Why can mexicans move to US but Israelis can't to west bank?

I've wondered for some time why is it acceptable for SOME peoples to move en masse, like central/south americans/africans/muslims to the US, Canada or Europe, but it is NOT ok for other peoples to move.

For instance, mexico has buttressed its economy on moving a large portion of its population into the US, and given how corrupt the mexican government is, this can be considered intentional. After all, the convenient US safety valve allows mexico (and lots of other poorly-run countries south/outside of the US) to continue to operate corruptly/criminally, stealing its country's wealth and relieving the possibility of an uprising by the very people who would do so - basically forcing their hand to move out of the country.

That said, why is it acceptable to the UN, leftist media, etc for mexico to transfer a large portion of its population to the US, but not for Israelis to move to the west bank?

If anything, the mexican situation is worse, because they are moving into a fully functioning, sovereign nation - the Israelis are moving into a region that has not been part of a defined nation for centuries, if ever.

So I ask why, given how similar the two situations are, for the UN/media/leftists to attack Israelis for moving - but not for tens of millions of mexicans?

I should add in neither situation is either group fleeing as refugees.
How bout the Mexicans and Israelis stay in their own country. And Palestine was geographical entity of the Turkish Empire for hundreds of years.
Nah, I doubt you are as old as me.

You know nothing about me, idiot.

You wouldn't be this stupid.

Few, even liberals, could match your level of idiocy.

This is about international law. Which has a very precise definition of "occupied territory".

Uh funny how a fucking moron like you ignores how the arab muslims started multiple wars, yet should still get the victory spoils. Not going to happen in the real world, idiot asshole.

And this is about the Geneva Convention, which Israel did sign and is a party to.

You ignored my point that the Israeli government did not transfer anyone into the west bank, which is the entire underpinning of the GC.

You are also avoiding the point of my OP, which is why are mexicans allowed to move en masse into someone else's country, but if as you claim is correct that the west bank is someone else's land, that is acceptable. You're so fucking stupid you don't even realize how you're arguing my point for me.

Not only are the settlements on the West Bank illegal, they are a bonafide WAR CRIME.

Now they are a "war crime." Gotta love when low IQ liberal morons use terms that are not even applicable. Idiot, the state of Israel is not at war with the P:A, so how is it a "war crime", you fucking retard?

I know you are ignorant. I know you are a racist. Your OP is stupid. Illegal immigrants from Mexico entering the United States and Jewish settlers moving into the occupied West Bank are two very different things. First, despite what you claim, the Mexican government is not financing the illegal immigrants, not even indirectly. The Israeli government, and private Jewish so called "charities", are subsidizing the illegal settlements of the West Bank.

And last I heard, the Mexican government has not stormed across the Texas border with bulldozers to destroy American homes in order to replace them with Mexican homes. Nor have they attempted an embargo.

Finally, the West Bank is an "occupied territory". It has been an "occupied territory" for an obscene amount of time. Israel can do one of two things. She can incorporate the West Bank into the state of Israel, or she can release control of the West Bank and allow it to become an independent nation or a part of Jordan, that to be determined by the residents.

But as long as the West Bank is an "occupied territory" Israel CANNOT move their citizens into the area. Yes, it is a war crime. Yes, it is a clear violation of the Geneva Convention. It is in the same family as ethnic cleansing and genocide.
I know you are ignorant.

You misquote the geneva conventions repeatedly, yet you claim I'm ignorant. You're fucking retarded.

I know you are a racist.

Oh, just shut the fuck up already, you whining, crying little imbecile.

Illegal immigrants from Mexico entering the United States and Jewish settlers moving into the occupied West Bank are two very different things. First, despite what you claim, the Mexican government is not financing the illegal immigrants, not even indirectly.

Idiot asshole, for the umpteenth time, the mexican government is conducting policies that promote the mass movement of their people out of the country to earn a living.

The fact of the matter is that, if one were to take your claim that israeli jews cannot move to the west bank, that BOTH situations would be ILLEGAL, but you are so fucking moronic you cannot admit that, and lack the integrity and character like most liberals to admit it, because then you liberal filth would have to explain why you have expended so much energy and hatred attacking Israel but not mexico.

The Israeli government, and private Jewish so called "charities", are subsidizing the illegal settlements of the West Bank.

