Why can't Public Assistance increase?

That's how I make 4.5 large per year, and thanks to Republican efforts, pay no personal income tax.

Yep, you're a liar, thanks!

You've never heard of a family trust corporation? One of those nifty Nevada tricks, as Nevada doesn't share corporation information with the IRS.

Bill Gates is a Nevada corporation. So is Microsoft.

Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.
So first you were a "CEO" and now you're a trust fund baby? :lmao:

I'd say the second is FAR more likely that the first. But something tells me the second isn't all that likely either. Your education level is just too pitiful to be a true trust fund baby. Something tells me the "trust" you are referring to is something normal people call "welfare".
My job as a CEO is to steer the direction of the company. I do this by reading staff reports and directing the COO and CFO as to my wants. This is how every great CEO operates. CEO's DON'T DO GRUNT WORK.

Business development is not "grunt work." And no, CEOs don't sit at home in their bath robes and just read reports. Yes, you steer the ship, and that isn't sitting in your cabin getting a report from the helm, it's running the helm.

Here's a tip for the next time you want to pretend to be a CEO. Spend some time with a Porter Five Forces Diagram. It's pretty basic, but at least it gives you a starting point.


I sit at home and read reports, that's how I steer the company! What a dumb ass

I never stated that CEO's 'sit at home in their bathrobes.' I stated that they don't work nearly as hard as you think they do.

You're going by what you hear in the liberal media about CEOs, I'm going by having been one multiple times and knowing and working with a bunch more

You're far from a CEO, you have a job as a business packager.

From a guy who doesn't know what "business development" means, that's classic.

Let's say for the sake of argument that you aren't lying. Let's say you actually do know what you are talking about and you are just too lazy to write any content because you think we're a bunch of poseurs who don't know what we are talking about. If what you are saying is true, you have clearly decided to not write any content to back up that you know what you are talking about.

Now, suppose you are wrong about the part that we don't know what we are talking about. First of all, the questions are too good for you to not realize that. Second, think about how stupid we think you are right now. Again if you do know what you are talking about, you know why if we know what we are talking about why we would think that since you've systematically chosen to provide zero content behind your claims.

I'm cracking myself up. You probably never worked for a company. You're a shallow liar

Business development is grunt work.

The COO/CFO directs staff to write numerous proposals which I either approve, approve with changes, or disapprove.
Business development is not "grunt work." And no, CEOs don't sit at home in their bath robes and just read reports. Yes, you steer the ship, and that isn't sitting in your cabin getting a report from the helm, it's running the helm.

Here's a tip for the next time you want to pretend to be a CEO. Spend some time with a Porter Five Forces Diagram. It's pretty basic, but at least it gives you a starting point.


I sit at home and read reports, that's how I steer the company! What a dumb ass

I never stated that CEO's 'sit at home in their bathrobes.' I stated that they don't work nearly as hard as you think they do.

You're going by what you hear in the liberal media about CEOs, I'm going by having been one multiple times and knowing and working with a bunch more

You're far from a CEO, you have a job as a business packager.

From a guy who doesn't know what "business development" means, that's classic.

Let's say for the sake of argument that you aren't lying. Let's say you actually do know what you are talking about and you are just too lazy to write any content because you think we're a bunch of poseurs who don't know what we are talking about. If what you are saying is true, you have clearly decided to not write any content to back up that you know what you are talking about.

Now, suppose you are wrong about the part that we don't know what we are talking about. First of all, the questions are too good for you to not realize that. Second, think about how stupid we think you are right now. Again if you do know what you are talking about, you know why if we know what we are talking about why we would think that since you've systematically chosen to provide zero content behind your claims.

I'm cracking myself up. You probably never worked for a company. You're a shallow liar

Business development is grunt work.

The COO/CFO directs staff to write numerous proposals which I either approve, approve with changes, or disapprove.

Lemonade is made from lemons
I never stated that CEO's 'sit at home in their bathrobes.' I stated that they don't work nearly as hard as you think they do.

That's astounding ignorant. The average CEO puts in 16 hours per day. Bill Gates would routinely sleep in his office at Microsoft headquarters for three days in a row before finally going home because there simply wasn't enough time to commute home, sleep, and commute back to the office. Steve Jobs likewise. Elon Musk of both Tesla and SpaceX has been sleeping on the factory floor of Tesla in a sleeping bag.

