Why can't Public Assistance increase?

You don't think a business person doesn't know how much her/his competitors are paying. A prospective employees visits 5 or 6 businesses all paying the same shit pay. They need a job, And there is your superior strength or influence to intimidate.

If you don't like the wages offered, then find somebody that offers the wages you demand. If nobody is offering those wages, then you aren't worth the money you are asking. How much simpler can it get than that?

A workers worth is determined by how much other people will do the same job for. That's it. That's why your floor sweepers and shelf stockers make minimum wage or somewhere in the area; because anybody can do that job including a monkey.

Monkeys don't demand any wages at all.
My argument is that any employer that doesn't pay a living wage IS a bully.

Well that's a bad argument. There's no bullying at all going on there. No one is forced to work for less than a 'living wage'. Would you, likewise, say that consumers are bullies if they refuse to pay more than five bucks for a burger?

Well that's a bad argument. There's no bullying at all going on there. No one is forced to work for less than a 'living wage'. Would you, likewise, say that consumers are bullies if they refuse to pay more than five bucks for a burger?

Your argument hinges on whether selling a burger for five-bucks makes paying a living wage impossible.

No it doesn't. You're reading too much into my comment. I'm just making a comparison. I'm drawing attention to the fact that your conception of 'bullying' makes no sense. If an employer can't, or just doesn't want to, pay someone a 'living wage', they're not bullying anyone. Any more than you're bullying the local pizza shop if you don't shop there because you think their pizza's too expensive.

No it doesn't. You're reading too much into my comment. I'm just making a comparison. I'm drawing attention to the fact that your conception of 'bullying' makes no sense. If an employer can't, or just doesn't want to, pay someone a 'living wage', they're not bullying anyone. Any more than you're bullying the local pizza shop if you don't shop there because you think their pizza's too expensive.

Bullying is another of intimidation. Employers do this all of the time; don't do it and I'll fire you, if you get injured I'll fire you, want more money and I'll fire you. Then you have the low-life maggots on the USMB; If you don't make enough get a second job, employees are like fish, they have a market price.

So, again, I'll ask. If you hire someone to mow your lawn, are you bullying them if you pay them less than a living wage? Are they accomplices to your crime if they go along with it?

So, again, I'll ask. If you hire someone to mow your lawn, are you bullying them if you pay them less than a living wage? Are they accomplices to your crime if they go along with it?

A person who mows my lawn is my employee? How does that work?

Your argument hinges on whether selling a burger for five-bucks makes paying a living wage impossible.

If you are too damn sorry to make enough money to live on then that is your problem, not mine. I sure as hell don't need the fucking government thugs artificially setting the price of labor. That is the wrong thing for the jackasses to be doing.

The best way for a poor person to not be poor (besides putting down the bong and getting off their fat asses) is for them to stop voting for Liberals that screw up the economy with failed Left economic policies so that there are not enough high paying jobs.
You don't think a business person doesn't know how much her/his competitors are paying. A prospective employees visits 5 or 6 businesses all paying the same shit pay. They need a job, And there is your superior strength or influence to intimidate.

Nope. That's not bullying. But I'll tell you what would be.

Let's say we're talking about burger joints. And some of the workers refuse to work for such low wages. Instead they start competing with the low-paying employers directly. They set up food carts nearby and sell better burgers cheaper, on the street to satisfied customers. Soon, they're cutting into the established restaurants profits.

Now, to put a stop to this inconvenience, the established restaurants pool their money and hire lobbyists to sell gullible voters on the idea that 'street burgers' are a menace to society. They soon have their law and send the police down to the corner to crack heads. THAT is bullying. And it's the kind of bullying I bet you support. Am I wrong?
Have you ever tried to sue a company? The only time a company ever gets nailed is when their actions are so hanus that it draws the attention of police/regulators/media or has happened to many employees turning it into a class action. Most companies are shelled well that it takes months or years to pierce.

Are you kidding? Ambulance chasers dream about cases like that and will work on contingency. I know because I did work for a company that fired a worker after she got back from her medical leave. They didn't fire her for that reason but still got sued every which way to Sunday.

Are you kidding? Ambulance chasers dream about cases like that and will work on contingency. I know because I did work for a company that fired a worker after she got back from her medical leave. They didn't fire her for that reason but still got sued every which way to Sunday.

