Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Yes, in every business I've ever worked in, the higher you are, the longer you work. The guy again shows his knowlege of business is a Kelvin zero. He doesn't explain how he makes $4.5 million a year when he knows zero about business. I think there's a reason for that ...

When you hire VERY talented people, direct those people correctly, how much effort do you need?

Agreed on that point except you're missing the key ingredient in that equation. You have to know what you are doing, and you know zero about business. You don't even understand you have to make a profit.

I owned a business the last seven years. I spent the first five acquiring five companies. I merged three together and ran that. The other two I addressed management and profitability issues and spun them back off. At that point suitable targets were harder to find and I'd built my staff to run the business. So I had little to do. So the last two years I spent doing management consulting projects (my prior life). I spent last June through this March mostly in the Netherlands.

So yeah, you can build a business to that point. But your dearth of business knoweldge you consistenly demonstrate on the site shows there's no way you could possibly do that. BTW, when I got back from the Netherlands, I decided it was time to get back in the business or sell it. I had several buyers who had expressed interest through the years if I was ready to sell. I finally followed up with them and completed a deal in June.

So right now I'm living the life you are. Except for me ... it's reality

If I don't know what I'm doing, then why do I have more money than you?

Also, how do you like the foreign investment rules in the Netherlands?

If you have more money than I do, then why do you have no idea how you earned it?

And can you be more specific on your Netherlands question and the point? It's a pain in the ass doing business over there, but that's not specifically regarding foreign ownership. But I'm not sure what you're getting at so anything I said would be random.

Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours


My favorite is the "developing new business" in four hours a week when he knows nothing about business. How do you guess he spends the four hours?

I spend it reading the reports my staff gives me.


How is that doing business development? Do you even know what it is?

Yes, in every business I've ever worked in, the higher you are, the longer you work. The guy again shows his knowlege of business is a Kelvin zero. He doesn't explain how he makes $4.5 million a year when he knows zero about business. I think there's a reason for that ...

When you hire VERY talented people, direct those people correctly, how much effort do you need?

As a more direct answer to your question, it depends what the talented people do. A group of talented baseball players without a manager to direct them will not win many games. I did it because the most talented person who worked for me did my job of actually running the business. I saw how good she was and built her up for five years, which is how by the last two years I could do other work.

She was able and wanted to do my job. She also kept me constantly informed and had a great sense to ask me to clear the right decisions and ask the right questions. The right questions also means she didn't flood me with the minutia I trusted her to handle. She did err slightly on telling me more than I needed to know, but I think that's also good judgement.

In the end though, it was still too much for me. I decided it was time to move on

Why would I hire baseball players when my business is telecommunications towers?


Proof you don't know anything about what you are talking about. You also can't follow a simple analogy.

Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours

Isn't it cool they direct deposit your welfare checks now instead of having to go stand? With driving, that's be another hour or two a week for you.

Developing new business, that's the funniest one. What can you do in 4 hours when you know nothing about business???

Plus how does one "develop new business" when they only spend a laughable 4 hours per week on it? Unless your business is crack cocaine, it takes about 12x's that much per week to truly "develop new business".

Again, that's why you have staff that develops new business for the company.

If you aren't doing business development or running the company, you aren't CEO, you're just an investor. Which obviously you're not unless you're a trust fund baby since you know nothing about investing.

You read reports, you read e-mail. Even when I was CEO of my own business and working full time in the Netherlands I was more involved in my business than that. Though ultimately business development was my key issue. I had to go back to that full time or sell the company. I decided it was time for the latter.

Yes, in every business I've ever worked in, the higher you are, the longer you work. The guy again shows his knowlege of business is a Kelvin zero. He doesn't explain how he makes $4.5 million a year when he knows zero about business. I think there's a reason for that ...

When you hire VERY talented people, direct those people correctly, how much effort do you need?

Agreed on that point except you're missing the key ingredient in that equation. You have to know what you are doing, and you know zero about business. You don't even understand you have to make a profit.

I owned a business the last seven years. I spent the first five acquiring five companies. I merged three together and ran that. The other two I addressed management and profitability issues and spun them back off. At that point suitable targets were harder to find and I'd built my staff to run the business. So I had little to do. So the last two years I spent doing management consulting projects (my prior life). I spent last June through this March mostly in the Netherlands.

So yeah, you can build a business to that point. But your dearth of business knoweldge you consistenly demonstrate on the site shows there's no way you could possibly do that. BTW, when I got back from the Netherlands, I decided it was time to get back in the business or sell it. I had several buyers who had expressed interest through the years if I was ready to sell. I finally followed up with them and completed a deal in June.

So right now I'm living the life you are. Except for me ... it's reality

If I don't know what I'm doing, then why do I have more money than you?

Also, how do you like the foreign investment rules in the Netherlands?

