Why can't liberals find a way to create wealth without taking from successfull?


Nov 17, 2011
Something I can never understand unless I go into my own theory, which I will not do in this thread at least.
Liberals seem to be OK with printing more money, continnuing with the debt, spending etc.
DISCLAIMER: I am not rich by any means, nor am I kissing up to them, I hate the likes of Romney no less then anyone else on this earth, so do not be judgemental.
Simple question really: what if there was a zapper which would zap liberals any time they tried to get their hands on rich/other people's money, and they would have no choice but to leave them rich alone. explain the scenario of what would happen to our nation? how could we go on? etc...
What happened, economically speaking, to America between the mid 1700s and 1912?
[...] Simple question really: what if there was a zapper which would zap liberals any time they tried to get their hands on rich/other people's money[...]
Please supply a specific example of Liberals trying to get their hands on other people's money.
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[...] Simple question really: what if there was a zapper which would zap liberals any time they tried to get their hands on rich/other people's money[...]
Please supply a specific example of Liberals trying to get their hands on other people's money.
Please supply an answer to the specific question:
Why can't liberals find a way to create wealth without taking from successfull?
[...] Simple question really: what if there was a zapper which would zap liberals any time they tried to get their hands on rich/other people's money[...]
Please supply a specific example of Liberals trying to get their hands on other people's money.

Obama trying to raise taxes on people making over $250,000 to 39% is an example. All taxation is an attempt for some people to get their hands on other people's money.
Simple answer...they can and do create wealth on their own. You're just too fucking brainwashed to realize that.
[...] Simple question really: what if there was a zapper which would zap liberals any time they tried to get their hands on rich/other people's money[...]
Please supply a specific example of Liberals trying to get their hands on other people's money.
New Deal
Great Society welfare state
Farm subsidies
Gubmint schools
CPB/PBS/NPR/Ad Council

Really need more examples?
It's not a matter of "can't", it's a matter of "won't". They are the parasite class that has learned they can work the system and mooch off of others rather than work. They are just scam artists.
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Why are you still masturbating to your life-sized cutout of Obama?
Money spent on health care, education, technology, and infrastructure is what drives an economy.

Not tax cuts for the rich.
Money spent on health care, education, technology, and infrastructure is what drives an economy.

Not tax cuts for the rich.

Spend money is all you people ever propose. Easy to do when it's not your money. You're just modern day slave owners. Sitting on your fat lazy asses demanding that others produce what you want for you.

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money to spend" - Margaret Thatcher
[...] Simple question really: what if there was a zapper which would zap liberals any time they tried to get their hands on rich/other people's money[...]
Please supply a specific example of Liberals trying to get their hands on other people's money.

Obama trying to raise taxes on people making over $250,000 to 39% is an example. All taxation is an attempt for some people to get their hands on other people's money.

He's not raising taxes.
Why can't conservatives get rich without fucking those with little money?
[...] Simple question really: what if there was a zapper which would zap liberals any time they tried to get their hands on rich/other people's money[...]
Please supply a specific example of Liberals trying to get their hands on other people's money.

Progressive taxation and entitlement handouts to those who pay nothing in federal income tax
Money spent on health care, education, technology, and infrastructure is what drives an economy.

Not tax cuts for the rich.

Spend money is all you people ever propose. Easy to do when it's not your money. You're just modern day slave owners. Sitting on your fat lazy asses demanding that others produce what you want for you.

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money to spend" - Margaret Thatcher

You dumb fuck....IT IS OUR MONEY. When the day comes that only people with an "R" behind their names pays taxes...then you can legitimately whine. Till then, fuck off. I get it...you don't like the way OUR money is spent. Neither do I. I think we should cut the military budget in half(and still be spending 5X more than any other country on the planet), I think we ought to lose the Department of Homeland security and make the NSA(National SECURITY Agency) do their fucking JOBS, and end corporate welfare....along with those wonderfuckingful "free trade" agreements that aren't free and only serves the host country and the corporation and in turn fucks the rest of our country.

So, if I'm not getting my way...why in the hell should you get yours? You aren't special...other than your IQ.....which is definately low enough to be considered "special".
What a stupid question, might as well ask why the rich cannot find a way to create wealth that does not exploit workers and screw the middle class out of their paltry savings? Liberals are not looking to rob the rich so much as counter the ill effects of their sucking money out of the economy and hoarding it.

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