Why California is a SHITHOLE

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You are one arrogant fuck.

Do you think you are smarter that the smartest person in, say, Mississippi?

This should be good.
No because the smartest person in Mississippi isn’t from Mississippi their probably from Harvard or University of Michigan.

Not Mississippi state

Well if University of Michigan alumni so smart why is Detroit a shit hole?

We have big city problems. You guys just send your hick kids to our big cities to get jobs. Where are we going to send our urban kids? The city is where YOUR KIDS come to find work because there is no jobs in your hick town unless they want to work at Cracker Barrell or the Pigly Wiggly or Walmart.

BTW what kinda of lying ignoramus fuck head lying tool are you..and why ?

Because my president lies constantly. He also calls people names you stupid fuck. LOL.

  • True 22 comments he made were true. (4%)
  • Mostly True 58 times he said something that was mostly true (12%)
  • Half True 71 half truths (14%)
  • Mostly False 104 mostly false comments (21%)
  • False 164 false comments (33%)
  • Pants on Fire 74 times he has told a bald faced lie (15%)

So why don't you spend a little more time worrying about if/why Sealybobo is lying but then bury your head in the sand when Trump lies. Nice.
. My

Get the fuck out you lie more then Trump does, all you do on here is lie silly boo boo.

Califorina is a first world state next to most of the south.
-Higher standard of living
-Higher quality education
-Higher quality healthcare

You fucking cave men are so stupid that you probably should go back to school. idiot.

California may have been a first world state, quickly becoming a third world state. Not sure if you recall an old ad where the guy had a nice car, nice house, etc....and he was up to his eyeballs in debt. That would be California.
Here you like stats .....your poor ass illegals Mexicans out number rich ass whites now in California...

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

View attachment 171789

Actually that bar graph and those figures are way off....the 5-12 million ILLEGAL Southern Cockroaches aren’t included in that number. We have atleast 20 million cockroaches here.

You are the cockroaches as far I'm concerned - stupid, ignorant, hateful racist assholes.

Not really I am just making fun of you , so you grow some hair under your balls and be tough.

You want to be an American asshole walk the walk and talk the talk.

You say your a god damn American citizen antontoo then walk the walk...

We are the baddest country on the planet and no one but no one fucks with the USA!!!!!!!

When do you plan to grow the fuck up?

Did I hurt your feelings snowflake?
Snowflakes are those who want to ban a book because it says bad things about them.

Ban what book?
Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff. Apparently FOX has already banned any mention of it. It`s partially their fault that you remain ignorant as to "what book"... and so many other things.

Transaction~ you read the coloring book version and ate the crayons.
The baddest country on the plant has scored one victory since 1945. Granada!
You are ignorant. California is world's 6th largest economy and a donor state for America.

Federal Taxing and Spending Benefit Some States, Leave Others Paying Bill - Tax Foundation

And if we get California out they would drop to 34, people would leave in droves more then they do now.

More bullshit - California has the highest population density in the states and is still growing in population. Take your droves falsehood and shove it.

Here you like stats .....your poor ass illegals Mexicans out number rich ass whites now in California...

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

View attachment 171789

Actually that bar graph and those figures are way off....the 5-12 million ILLEGAL Southern Cockroaches aren’t included in that number. We have atleast 20 million cockroaches here.

You are the cockroaches as far I'm concerned - stupid, ignorant, hateful racist assholes.
Why? Because we believe in law and order?
No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

You are ignorant. California is world's 6th largest economy and a donor state for America.

Federal Taxing and Spending Benefit Some States, Leave Others Paying Bill - Tax Foundation

And if we get California out they would drop to 34, people would leave in droves more then they do now.

More bullshit - California has the highest population density in the states and is still growing in population. Take your droves falsehood and shove it.

Yup, that's what happens when you become a sanctuary state, the cockroaches come out from the shadows...dumbass.
Actually that bar graph and those figures are way off....the 5-12 million ILLEGAL Southern Cockroaches aren’t included in that number. We have atleast 20 million cockroaches here.