An ambulance chaser is a personal injury Attorney. They sue insurance companies. They either negotiate out, or if the case goes to court and win a verdict, the insurance company by law has 30 days to pay.

If an employee wants to sue an employer, they first have to receive a verdict in their favor from regulators, then trial, appeal, which usually lasts two to three years or longer. Then, if the verdict is large, the employer files bankruptcy.
A person who mows my lawn is my employee? How does that work?

It works like this:

You get three estimates for lawn maintenance. Like most Americans, you choose the cheapest one. Because you chose the cheapest one, the only way they can offer you that price is by paying their workers lower wages than the higher bidders.

Because you chose them, you are supporting unlivable wages. You save money in the process, but you are responsible for those workers not making enough money. The lawn care company is only providing their customers with what they want: cheaper lawn care services.
A person who mows my lawn is my employee? How does that work?

It works like this:

You get three estimates for lawn maintenance. Like most Americans, you choose the cheapest one. Because you chose the cheapest one, the only way they can offer you that price is by paying their workers lower wages than the higher bidders.

Because you chose them, you are supporting unlivable wages. You save money in the process, but you are responsible for those workers not making enough money. The lawn care company is only providing their customers with what they want: cheap lawn care services.

Are you saying that OnePercenter is the actual bully??? :shock:
An ambulance chaser is a personal injury Attorney. They sue insurance companies. They either negotiate out, or if the case goes to court and win a verdict, the insurance company by law has 30 days to pay.

If an employee wants to sue an employer, they first have to receive a verdict in their favor from regulators, then trial, appeal, which usually lasts two to three years or longer. Then, if the verdict is large, the employer files bankruptcy.

You have no idea WTF you are even talking about. You don't need any regulator to sue a company if they fire you for medical reasons. What regulator are you even dreaming up?

A company that fired an employee due to illness or injury is covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. It's a violation of the law. An employer can't even fire an employee that goes to the bathroom ten times a day.
Are you saying that OnePercenter is the actual bully??? :shock:

He's much less of a one-percenter than I am.

The beauty of the internet is that you can be anybody you wish. I've supposedly had discussions with billionaires, astronauts, published authors, work-from-home liberals, and even proclaimed sports heroes.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. LOL!
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Why is that such an outrageous idea?

Since people are not starving in the streets save the crack addict/drunk who would just use their more money to buy more substances, there is no pressing need to increase welfare spending. The dopamine buzz you feel at the thought of helping the poor is what will make you codependent on them.
I get it. You don't mind driving on the roadway, you just don't think you should have to pay because it's some Marxist plot to overthrow, and your dog told you you look funny wearing a foil hat. You're a wack-job.....seek help.

No, the roadway I drive on was built by myself and my neighbors because we needed a roadway. We took the money we worked for and earned, pooled it together and built a roadway. That's what people in a free society are able to do... they don't need government.

In a Marxist system, we may not have the option of a roadway... depends on what the state thinks we should have. We might not be "worthy" of a roadway. The fruits of our labor may go towards building a roadway for our dictator and his cronies while we do without a roadway.

Same thing goes for fire departments and police departments, schools and bridges. Free people decide when and where they want them, then they build them. In your system, people don't get to decide.
Are you saying that OnePercenter is the actual bully??? :shock:

He's much less of a one-percenter than I am.

The beauty of the internet is that you can be anybody you wish. I've supposedly had discussions with billionaires, astronauts, published authors, work-from-home liberals, and even proclaimed sports heroes.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. LOL!

For the record, I don't believe he's a "one percenter" either. I think he is the typical little Marxist "useful idiot" carrying the water for a failed 18th century philosophy that hasn't ever worked. He thinks he can better persuade people posing as a George Soros wannabe. BUT... if he really IS all that wealthy, he's like Soros... he's a corrupt crony corporatist who exploits government to profit on the backs of others. Either way, he is a shit stain not worth the time and effort to try and educate.
A person who mows my lawn is my employee? How does that work?

It works like this:

You get three estimates for lawn maintenance. Like most Americans, you choose the cheapest one. Because you chose the cheapest one, the only way they can offer you that price is by paying their workers lower wages than the higher bidders.