C-nt, that is not a TRANSFERRENCE of population under the GC. That people are VOLUNTARILY moving there is not an example of a government transferring its population into another region/country.

And last I heard, the Mexican government has not stormed across the Texas border with bulldozers to destroy American homes in order to replace them with Mexican homes. Nor have they attempted an embargo.

Which has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this OP.

Finally, the West Bank is an "occupied territory".

It is disputed, not occupied.

It has been an "occupied territory" for an obscene amount of time. Israel can do one of two things. She can incorporate the West Bank into the state of Israel, or she can release control of the West Bank and allow it to become an independent nation or a part of Jordan, that to be determined by the residents.

Since jews have lived there since long before the arab muslims, who have systematically ethnically cleansed jews and non-muslims out of the region and mideast as a whole, the arab muslims there, like you, can GO FUCK YOURSELVES.

But as long as the West Bank is an "occupied territory" Israel CANNOT move their citizens into the area. Yes, it is a war crime. Yes, it is a clear violation of the Geneva Convention. It is in the same family as ethnic cleansing and genocide.

A violation of the GC is not a war crime you fucking moron if there is no active war being fought. I'm done trying to explain the legal differences between the various GC, you're clearly too fucking stupid to bother. Go read a book and learn what the difference is, idiot.
When was the last time a group of Mexicans caravaned into the US Southwest with a few RV's, set up camp and declared a new Settlement to be protected by the Mexican Army?

Do the Israelis sneak in, then live and work among the Palestinians?

Actaully the Israelis set up, farm the desert, build factories - both of which the arab muslims come running to work at, then complain about the jews.

Part of me wants EVERY Israeli to get up and move to an island in the pacific so they can get as far from the animal muslim filth as possible. Then when the region collapses, the 1,000 remaining arab muslims who haven't slaughtered each other yet and useful idiots like you can still scream: "it's the jews' fault!"
How bout the Mexicans and Israelis stay in their own country.

The jews are in their own country, they came first. The arab muslims like to steal everyone else's country, like Lebanon and Egypt.

And Palestine was geographical entity of the Turkish Empire for hundreds of years.

An entity is not a country.
The OP doesn't even realize he's equating the Israeli settlers to illegal Mexican immigrants.
It is disputed, not occupied.

Funny, only Israel attempts to make that distinction. No one else in the world does.

The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.

Treaties, States parties, and Commentaries - Geneva Convention (IV) on Civilians, 1949 - -

As to your rant about Mexico and some government conspiracy to send their citizens here. That is tinfoil hat shit. Those dollars going out do more good for the US economy going out than if they stayed in.
As to your rant about Mexico and some government conspiracy to send their citizens here. That is tinfoil hat shit. Those dollars going out do more good for the US economy going out than if they stayed in.

Riiiiiight, shit for brains, mexico and the other corrupt governments don't benefit from their mass poor leaving the country to head to the US, yeah fuckbrain, you have no clue...

I'm sure your idiocy "Those dollars going out do more good for the US economy" is shared by most americans, perhaps a fucking retard like you should put that on a t-shirt and see how many people agree with you. Asshole. Sock puppet. Troll. Ignored.
It is disputed, not occupied.

Funny, only Israel attempts to make that distinction. No one else in the world does.

The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.

Treaties, States parties, and Commentaries - Geneva Convention (IV) on Civilians, 1949 - -

As to your rant about Mexico and some government conspiracy to send their citizens here. That is tinfoil hat shit. Those dollars going out do more good for the US economy going out than if they stayed in.

That land is dispited, not occupied, and that says international law.

You people are notvery well informed, are you.
It is disputed, not occupied.

Funny, only Israel attempts to make that distinction. No one else in the world does.

The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.

Treaties, States parties, and Commentaries - Geneva Convention (IV) on Civilians, 1949 - -

As to your rant about Mexico and some government conspiracy to send their citizens here. That is tinfoil hat shit. Those dollars going out do more good for the US economy going out than if they stayed in.

That land is dispited, not occupied, and that says international law.

You people are notvery well informed, are you.

Like I said, Israel is the only country even attempting to call the territories "disputed". The International Court of Justice ruling in 2004 CONFIRMED, it is OCCUPIED territory. The International Court of Justice IS INTERNATIONAL LAW.
It is disputed, not occupied.

