Why California is a SHITHOLE

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Fucking idiot Latinos is not a shorthand for illegal Mexicans.

They are the same thing, don't cry to me I know you are an illegal

Bear let me explain something to you: You don't know much of anything and are too stupid to even suspect your depravity.

Latinos in CA are mostly legals (~13/15 million) and I am an American citizen.

If your an American citizen how many stars our on the flag? Would you deport illegals ?

It is spelled "you're" which is short version of "you are".

And yes dummy I know how many stars are in the flag and even if I wouldn't, I'd just google it. DUH

Would I deport Illegals...if what? If I had a magic wand? No I wouldn't.

What I would do is give illegals that are already here path to citizenship, greatly expand legal immigration quotas and as a final piece of the puzzle put in measures for more effective border and visa enforcement.
You prefer to have the cart before the horse. First we need to control the border, then deal with the fucking illegal assholes that sneaked in before the border was closed.
It's going to take a war people. The left owns our country psyche. They are destroying our culture piece by piece. Until we grab hold of scumbags in the media and overhaul the leftist education, we are fucked. In other words, we are fucked.

The tribulations are upon us and there are those who follow THE WAYS OF THE WORLD, and those that don't.

This is where we are. There are those who side with the pigs who believe they are on the side of righteousness.

Get ready, cause it is going to get a lot worse.

There is not going to be a war.

There is going to be you dumbass rightwingers forever disappointed with your poor ability to convince anyone with your hateful rhetoric.
It's going to take a war people. The left owns our country's psyche (the world's.) They are destroying our culture piece by piece. Until we grab hold of scumbags in the media and overhaul the leftist education, we are fucked. In other words, we are fucked.

The tribulations are upon us and there are those who follow THE WAYS OF THE WORLD, and those that don't.

This is where we are. There are those who side with the pigs who believe they are on the side of righteousness.

Get ready, cause it is going to get a lot worse.

When the Left takes power again, and they may some day, they are in such a state of darkness, Evil, and Ignorance, that I would not be shocked if their party produced the Next Hitler, or Stalin.

Obama actually gave weapons and money to terrorists, and did everything he could to damage Israel and America and they loved him for it.

I can only Imagine how wicked the next Demon from Hell will be that they will worship and adore and exactly what he may do.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion
we recently legalized marijuana and expect more revenue to solve our problems.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion
we recently legalized marijuana and expect more revenue to solve our problems.
I thought Maxipad Waters and Nazi Pelosi were going to solve all your problems?

Marijuana is just going to give your greedy corrupt government more money to steal and waste.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion
we recently legalized marijuana and expect more revenue to solve our problems.
I thought Maxipad Waters and Nazi Pelosi were going to solve all your problems?

Marijuana is just going to give your greedy corrupt government more money to steal and waste.
The left may be working on better State-Capital management to improve our economics.
No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

You are ignorant. California is world's 6th largest economy and a donor state for America.

Federal Taxing and Spending Benefit Some States, Leave Others Paying Bill - Tax Foundation

And if we get California out they would drop to 34, people would leave in droves more then they do now.

More bullshit - California has the highest population density in the states and is still growing in population. Take your droves falsehood and shove it.

Yup, that's what happens when you become a sanctuary state, the cockroaches come out from the shadows...dumbass.

They are humans just like you asshole and as long as you right-wingers keep using these deplorable terms you will lose the argument.
The are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, asshole! Get that through your thick fuckin' scull!
It's going to take a war people. The left owns our country's psyche (the world's.) They are destroying our culture piece by piece. Until we grab hold of scumbags in the media and overhaul the leftist education, we are fucked. In other words, we are fucked.

The tribulations are upon us and there are those who follow THE WAYS OF THE WORLD, and those that don't.

This is where we are. There are those who side with the pigs who believe they are on the side of righteousness.

Get ready, cause it is going to get a lot worse.
I have all of my weapons loaded.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion
we recently legalized marijuana and expect more revenue to solve our problems.
Oh, that will solve all of your problems! Get a bunch of brain dead potheads together! Timothy Leary didn't teach you fuckers anything? Next thing we know, you idiots will want to legalize acid tabs.
No because the smartest person in Mississippi isn’t from Mississippi their probably from Harvard or University of Michigan.

Not Mississippi state

Well if University of Michigan alumni so smart why is Detroit a shit hole?

We have big city problems. You guys just send your hick kids to our big cities to get jobs. Where are we going to send our urban kids? The city is where YOUR KIDS come to find work because there is no jobs in your hick town unless they want to work at Cracker Barrell or the Pigly Wiggly or Walmart.

BTW what kinda of lying ignoramus fuck head lying tool are you..and why ?

Because my president lies constantly. He also calls people names you stupid fuck. LOL.

  • True 22 comments he made were true. (4%)
  • Mostly True 58 times he said something that was mostly true (12%)
  • Half True 71 half truths (14%)
  • Mostly False 104 mostly false comments (21%)
  • False 164 false comments (33%)
  • Pants on Fire 74 times he has told a bald faced lie (15%)

So why don't you spend a little more time worrying about if/why Sealybobo is lying but then bury your head in the sand when Trump lies. Nice.
. My

Get the fuck out you lie more then Trump does, all you do on here is lie silly boo boo.
Is this your new tactic? Call people who disagree with you liars?
No because the smartest person in Mississippi isn’t from Mississippi their probably from Harvard or University of Michigan.

Not Mississippi state

Well if University of Michigan alumni so smart why is Detroit a shit hole?

We have big city problems. You guys just send your hick kids to our big cities to get jobs. Where are we going to send our urban kids? The city is where YOUR KIDS come to find work because there is no jobs in your hick town unless they want to work at Cracker Barrell or the Pigly Wiggly or Walmart.