The bottom line is that you are a typical ignorant liberal. You don't read anything. You don't research anything. You simply buy into whatever propaganda people like Hitlery Clinton and Barack Obama feed you. You're also a typical liberal in that you're a pathological liar - having claimed that you're a CEO of multiple companies and yet you only work 10 hours per week total. You've never run a company in your life and you know it. Liberals are such disgusting liars.

That's astounding ignorant. The average CEO puts in 16 hours per day. Bill Gates would routinely sleep in his office at Microsoft headquarters for three days in a row before finally going home because there simply wasn't enough time to commute home, sleep, and commute back to the office. Steve Jobs likewise. Elon Musk of both Tesla and SpaceX has been sleeping on the factory floor of Tesla in a sleeping bag.

Pretty good show for investors. BTW; commute means sitting in the back of a driven car, SUV, or private jet.
CEO's make the big bucks because they have the ability to motivate to a goal, and are the first to get axed when the decisions of the board blow up, such as VW.

The only thing you have successfully done here is to convince virtually everyone that you're not a CEO. Since that is pretty much the polar opposite of what your goal was, I'd say you've proven an unmitigated failure at being a CEO even by your own standards. I would suggest you read some books by successful CEOs and gain some knowledge... but then, that would take away time from reading Saul Alinsky and the works of Trotsky and Marx.

Yet, you can't refute anything I post.
Business development is grunt work. The COO/CFO directs staff to write numerous proposals which I either approve, approve with changes, or disapprove.

Bwahahahahaha! Your initial claim was that "business development" was the majority of your work week. Now you're proclaiming it "grunt work". :lmao:

By the way - so far you've proclaimed that budgets, strategy, business development, personnel, strategic planning, and direction are all "grunt work". So what is it that you think CEO's do? Let me guess - they play golf and just ride around in limousines all day, uh? Idiot.
I never stated that CEO's 'sit at home in their bathrobes.' I stated that they don't work nearly as hard as you think they do.

That's astounding ignorant. The average CEO puts in 16 hours per day. Bill Gates would routinely sleep in his office at Microsoft headquarters for three days in a row before finally going home because there simply wasn't enough time to commute home, sleep, and commute back to the office. Steve Jobs likewise. Elon Musk of both Tesla and SpaceX has been sleeping on the factory floor of Tesla in a sleeping bag.

The bottom line is that you are a typical ignorant liberal. You don't read anything. You don't research anything. You simply buy into whatever propaganda people like Hitlery Clinton and Barack Obama feed you. You're also a typical liberal in that you're a pathological liar - having claimed that you're a CEO of multiple companies and yet you only work 10 hours per week total. You've never run a company in your life and you know it. Liberals are such disgusting liars.

That's astounding ignorant. The average CEO puts in 16 hours per day. Bill Gates would routinely sleep in his office at Microsoft headquarters for three days in a row before finally going home because there simply wasn't enough time to commute home, sleep, and commute back to the office. Steve Jobs likewise. Elon Musk of both Tesla and SpaceX has been sleeping on the factory floor of Tesla in a sleeping bag.

Pretty good show for investors. BTW; commute means sitting in the back of a driven car, SUV, or private jet.

In other words - you're not only extremely immature - but also insanely envious of them? How sad. First of all, how would investors even know where Bill Gates was sleeping on any given night? You continue to prove how immature and ignorant you are. I've got $100 right here and now that says you're somewhere around 14 years old and your family lives on government assistance. I can tell. I've dealt with your kind before.
That's how I make 4.5 large per year, and thanks to Republican efforts, pay no personal income tax.

Yep, you're a liar, thanks!

You've never heard of a family trust corporation? One of those nifty Nevada tricks, as Nevada doesn't share corporation information with the IRS.

Bill Gates is a Nevada corporation. So is Microsoft.

Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.

Oh stop lying you lying sack of shit. If you take your salary, you pay taxes on it

My salary is $1.00/yr. Through hiring financial experts, I'm one of the many thousands of 'unemployed' rich people.