Because you chose them, you are supporting unlivable wages. You save money in the process, but you are responsible for those workers not making enough money. The lawn care company is only providing their customers with what they want: cheaper lawn care services.

It works like this:

You get three estimates for lawn maintenance. Like most Americans, you choose the cheapest one. Because you chose the cheapest one, the only way they can offer you that price is by paying their workers lower wages than the higher bidders.

Because you chose them, you are supporting unlivable wages. You save money in the process, but you are responsible for those workers not making enough money. The lawn care company is only providing their customers with what they want: cheaper lawn care services.

1) The issue is hiring employees, not contractors.

2) When you issue bids, if all bids are equal, you throw out the highest and lowest and take the middle.
A person who mows my lawn is my employee? How does that work?

It works like this:

You get three estimates for lawn maintenance. Like most Americans, you choose the cheapest one. Because you chose the cheapest one, the only way they can offer you that price is by paying their workers lower wages than the higher bidders.

Because you chose them, you are supporting unlivable wages. You save money in the process, but you are responsible for those workers not making enough money. The lawn care company is only providing their customers with what they want: cheap lawn care services.

Are you saying that OnePercenter is the actual bully??? :shock:

Are you saying that OnePercenter is the actual bully???

Proving you are wrong make me a bully? How so?
An ambulance chaser is a personal injury Attorney. They sue insurance companies. They either negotiate out, or if the case goes to court and win a verdict, the insurance company by law has 30 days to pay.

If an employee wants to sue an employer, they first have to receive a verdict in their favor from regulators, then trial, appeal, which usually lasts two to three years or longer. Then, if the verdict is large, the employer files bankruptcy.

You have no idea WTF you are even talking about. You don't need any regulator to sue a company if they fire you for medical reasons. What regulator are you even dreaming up?

A company that fired an employee due to illness or injury is covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. It's a violation of the law. An employer can't even fire an employee that goes to the bathroom ten times a day.

You have no idea WTF you are even talking about. You don't need any regulator to sue a company if they fire you for medical reasons. What regulator are you even dreaming up?

A company that fired an employee due to illness or injury is covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. It's a violation of the law. An employer can't even fire an employee that goes to the bathroom ten times a day.

Try hiring an Attorney if you haven't done your due diligence. Good luck.
Are you saying that OnePercenter is the actual bully??? :shock:

He's much less of a one-percenter than I am.

The beauty of the internet is that you can be anybody you wish. I've supposedly had discussions with billionaires, astronauts, published authors, work-from-home liberals, and even proclaimed sports heroes.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. LOL!

He's much less of a one-percenter than I am.

The beauty of the internet is that you can be anybody you wish. I've supposedly had discussions with billionaires, astronauts, published authors, work-from-home liberals, and even proclaimed sports heroes.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. LOL!

The actual issue; You have yet to successfully refute any of my posts.
I get it. You don't mind driving on the roadway, you just don't think you should have to pay because it's some Marxist plot to overthrow, and your dog told you you look funny wearing a foil hat. You're a wack-job.....seek help.

No, the roadway I drive on was built by myself and my neighbors because we needed a roadway. We took the money we worked for and earned, pooled it together and built a roadway. That's what people in a free society are able to do... they don't need government.

In a Marxist system, we may not have the option of a roadway... depends on what the state thinks we should have. We might not be "worthy" of a roadway. The fruits of our labor may go towards building a roadway for our dictator and his cronies while we do without a roadway.

Same thing goes for fire departments and police departments, schools and bridges. Free people decide when and where they want them, then they build them. In your system, people don't get to decide.

No, the roadway I drive on was built by myself and my neighbors because we needed a roadway. We took the money we worked for and earned, pooled it together and built a roadway. That's what people in a free society are able to do... they don't need government.

I find it very hard to believe that you never drive on publicly (tax based) built roadways.

In a Marxist system, we may not have the option of a roadway... depends on what the state thinks we should have. We might not be "worthy" of a roadway. The fruits of our labor may go towards building a roadway for our dictator and his cronies while we do without a roadway.

Same thing goes for fire departments and police departments, schools and bridges. Free people decide when and where they want them, then they build them. In your system, people don't get to decide.

Why would you not want services you are already paying for?

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