BTW what kinda of lying ignoramus fuck head lying tool are you..and why ?

Because my president lies constantly. He also calls people names you stupid fuck. LOL.

  • True 22 comments he made were true. (4%)
  • Mostly True 58 times he said something that was mostly true (12%)
  • Half True 71 half truths (14%)
  • Mostly False 104 mostly false comments (21%)
  • False 164 false comments (33%)
  • Pants on Fire 74 times he has told a bald faced lie (15%)

So why don't you spend a little more time worrying about if/why Sealybobo is lying but then bury your head in the sand when Trump lies. Nice.
. My

Get the fuck out you lie more then Trump does, all you do on here is lie silly boo boo.

Why should I tell the truth when Trump gets to lie?

President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion
we recently legalized marijuana and expect more revenue to solve our problems.
I thought Maxipad Waters and Nazi Pelosi were going to solve all your problems?

Marijuana is just going to give your greedy corrupt government more money to steal and waste.
The left may be working on better State-Capital management to improve our economics.

Your Economics are that you spend more money than your tax revenue, and that you use Illegals as your own personal bank accounts to lobby for more federal funds. That and you pay them under the table below minimum wage while American Citizens who are licensed carpenters, plumbers, roofers cannot get jobs on larger construction projects.

The Dem party has always been and will always be the party of slavery, the party of lawlessness, and the party that does not respect our National Sovereignty..
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It’s too expensive in California for someone who does what they do for a living. People in California who work want to get paid a good wage. Republicans want a race to the bottom. They’d love to move our good paying jobs to the south but can those hicks do the work?
You are one arrogant fuck.

Do you think you are smarter that the smartest person in, say, Mississippi?

This should be good.
No because the smartest person in Mississippi isn’t from Mississippi their probably from Harvard or University of Michigan.

Not Mississippi state

Well if University of Michigan alumni so smart why is Detroit a shit hole?

We have big city problems. You guys just send your hick kids to our big cities to get jobs. Where are we going to send our urban kids? The city is where YOUR KIDS come to find work because there is no jobs in your hick town unless they want to work at Cracker Barrell or the Pigly Wiggly or Walmart.

A.) most in “urban area” residents have no business creating more of their filthy same.
B.) you don’t teach your urban children people skills or how to properly speak the English language. They usually speak ghetto or barrio so when a “hick” comes in to town and can articulate the English language they’ll beat out the low iQ street beast for the job everytime.

That is true. You guys are usually better than our street beasts. But, politically and socially you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You haven't got a clue. For example you don't think anyone in your town ever got an abortion. This is not true. One night after the dance Barney had to drive Thelma Lou into Mount Pilot to get an illegal abortion. And what a slut that Helen Crump was huh?

Don't even get me started on Ellie Walker that home wrecker.
Snowflakes are those who want to ban a book because it says bad things about them.

Say it again twinkletoes, just a little louder...

Snowflakes are those who want to ban a book because it says bad things about them.

Say it again twinkletoes, just a little louder...


it is amazing that you continue to display the intelligence of a dried up slug. Are you a real person or a pre-programmed dem/lib talking point repeating machine?

Sorry Redfish did I hurt your feelings also... Let me paypal you $.35 cents so you can call someone who gives a shit...
Snowflakes are those who want to ban a book because it says bad things about them.

Say it again twinkletoes, just a little louder...


it is amazing that you continue to display the intelligence of a dried up slug. Are you a real person or a pre-programmed dem/lib talking point repeating machine?

Sorry Redfish did I hurt your feelings also... Let me paypal you $.35 cents so you can call someone who gives a shit...

Not at all, I find you libs a source of much amusement and entertainment. Your lunacy and ignorance are just plain funny. You are like the royal jester, good for a laugh and not much else. Now, crawl back under your Hillary blanket and shut up.
Redfish I think we have a huuuggggeee problem... I am the farthest thing from a "lib" as you will find... I have done nothing but profusely beat liberals around the head and shoulders since I joined this little group... The day Bill's wife was thrashed in the electoral college was, with the exception of the day my children were born was the happiest day of my life... I even told my first wife (we live together) she was knocked off the list...
Redfish I think we have a huuuggggeee problem... I am the farthest thing from a "lib" as you will find... I have done nothing but profusely beat liberals around the head and shoulders since I joined this little group... The day Bill's wife was thrashed in the electoral college was, with the exception of the day my children were born was the happiest day of my life... I even told my first wife (we live together) she was knocked off the list...

I guess I misread your post with Trump's book burning. I actually thought rightwinger had posted that. My bad. Sounds like you and I are on the same page.
Redfish I think we have a huuuggggeee problem... I am the farthest thing from a "lib" as you will find... I have done nothing but profusely beat liberals around the head and shoulders since I joined this little group... The day Bill's wife was thrashed in the electoral college was, with the exception of the day my children were born was the happiest day of my life... I even told my first wife (we live together) she was knocked off the list...

I guess I misread your post with Trump's book burning. I actually thought rightwinger had posted that. My bad. Sounds like you and I are on the same page.

Not a problem... I screw up every now and then... :thup:
Snowflakes are those who want to ban a book because it says bad things about them.

Say it again twinkletoes, just a little louder...


it is amazing that you continue to display the intelligence of a dried up slug. Are you a real person or a pre-programmed dem/lib talking point repeating machine?

Sorry Redfish did I hurt your feelings also... Let me paypal you $.35 cents so you can call someone who gives a shit...

OK that is solved, now Pay Pal me my $.35 cents back... :deal:
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