You are the cockroaches as far I'm concerned - stupid, ignorant, hateful racist assholes.

Not really I am just making fun of you , so you grow some hair under your balls and be tough.

You want to be an American asshole walk the walk and talk the talk.

You say your a god damn American citizen antontoo then walk the walk...

We are the baddest country on the planet and no one but no one fucks with the USA!!!!!!!

Did I hurt your feelings snowflake?
Snowflakes are those who want to ban a book because it says bad things about them.

Ban what book?
Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff. Apparently FOX has already banned any mention of it. It`s partially their fault that you remain ignorant as to "what book"... and so many other things.

Transaction~ you read the coloring book version and ate the crayons.
The baddest country on the plant has scored one victory since 1945. Granada!

And the Soviet Union is where? On what map Einstein, the Berlin Wall is where on what map needle dick?
California is turning into Venezuela right before our eyes.

Nothing to worry about though. Hollywood still have rich people and Nancy Pelosi's mansion is just fine.


Much like the rich socialists living in Venzuela, and much like the old FEUDAL SYSTEM.


Two classes. The rich and the fucked. Which is what socialism is. Hence the reason our beloved Pravda media never focuses on the suffering poor in those countries. Go ahead and watch "Sicko" again and see if Michael Moore ever shows the suffering people in Cuba.
Michael Moore's mansion in Michigan.


In case you want to know what SOCIALISM (the new version of the old FEUDAL SYSTEM)

Some serious envy there.

Not envey we are warning you, California is destroying itself...

I wouldn't say California is destroying itself, fricken liberals and state government is destroying California.
You are the cockroaches as far I'm concerned - stupid, ignorant, hateful racist assholes.

Not really I am just making fun of you , so you grow some hair under your balls and be tough.

You want to be an American asshole walk the walk and talk the talk.

You say your a god damn American citizen antontoo then walk the walk...

We are the baddest country on the planet and no one but no one fucks with the USA!!!!!!!

Snowflakes are those who want to ban a book because it says bad things about them.

Ban what book?
Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff. Apparently FOX has already banned any mention of it. It`s partially their fault that you remain ignorant as to "what book"... and so many other things.

Transaction~ you read the coloring book version and ate the crayons.
The baddest country on the plant has scored one victory since 1945. Granada!

And the Soviet Union is where? On what map Einstein, the Berlin Wall is where on what map needle dick?

Remind us dumbshit , that sadam, the duck in Libya ,bin laden is still alive and in power?
You are the cockroaches as far I'm concerned - stupid, ignorant, hateful racist assholes.

Not really I am just making fun of you , so you grow some hair under your balls and be tough.

You want to be an American asshole walk the walk and talk the talk.

You say your a god damn American citizen antontoo then walk the walk...

We are the baddest country on the planet and no one but no one fucks with the USA!!!!!!!

Snowflakes are those who want to ban a book because it says bad things about them.

Ban what book?
Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff. Apparently FOX has already banned any mention of it. It`s partially their fault that you remain ignorant as to "what book"... and so many other things.

Transaction~ you read the coloring book version and ate the crayons.
The baddest country on the plant has scored one victory since 1945. Granada!

And the Soviet Union is where? On what map Einstein, the Berlin Wall is where on what map needle dick?

History is not strong with you is it?
It’s too expensive in California for someone who does what they do for a living. People in California who work want to get paid a good wage. Republicans want a race to the bottom. They’d love to move our good paying jobs to the south but can those hicks do the work?
You are one arrogant fuck.

Do you think you are smarter that the smartest person in, say, Mississippi?

This should be good.
No because the smartest person in Mississippi isn’t from Mississippi their probably from Harvard or University of Michigan.

Not Mississippi state

Well if University of Michigan alumni so smart why is Detroit a shit hole?

We have big city problems. You guys just send your hick kids to our big cities to get jobs. Where are we going to send our urban kids? The city is where YOUR KIDS come to find work because there is no jobs in your hick town unless they want to work at Cracker Barrell or the Pigly Wiggly or Walmart.

