Why can't pro-lifers just accept that the videos are fake?

Why can't pro murderers admit that planned parent hood murders babies and sells their organs for money....?
1. Murder is a legal term. You can only murder people. Fetuses are not legally considered people. Ergo you cannot murder them.
2. Fetuses are not babies. They are fetuses. This is why they're called fetuses and not babies.
3. These tissues are not being sold. I was very careful not to use that term. What's happening is not selling. Planned Parenthood donates fetuses to bio companies, which donate an agreed upon financial donation to Planned Parenthood in return.

Sorry, they followed the laws of each state..which is why some video is in the clinics...states with one party consent laws, and the others are in public because of 2 party consent laws....they can record the conversation in public.......
So you're admitting that they were being underhanded? Either way they obtained the videos through misrepresentation, forgery, and fraud. We must make an example of them before anyone else gets the idea that this is okay to do.

"...the couple was overt about their work in the sex industry that involved undocumented immigrant girls. A Planned Parenthood worker encouraged them to lie about the age of the minors so that the organization would not have to legally report them to the authorities." 6 Scandals Involving Planned Parenthood
Wonderful. You just proved my point. Planned Parenthood is willing to provide abortive healthcare to all women from all walks of life. How can you be against that? Without Planned Parenthood, poor women would have nowhere else to turn. I mean, it's not like there's a federal health department.

This is the only video anyone needs to see:

She wants to be very clear: Planned Parenthood does not in any way profit from tissue donation.

Right, since it proves the videos are genuine and she tried to spin some of the worst things said by their staffers. Great propaganda piece, but it doesn't support the OP.
The videos are not genuine. They are hoaxes. Propaganda hit pieces. The acting wasn't even that good.
They're not getting "busted". There are no "full-length" videos. Those videos are heavily edited too.
No they aren't, lol. All videos are *heavily edited* in that they have a beginning and an end. Get over it. Planned Parenthood is going down, finally. And the good women's clinics that don't butcher women and kill babies will get their money.

Tres awesome.
Planned Parenthood won't be "going down". The pro-life movement might be allowed to exist, but you people are most definitely not allowed to win. We'll see martial law before that happens. Especially over heavily edited hoax propaganda videos of interviews that never happened and were only obtained through fraudulent means.

Threatening to use force to impose your ideology on the public?

That is so beautifully liberal!
On one hand you say that they were not real employees then you say those same not real employees didn't give their consent. Well if they are actors then they gave there consent.
Why can't pro murderers admit that planned parent hood murders babies and sells their organs for money....?
1. Murder is a legal term. You can only murder people. Fetuses are not legally considered people. Ergo you cannot murder them.
2. Fetuses are not babies. They are fetuses. This is why they're called fetuses and not babies.
3. These tissues are not being sold. I was very careful not to use that term. What's happening is not selling. Planned Parenthood donates fetuses to bio companies, which donate an agreed upon financial donation to Planned Parenthood in return.

Sorry, they followed the laws of each state..which is why some video is in the clinics...states with one party consent laws, and the others are in public because of 2 party consent laws....they can record the conversation in public.......
So you're admitting that they were being underhanded? Either way they obtained the videos through misrepresentation, forgery, and fraud. We must make an example of them before anyone else gets the idea that this is okay to do.

"...the couple was overt about their work in the sex industry that involved undocumented immigrant girls. A Planned Parenthood worker encouraged them to lie about the age of the minors so that the organization would not have to legally report them to the authorities." 6 Scandals Involving Planned Parenthood
Wonderful. You just proved my point. Planned Parenthood is willing to provide abortive healthcare to all women from all walks of life. How can you be against that? Without Planned Parenthood, poor women would have nowhere else to turn. I mean, it's not like there's a federal health department.

This is the only video anyone needs to see:

She wants to be very clear: Planned Parenthood does not in any way profit from tissue donation.

Right, since it proves the videos are genuine and she tried to spin some of the worst things said by their staffers. Great propaganda piece, but it doesn't support the OP.
The videos are not genuine. They are hoaxes. Propaganda hit pieces. The acting wasn't even that good.