Funny, only Israel attempts to make that distinction. No one else in the world does.

The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.

Treaties, States parties, and Commentaries - Geneva Convention (IV) on Civilians, 1949 - -

As to your rant about Mexico and some government conspiracy to send their citizens here. That is tinfoil hat shit. Those dollars going out do more good for the US economy going out than if they stayed in.

That land is dispited, not occupied, and that says international law.

You people are notvery well informed, are you.

The ruling party wants to wipe the Palestinian West Bank off the maps and replace it with Judea and Samaria.
Because Israelis don't provide a source of cheap labor for Palestinian businesses.
I've wondered for some time why is it acceptable for SOME peoples to move en masse, like central/south americans/africans/muslims to the US, Canada or Europe, but it is NOT ok for other peoples to move.

For instance, mexico has buttressed its economy on moving a large portion of its population into the US, and given how corrupt the mexican government is, this can be considered intentional. After all, the convenient US safety valve allows mexico (and lots of other poorly-run countries south/outside of the US) to continue to operate corruptly/criminally, stealing its country's wealth and relieving the possibility of an uprising by the very people who would do so - basically forcing their hand to move out of the country.

That said, why is it acceptable to the UN, leftist media, etc for mexico to transfer a large portion of its population to the US, but not for Israelis to move to the west bank?

If anything, the mexican situation is worse, because they are moving into a fully functioning, sovereign nation - the Israelis are moving into a region that has not been part of a defined nation for centuries, if ever.

So I ask why, given how similar the two situations are, for the UN/media/leftists to attack Israelis for moving - but not for tens of millions of mexicans?

I should add in neither situation is either group fleeing as refugees.

So you agree that Israeli's are illegal immigrants and have no legal right to be in Palestinian territories.

Because that is the situation with Mexican illegal immigrants that you want to compare them to.
It is disputed, not occupied.

Funny, only Israel attempts to make that distinction. No one else in the world does.

The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.

Treaties, States parties, and Commentaries - Geneva Convention (IV) on Civilians, 1949 - -

As to your rant about Mexico and some government conspiracy to send their citizens here. That is tinfoil hat shit. Those dollars going out do more good for the US economy going out than if they stayed in.

That land is dispited, not occupied, and that says international law.

You people are notvery well informed, are you.

Like I said, Israel is the only country even attempting to call the territories "disputed". The International Court of Justice ruling in 2004 CONFIRMED, it is OCCUPIED territory. The International Court of Justice IS INTERNATIONAL LAW.

Ocuupied from whom, exactly?!
The International Court of Justice ruling in 2004 CONFIRMED, it is OCCUPIED territory. The International Court of Justice IS INTERNATIONAL LAW.

iran, russia and assad slaughtered OVER ONE MILLION people in syria in the last five years, and the UN and ICC did NOTHING.

Do you think that I or any other sane human gives a flying fuck in any way, shape or form what the illegitimate UN or ICC have to say, about anything? Go fuck yourself, idiot asshole.
So you agree that Israeli's are illegal immigrants and have no legal right to be in Palestinian territories. Because that is the situation with Mexican illegal immigrants that you want to compare them to.

I do not "agree' with anything, I merely asked why is it acceptable for brown/black (i.e., certain people) to be able to move in large numbers into another region or country, but not others. Large numbers of central/south americans and mexicans have been moving into the US, yet the news media does not issue endless editorials and propaganda about it on a daily basis, the way they do about a handful of jews moving into the west bank. There is an obvious double standard that the leftist shills and trash here refuse to acknowledge.
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So you agree that Israeli's are illegal immigrants and have no legal right to be in Palestinian territories. Because that is the situation with Mexican illegal immigrants that you want to compare them to.

I do not "agree' with anything, I merely asked why is it acceptable for brown/black (i.e., certain people) to be able to move in large numbers into another region or country, but not others. Large numbers of central/south americans and mexicans have been moving into the US, yet the new media does not issue endless editorials and propaganda about it on a daily basis, the way they do about a handful of jews moving into the west bank. There is an obvious double standard that the leftist shills and trash here refuse to acknowledge.

You know, there was a time when I used to go to the Kotel in Jerusalem every now and then. It was useful. I got used to talking to a wall.

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