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Why can't conservatives/GOP learn from history?


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2014
Monterey, Ca
Why can't conservatives/GOP learn from history?

Why is it the current base of the conservatives/GOP "believes" the nonsense that comes from Faux "News", Rushblo, Insanitty, Beck, etc?

When did "believing" in ignorance, stupidity or lies become a asset or something to have pride in?

It's pretty simple to list the things that the right "believes", whether it's based in a lie or just a fetish with their Randian cult?

Lies like:

Obama is a socialist

Tax cuts bring in more revenues (yes Virginia there are 2 sides to Laffers curve!!)

Increasing min wage will destroy the US economy, however tax cuts for the "job creators" will boom an economy?

Regulations are the reason jobs left America (not tax policy REWARDING the FOREIGN job creator and "free trade")?

Taxes are to high (especially on the "job creators" (even if the effective rate on the top 1/10th of 1% of US who alone get over 50% of capital gains and dividends in America each year is about 1/3rd it was 1945-1980)

We CAN deport ALL "illegal" immigrants"

A wall will keep people out of the US (just like it keeps drugs and cell phones out of prisons!!!)

At what point will the low informed (generally from the right side), accept that the US isn't a household and can't be run like a Biz OR household? The US and most things in politics are not simple, and can not be answered with bumper sticker answers (Palin, Trump, etc). They are complex, multi leveled areas.

When will the right accept he US Gov't has been captured by special interests and Corporate influence? And no you libertarian fetishes don't have the answer as NO nation/state has EVER been run on your fetish BS. The US Founders tried the "limited fed Gov't" thing with the Articles of Confederation remember? Hint TOTAL failure!

Time for right wingers (GOP party) to go back to being a party built on honesty and facts. Give up the BILLIONS of dollars spent on groups like AEI, Heritage, CATO, CofC, ETC, whose sole purpose is to reward the very top of the 1%. It's truly pathetic there are soooooo many right wingers who will not even accept REALITY and instead call ANY MSM report or link, propaganda, but "believe" the right wing propaganda mills? lol

When Trump, Palin, Cruz, etc are taken for serious people, there is something seriously wrong with your ability to either critically think or be honest. Which?

History has shown the "conservative movement" has been on the wrong side of history on almost every important US policy since the US founding! PLEASE show me where I'm wrong about this?
No need to discuss anything you've said, it's very apparent your mind is already made up. So do us all a favor and go fuck yourself.
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the failures of Castro's Cuba, and China's slow but inexorable movement away from a centrally planned economy toward a market economy, liberals have not learned from history and still believe socialism/marxism works.
here's some history the left refuses and denies;

Harding (R) inherted a depression, he cut taxes and Fed spending in 1/2, 18 month later, depression over, Roaring Twentys begin.
fdr (D) inherited a depression, he increased taxes and Fed spending to level unseen, 10 years later and WW2 later, depression over, no economic boom.

now, who did obama copy and why is it taking so long for the economy to really get going?

leftist learned from history that increasing taxes and spending slows the economy and forces more people to rely on the government for basic needs.

so please go fuck yourself you useless sheep
Why can't conservatives/GOP learn from history?

Why is it the current base of the conservatives/GOP "believes" the nonsense that comes from Faux "News", Rushblo, Insanitty, Beck, etc?

When did "believing" in ignorance, stupidity or lies become a asset or something to have pride in?

It's pretty simple to list the things that the right "believes", whether it's based in a lie or just a fetish with their Randian cult?

Lies like:

Obama is a socialist

Tax cuts bring in more revenues (yes Virginia there are 2 sides to Laffers curve!!)

Increasing min wage will destroy the US economy, however tax cuts for the "job creators" will boom an economy?

Regulations are the reason jobs left America (not tax policy REWARDING the FOREIGN job creator and "free trade")?

Taxes are to high (especially on the "job creators" (even if the effective rate on the top 1/10th of 1% of US who alone get over 50% of capital gains and dividends in America each year is about 1/3rd it was 1945-1980)

We CAN deport ALL "illegal" immigrants"

A wall will keep people out of the US (just like it keeps drugs and cell phones out of prisons!!!)

At what point will the low informed (generally from the right side), accept that the US isn't a household and can't be run like a Biz OR household? The US and most things in politics are not simple, and can not be answered with bumper sticker answers (Palin, Trump, etc). They are complex, multi leveled areas.

