Why can't a caustic jackhole be a good president?

You're allowed to believe whatever you want when you're in this nation.

Really? Because Liberals here lately don't sound like that's what they believe is allowed at all. You are destroying people because they refuse to bake a cake or because they proudly fly a rebel flag.
No. Someone with a cause of action sued a baker who wouldn't bake a cake.

Governor Haley of SC started the ball rolling on bringing down that ridiculous flag. Senator Graham and Governor Walker (both running for President on the GOP ticket) quickly followed suit as did a number of other republicans.

Shove it up your ass.

You are here trying to destroy Trump's candidacy because of his beliefs. If anyone dares to challenge Liberal beliefs, you are there to hoot them down and call them every name in the book.

Again, shove it up your ass. Here is a list of people calling Trump names; not one liberal amongst them.

GOP presidential candidates slam Trump comments on McCain News OK
GOP candidates and the Republican National Committee issued statements, mostly on Twitter, responding to Trump.

Here are some:

Carly Fiorina
McCain "served w honor&courage-proud to call him a friend. GOP voters deserve better than outrageous statements & personal attacks."

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry
“Donald Trump should apologize immediately for attacking Senator McCain and all veterans who have protected and served our country. As a veteran and an American, I respect Sen. McCain because he volunteered to serve his country. I cannot say the same of Mr. Trump. His comments have reached a new low in American politics. His attack on veterans make him unfit to be Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, and he should immediately withdraw from the race for President.”

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush
"Enough with the slanderous attacks. @SenJohnMcCain and all our veterans - particularly POWs have earned our respect and admiration."

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker

"@SenJohnMcCain is an American hero, period. I’ll denounce any attack against his service and anyone else who wears the uniform."

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham

"If there was ever any doubt that @realDonaldTrump should not be our commander in chief, this stupid statement should end all doubt. (McCain) like every other POW, went through hell & has earned our respect & gratitude."

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio

"America’s POWs deserve much better than to have their service questioned by the offensive rantings of Donald Trump."

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul

"I don't always see eye to eye with @SenJohnMcCain. But I honor his service and the sacrifices he made for our country."

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie

"I know @SenJohnMcCain. Senator John McCain is an American hero. Period. Stop."

Republican National Committee communications director Sean Spicer

"Senator McCain is an American hero because he served his country and sacrificed more than most can imagine. Period. There is no place in our party or our country for comments that disparage those who have served honorably.”..


WOW.... LiberalsRus.ORG must have issued marching orders!
No, unlike you, I have no agenda. I'm a values voter.

You are armed to the teeth with pull-quotes to derail the Trump candid
acy you were drooling over just the other day!
No, I'm hoping Trump stays in the race. Sonny boy, the reason the quotes were posted was because you were talking about liberals trying to derail his candidacy. I'm just both showing you how full of shit you are and like an errant pet, I am now rubbing your nose in it. You learned your lesson yet?

My goodness... how are you ever going to get this "dream opponent" for Hillary if you destroy him now?
So far, there is nobody from the GOP that cause me any concern for Hillary. My largest worry, frankly, is Hillary sabotaging herself.

2016 will come and go. The GOP is split and every idiot that makes his way onto the national stage seems to do his bit to drive the wedge even deeper into the fissure. I'm quite happy to keep handing Mr. Trump, Mr. Cruz or anyone else all of the chisels and shovels they want to destroy the Party. Because it is a net positive for center-left candidates whom I support.
Yea, all these libtards coming to McCain's defense when they couldn't trash the man enough in 08. Had Obama said this in the 08 campaign, these same crybabies would've been eating it up.
Yea, all these libtards coming to McCain's defense when they couldn't trash the man enough in 08. Had Obama said this in the 08 campaign, these same crybabies would've been eating it up.

Gee, more "coulda woulda, shoulda" from your pie hole. McCain's war hero status was unchallenged then as it is unchallenged now.
Yea, all these libtards coming to McCain's defense when they couldn't trash the man enough in 08. Had Obama said this in the 08 campaign, these same crybabies would've been eating it up.