Here's a story from 2012 that illustrates;

Millionaires On US Unemployment? Yes, And That's Perfectly Legal (For Now)
Yep, you're a liar, thanks!

You've never heard of a family trust corporation? One of those nifty Nevada tricks, as Nevada doesn't share corporation information with the IRS.

Bill Gates is a Nevada corporation. So is Microsoft.

Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.

Oh stop lying you lying sack of shit. If you take your salary, you pay taxes on it

My salary is $1.00/yr. Through hiring financial experts, I'm one of the many thousands of 'unemployed' rich people.

Here's a story from 2012 that illustrates;

Millionaires On US Unemployment? Yes, And That's Perfectly Legal (For Now)
Yeah.....otherwise known as a trust fund baby. :lmao:
That's how I make 4.5 large per year, and thanks to Republican efforts, pay no personal income tax.

Yep, you're a liar, thanks!

You've never heard of a family trust corporation? One of those nifty Nevada tricks, as Nevada doesn't share corporation information with the IRS.

Bill Gates is a Nevada corporation. So is Microsoft.

Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.
So first you were a "CEO" and now you're a trust fund baby? :lmao:

I'd say the second is FAR more likely that the first. But something tells me the second isn't all that likely either. Your education level is just too pitiful to be a true trust fund baby. Something tells me the "trust" you are referring to is something normal people call "welfare".

How can I be a trust fund baby when I'm the one that created the trust? Some Republican Presidential candidates would fit that analogy.
I never stated that CEO's 'sit at home in their bathrobes.' I stated that they don't work nearly as hard as you think they do.

You're going by what you hear in the liberal media about CEOs, I'm going by having been one multiple times and knowing and working with a bunch more

You're far from a CEO, you have a job as a business packager.

From a guy who doesn't know what "business development" means, that's classic.

Let's say for the sake of argument that you aren't lying. Let's say you actually do know what you are talking about and you are just too lazy to write any content because you think we're a bunch of poseurs who don't know what we are talking about. If what you are saying is true, you have clearly decided to not write any content to back up that you know what you are talking about.

Now, suppose you are wrong about the part that we don't know what we are talking about. First of all, the questions are too good for you to not realize that. Second, think about how stupid we think you are right now. Again if you do know what you are talking about, you know why if we know what we are talking about why we would think that since you've systematically chosen to provide zero content behind your claims.

I'm cracking myself up. You probably never worked for a company. You're a shallow liar

Business development is grunt work.

The COO/CFO directs staff to write numerous proposals which I either approve, approve with changes, or disapprove.

Lemonade is made from lemons

Lemonade is made from lemons

Lemons are one ingredient of lemonade. Can you name the others, or should I provide a link?
Yep, you're a liar, thanks!

You've never heard of a family trust corporation? One of those nifty Nevada tricks, as Nevada doesn't share corporation information with the IRS.

Bill Gates is a Nevada corporation. So is Microsoft.

Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.
So first you were a "CEO" and now you're a trust fund baby? :lmao:

I'd say the second is FAR more likely that the first. But something tells me the second isn't all that likely either. Your education level is just too pitiful to be a true trust fund baby. Something tells me the "trust" you are referring to is something normal people call "welfare".

How can I be a trust fund baby when I'm the one that created the trust? Some Republican Presidential candidates would fit that analogy.
You didn't create the trust. I can tell by talking to you. You're a pathological liar (like a Clinton) who has been caught lying and whose limited education has been exposed. I seriously doubt you could set up a doll house, much less a trust.
Business development is grunt work. The COO/CFO directs staff to write numerous proposals which I either approve, approve with changes, or disapprove.

Bwahahahahaha! Your initial claim was that "business development" was the majority of your work week. Now you're proclaiming it "grunt work". :lmao:

By the way - so far you've proclaimed that budgets, strategy, business development, personnel, strategic planning, and direction are all "grunt work". So what is it that you think CEO's do? Let me guess - they play golf and just ride around in limousines all day, uh? Idiot.

I didn't say that, OnePercenter did. I went back and found the quote, it's up like 3 or 4 posts. It was clear in the quote boxes that it was what OnePercenter said, not me ...