When will the right accept he US Gov't has been captured by special interests and Corporate influence? And no you libertarian fetishes don't have the answer as NO nation/state has EVER been run on your fetish BS. The US Founders tried the "limited fed Gov't" thing with the Articles of Confederation remember? Hint TOTAL failure!

Time for right wingers (GOP party) to go back to being a party built on honesty and facts. Give up the BILLIONS of dollars spent on groups like AEI, Heritage, CATO, CofC, ETC, whose sole purpose is to reward the very top of the 1%. It's truly pathetic there are soooooo many right wingers who will not even accept REALITY and instead call ANY MSM report or link, propaganda, but "believe" the right wing propaganda mills? lol

When Trump, Palin, Cruz, etc are taken for serious people, there is something seriously wrong with your ability to either critically think or be honest. Which?

History has shown the "conservative movement" has been on the wrong side of history on almost every important US policy since the US founding! PLEASE show me where I'm wrong about this?


You're funny dude!!
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the failures of Castro's Cuba, and China's slow but inexorable movement away from a centrally planned economy toward a market economy, liberals have not learned from history and still believe socialism/marxism works.
Yeah, you name one liberal that supports a state run totalitarian economy and any aspects of marxism. Social democracies aren't marxist by the way.
Conservationism is a quasi-religious belief system. Might as well ask why people still think the earth is only 6000 years old, you are not going to get a rational answer.
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the failures of Castro's Cuba, and China's slow but inexorable movement away from a centrally planned economy toward a market economy, liberals have not learned from history and still believe socialism/marxism works.
Yeah, you name one liberal that supports a state run totalitarian economy and any aspects of marxism. Social democracies aren't marxist by the way.

Nope, and they aren't economic powerhouses either! The reason for that? Because they are Social democracies!

Who here wants to look like Europe, signify with a "I do, I do."

If Europe was sooooooooooooo wonderful, why they never would have come here, now would they. Did you see all those Americans going over to Europe in the 40s, 50s, and 60s? No, why not? Oh wait, I am wrong, forgive me-( We actually DID see a lot of Americans going over to Europe; American soldiers, to save Europes ass from European born NAZISM, FACISM, and COMMUNISM.

And what did Europe send to us as their gift? Why Fabian Socialism, the degrowth movement known far and wide as environmentalism, the welfare state, outrageous taxes, and out of sight fuel prices. And what is the NUMBER ONE argument that lefties use for these policies? "Europe does it, and so should we." See, FABIAN SOCIALISM. I know it, they know it, but better yet, YOU know it. And if you allow these idiots to turn us into Europe, then welcome to the end of the grand experiment that kicked everyones rearend, and now we can be like........oh I don't know, lets pick one...........France. Polly-vu-screw-you- lefties.
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the failures of Castro's Cuba, and China's slow but inexorable movement away from a centrally planned economy toward a market economy, liberals have not learned from history and still believe socialism/marxism works.
Yeah, you name one liberal that supports a state run totalitarian economy and any aspects of marxism. Social democracies aren't marxist by the way.
I expected the usual No True Scotsman fallacy, and I would like to thank you for being so prompt.
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the failures of Castro's Cuba, and China's slow but inexorable movement away from a centrally planned economy toward a market economy, liberals have not learned from history and still believe socialism/marxism works.
Yeah, you name one liberal that supports a state run totalitarian economy and any aspects of marxism. Social democracies aren't marxist by the way.

Nope, and they aren't economic powerhouses either! The reason for that? Because they are Social democracies!

Who here wants to look like Europe, signify with a "I do, I do."

If Europe was sooooooooooooo wonderful, why they never would have come here, now would they. Did you see all those Americans going over to Europe in the 40s, 50s, and 60s? No, why not? Oh wait, I am wrong, forgive me-( We actually DID see a lot of Americans going over to Europe; American soldiers, to save Europes ass from European born NAZISM, FACISM, and COMMUNISM.