A.) most in “urban area” residents have no business creating more of their filthy same.
B.) you don’t teach your urban children people skills or how to properly speak the English language. They usually speak ghetto or barrio so when a “hick” comes in to town and can articulate the English language they’ll beat out the low iQ street beast for the job everytime.
As a resident of CA for all of my life minus two years, I've seen the devolution of CA first hand. CA is blessed with fabulous natural resources, great beauty, mild weather...and at one time, a climate that encourage investment.

Ever since public employees were allowed to unionize en masse, the decline has been rapid. The result is bloated, expensive government that doesn't just do nothing, it actually makes destructive policy (stupid bullet train to nowhere while congested areas are put on "road diets"; and the schools are appalling).

The Elite exempt themselves from all of the negative effects, which are borne by the middle and lower classes.

Two things in particulare exemplify The Decline: homeless tent camps throughout the larger cities and the rows of campers for underclass workers lining major thoroughfares in Silicon Valley. The "Tech Titans" who benefit from this cheap camper living labor wall themselves off in Atherton and Woodside Estates and send their children to private schools. Regular folks are the ones who see their neighborhoods turned into toxic waste dumps due to lack of sanitation.

It's a Disease Explosion Waiting to Happen.
As a resident of CA for all of my life minus two years, I've seen the devolution of CA first hand. CA is blessed with fabulous natural resources, great beauty, mild weather...and at one time, a climate that encourage investment.

Ever since public employees were allowed to unionize en masse, the decline has been rapid. The result is bloated, expensive government that doesn't just do nothing, it actually makes destructive policy (stupid bullet train to nowhere while congested areas are put on "road diets"; and the schools are appalling).

The Elite exempt themselves from all of the negative effects, which are borne by the middle and lower classes.

Two things in particulare exemplify The Decline: homeless tent camps throughout the larger cities and the rows of campers for underclass workers lining major thoroughfares in Silicon Valley. The "Tech Titans" who benefit from this cheap camper living labor wall themselves off in Atherton and Woodside Estates and send their children to private schools. Regular folks are the ones who see their neighborhoods turned into toxic waste dumps due to lack of sanitation.

It's a Disease Explosion Waiting to Happen.

Yes indeed, thank you Moonbeam Brown and many other democrat idiots.
Here you like stats .....your poor ass illegals Mexicans out number rich ass whites now in California...

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

View attachment 171789

Fucking idiot Latinos is not a shorthand for illegal Mexicans.

They are the same thing, don't cry to me I know you are an illegal

Bear let me explain something to you: You don't know much of anything and are too stupid to even suspect your depravity.

Latinos in CA are mostly legals and I am an American citizen.

The majority are anchor babies, here through illegal means...we call them “barely legals”.

Stop talking out of your ass.

"Anchor Babies" are Americans by birth.

Anchor babies grow up in illegal households and are taught a thirdworld mentality first. They’re almost all a liability to REAL Americans in more ways than one. They don’t really start to Americanize for many generations...while we wait for them to become decent humans we pick up the tab and clean up after them. Nobody sane can see this as fair to the good people of this nation.....Other anchor babies though...well, they see it as an American responsibility to essentially RAISE and fund wetbacks. That’s fucked up!
You know why California is a Shit Hole?

Because is literally smells like SHIT.

The Illegals just squat and defecate on the sidewalks.

There is even an App you can use to help you avoid California's Outdoor Toilets....I.E. sidewalks.
When do you plan to grow the fuck up?

Did I hurt your feelings snowflake?
Snowflakes are those who want to ban a book because it says bad things about them.

Ban what book?
Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff. Apparently FOX has already banned any mention of it. It`s partially their fault that you remain ignorant as to "what book"... and so many other things.
When a fictional book is presented as a record of personal behavior of an actual person, it should be banned if it is full of lies. Mr. Wolff has a history of LYING. His book is full of lies! The parties 'quoted' in his book of lies have said they DID NOT SAY WHAT HE CLAIMS!