Gee, more "coulda woulda, shoulda" from your pie hole. McCain's war hero status was unchallenged then as it is unchallenged now.

Many people know the truth about McCain; he'd have never even had a plane but for his father and grandfather,
and he did not hold up any better than scores of others tortured by the Reds.

He is no more heroic than the rest of them; to endure and survive was heroic, no reason to single him out at all.

Had his name been Jones, he'd never have been heard of.
there's a difference between you learning someone is an asshole and someone proving it to 6 billion people

Hidden in your comments is a testament to how the liberal mind works. You assume all 6 billion people on this planet heard of Mr. Trumps comments and shared your viewpoint. Of course, now you'll claim you were being sarcastic and just meant that most sane people see Trump as an asshole. To which I say... So what?

Oh... but what about foreign leaders he may offend or piss off? Well, they are the people who have to deal with Trump if he is president, so I would suggest they get over whatever personal beefs they may have with something he said and get to dealing with the man. These people are Big Boys (and Girls)... they can pull their panties up and put personality behind them when it comes to business and they will.

No leader anywhere is going to blow a trade deal with the US because they got their feelings hurt by Trump. Perhaps that is part of the strategy? I know YOU don't get it, but someone who is business savvy might understand that diminishing someone's sense of self-worth is often a useful tactic in negotiation. If I make you think that what you have isn't "all that and a bag of chips" then you might be willing to take less for it. ...Art of the Deal, Baby!
You just described an excellent business man, not a diplomat and the Pres is a diplomat

I know you can't separate the 2, b/c you think I'm a liberal for disagreeing with you :)lol:).

So you want a complete dick to be the leader of the country so you can get off on him being a dick to other counties b/c you assume they will play ball, that's naive and requires a denial of reality.
I want a leader to be President, not some asshole that wants to be an asshole on an international scale where the mic is always in front of him.

There's difference between wanting to call a muther fucker a muther fucker and actually doing it on the mic.

he's got no little voice telling him to stfu

But you're OK with Obama?
another asshole that thinks I'm a liberal for not supporting trump.

yall muther fukkers need to grow the fuck up just a little
So you want a complete dick to be the leader of the country so you can get off on him being a dick to other counties b/c you assume they will play ball, that's naive and requires a denial of reality.

No. I want a complete dick to be the leader so I can get off on him being a dick to morons like you. When you are a complete dick like Trump, you have to know where to apply your dickness for best results and that isn't on people who you need to work with. Republicans like McCain and Graham think they need you to work with them but you're not ever going to work with a Republican on anything. So it's time to try something different... like giving you a complete dick to deal with. Maybe after having to deal with a complete dick for 8 years, you people will soften up a bit and be willing to work with reasonable people again?

As for foreign countries... I don't really give two shits about deals with them which screw American workers and aren't in our best interest. I don't believe in making deals like that so we can parade a deal around and act like we did something great. I'd rather have no deal at all.
That is why I know he inflicted major damage on the enemy, which Calabrese denies he did...

I don't see any such denial in his editorial.
That is because you are self blinded. But you fool no one but yourself because I posted the quote several times and you simply edit it out to play dumb enough to lie and deny.
That is why I know he inflicted major damage on the enemy, which Calabrese denies he did and defines as another type of hero who does inflict major damage on the enemy.

By pointing out what is simple fact - McCain is seen as a war hero because he was captured, as opposed to having avoided capture and inflicting major damage on the enemy
That is because you are self blinded. But you fool no one but yourself because I posted the quote several times and you simply edit it out to play dumb enough to lie and deny.

Well you didn't post a quote of Calabrese denying anything. That's what you said... I understand that. What you have done is what you seem to always like to do... take something out of context or distort it so that it can imply what you claim is being said, but what clearly ISN'T being said.

Ed you have a serious comprehension problem. You read things into statements that just aren't there. Then you'll even post the statements and think you've proven something with them. All you've proven is, you have a mental disorder.
Is a dishonest hack in here seriously trying to spin what Trump said of McCain as NOT an insult?

