Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

What are you talking about?


Government Spending Details in $ billion: Federal State Local for 2016 - Charts

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My argument is that any employer that doesn't pay a living wage IS a bully.

Well that's a bad argument. There's no bullying at all going on there. No one is forced to work for less than a 'living wage'. Would you, likewise, say that consumers are bullies if they refuse to pay more than five bucks for a burger?

Well that's a bad argument. There's no bullying at all going on there. No one is forced to work for less than a 'living wage'. Would you, likewise, say that consumers are bullies if they refuse to pay more than five bucks for a burger?

Your argument hinges on whether selling a burger for five-bucks makes paying a living wage impossible.

No it doesn't. You're reading too much into my comment. I'm just making a comparison. I'm drawing attention to the fact that your conception of 'bullying' makes no sense. If an employer can't, or just doesn't want to, pay someone a 'living wage', they're not bullying anyone. Any more than you're bullying the local pizza shop if you don't shop there because you think their pizza's too expensive.

No it doesn't. You're reading too much into my comment. I'm just making a comparison. I'm drawing attention to the fact that your conception of 'bullying' makes no sense. If an employer can't, or just doesn't want to, pay someone a 'living wage', they're not bullying anyone. Any more than you're bullying the local pizza shop if you don't shop there because you think their pizza's too expensive.

Bullying is another of intimidation. Employers do this all of the time; don't do it and I'll fire you, if you get injured I'll fire you, want more money and I'll fire you. Then you have the low-life maggots on the USMB; If you don't make enough get a second job, employees are like fish, they have a market price.
Bullying is another of intimidation. Employers do this all of the time; don't do it and I'll fire you, if you get injured I'll fire you, want more money and I'll fire you. Then you have the low-life maggots on the USMB; If you don't make enough get a second job, employees are like fish, they have a market price.

You know, you put on this lie that you are a one-percenter and business person, yet you don't even know that a company can get sued into the next century if they dare fire somebody based on illness or getting hurt on the job. And WTF ever got fired because they asked for a Fn raise?

If you actually had a job, you would know about things like this already.

How about any of the other big box stores?

What about 'em?

I have a choice with any business. I can chose not to give them any of my money. I don't have a choice with the filthy ass government. If I don't cough up the tribute they come after me with armed thugs. After all the welfare queens must have their free Obamaphones, don't they?

Do you even understand the difference?

What about 'em?

I have a choice with any business. I can chose not to give them any of my money. I don't have a choice with the filthy ass government. If I don't cough up the tribute they come after me with armed thugs. After all the welfare queens must have their free Obamaphones, don't they?

Do you even understand the difference?

What about em? You're kidding.....right? Every big box store receives millions if not billions in free goodies from the government, that's the American way.

You may not shop at the big box, but you've paid for the big box.

btw; That's the Reagan phone.
Your argument hinges on whether selling a burger for five-bucks makes paying a living wage impossible.

It doesn't matter if it's possible or not. Making french fries is only worth so much money--and no, not a livable wage.

It doesn't matter if it's possible or not. Making french fries is only worth so much money--and no, not a livable wage.

There are workers that only make french fries?
My argument is that any employer that doesn't pay a living wage IS a bully.

bully 1 |ˈbo͝olē|
noun (pl. bullies)

a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.verb (bullies, bullying, bullied) [ with obj. ] use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to dowhat one wants: a local man was bullied into helping them.

Now please explain to the class how a person who offers a job at X amount of money to a willing applicant fits this definition.
My argument is that any employer that doesn't pay a living wage IS a bully.

bully 1 |ˈbo͝olē|
noun (pl. bullies)

a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.verb (bullies, bullying, bullied) [ with obj. ] use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to dowhat one wants: a local man was bullied into helping them.

Now please explain to the class how a person who offers a job at X amount of money to a willing applicant fits this definition.

Well, because mommy wasn't there to rescue him, so how obviously the applicant was in a place of weakness.

What about em? You're kidding.....right? Every big box store receives millions if not billions in free goodies from the government, that's the American way.

You may not shop at the big box, but you've paid for the big box.

btw; That's the Reagan phone.

You are confused.

I don't support any transfer of government funds.

No welfare

No subsides

No bailouts

No entitlements

No taking money from people that earn it and given it tot he shitheads that didn't earn it.

That includes both domestic and foreign.

I don't mind paying for the few necessary government functions like defense, police, road building, courts etc but no transfer of wealth or income.

By the way, I was against the phones when Reagan did it. However, just for the record his program was to provide emergency communication for the elderly in remote locations. It was only a few thousand. That is much different than Obama program to give free phones to every fucking shithead that voted for him like this welfare bitch.

