 $6,265 $6,633 $101,573
Michigan $37,086 $31,458 $16,488 $4,810 $4,173 $94,014
North Carolina $35,810 $27,085 $14,202 $4,954 $11,856 $93,907
Maryland $23,739 $15,129 $9,950 $25,598 $18,570 $92,987
Georgia $31,894 $25,590 $11,625 $7,625 $11,797 $88,532
New Jersey $28,547 $27,645 $15,393 $6,442 $4,546 $82,573
Massachusetts $21,146 $20,795 $15,039 $14,572 $4,077 $75,631
Washington $24,551 $16,688 $10,541 $11,736 $9,422 $72,937
Arizona $22,360 $18,262 $9,058 $12,350 $5,275 $67,306
Missouri $22,206 $16,613 $11,566 $9,933 $5,135 $65,452
Tennessee $24,307 $19,083 $9,378 $7,641 $4,100 $64,508
Alabama $20,923 $14,662 $6,155 $9,668 $5,355 $56,762
Indiana $22,338 $17,623 $9,434 $3,140 $2,961 $55,496
South Carolina $19,388 $13,637 $5,695 $5,440 $4,624 $48,784
Colorado $16,020 $10,896 $7,092 $8,013 $6,641 $48,664
Kentucky $16,765 $13,003 $6,604 $6,436 $5,219 $48,027
District of Columbia $3,116 $1,867 $4,963 $16,784 $21,056 $47,785
Wisconsin $19,570 $14,181 $8,623 $3,224 $2,137 $47,735
Louisiana $14,740 $13,849 $9,019 $3,437 $3,656 $44,701
Minnesota $16,866 $12,757 $9,051 $3,045 $2,585 $44,304
Connecticut $11,646 $10,527 $7,047 $10,401 $1,831 $41,452
Oklahoma $14,606 $10,148 $6,400 $2,031 $4,666 $37,851
Mississippi $11,134 $9,516 $5,153 $5,786 $2,719 $34,308
Oregon $14,355 $10,490 $4,515 $1,123 $2,231 $32,713
Arkansas $11,865 $8,315 $5,484 $944 $1,906 $28,514
New Mexico $7,710 $5,471 $4,690 $6,696 $2,987 $27,554
Iowa $10,461 $7,697 $4,783 $1,600 $1,341 $25,883
Kansas $9,854 $7,267 $1,888 $1,720 $3,514 $24,243
Nevada $8,694 $6,830 $2,721 $2,884 $2,052 $23,181
West Virginia $8,485 $5,855 $3,992 $1,153 $1,831 $21,317
Utah $7,095 $5,049 $3,516 $2,237 $2,723 $20,620
Hawaii $5,336 $3,444 $2,881 $1,898 $5,750 $19,309
Maine $5,610 $3,976 $3,186 $2,079 $1,227 $16,078
Nebraska $6,231 $4,300 $2,539 $968 $1,598 $15,636
Idaho $5,440 $3,629 $2,377 $2,574 $1,118 $15,139
New Hampshire $5,096 $3,229 $1,649 $1,788 $653 $12,414
Rhode Island $3,819 $3,420 $2,410 $767 $1,134 $11,549
Alaska $2,073 $1,589 $2,649 $1,628 $2,628 $10,568
Montana $3,933 $2,392 $2,272 $443 $1,109 $10,148
Delaware $3,673 $2,668 $1,742 $272 $692 $9,047
South Dakota $2,963 $1,984 $1,558 $565 $955 $8,025
Vermont $2,359 $1,729 $1,888 $393 $546 $6,915
North Dakota $2,215 $1,499 $1,566 $490 $1,035 $6,805
Wyoming $1,935 $1,157 $1,081 $317 $687 $5,177

Federal taxation and spending by state - Wikipedia

Coming from an shithole human being like you. Tell me if I even read or believe you are posting.
I warned you. You talked to me this way I will fucking trash you.
You asserted the rest of the country was subsidizing federal funds to Cal. PROVE IT
All states get federal funding, dufus.