And then talking about others talking out both sides of their mouths?

Ought to be ashamed of yourself, but snakes exibit no shame.

Fuck, even the most daft anong us know he said it in response to an insult McCain started with.


Dishonesty x1, 000
Is a dishonest hack in here seriously trying to spin what Trump said of McCain as NOT an insult?

People are insulted by things all the time. Is there some law that we can't insult John McCain? Seems that John McCain can insult ME by calling me "crazy" and no one calls him out for that.

If you listened to all of what Trump said and took it in context, you'd understand his intention was not to denigrate McCain or his service. It has been perverted into that by the media and the left who want to parse what he said and claim he intended things he didn't say. And we're all used to this shit! We've been watching you pull the same crap with Sarah Palin and others for years... nothing new here, you do it to anyone who dares to challenge your authority or threaten your power.

I would never say that McCain is not a hero. I think anyone who wears a uniform and fights in combat for our country is a hero. I'm sure Trump probably feels the same way, as do most red-blooded Americans. The point that everyone seems to be missing about Trump's comment was the fact he was speaking of why Sen. McCain is known as a hero. I think the average person would admit that we wouldn't know John McCain's name if he hadn't been captured and held as a POW for years. Would we? Trump basically just said that he prefers heroes who didn't get captured.

Is that offensive to McCain? I don't know and really don't care. It's obviously offensive to a bunch of liberals who couldn't give two shits for John McCain. It's offensive because they can make it offensive and condemn Trump for it. Honestly, does ANYONE buy that Liberals are genuinely upset that McCain was insulted?
That is because you are self blinded. But you fool no one but yourself because I posted the quote several times and you simply edit it out to play dumb enough to lie and deny.

Well you didn't post a quote of Calabrese denying anything. That's what you said... I understand that. What you have done is what you seem to always like to do... take something out of context or distort it so that it can imply what you claim is being said, but what clearly ISN'T being said.

Ed you have a serious comprehension problem.
You read things into statements that just aren't there. Then you'll even post the statements and think you've proven something with them. All you've proven is, you have a mental disorder.
You have a serious lying problem. I took nothing out of context, in fact Calabrese twice challenged McCain's "heroism" on the grounds that McCain did not contribute to the war effort on the 22 previous combat missions McCain flew while Drumpf Truck was dodging the draft.

No room for discussion about whether the designation of "hero" should be limited to those who actually achieve something that furthers the war effort - as opposed to the tragedy colored with honor that characterizes five years as a prisoner of war under the most inhumane conditions imaginable.

By pointing out what is simple fact - McCain is seen as a war hero because he was captured, as opposed to having avoided capture and inflicting major damage on the enemy
You have a serious lying problem. I took nothing out of context, in fact Calabrese twice challenged McCain's "heroism" on the grounds that McCain did not contribute to the war effort on the 22 previous combat missions McCain flew while Drumpf Truck was dodging the draft.

Well look man... you are posting the very words he said... they do not say what you are claiming. I'm sorry about that... wish I could make my eyes see the words you see, but they just aren't there. You can post the words again and I am pretty sure they will come out the same. I understand you are hallucinating... Seeing things that aren't there. I hope you can find some help with that because it's becoming a real problem for you and your critical thinking.
You have a serious lying problem. I took nothing out of context, in fact Calabrese twice challenged McCain's "heroism" on the grounds that McCain did not contribute to the war effort on the 22 previous combat missions McCain flew while Drumpf Truck was dodging the draft.

Well look man... you are posting the very words he said... they do not say what you are claiming. I'm sorry about that... wish I could make my eyes see the words you see, but they just aren't there. You can post the words again and I am pretty sure they will come out the same. I understand you are hallucinating... Seeing things that aren't there. I hope you can find some help with that because it's becoming a real problem for you and your critical thinking.
You see it but are too dishonest to admit it, a trademark of yours.

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