They murdered babies and sold their organs for money.....lie about it, and justify it to yourself as much as you have to....

They murdered babies and sold their organs for money........
Why can't pro murderers admit that planned parent hood murders babies and sells their organs for money....?
1. Murder is a legal term. You can only murder people. Fetuses are not legally considered people. Ergo you cannot murder them.
2. Fetuses are not babies. They are fetuses. This is why they're called fetuses and not babies.
3. These tissues are not being sold. I was very careful not to use that term. What's happening is not selling. Planned Parenthood donates fetuses to bio companies, which donate an agreed upon financial donation to Planned Parenthood in return.

Sorry, they followed the laws of each state..which is why some video is in the clinics...states with one party consent laws, and the others are in public because of 2 party consent laws....they can record the conversation in public.......
So you're admitting that they were being underhanded? Either way they obtained the videos through misrepresentation, forgery, and fraud. We must make an example of them before anyone else gets the idea that this is okay to do.

"...the couple was overt about their work in the sex industry that involved undocumented immigrant girls. A Planned Parenthood worker encouraged them to lie about the age of the minors so that the organization would not have to legally report them to the authorities." 6 Scandals Involving Planned Parenthood
Wonderful. You just proved my point. Planned Parenthood is willing to provide abortive healthcare to all women from all walks of life. How can you be against that? Without Planned Parenthood, poor women would have nowhere else to turn. I mean, it's not like there's a federal health department.

This is the only video anyone needs to see:

She wants to be very clear: Planned Parenthood does not in any way profit from tissue donation.

Right, since it proves the videos are genuine and she tried to spin some of the worst things said by their staffers. Great propaganda piece, but it doesn't support the OP.
The videos are not genuine. They are hoaxes. Propaganda hit pieces. The acting wasn't even that good.

9,000 health clinics, and another bunch of neo natal clinics......

they murdered babies and sold their organs for money....
The OP's just being an idiot.

Move along, people. Nothing to see here.
Threatening to use force to impose your ideology on the public?

That is so beautifully liberal!
That wasn't a threat. I was saying that we would sooner see something impossible like martial law happening before something impossible like you denying a woman her Fourth Amendment right to a free and on demand abortion at any stage and for any reason. Of course a paranoid right wing extremist would see a threat there tho.

On one hand you say that they were not real employees then you say those same not real employees didn't give their consent. Well if they are actors then they gave there consent.
You're missing the point. The crux of the issue is that these deceptively edited hoax videos have already been debunked as baseless slander against America's only health provider for underprivileged women.

They murdered babies and sold their organs for money.....lie about it, and justify it to yourself as much as you have to....

They murdered babies and sold their organs for money........
You can keep repeating that. It's not true. Fetuses are not babies. Fetuses are not legally considered people. They are not alive. Their organs were not being sold. Even if they were being sold, this research might one day cure cancer or AIDS. You're literally opposing AIDS research by trying to stop this entirely legal and ethical donation.

The OP's just being an idiot.

Move along, people. Nothing to see here.
Of course you don't have an argument. Your side lost 50 years ago.
Threatening to use force to impose your ideology on the public?

That is so beautifully liberal!
That wasn't a threat. I was saying that we would sooner see something impossible like martial law happening before something impossible like you denying a woman her Fourth Amendment right to a free and on demand abortion at any stage and for any reason. Of course a paranoid right wing extremist would see a threat there tho.

On one hand you say that they were not real employees then you say those same not real employees didn't give their consent. Well if they are actors then they gave there consent.
You're missing the point. The crux of the issue is that these deceptively edited hoax videos have already been debunked as baseless slander against America's only health provider for underprivileged women.

They murdered babies and sold their organs for money.....lie about it, and justify it to yourself as much as you have to....

They murdered babies and sold their organs for money........
You can keep repeating that. It's not true. Fetuses are not babies. Fetuses are not legally considered people. They are not alive. Their organs were not being sold. Even if they were being sold, this research might one day cure cancer or AIDS. You're literally opposing AIDS research by trying to stop this entirely legal and ethical donation.

