Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Yeah I don't believe you. You're either lying, or a criminal...and lying.

Yet you can't refute any of my posts. So I'm also smarter than you.

You're not smarter than a toaster. You don't even understand that refuting a post means you're against what the post said. You're dumb as a ... well ... post ...

You mean a logical retort based on fact?


Are you sniffing glue or just drunk?

Since you haven't figured it out yet, I've asked you first.

I'd interpret that as the former then
Where did I write profits aren't important?

When you blew off CEOs needing to direct people to make profits. Maybe you need to start reading your posts before clicking "post reply" and ask yourself, what point am I trying to make here?

My point is that the higher you climb in the ivory tower, the less work you actually do.

Top CEOs Work Crazy Hours Even On Normal Days

This Is CEOs' One Secret to Staying Ultra-Productive

Yes, in every business I've ever worked in, the higher you are, the longer you work. The guy again shows his knowlege of business is a Kelvin zero. He doesn't explain how he makes $4.5 million a year when he knows zero about business. I think there's a reason for that ...

When you hire VERY talented people, direct those people correctly, how much effort do you need?

Agreed on that point except you're missing the key ingredient in that equation. You have to know what you are doing, and you know zero about business. You don't even understand you have to make a profit.

I owned a business the last seven years. I spent the first five acquiring five companies. I merged three together and ran that. The other two I addressed management and profitability issues and spun them back off. At that point suitable targets were harder to find and I'd built my staff to run the business. So I had little to do. So the last two years I spent doing management consulting projects (my prior life). I spent last June through this March mostly in the Netherlands.

So yeah, you can build a business to that point. But your dearth of business knoweldge you consistenly demonstrate on the site shows there's no way you could possibly do that. BTW, when I got back from the Netherlands, I decided it was time to get back in the business or sell it. I had several buyers who had expressed interest through the years if I was ready to sell. I finally followed up with them and completed a deal in June.

So right now I'm living the life you are. Except for me ... it's reality
Where did I write profits aren't important?

When you blew off CEOs needing to direct people to make profits. Maybe you need to start reading your posts before clicking "post reply" and ask yourself, what point am I trying to make here?

My point is that the higher you climb in the ivory tower, the less work you actually do.

Top CEOs Work Crazy Hours Even On Normal Days

This Is CEOs' One Secret to Staying Ultra-Productive

Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours


My favorite is the "developing new business" in four hours a week when he knows nothing about business. How do you guess he spends the four hours?
Where did I write profits aren't important?

When you blew off CEOs needing to direct people to make profits. Maybe you need to start reading your posts before clicking "post reply" and ask yourself, what point am I trying to make here?

My point is that the higher you climb in the ivory tower, the less work you actually do.

Top CEOs Work Crazy Hours Even On Normal Days

This Is CEOs' One Secret to Staying Ultra-Productive

Yes, in every business I've ever worked in, the higher you are, the longer you work. The guy again shows his knowlege of business is a Kelvin zero. He doesn't explain how he makes $4.5 million a year when he knows zero about business. I think there's a reason for that ...

When you hire VERY talented people, direct those people correctly, how much effort do you need?

As a more direct answer to your question, it depends what the talented people do. A group of talented baseball players without a manager to direct them will not win many games. I did it because the most talented person who worked for me did my job of actually running the business. I saw how good she was and built her up for five years, which is how by the last two years I could do other work.

She was able and wanted to do my job. She also kept me constantly informed and had a great sense to ask me to clear the right decisions and ask the right questions. The right questions also means she didn't flood me with the minutia I trusted her to handle. She did err slightly on telling me more than I needed to know, but I think that's also good judgement.

In the end though, it was still too much for me. I decided it was time to move on
We've always used Tax Dollars to support our own. And that will continue. Our massive Debt can't be blamed on our poor. There are many other factors to be considered. Such as massive Corporate Bailouts and Endless War. The poor & weak are easy targets, but they aren't to blame. I think it's a despicable bully-tactic trying to blame them.

I don't think anybody placed the blame entirely on them, but they certainly are a part of it.

Our Government has always spent other peoples' money. It's been that way since day one. It spends it on all sorts of things that i have a problem with. Spending it on the poor doesn't bother me. Spending it on bailing out $Millionaire/Billionaire Fatcats and Endless War, does.
Where did I write profits aren't important?

When you blew off CEOs needing to direct people to make profits. Maybe you need to start reading your posts before clicking "post reply" and ask yourself, what point am I trying to make here?

My point is that the higher you climb in the ivory tower, the less work you actually do.

Top CEOs Work Crazy Hours Even On Normal Days

This Is CEOs' One Secret to Staying Ultra-Productive

Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours

Isn't it cool they direct deposit your welfare checks now instead of having to go stand? With driving, that's be another hour or two a week for you.

Developing new business, that's the funniest one. What can you do in 4 hours when you know nothing about business???