And what did Europe send to us as their gift? Why Fabian Socialism, the degrowth movement known far and wide as environmentalism, the welfare state, outrageous taxes, and out of sight fuel prices. And what is the NUMBER ONE argument that lefties use for these policies? "Europe does it, and so should we." See, FABIAN SOCIALISM. I know it, they know it, but better yet, YOU know it. And if you allow these idiots to turn us into Europe, then welcome to the end of the grand experiment that kicked everyones rearend, and now we can be like........oh I don't know, lets pick one...........France. Polly-vu-screw-you- lefties.
They're not economic powerhouses? How do you determine that? Do you take population into account? History? Context? Available resources? Err, because in the 40's europe was in war and in the 50's/60's was recovering. Besides, immigration isn't that easy anywhere, and america is a pretty decent place to live.
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the failures of Castro's Cuba, and China's slow but inexorable movement away from a centrally planned economy toward a market economy, liberals have not learned from history and still believe socialism/marxism works.
Yeah, you name one liberal that supports a state run totalitarian economy and any aspects of marxism. Social democracies aren't marxist by the way.
I expected the usual No True Scotsman fallacy, and I would like to thank you for being so prompt.
Sure buddy, keep making yourself feel like a genius. I'm not the one claiming liberals want to emulate totalitarian state run economies.
Why can't conservatives/GOP learn from history?

Why is it the current base of the conservatives/GOP "believes" the nonsense that comes from Faux "News", Rushblo, Insanitty, Beck, etc?

When did "believing" in ignorance, stupidity or lies become a asset or something to have pride in?

It's pretty simple to list the things that the right "believes", whether it's based in a lie or just a fetish with their Randian cult?

Lies like:

Obama is a socialist

Tax cuts bring in more revenues (yes Virginia there are 2 sides to Laffers curve!!)

Increasing min wage will destroy the US economy, however tax cuts for the "job creators" will boom an economy?

Regulations are the reason jobs left America (not tax policy REWARDING the FOREIGN job creator and "free trade")?

Taxes are to high (especially on the "job creators" (even if the effective rate on the top 1/10th of 1% of US who alone get over 50% of capital gains and dividends in America each year is about 1/3rd it was 1945-1980)

We CAN deport ALL "illegal" immigrants"

A wall will keep people out of the US (just like it keeps drugs and cell phones out of prisons!!!)

At what point will the low informed (generally from the right side), accept that the US isn't a household and can't be run like a Biz OR household? The US and most things in politics are not simple, and can not be answered with bumper sticker answers (Palin, Trump, etc). They are complex, multi leveled areas.

When will the right accept he US Gov't has been captured by special interests and Corporate influence? And no you libertarian fetishes don't have the answer as NO nation/state has EVER been run on your fetish BS. The US Founders tried the "limited fed Gov't" thing with the Articles of Confederation remember? Hint TOTAL failure!

Time for right wingers (GOP party) to go back to being a party built on honesty and facts. Give up the BILLIONS of dollars spent on groups like AEI, Heritage, CATO, CofC, ETC, whose sole purpose is to reward the very top of the 1%. It's truly pathetic there are soooooo many right wingers who will not even accept REALITY and instead call ANY MSM report or link, propaganda, but "believe" the right wing propaganda mills? lol

When Trump, Palin, Cruz, etc are taken for serious people, there is something seriously wrong with your ability to either critically think or be honest. Which?

History has shown the "conservative movement" has been on the wrong side of history on almost every important US policy since the US founding! PLEASE show me where I'm wrong about this?

Yo, Mr. Brain? We could say a lot more about the Socialist Party who took over the Democrat Party, but why waste my time on ignorance!!! Get a true life fool!

Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the failures of Castro's Cuba, and China's slow but inexorable movement away from a centrally planned economy toward a market economy, liberals have not learned from history and still believe socialism/marxism works.

"When did "believing" in ignorance, stupidity or lies become a asset or something to have pride in?

It's pretty simple to list the things that the right "believes", whether it's based in a lie or just a fetish with their Randian cult?"
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the failures of Castro's Cuba, and China's slow but inexorable movement away from a centrally planned economy toward a market economy, liberals have not learned from history and still believe socialism/marxism works.

"When did "believing" in ignorance, stupidity or lies become a asset or something to have pride in?

It's pretty simple to list the things that the right "believes", whether it's based in a lie or just a fetish with their Randian cult?"

Yes yes you have established that you hate conservatives and the GOP, is this thread about anything else?

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