Using the force of government to take money away from the people that earn it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it is a bad thing. It is thievery in addition to creating a welfare state that will resul in severe economic problems,

"A liberal believes if you create money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell
Bullying is another of intimidation. Employers do this all of the time; don't do it and I'll fire you, if you get injured I'll fire you, want more money and I'll fire you. Then you have the low-life maggots on the USMB; If you don't make enough get a second job, employees are like fish, they have a market price.

You know, you put on this lie that you are a one-percenter and business person, yet you don't even know that a company can get sued into the next century if they dare fire somebody based on illness or getting hurt on the job. And WTF ever got fired because they asked for a Fn raise?

If you actually had a job, you would know about things like this already.

You know, you put on this lie that you are a one-percenter and business person, yet you don't even know that a company can get sued into the next century if they dare fire somebody based on illness or getting hurt on the job. And WTF ever got fired because they asked for a Fn raise?

If you actually had a job, you would know about things like this already.

Have you ever tried to sue a company? The only time a company ever gets nailed is when their actions are so hanus that it draws the attention of police/regulators/media or has happened to many employees turning it into a class action. Most companies are shelled well that it takes months or years to pierce.
My argument is that any employer that doesn't pay a living wage IS a bully.

Well that's a bad argument. There's no bullying at all going on there. No one is forced to work for less than a 'living wage'. Would you, likewise, say that consumers are bullies if they refuse to pay more than five bucks for a burger?

Well that's a bad argument. There's no bullying at all going on there. No one is forced to work for less than a 'living wage'. Would you, likewise, say that consumers are bullies if they refuse to pay more than five bucks for a burger?

Your argument hinges on whether selling a burger for five-bucks makes paying a living wage impossible.

No it doesn't. You're reading too much into my comment. I'm just making a comparison. I'm drawing attention to the fact that your conception of 'bullying' makes no sense. If an employer can't, or just doesn't want to, pay someone a 'living wage', they're not bullying anyone. Any more than you're bullying the local pizza shop if you don't shop there because you think their pizza's too expensive.

No it doesn't. You're reading too much into my comment. I'm just making a comparison. I'm drawing attention to the fact that your conception of 'bullying' makes no sense. If an employer can't, or just doesn't want to, pay someone a 'living wage', they're not bullying anyone. Any more than you're bullying the local pizza shop if you don't shop there because you think their pizza's too expensive.

Bullying is another of intimidation. Employers do this all of the time; don't do it and I'll fire you, if you get injured I'll fire you, want more money and I'll fire you. Then you have the low-life maggots on the USMB; If you don't make enough get a second job, employees are like fish, they have a market price.

So, again, I'll ask. If you hire someone to mow your lawn, are you bullying them if you pay them less than a living wage? Are they accomplices to your crime if they go along with it?
Have you ever tried to sue a company? The only time a company ever gets nailed is when their actions are so hanus that it draws the attention of police/regulators/media or has happened to many employees turning it into a class action. Most companies are shelled well that it takes months or years to pierce.

Are you kidding? Ambulance chasers dream about cases like that and will work on contingency. I know because I did work for a company that fired a worker after she got back from her medical leave. They didn't fire her for that reason but still got sued every which way to Sunday.
You haven't stated any answers, just some silly-assed ranting about how you're the fan of dead guys.

Those dead guys wrote the Founding documents for this nation. Documents that are still the legitimate law of the land. Until those documents are legally amended, anything outside them is illegal.

What is so tough to understand about thst?
It's not the governments roll to protect the middle class from predators?

No, it's a law that they made. However your definition of predator does not match any definition in any dictionary. A predator is not one that offers a job to a person who is willing to accept said job for money offered. That's a business deal.
My argument is that any employer that doesn't pay a living wage IS a bully.

bully 1 |ˈbo͝olē|
noun (pl. bullies)

a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.verb (bullies, bullying, bullied) [ with obj. ] use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to dowhat one wants: a local man was bullied into helping them.

Now please explain to the class how a person who offers a job at X amount of money to a willing applicant fits this definition.

bully 1 |ˈbo͝olē|
noun (pl. bullies)

a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.verb (bullies, bullying, bullied) [ with obj. ] use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to dowhat one wants: a local man was bullied into helping them.

Now please explain to the class how a person who offers a job at X amount of money to a willing applicant fits this definition.

You don't think a business person doesn't know how much her/his competitors are paying. A prospective employees visits 5 or 6 businesses all paying the same shit pay. They need a job, And there is your superior strength or influence to intimidate.
Bullying is another of intimidation. Employers do this all of the time; don't do it and I'll fire you, if you get injured I'll fire you, want more money and I'll fire you. Then you have the low-life maggots on the USMB; If you don't make enough get a second job, employees are like fish, they have a market price.

To clarify your conception of 'bullying' a bit more, what if an employer who doesn't want to pay what you demand simply finds another solution to their labor needs and refrains from offering any jobs at all (maybe they resort to automation or something). Are they bullies as well?

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