If you have more money than I do, then why do you have no idea how you earned it?

And can you be more specific on your Netherlands question and the point? It's a pain in the ass doing business over there, but that's not specifically regarding foreign ownership. But I'm not sure what you're getting at so anything I said would be random.

If you have more money than I do, then why do you have no idea how you earned it?

What makes you think I have no idea how I earned my monies?

And can you be more specific on your Netherlands question and the point? It's a pain in the ass doing business over there, but that's not specifically regarding foreign ownership. But I'm not sure what you're getting at so anything I said would be random.

'Pain in the ass' was what I was looking for.

My favorite is the "developing new business" in four hours a week when he knows nothing about business. How do you guess he spends the four hours?

I spend it reading the reports my staff gives me.


How is that doing business development? Do you even know what it is?

CEO's don't do grunt work, their subordinates do.

Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours

Isn't it cool they direct deposit your welfare checks now instead of having to go stand? With driving, that's be another hour or two a week for you.

Developing new business, that's the funniest one. What can you do in 4 hours when you know nothing about business???

Plus how does one "develop new business" when they only spend a laughable 4 hours per week on it? Unless your business is crack cocaine, it takes about 12x's that much per week to truly "develop new business".

Again, that's why you have staff that develops new business for the company.

If you aren't doing business development or running the company, you aren't CEO, you're just an investor. Which obviously you're not unless you're a trust fund baby since you know nothing about investing.

You read reports, you read e-mail. Even when I was CEO of my own business and working full time in the Netherlands I was more involved in my business than that. Though ultimately business development was my key issue. I had to go back to that full time or sell the company. I decided it was time for the latter.

My job as a CEO is to steer the direction of the company. I do this by reading staff reports and directing the COO and CFO as to my wants. This is how every great CEO operates. CEO's DON'T DO GRUNT WORK.
:disagree: ....More full of shit than grandma's Christmas turkey!

What do you disagree with?

I disagree with YOU, asswipe. Virtually everything you've had to say in this thread is absolute bullshit. You started off, over a dozen pages back, claiming CEOs don't do anything but delegate and direct, and that has slowly morphed into "steer the direction" of the company. You're doing everything in your power to convince people you are a wealthy CEO but you don't seem to know a thing about business or what CEOs actually do. What we keep getting from you are these mindless liberal memes, platitudes and misunderstandings of what the role of a CEO is. According to your own claims to fame, a CEO is paid millions to play golf and work out. You cannot explain why a capitalist entity would pay you millions to do this and it makes no sense to anyone with more than an ounce of brains.

You're a fraud and you've been exposed. But that only seems to motivate you to keep on trying to sell your bullshit and now you're morphing your original claims left and right. Give it up, bro... no one believes you're a CEO. No one believes you know the first thing about running a corporation. Given your take on free market capitalism, I wouldn't hire you to run a lemonade stand for me.
:disagree: ....More full of shit than grandma's Christmas turkey!

What do you disagree with?

I disagree with YOU, asswipe. Virtually everything you've had to say in this thread is absolute bullshit. You started off, over a dozen pages back, claiming CEOs don't do anything but delegate and direct, and that has slowly morphed into "steer the direction" of the company. You're doing everything in your power to convince people you are a wealthy CEO but you don't seem to know a thing about business or what CEOs actually do. What we keep getting from you are these mindless liberal memes, platitudes and misunderstandings of what the role of a CEO is. According to your own claims to fame, a CEO is paid millions to play golf and work out. You cannot explain why a capitalist entity would pay you millions to do this and it makes no sense to anyone with more than an ounce of brains.

You're a fraud and you've been exposed. But that only seems to motivate you to keep on trying to sell your bullshit and now you're morphing your original claims left and right. Give it up, bro... no one believes you're a CEO. No one believes you know the first thing about running a corporation. Given your take on free market capitalism, I wouldn't hire you to run a lemonade stand for me.

Another give away is that he claimed he's the CEO of five companies and works ten hours a week.

This is a guy that sits in his mothers basement collecting welfare and looking up business terms to try and sound like he knows what he's talking about. Real one percenters understand the struggle it took them to get where they are at. They don't advocate overpaying manual labor and bringing down stock prices. They understand competition (especially foreign competition) and know it's impossible to maintain or keep a business open when other companies are taking away your customers by the droves.

More than likely he works at Walmart or something and can't get promoted beyond shelf stocker.
Yes, in every business I've ever worked in, the higher you are, the longer you work. The guy again shows his knowlege of business is a Kelvin zero. He doesn't explain how he makes $4.5 million a year when he knows zero about business. I think there's a reason for that ...

When you hire VERY talented people, direct those people correctly, how much effort do you need?

Agreed on that point except you're missing the key ingredient in that equation. You have to know what you are doing, and you know zero about business. You don't even understand you have to make a profit.

