Why can't pro-lifers just accept that the videos are fake?

What if it turns out to be real? What if PP is really selling human body parts and promising to furnish a whole dead baby for the right price? What if the allegations are real? Is the radical left as horrified as everyone else or will they find another way to justify the use of taxpayer funding for this outrage?
Okay, we have one pro-lifer who is openly proud of emulating the Nazis by using the Blood Libel slur. Any others?
Planned Parenthood doesn't kill babies? Go figger!

Oh wait, you're saying they aren't *human*...right?

Like the Nazis said Jews weren't human?
They can't accept that they are fake - because they can't "unbelieve" it.
Planned Parenthood does not murder babies. And Planned Parenthood does not sell organs for money. There. That is the truth. However, someone sure sold Dick Cheney that heart.
Thank you. Planned Parenthood is telling the truth. The CMP isn't. If you don't believe me then feel free to ask Planned Parenthood. Cecile Richards has already debunked the heavily edited deceptive videos herself.

Nazis didn't consider Jews people either.......

Now that you bring up Nazis, don't you think the current pro-life tactics are horribly similar to the Blood Libel tactics used by the Nazis? That is, make up stories about your opponent sacrificing babies.
Exactly. They're not babies. They're fetuses. Babies are living humans who have a birthday. Fetuses are clumps of cells that might one day become humans if the mother chooses to let them be born.

You do sacrifice babies. The Nazis accused others of doing it, to justify it when they did it.

Kind of like you accuse others of doing what you actually do. And you actually do sacrifice babies. And women.
Few people knew what was going on in the camps. The government made sure to keep the allied spies and the too curious well away from them. Now which side does that sound like to you?
What if it turns out to be real? What if PP is really selling human body parts and promising to furnish a whole dead baby for the right price? What if the allegations are real? Is the radical left as horrified as everyone else or will they find another way to justify the use of taxpayer funding for this outrage?
No, they aren't horrified. They approve of it. That's why they're lying to try to prevent investigation. That's why they screech so loudly when someone proposes any sort of oversight of clinics.
Why can't pro murderers admit that planned parent hood murders babies and sells their organs for money....?
1. Murder is a legal term. You can only murder people. Fetuses are not legally considered people. Ergo you cannot murder them.
2. Fetuses are not babies. They are fetuses. This is why they're called fetuses and not babies.
3. These tissues are not being sold. I was very careful not to use that term. What's happening is not selling. Planned Parenthood donates fetuses to bio companies, which donate an agreed upon financial donation to Planned Parenthood in return.

Sorry, they followed the laws of each state..which is why some video is in the clinics...states with one party consent laws, and the others are in public because of 2 party consent laws....they can record the conversation in public.......
So you're admitting that they were being underhanded? Either way they obtained the videos through misrepresentation, forgery, and fraud. We must make an example of them before anyone else gets the idea that this is okay to do.

"...the couple was overt about their work in the sex industry that involved undocumented immigrant girls. A Planned Parenthood worker encouraged them to lie about the age of the minors so that the organization would not have to legally report them to the authorities." 6 Scandals Involving Planned Parenthood
Wonderful. You just proved my point. Planned Parenthood is willing to provide abortive healthcare to all women from all walks of life. How can you be against that? Without Planned Parenthood, poor women would have nowhere else to turn. I mean, it's not like there's a federal health department.

This is the only video anyone needs to see:

She wants to be very clear: Planned Parenthood does not in any way profit from tissue donation.

Right, since it proves the videos are genuine and she tried to spin some of the worst things said by their staffers. Great propaganda piece, but it doesn't support the OP.
The videos are not genuine. They are hoaxes. Propaganda hit pieces. The acting wasn't even that good.

Right dumbass, that's why she said they were addressing what their staffer said in the videos, she never claimed they were not genuine, only that they were edited. Carry on loser.
What if it turns out to be real? What if PP is really selling human body parts and promising to furnish a whole dead baby for the right price? What if the allegations are real? Is the radical left as horrified as everyone else or will they find another way to justify the use of taxpayer funding for this outrage?
It's not real so it doesn't matter. Even if it is real, then the benefits still outweigh the costs. You might lose your arm one day. Won't you wish that you hadn't have opposed research that could have given you a new one?

What if it turns out to be real? What if PP is really selling human body parts and promising to furnish a whole dead baby for the right price? What if the allegations are real? Is the radical left as horrified as everyone else or will they find another way to justify the use of taxpayer funding for this outrage?
No, they aren't horrified. They approve of it. That's why they're lying to try to prevent investigation. That's why they screech so loudly when someone proposes any sort of oversight of clinics.
Nobody is trying to "prevent investigation". There's nothing to investigate. Planned Parenthood did nothing wrong. I've already proven that Cecile Richards has gone on record to say so. Even Obama has weighed in on the matter. The videos are fake and that's all there is to it.
Pedro, you're really bad at the sarcasm, mostly because you're not being honest. Nobody says anyone simply has to believe PP. We say you have to present a case based on actual evidence, and pro-lifers proudly refuse to do that. We ask them exactly what part of the videos shows something illegal, and they scream "Just watch the videos!" over and over.