Anyone who believes Mr. Wolff is a goddamned idiot!
California is turning into Venezuela right before our eyes.

Nothing to worry about though. Hollywood still have rich people and Nancy Pelosi's mansion is just fine.


Much like the rich socialists living in Venzuela, and much like the old FEUDAL SYSTEM.


Two classes. The rich and the fucked. Which is what socialism is. Hence the reason our beloved Pravda media never focuses on the suffering poor in those countries. Go ahead and watch "Sicko" again and see if Michael Moore ever shows the suffering people in Cuba.
Michael Moore's mansion in Michigan.


In case you want to know what SOCIALISM (the new version of the old FEUDAL SYSTEM)

Some serious envy there.

Not envey we are warning you, California is destroying itself...

I wouldn't say California is destroying itself, fricken liberals and state government is destroying California.
...but the people control who governs them. They keep electing these worthless, socialist bastards to local, state and federal offices. California's representatives and senators in Washington are LOONY ASSHOLES! Every fuckin' one of them except Darrell Issa and he is stepping down.
More bullshit - California has the highest population density in the states and is still growing in population. Take your droves falsehood and shove it.

Here you like stats .....your poor ass illegals Mexicans out number rich ass whites now in California...

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

View attachment 171789

Fucking idiot Latinos is not a shorthand for illegal Mexicans.

They are the same thing, don't cry to me I know you are an illegal

Bear let me explain something to you: You don't know much of anything and are too stupid to even suspect your depravity.

Latinos in CA are mostly legals (~13/15 million) and I am an American citizen.

If your an American citizen how many stars our on the flag? Would you deport illegals ?

It is spelled "you're" which is short version of "you are".

And yes dummy I know how many stars are in the flag and even if I wouldn't, I'd just google it. DUH

Would I deport Illegals...if what? If I had a magic wand? No I wouldn't.

What I would do is give illegals that are already here path to citizenship, greatly expand legal immigration quotas and as a final piece of the puzzle put in measures for more effective border and visa enforcement.
No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

You are ignorant. California is world's 6th largest economy and a donor state for America.

Federal Taxing and Spending Benefit Some States, Leave Others Paying Bill - Tax Foundation

And if we get California out they would drop to 34, people would leave in droves more then they do now.

More bullshit - California has the highest population density in the states and is still growing in population. Take your droves falsehood and shove it.

Yup, that's what happens when you become a sanctuary state, the cockroaches come out from the shadows...dumbass.

They are humans just like you asshole and as long as you right-wingers keep using these deplorable terms you will lose the argument.
Here you like stats .....your poor ass illegals Mexicans out number rich ass whites now in California...

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

View attachment 171789

Fucking idiot Latinos is not a shorthand for illegal Mexicans.

They are the same thing, don't cry to me I know you are an illegal

Bear let me explain something to you: You don't know much of anything and are too stupid to even suspect your depravity.

Latinos in CA are mostly legals (~13/15 million) and I am an American citizen.

If your an American citizen how many stars our on the flag? Would you deport illegals ?

It is spelled "you're" which is short version of "you are".

And yes dummy I know how many stars are in the flag and even if I wouldn't, I'd just google it. DUH

Would I deport Illegals...if what? If I had a magic wand? No I wouldn't.

What I would do is give illegals that are already here path to citizenship, greatly expand legal immigration quotas and as a final piece of the puzzle put in measures for more effective border and visa enforcement.
You prefer to have the cart before the horse. First we need to control the border, then deal with the fucking illegal assholes that sneaked in before the border was closed.
It's going to take a war people. The left owns our country's psyche (the world's.) They are destroying our culture piece by piece. Until we grab hold of scumbags in the media and overhaul the leftist education, we are fucked. In other words, we are fucked.

The tribulations are upon us and there are those who follow THE WAYS OF THE WORLD, and those that don't.

This is where we are. There are those who side with the pigs who believe they are on the side of righteousness.

Get ready, cause it is going to get a lot worse.
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