I owned a business the last seven years. I spent the first five acquiring five companies. I merged three together and ran that. The other two I addressed management and profitability issues and spun them back off. At that point suitable targets were harder to find and I'd built my staff to run the business. So I had little to do. So the last two years I spent doing management consulting projects (my prior life). I spent last June through this March mostly in the Netherlands.

So yeah, you can build a business to that point. But your dearth of business knoweldge you consistenly demonstrate on the site shows there's no way you could possibly do that. BTW, when I got back from the Netherlands, I decided it was time to get back in the business or sell it. I had several buyers who had expressed interest through the years if I was ready to sell. I finally followed up with them and completed a deal in June.

So right now I'm living the life you are. Except for me ... it's reality

If I don't know what I'm doing, then why do I have more money than you?

Also, how do you like the foreign investment rules in the Netherlands?

If you have more money than I do, then why do you have no idea how you earned it?

And can you be more specific on your Netherlands question and the point? It's a pain in the ass doing business over there, but that's not specifically regarding foreign ownership. But I'm not sure what you're getting at so anything I said would be random.

If you have more money than I do, then why do you have no idea how you earned it?

What makes you think I have no idea how I earned my monies?

Um ... your endless posts on the subject with zero content and zero grasp of how companies operate, no knowledge of management or how to manage, what CEOs do, how to make money, what investments are and anything else. You think a company doesn't even need to be managed, you just need good people. And you're only conceptually in favor of a profit. Yet money just rolls in, 4.5 large a year.


You can't even say what "business development" actually means and you have no idea how to do it.

Besides owning my own businesses for the last 7 1/2 years until I sold the last one last month, my career in management and management consulting I actually know and work with a lot of CEOs. Sure, they vary. Some end up as failures. But none have ever had the complete dearth of knowledge to even discuss the subject you do.
Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours


My favorite is the "developing new business" in four hours a week when he knows nothing about business. How do you guess he spends the four hours?

I spend it reading the reports my staff gives me.


How is that doing business development? Do you even know what it is?

CEO's don't do grunt work, their subordinates do.


You don't even know what business development is, you think it's "grunt work?"

Be honest, you think it's sales, don't you?


What a dumb ass. So what is business development? What do you think it is? This should be classic from a "CEO" who makes "4.5 million" a year in an imaginary company
Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours

Isn't it cool they direct deposit your welfare checks now instead of having to go stand? With driving, that's be another hour or two a week for you.

Developing new business, that's the funniest one. What can you do in 4 hours when you know nothing about business???

Plus how does one "develop new business" when they only spend a laughable 4 hours per week on it? Unless your business is crack cocaine, it takes about 12x's that much per week to truly "develop new business".

Again, that's why you have staff that develops new business for the company.

If you aren't doing business development or running the company, you aren't CEO, you're just an investor. Which obviously you're not unless you're a trust fund baby since you know nothing about investing.

You read reports, you read e-mail. Even when I was CEO of my own business and working full time in the Netherlands I was more involved in my business than that. Though ultimately business development was my key issue. I had to go back to that full time or sell the company. I decided it was time for the latter.

My job as a CEO is to steer the direction of the company. I do this by reading staff reports and directing the COO and CFO as to my wants. This is how every great CEO operates. CEO's DON'T DO GRUNT WORK.

Business development is not "grunt work." And no, CEOs don't sit at home in their bath robes and just read reports. Yes, you steer the ship, and that isn't sitting in your cabin getting a report from the helm, it's running the helm.

Here's a tip for the next time you want to pretend to be a CEO. Spend some time with a Porter Five Forces Diagram. It's pretty basic, but at least it gives you a starting point.


I sit at home and read reports, that's how I steer the company! What a dumb ass
:disagree: ....More full of shit than grandma's Christmas turkey!

What do you disagree with?

I disagree with YOU, asswipe. Virtually everything you've had to say in this thread is absolute bullshit. You started off, over a dozen pages back, claiming CEOs don't do anything but delegate and direct, and that has slowly morphed into "steer the direction" of the company. You're doing everything in your power to convince people you are a wealthy CEO but you don't seem to know a thing about business or what CEOs actually do. What we keep getting from you are these mindless liberal memes, platitudes and misunderstandings of what the role of a CEO is. According to your own claims to fame, a CEO is paid millions to play golf and work out. You cannot explain why a capitalist entity would pay you millions to do this and it makes no sense to anyone with more than an ounce of brains.

You're a fraud and you've been exposed. But that only seems to motivate you to keep on trying to sell your bullshit and now you're morphing your original claims left and right. Give it up, bro... no one believes you're a CEO. No one believes you know the first thing about running a corporation. Given your take on free market capitalism, I wouldn't hire you to run a lemonade stand for me.