The pro-lifers are making up stupid shit. Lying, that is, bigger than they've ever lied before. That's the issue. Try addressing it, instead of fabricating all the strawmen.
Why can't pro murderers admit that planned parent hood murders babies and sells their organs for money....?
1. Murder is a legal term. You can only murder people. Fetuses are not legally considered people. Ergo you cannot murder them.
2. Fetuses are not babies. They are fetuses. This is why they're called fetuses and not babies.
3. These tissues are not being sold. I was very careful not to use that term. What's happening is not selling. Planned Parenthood donates fetuses to bio companies, which donate an agreed upon financial donation to Planned Parenthood in return.

Sorry, they followed the laws of each state..which is why some video is in the clinics...states with one party consent laws, and the others are in public because of 2 party consent laws....they can record the conversation in public.......
So you're admitting that they were being underhanded? Either way they obtained the videos through misrepresentation, forgery, and fraud. We must make an example of them before anyone else gets the idea that this is okay to do.

"...the couple was overt about their work in the sex industry that involved undocumented immigrant girls. A Planned Parenthood worker encouraged them to lie about the age of the minors so that the organization would not have to legally report them to the authorities." 6 Scandals Involving Planned Parenthood
Wonderful. You just proved my point. Planned Parenthood is willing to provide abortive healthcare to all women from all walks of life. How can you be against that? Without Planned Parenthood, poor women would have nowhere else to turn. I mean, it's not like there's a federal health department.

This is the only video anyone needs to see:

She wants to be very clear: Planned Parenthood does not in any way profit from tissue donation.

Right, since it proves the videos are genuine and she tried to spin some of the worst things said by their staffers. Great propaganda piece, but it doesn't support the OP.
The videos are not genuine. They are hoaxes. Propaganda hit pieces. The acting wasn't even that good.

Right dumbass, that's why she said they were addressing what their staffer said in the videos, she never claimed they were not genuine, only that they were edited. Carry on loser.

And apologized for what herr director said on them. Apparently the big boss thinks the video is real.

abortion was one of the tools of the Holocaust, used by
the very same men who engaged in the mass killing that was so
much a part of World War II."

".....we see the desire by the Nazis not to have abortions done on German

people. They would, however, encourage abortions on non-German peoples."

Have you ever heard a baby killer saying that poor, uneducated people must be allowed to kill their babies?

http://www.uffl.org/vol 9/hunt9.pdf
"Jewish women were also the victims of Nazi abortion, but the

abortions in these cases were often done by Jewish physicians,
since a Jewish woman found to be pregnant meant immediate
gassing for both her and her unborn. Doctors and the affected
women here believed that in this way at least one life was
saved.xxvii The overwhelming use of abortion by the Nazis during

World War II, however, was done on eastern Slavic women,
particularly Polish women. While only 523 cases of abortion on
eastern female workers have been authenticated, these cases
stretch only from May 1943 to January 1945. The documented
cases thus cover only one and one-half years and one small area
of Poland.xxviii Since the Germans, however, had been in Poland

at least five years (September 1939 to early 1945), and virtually all
of the rest of eastern Europe for periods longer than a year and
one-half, abortions were, without question, in the thousands,
probably the tens of thousands."

Awkward. http://www.uffl.org/vol 9/hunt9.pdf
So Hitler was the ultimate anti-choicer, banning abortion for Aryans and forcing it on others. That is, Hitler was the exact opposite of pro-choicers in every conceivable way.
What if it turns out to be real? What if PP is really selling human body parts and promising to furnish a whole dead baby for the right price? What if the allegations are real? Is the radical left as horrified as everyone else or will they find another way to justify the use of taxpayer funding for this outrage?
No, they aren't horrified. They approve of it. That's why they're lying to try to prevent investigation. That's why they screech so loudly when someone proposes any sort of oversight of clinics.
Dr. Gosnel's house of horrors didn't happen in the swamps of Louisiana or in podunk Alaska (no offense Louisiana or Alaska). Gosnel was murdering full term babies in Philadelphia. The freaking city had routine health checks of Taco Belle but they never set foot in Gosnell's house of horrors because PP had too much political power and the city was afraid of adverse publicity sponsored by the radical left.. They finally showed up when Gosnell killed a patient. The same goes for the outrage of selling human body parts. Notice PP isn't denying it, they are pulling strings in the friendly courts and friendly liberal media to suppress the information. Lefties hope it will blow over but so far two states (on democrat and one republican) have stopped funding PP. Lets hope honest congress people do the same thing.
Pedro, you're really bad at the sarcasm, mostly because you're not being honest. Nobody says anyone simply has to believe PP. We say you have to present a case based on actual evidence, and pro-lifers proudly refuse to do that. We ask them exactly what part of the videos shows something illegal, and they scream "Just watch the videos!" over and over.