Last I heard California gets back 99 cents for every dollar paid in federal taxes. Depending on the date of the data, there are 10 to 13 states that get LESS of their tax money back in federal funding.
So, in other words, asshole, you posted an assertion without bothering to look up facts.
Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?
You refuted your own claim and substantiated mine. Thanks for posting a link with the SAME GRAPH that I posted way back in this thread.

For your edification:

The little blue lines represent the amount of money in federal funding that the states GET BACK as related to the federal taxes PAID IN.

Look down toward the bottom and you will find California listed. It is the FIRST LINE that is short of a dollar back for a dollar paid in. THERE ARE 13 STATES WITH SHORTER LINES!

You are a fucking idiot! You should not be allowed to own a gun or to play with sharp instruments!


So tell me where did this graph came from? Who is the resource of this graph? Created by anti Ca fuck wit like you?
No. It was linked by a pro-Cali fuckwit named bendog. I had linked to the same chart earlier.

See Post #441.

Blah. Blah Blah Blah
As have already proved to your ignorant, obstinate ass, there is no food whatsoever grown in California that is not grown outside of California. You've been eating too much pussy.

That is not the point Iā€™m sticking to your thick skull.
Talking about fucking idiot and ignorant.
No wonder rsherm called you stupid.

I never disagree that some of the produce can be grown outside California.
I am just telling over and over how much and how many agricultural products coming out here in California. With several links dumbass.

We buy produce and other food products from other countries like Mexico, El Salvador etc etc etc..... That is because (a) California cannot feed the entire nation, (b) part of the logistical systems in the event the chain system fail in Ca other sources steps in.
Got that?

If you hate California this much why donā€™t you fucking MOVE?
I already posted quotes of you saying that there are things that are grown only in California. You're lying.

In case you haven't noticed, fuckwit....I do not live in California.

You are unbelievably stupid.

Let me get this straight so you donā€™t look so ignorant all the time. Yes there are fruits that are ONLY grown in California but are grown somewhere else in the world..... BUT they are not grown anywhere else in US except California. Stick that to your despicable ignorant attitude.
So you donā€™t live here. That shows you donā€™t really know what is going on in this states.
Is your shithole states better than California?
Name them.

California is only one state.

I live in another state.

You live in a state of confusion.

Iā€™m asking you a question dumbass.
Your most recent question is rhetorical.

rheĀ·torĀ·iĀ·cal quesĀ·tion
noun: rhetorical question; plural noun: rhetorical questions
  1. a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer.
    "the presentation was characterized by impossibly long sentences and a succession of rhetorical questions"
So, in other words, asshole, you posted an assertion without bothering to look up facts.
Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?
You refuted your own claim and substantiated mine. Thanks for posting a link with the SAME GRAPH that I posted way back in this thread.

For your edification:

The little blue lines represent the amount of money in federal funding that the states GET BACK as related to the federal taxes PAID IN.

Look down toward the bottom and you will find California listed. It is the FIRST LINE that is short of a dollar back for a dollar paid in. THERE ARE 13 STATES WITH SHORTER LINES!

You are a fucking idiot! You should not be allowed to own a gun or to play with sharp instruments!

Here's another graph that shows california is a donor state. If I'm right, will you turn in your guns and knives?
Does California give more than it gets from D.C.?
From you own link, dufus.

"In January 2017, the California Legislative Analystā€™s Office said by several measures California is, indeed, a donor state, but just barely. It receives $0.99 in federal expenditures per dollar of taxes paid, which is below the national average return for states of $1.22 per dollar paid, according to its review of a 2015 New York Comptroller study."

California gets back 99 cents for every dollar paid in. It is LEAST among the 14 donor states. Poor little Delaware gets back about 50 cents for every dollar paid in.

My God, you people are STUPID!

OMG. This link proved you are very wrong. Dude do you really understand what you are talking about?
This link proved you are really very stupid.
The link proves nothing of the sort. It proves that California's claim to being a donor state is overblown. California gets back 99 cents for every dollar paid in. California gets back billions more in dollars than ANY OTHER STATE. The USA sends funds to California at the rate of over 300 BILLION DOLLARS per year.

You are simply a dense person.

You are liar and despicable human being.
Fact that Californians are busy. 0 topics about shithole red states vs 383839294 about California from the jealous red necks.