CEO's make the big bucks because they have the ability to motivate to a goal, and are the first to get axed when the decisions of the board blow up, such as VW.
:disagree: ....More full of shit than grandma's Christmas turkey!

What do you disagree with?

I disagree with YOU, asswipe. Virtually everything you've had to say in this thread is absolute bullshit. You started off, over a dozen pages back, claiming CEOs don't do anything but delegate and direct, and that has slowly morphed into "steer the direction" of the company. You're doing everything in your power to convince people you are a wealthy CEO but you don't seem to know a thing about business or what CEOs actually do. What we keep getting from you are these mindless liberal memes, platitudes and misunderstandings of what the role of a CEO is. According to your own claims to fame, a CEO is paid millions to play golf and work out. You cannot explain why a capitalist entity would pay you millions to do this and it makes no sense to anyone with more than an ounce of brains.

You're a fraud and you've been exposed. But that only seems to motivate you to keep on trying to sell your bullshit and now you're morphing your original claims left and right. Give it up, bro... no one believes you're a CEO. No one believes you know the first thing about running a corporation. Given your take on free market capitalism, I wouldn't hire you to run a lemonade stand for me.

Another give away is that he claimed he's the CEO of five companies and works ten hours a week.

This is a guy that sits in his mothers basement collecting welfare and looking up business terms to try and sound like he knows what he's talking about. Real one percenters understand the struggle it took them to get where they are at. They don't advocate overpaying manual labor and bringing down stock prices. They understand competition (especially foreign competition) and know it's impossible to maintain or keep a business open when other companies are taking away your customers by the droves.

More than likely he works at Walmart or something and can't get promoted beyond shelf stocker.

So tell me genius, what exactly am I supposed to be doing that my subordinates don't?
When you hire VERY talented people, direct those people correctly, how much effort do you need?

Agreed on that point except you're missing the key ingredient in that equation. You have to know what you are doing, and you know zero about business. You don't even understand you have to make a profit.

I owned a business the last seven years. I spent the first five acquiring five companies. I merged three together and ran that. The other two I addressed management and profitability issues and spun them back off. At that point suitable targets were harder to find and I'd built my staff to run the business. So I had little to do. So the last two years I spent doing management consulting projects (my prior life). I spent last June through this March mostly in the Netherlands.

So yeah, you can build a business to that point. But your dearth of business knoweldge you consistenly demonstrate on the site shows there's no way you could possibly do that. BTW, when I got back from the Netherlands, I decided it was time to get back in the business or sell it. I had several buyers who had expressed interest through the years if I was ready to sell. I finally followed up with them and completed a deal in June.

So right now I'm living the life you are. Except for me ... it's reality

If I don't know what I'm doing, then why do I have more money than you?

Also, how do you like the foreign investment rules in the Netherlands?

If you have more money than I do, then why do you have no idea how you earned it?

And can you be more specific on your Netherlands question and the point? It's a pain in the ass doing business over there, but that's not specifically regarding foreign ownership. But I'm not sure what you're getting at so anything I said would be random.

If you have more money than I do, then why do you have no idea how you earned it?

What makes you think I have no idea how I earned my monies?

Um ... your endless posts on the subject with zero content and zero grasp of how companies operate, no knowledge of management or how to manage, what CEOs do, how to make money, what investments are and anything else. You think a company doesn't even need to be managed, you just need good people. And you're only conceptually in favor of a profit. Yet money just rolls in, 4.5 large a year.


You can't even say what "business development" actually means and you have no idea how to do it.

Besides owning my own businesses for the last 7 1/2 years until I sold the last one last month, my career in management and management consulting I actually know and work with a lot of CEOs. Sure, they vary. Some end up as failures. But none have ever had the complete dearth of knowledge to even discuss the subject you do.

So your job is to develop a business to profitability than sell it. I don't choose to work that hard, and at the same time make more money.

I buy existing businesses that haven't tapped their full profit potential and develop that potential. I hire people that are smarter than I am, then I let them do their job. A philosophy I learned from a famous coffee company CEO. (whom I play golf with on occasion) I let others pay my bills, another philosophy I learned from the Vegas cab industry whom as a whole has a 12% nut.

That's how I make 4.5 large per year, and thanks to Republican efforts, pay no personal income tax.

My favorite is the "developing new business" in four hours a week when he knows nothing about business. How do you guess he spends the four hours?

I spend it reading the reports my staff gives me.


How is that doing business development? Do you even know what it is?

CEO's don't do grunt work, their subordinates do.


You don't even know what business development is, you think it's "grunt work?"

Be honest, you think it's sales, don't you?


What a dumb ass. So what is business development? What do you think it is? This should be classic from a "CEO" who makes "4.5 million" a year in an imaginary company

If business development isn't grunt work, than what is it?

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