The OP's just being an idiot.

Move along, people. Nothing to see here.
Of course you don't have an argument. Your side lost 50 years ago.

Fetuses are not legally considered people.

Nazis didn't consider Jews people either.......
Threatening to use force to impose your ideology on the public?

That is so beautifully liberal!
That wasn't a threat. I was saying that we would sooner see something impossible like martial law happening before something impossible like you denying a woman her Fourth Amendment right to a free and on demand abortion at any stage and for any reason. Of course a paranoid right wing extremist would see a threat there tho.

On one hand you say that they were not real employees then you say those same not real employees didn't give their consent. Well if they are actors then they gave there consent.
You're missing the point. The crux of the issue is that these deceptively edited hoax videos have already been debunked as baseless slander against America's only health provider for underprivileged women.

They murdered babies and sold their organs for money.....lie about it, and justify it to yourself as much as you have to....

They murdered babies and sold their organs for money........
You can keep repeating that. It's not true. Fetuses are not babies. Fetuses are not legally considered people. They are not alive. Their organs were not being sold. Even if they were being sold, this research might one day cure cancer or AIDS. You're literally opposing AIDS research by trying to stop this entirely legal and ethical donation.

The OP's just being an idiot.

Move along, people. Nothing to see here.
Of course you don't have an argument. Your side lost 50 years ago.

Embryonic stem cells are unstable...adult stem cells have actually led to cures....
Threatening to use force to impose your ideology on the public?

That is so beautifully liberal!
That wasn't a threat. I was saying that we would sooner see something impossible like martial law happening before something impossible like you denying a woman her Fourth Amendment right to a free and on demand abortion at any stage and for any reason. Of course a paranoid right wing extremist would see a threat there tho.

On one hand you say that they were not real employees then you say those same not real employees didn't give their consent. Well if they are actors then they gave there consent.
You're missing the point. The crux of the issue is that these deceptively edited hoax videos have already been debunked as baseless slander against America's only health provider for underprivileged women.

They murdered babies and sold their organs for money.....lie about it, and justify it to yourself as much as you have to....

They murdered babies and sold their organs for money........
You can keep repeating that. It's not true. Fetuses are not babies. Fetuses are not legally considered people. They are not alive. Their organs were not being sold. Even if they were being sold, this research might one day cure cancer or AIDS. You're literally opposing AIDS research by trying to stop this entirely legal and ethical donation.

The OP's just being an idiot.

Move along, people. Nothing to see here.
Of course you don't have an argument. Your side lost 50 years ago.

Many medical discoveries were made by Japanese medical units during world war 2....the effects of frostbite for one example....they took live prisoners out into the snow, soaked their arms repeatedly with water till the limbs froze...they said when they struck the limb it sounded like wood.....then they watched the limb unfreeze.....got a lot of good research from that practice...glad you are all for it......
The whole thing's a hoax. Seriously. Look it up. Even Cecile Richards said so. There was no sting operation. There were no interviews. Those weren't real clinics. They just made everything up. It's fabricated. Those weren't really even actual employees in any of the videos. They were just like actors or something. And this "Center for Medical Progress" thinks it can show people videos it obtained through fraud? Seriously? Think about it. None of the employees interviewed were asked for their consent to be video taped. The perpetrators actually forged official looking documents and misrepresented themselves just to gain access to people and places they filmed. They committed a crime just to deprive women of their Fourth Amendment right to have an abortion at any stage for any reason. Oh, and by the way, if you separate every service PP provides right then only 3% of those services are actually abortions anyway. They also refer women to other healthcare providers for breast cancer screening, take generous mandatory donations from various breast cancer charities, and work with diverse bio-tech firms through mutually beneficial negotiated reciprocal donations to provide doctors and scientists with much needed human tissues such as hearts and livers.