I don't like to call any state a shithole state. There's good people everywhere, even in third world countries. Too bad this asparingus or whatever his name is, is too juvenile and ignorant to understand this.
If you will read back in this thread, I did not claim that California is full of shitheads. Their government has created a shithole state. There are good people in every state and in every country.

The bell shaped curve is alive and well in all large samples of anything.

You are misguided.

But your hatred, your ignorance, rotten behavior, rotten attitude a despicable person ..... thus make you a shithole human being.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are certainly entitled to any opinion you may hold. That does not preclude your being a total fucking idiot.

California is a shithole!

Opinion is an opinion. You are entitled to your ignorance opinion ...... That doesnā€™t mean you can just trash talk any body. Asshole. You proved yourself a shit hole human being.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
California is a shithole!

Donā€™t like it?

Donā€™t live there.

Problem solved.
It's not my problem. I have never lived there.

The only threat I see to other states is that California does not require its sanctuary recipients to remain in the state. They are free to travel into other states.

California is not going away. Move the fuck out of my country.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That is not the point Iā€™m sticking to your thick skull.
Talking about fucking idiot and ignorant.
No wonder rsherm called you stupid.

I never disagree that some of the produce can be grown outside California.
I am just telling over and over how much and how many agricultural products coming out here in California. With several links dumbass.

We buy produce and other food products from other countries like Mexico, El Salvador etc etc etc..... That is because (a) California cannot feed the entire nation, (b) part of the logistical systems in the event the chain system fail in Ca other sources steps in.
Got that?

If you hate California this much why donā€™t you fucking MOVE?
I already posted quotes of you saying that there are things that are grown only in California. You're lying.

In case you haven't noticed, fuckwit....I do not live in California.

You are unbelievably stupid.

Let me get this straight so you donā€™t look so ignorant all the time. Yes there are fruits that are ONLY grown in California but are grown somewhere else in the world..... BUT they are not grown anywhere else in US except California. Stick that to your despicable ignorant attitude.
So you donā€™t live here. That shows you donā€™t really know what is going on in this states.
Is your shithole states better than California?
Name them.

California is only one state.

I live in another state.

You live in a state of confusion.

Iā€™m asking you a question dumbass.
Your most recent question is rhetorical.

rheĀ·torĀ·iĀ·cal quesĀ·tion
noun: rhetorical question; plural noun: rhetorical questions
  1. a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer.
    "the presentation was characterized by impossibly long sentences and a succession of rhetorical questions"

That doesnā€™t prove anything. You are still a shithole human being.
The better question is why are you calling California a shithole? millions of Americans live there, good honest hard working Americans, every state has problems. huge population states have more things to contend with than little states with just a few million.
You conflated two things. Yes, I support ending social security and medicare. I'd be open to raising the age if I can't end the programs entirely.

How do you propose that be done? Refund all the money Americans have paid to date, plus a reasonable per annum rate of interest?

If so, I'm all or it!
The better question is why are you calling California a shithole? millions of Americans live there, good honest hard working Americans, every state has problems. huge population states have more things to contend with than little states with just a few million.

One would think California would then be able to do a better job of managing their state.

Why are more people choosing to leave California than move to the state?

Califorina is a first world state next to most of the south.
-Higher standard of living
-Higher quality education
-Higher quality healthcare

You fucking cave men are so stupid that you probably should go back to school. idiot.

Nah. They could not pass the entrance exam for high school, and certainly not college.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, itā€™s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other ā€œpublic welfareā€ according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nationā€™s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! Itā€™s About the $958 Billion

Another hater and jealous.....Poverty rate doesn't mean much otherwise Turkmenistan is better ranked better than the US and Germany for example.
Those who are poor in California are wealthy compared to most of the inhabitants of the flyover states.
Stop hating on us, we make most of the stuff you enjoy From shows, movies, technology, food, etc....Go to Church and follow the scripture of not being mean and hateful.
I don't hate Californians. I hate California's government, Washington politicians and intolerant liberal 'professors'. Very few Hollywood movies are worth a shit these days. Hollywood stars do not turn me on and have no better political opinions than Joe the Plumber.