Business Development is critical, I've never said otherwise. What is a company without a future?
Yep, you're a liar, thanks!

You've never heard of a family trust corporation? One of those nifty Nevada tricks, as Nevada doesn't share corporation information with the IRS.

Bill Gates is a Nevada corporation. So is Microsoft.

Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.

Oh stop lying you lying sack of shit. If you take your salary, you pay taxes on it

My salary is $1.00/yr. Through hiring financial experts, I'm one of the many thousands of 'unemployed' rich people.

Here's a story from 2012 that illustrates;

Millionaires On US Unemployment? Yes, And That's Perfectly Legal (For Now)

That isn't what I asked. I asked how you live
You're going by what you hear in the liberal media about CEOs, I'm going by having been one multiple times and knowing and working with a bunch more

You're far from a CEO, you have a job as a business packager.

From a guy who doesn't know what "business development" means, that's classic.

Let's say for the sake of argument that you aren't lying. Let's say you actually do know what you are talking about and you are just too lazy to write any content because you think we're a bunch of poseurs who don't know what we are talking about. If what you are saying is true, you have clearly decided to not write any content to back up that you know what you are talking about.

Now, suppose you are wrong about the part that we don't know what we are talking about. First of all, the questions are too good for you to not realize that. Second, think about how stupid we think you are right now. Again if you do know what you are talking about, you know why if we know what we are talking about why we would think that since you've systematically chosen to provide zero content behind your claims.

I'm cracking myself up. You probably never worked for a company. You're a shallow liar

Business development is grunt work.

The COO/CFO directs staff to write numerous proposals which I either approve, approve with changes, or disapprove.

Lemonade is made from lemons

Lemonade is made from lemons

Lemons are one ingredient of lemonade. Can you name the others, or should I provide a link?

Dodging again from that you don't even know what business development is or how your company does it even though you spend four hours a week reading reports on it
You've never heard of a family trust corporation? One of those nifty Nevada tricks, as Nevada doesn't share corporation information with the IRS.

Bill Gates is a Nevada corporation. So is Microsoft.

Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.
So first you were a "CEO" and now you're a trust fund baby? :lmao:

I'd say the second is FAR more likely that the first. But something tells me the second isn't all that likely either. Your education level is just too pitiful to be a true trust fund baby. Something tells me the "trust" you are referring to is something normal people call "welfare".

How can I be a trust fund baby when I'm the one that created the trust? Some Republican Presidential candidates would fit that analogy.
You didn't create the trust. I can tell by talking to you. You're a pathological liar (like a Clinton) who has been caught lying and whose limited education has been exposed. I seriously doubt you could set up a doll house, much less a trust.

He hasn't said anything that a rich hating leftist wouldn't have said on MS-NBC
You've never heard of a family trust corporation? One of those nifty Nevada tricks, as Nevada doesn't share corporation information with the IRS.

Bill Gates is a Nevada corporation. So is Microsoft.

Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.
So first you were a "CEO" and now you're a trust fund baby? :lmao:

I'd say the second is FAR more likely that the first. But something tells me the second isn't all that likely either. Your education level is just too pitiful to be a true trust fund baby. Something tells me the "trust" you are referring to is something normal people call "welfare".

How can I be a trust fund baby when I'm the one that created the trust? Some Republican Presidential candidates would fit that analogy.
You didn't create the trust. I can tell by talking to you. You're a pathological liar (like a Clinton) who has been caught lying and whose limited education has been exposed. I seriously doubt you could set up a doll house, much less a trust.

You are correct. I didn't 'set-up'/'create' the trust, my Attorney did.
You've never heard of a family trust corporation? One of those nifty Nevada tricks, as Nevada doesn't share corporation information with the IRS.

Bill Gates is a Nevada corporation. So is Microsoft.

Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.

Oh stop lying you lying sack of shit. If you take your salary, you pay taxes on it

My salary is $1.00/yr. Through hiring financial experts, I'm one of the many thousands of 'unemployed' rich people.

Here's a story from 2012 that illustrates;

Millionaires On US Unemployment? Yes, And That's Perfectly Legal (For Now)

That isn't what I asked. I asked how you live

Very well, thank you.

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