The pro-lifers are making up stupid shit. Lying, that is, bigger than they've ever lied before. That's the issue. Try addressing it, instead of fabricating all the strawmen.
I'm not really sure why you're addressing me here. That's exactly what I'm saying. When someone says they have solid proof of something like this and all they have to back it up is a collection of videos showing various employees who appear to be saying sketchy things then they just can't expect to be taken seriously. You can't just rely on video evidence that can be challenged on the grounds of how easy recordings are to manipulate. You need real proof. Especially when you're trying to convince people whose minds are just as made up as yours are. That's why their screams of "just watch the videos!" are so laughable. They just can't get it through their skulls that nobody wants to watch their stupid little videos. They can't understand that nobody cares. Truly. Nobody. Either they come out with real proof or they shut up and wait on the slander charges.

Dr. Gosnel's house of horrors didn't happen in the swamps of Louisiana or in podunk Alaska (no offense Louisiana or Alaska). Gosnel was murdering full term babies in Philadelphia. The freaking city had routine health checks of Taco Belle but they never set foot in Gosnell's house of horrors because PP had too much political power and the city was afraid of adverse publicity sponsored by the radical left.. They finally showed up when Gosnell killed a patient. The same goes for the outrage of selling human body parts. Notice PP isn't denying it, they are pulling strings in the friendly courts and friendly liberal media to suppress the information. Lefties hope it will blow over but so far two states (on democrat and one republican) have stopped funding PP. Lets hope honest congress people do the same thing.
Gosnell was not Planned Parenthood. He was a lone doctor practicing without sanction that the Radical Right didn't even know about until the "liberal media" broke the story. Liberals were talking about it before Rightwing Extremists were.
"To achieve the 'Final solution of the Jewish question in Europe',
the NAZIs long before had put into motion a process to 'de-humanize'
the Jewish people. It was argued that the Jews were a sort of
'sub strata' of the human species and that these 'non-humans'
could be done away with wholesale and without any moral consequence."

Just like progressives de-humanize not only the babies they kill, but the women.

Nazis: "The NAZI SS chose who would live and who would die.
Little children, the infirm, the old, the weak were inevitably sent to the gas."

Progressives today: "Now: Dr's and mothers choose who will live and who will die.
Within hours, their little remains will be burned in ovens,
ground up, or thrown into a dumpster."

The Correlations between the abortion holocaust and the NAZI holocaust.
What if it turns out to be real? What if PP is really selling human body parts and promising to furnish a whole dead baby for the right price? What if the allegations are real? Is the radical left as horrified as everyone else or will they find another way to justify the use of taxpayer funding for this outrage?
No, they aren't horrified. They approve of it. That's why they're lying to try to prevent investigation. That's why they screech so loudly when someone proposes any sort of oversight of clinics.
Dr. Gosnel's house of horrors didn't happen in the swamps of Louisiana or in podunk Alaska (no offense Louisiana or Alaska). Gosnel was murdering full term babies in Philadelphia. The freaking city had routine health checks of Taco Belle but they never set foot in Gosnell's house of horrors because PP had too much political power and the city was afraid of adverse publicity sponsored by the radical left.. They finally showed up when Gosnell killed a patient. The same goes for the outrage of selling human body parts. Notice PP isn't denying it, they are pulling strings in the friendly courts and friendly liberal media to suppress the information. Lefties hope it will blow over but so far two states (on democrat and one republican) have stopped funding PP. Lets hope honest congress people do the same thing.
Planned Parenthood knew about it too, because women were going to them and telling them. But they kept sending women to him. I think they got kickbacks.
They can't accept that they are fake - because they can't "unbelieve" it.
Ah, it's the old "Are you going to believe what your eyes see or what I tell you?" defense, lolol.

Yes, we should just accept what the baby killers say without question. I'm sure they're upright honest people. I mean, after all, they make a lot of money killing babies and abusing women, what's not to trust?
I'm not really sure why you're addressing me here.

What part about "You're being deliberately dishonest" was unclear?

The videos, edited or not, simply don't say what you claim they say. That's the point, and you refuse to address it.

Remember Pedro, God says "no lying" There's no special dispensation that allows for lying in the service of the greater good. It's Satan who tells people to do that.
Dr. Gosnel's house of horrors

More Dr. Gosnells is what pro-lifers are working to create across the nation. It is their ultimate goal to drive all legitimate doctors out of business, and thus have every abortion doctor be a Dr. Gosnell.

I just wonder why pro-lifers don't take more pride in their perfect creation, Dr Gosnell.

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