Why can't pro murderers admit that planned parent hood murders babies and sells their organs for money....?
Planned Parenthood does not murder babies. And Planned Parenthood does not sell organs for money. There. That is the truth. However, someone sure sold Dick Cheney that heart.
This is some of what the little human has at 17 weeks...when they can be murdered...

What your baby looks like -- 17 weeks BabyCenter

Ear: Your baby's sense of hearing is developing.

Elbow joint: Your baby can move all his joints. His skeleton is turning from rubbery cartilage into hardened bone.
Why can't pro murderers admit that planned parent hood murders babies and sells their organs for money....?
1. Murder is a legal term. You can only murder people. Fetuses are not legally considered people. Ergo you cannot murder them.
2. Fetuses are not babies. They are fetuses. This is why they're called fetuses and not babies.
3. These tissues are not being sold. I was very careful not to use that term. What's happening is not selling. Planned Parenthood donates fetuses to bio companies, which donate an agreed upon financial donation to Planned Parenthood in return.

Sorry, they followed the laws of each state..which is why some video is in the clinics...states with one party consent laws, and the others are in public because of 2 party consent laws....they can record the conversation in public.......
So you're admitting that they were being underhanded? Either way they obtained the videos through misrepresentation, forgery, and fraud. We must make an example of them before anyone else gets the idea that this is okay to do.

"...the couple was overt about their work in the sex industry that involved undocumented immigrant girls. A Planned Parenthood worker encouraged them to lie about the age of the minors so that the organization would not have to legally report them to the authorities." 6 Scandals Involving Planned Parenthood
Wonderful. You just proved my point. Planned Parenthood is willing to provide abortive healthcare to all women from all walks of life. How can you be against that? Without Planned Parenthood, poor women would have nowhere else to turn. I mean, it's not like there's a federal health department.

This is the only video anyone needs to see:

She wants to be very clear: Planned Parenthood does not in any way profit from tissue donation.

Right, since it proves the videos are genuine and she tried to spin some of the worst things said by their staffers. Great propaganda piece, but it doesn't support the OP.
The videos are not genuine. They are hoaxes. Propaganda hit pieces. The acting wasn't even that good.

"Roger Holland, 37, was sentenced Tuesday to two consecutive life sentences in prison without parole, one for the murder of 37-year-old Margorie Holland, and one for their unborn daughter.
Holland was found guilty on two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of second-degree murder after his wife, who was 15 weeks pregnant at the time of her death, was found dead inside their Apple Valley townhome on March 7."

Man Gets 2 Life Sentences For Murdering Wife Unborn Child CBS Minnesota
Nazis didn't consider Jews people either.......

Now that you bring up Nazis, don't you think the current pro-life tactics are horribly similar to the Blood Libel tactics used by the Nazis? That is, make up stories about your opponent sacrificing babies.
Last edited:
Nazis didn't consider Jews people either.......

Now that your bring up Nazis, don't you think the current pro-life tactics are horribly similar to the Blood Libel tactics used by the Nazis? That is, make up stories about your opponent sacrificing babies.
You do sacrifice babies. The Nazis accused others of doing it, to justify it when they did it.

Kind of like you accuse others of doing what you actually do. And you actually do sacrifice babies. And women.
Okay, we have one pro-lifer who is openly proud of emulating the Nazis by using the Blood Libel slur. Any others?

This is educational. When I look at pro-lifers, I can see how the Nazis were able to come to power. That kind of fascism is a threat every generation has to fight.
"The Office of District Attorney General Charme P. Allen says 24-year-old Brandon Scott Donaldson was sentenced Friday. He was convicted in January of second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of Marcia Crider and her unborn child in February 2013.

"Donaldson fired 11 rounds at Marcia Crider and her mother as they drove away after an argument. Crider was struck by two shots, one of which killed her unborn child. Crider was 13 weeks pregnant."

Read more: Man sentenced for killing pregnant Tenn. woman, unborn child | Kingsport Times-News http://www.timesnews.net/article/9085731/man-sentenced-for-killing-pregnant-tenn-woman-unborn-child#ixzz3i548C6h9

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