I love California wine, walnuts, artichokes, kiwis, plums, celery, garlic, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, and beautiful women.

I am not mean and hateful. I am admittedly harsh in the art of criticism and occasionally vulgar.

...and yes, I love you too.

California is still a SHITHOLE!

I have ben to nearly all of the states. And none are shit holes. In my humble but correct opinion. And, while I do not enjoy heavily populated states, I do not see them as shitholes. If they were, they would not have the number of people living in them, and enjoying living there, as they do.
Now, some of the southern states, maybe. Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and a couple others, yeah,. But like you, it is a personal opinion. And like your opinion, it means nothing at all.
The better question is why are you calling California a shithole? millions of Americans live there, good honest hard working Americans, every state has problems. huge population states have more things to contend with than little states with just a few million.

Simple. They hate states that they think are liberal leaning. And, since they are simpletons, they do not see that there are many areas that are mostly conservative. LA, for instance. Farming areas of the state, also. But, if you are a con it is simply hard to think. Just a basic brain issue.
Overall, you have it correct. Lots of normal humans, and for some reason, people keep moving there. Unlike some conservative states. Though if you like Mississippi, damned if I would call it a shit hole. Really stupid, in my humble but correct opinion.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, itā€™s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other ā€œpublic welfareā€ according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nationā€™s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! Itā€™s About the $958 Billion
California. Either you are a wealthy, or uber smart, because there is a razor edge. Because either way, there isn't room for middle class or poor unless you happen to be Mexicans or black. You cant be a poor white American plebes there. Nope, instead, we get bullocks about open immigration, so called "sanctuary cities" (we never actually had a choice on), displacing poor DUMB white Americans for the profit of the tiny tinsey minority WHITE wealthy elitist pricks that coincidentally hire illegals and profit from this immigration disaster, but then also manipulate American politics to benefit THEM. We have to end this madness, and people that created this mess need to die, wither on the vine, or go out of business altogether.
The better question is why are you calling California a shithole? millions of Americans live there, good honest hard working Americans, every state has problems. huge population states have more things to contend with than little states with just a few million.

One would think California would then be able to do a better job of managing their state.

Why are more people choosing to leave California than move to the state?
The population is growing. This kinda negates your contention.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, itā€™s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other ā€œpublic welfareā€ according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nationā€™s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! Itā€™s About the $958 Billion
Is New York a shithole?
No. Upstate New York is beautiful and rather civilized. There are portions of NYC that are shitholes. Despite having a goddamned communist mayor, there are some great things in NYC. I don't think NYC can be beat within the USA for its quality and quantity of excellent museums. I've visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art (fantastic), the American Museum of Natural History (amazing), the Frick Collection (immaculate), and the Guggenheim (least impressive, but some great art).

California is the only shithole on my list of states. Some others are on my list of states I do not plan to visit, but there are some good people in every state, including the shithole, California. (Many of the good and wise people formerly residing in California have left for better conditions. Others will follow.)

Where are they moving to?

Many of them have been, and still are, moving to Colorado. The main problem is that they are trying to turn Colorado into another California.
I spent several years in California in the 60"s and loved the place. Went back for a short time in the 90's and was horrified about what had happened to it in 30 short years. I can only imagine what it is like today. In the 90's, California was not only on it's way to becoming a shithole, it was beginning to smell like one.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, itā€™s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other ā€œpublic welfareā€ according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nationā€™s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! Itā€™s About the $958 Billion
California. Either you are a wealthy, or uber smart, because there is a razor edge. Because either way, there isn't room for middle class or poor unless you happen to be Mexicans or black. You cant be a poor white American plebes there. Nope, instead, we get bullocks about open immigration, so called "sanctuary cities" (we never actually had a choice on), displacing poor DUMB white Americans for the profit of the tiny tinsey minority WHITE wealthy elitist pricks that coincidentally hire illegals and profit from this immigration disaster, but then also manipulate American politics to benefit THEM. We have to end this madness, and people that created this mess need to die, wither on the vine, or go out of business altogether.
I am a white middle class adult. All my neighbors are middle class and so is the town we live in. I am a person who believes in DACA and not splitting families up.
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