Plus how does one "develop new business" when they only spend a laughable 4 hours per week on it? Unless your business is crack cocaine, it takes about 12x's that much per week to truly "develop new business".
When you blew off CEOs needing to direct people to make profits. Maybe you need to start reading your posts before clicking "post reply" and ask yourself, what point am I trying to make here?

My point is that the higher you climb in the ivory tower, the less work you actually do.

Top CEOs Work Crazy Hours Even On Normal Days

This Is CEOs' One Secret to Staying Ultra-Productive

Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours

Isn't it cool they direct deposit your welfare checks now instead of having to go stand? With driving, that's be another hour or two a week for you.

Developing new business, that's the funniest one. What can you do in 4 hours when you know nothing about business???

Plus how does one "develop new business" when they only spend a laughable 4 hours per week on it? Unless your business is crack cocaine, it takes about 12x's that much per week to truly "develop new business".

Onsey is the Board laughingstock when it comes to anything relating to financial or business operations. He's a died in the wool socialist, no doubt living in his moms basement. He has claimed to be rich with a Tesla on both coasts and he claims to have outbid Jay Leno (as if that is humanly possible) for a POS car that Leno would never be interested in in a million years.

And all the while these nimrods can't seem to understand that when people are forced to giver their money to those who CHOOSE not to work, they then decide to not work because they get pissed off. The leeches, like onsey, then get all upset because the government handouts slowly but surely dry up and they are finally forced to grow up and fend for themselves which they just don't want to do. They are infants in mind, if not body.

Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours

Isn't it cool they direct deposit your welfare checks now instead of having to go stand? With driving, that's be another hour or two a week for you.

Developing new business, that's the funniest one. What can you do in 4 hours when you know nothing about business???

Plus how does one "develop new business" when they only spend a laughable 4 hours per week on it? Unless your business is crack cocaine, it takes about 12x's that much per week to truly "develop new business".
Onsey is the Board laughingstock when it comes to anything relating to financial or business operations. He's a died in the wool socialist, no doubt living in his moms basement. He has claimed to be rich with a Tesla on both coasts and he claims to have outbid Jay Leno (as if that is humanly possible) for a POS car that Leno would never be interested in in a million years.

And all the while these nimrods can't seem to understand that when people are forced to giver their money to those who CHOOSE not to work, they then decide to not work because they get pissed off. The leeches, like onsey, then get all upset because the government handouts slowly but surely dry up and they are finally forced to grow up and fend for themselves which they just don't want to do. They are infants in mind, if not body.
I'm betting he's actually Rightwinger under a second screen name. His writing style is almost identical.
Our Government has always spent other peoples' money. It's been that way since day one. It spends it on all sorts of things that i have a problem with. Spending it on the poor doesn't bother me. Spending it on bailing out $Millionaire/Billionaire Fatcats and Endless War, does.

Our Constitution doesn't protect spending on bailouts or the poor, but it does authorize our government to protect it's people which war does whether you agree with the war or not.

Very few of our tax dollars go to the poor; those who have little or no choice. Most of our dollars go to the lazy, the irresponsible, and the uneducated. Those are all choices, not misfortunes.
We've always used Tax Dollars to support our own. And that will continue. Our massive Debt can't be blamed on our poor. There are many other factors to be considered. Such as massive Corporate Bailouts and Endless War. The poor & weak are easy targets, but they aren't to blame. I think it's a despicable bully-tactic trying to blame them.

I don't think anybody placed the blame entirely on them, but they certainly are a part of it.

Our Government has always spent other peoples' money. It's been that way since day one. It spends it on all sorts of things that i have a problem with. Spending it on the poor doesn't bother me. Spending it on bailing out $Millionaire/Billionaire Fatcats and Endless War, does.

Well, I guess if it's OK with you then that's that then
When you blew off CEOs needing to direct people to make profits. Maybe you need to start reading your posts before clicking "post reply" and ask yourself, what point am I trying to make here?

My point is that the higher you climb in the ivory tower, the less work you actually do.

Top CEOs Work Crazy Hours Even On Normal Days

This Is CEOs' One Secret to Staying Ultra-Productive

Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours

Isn't it cool they direct deposit your welfare checks now instead of having to go stand? With driving, that's be another hour or two a week for you.

Developing new business, that's the funniest one. What can you do in 4 hours when you know nothing about business???

Plus how does one "develop new business" when they only spend a laughable 4 hours per week on it? Unless your business is crack cocaine, it takes about 12x's that much per week to truly "develop new business".

Agreed. In the end, that's why I had to sell my business even though I had my right hand woman to run it. She was really the COO. I needed to figure out how to grow the business. I grew through acquisitions the first five years. I had sales the last two, but they were more marginal growth.

I started consulting again and let them run it, but after two years being back in management consulting, I could see that wasn't going to do business development wise it and I had to make a decision. I decided I'd burned myself out on it and it was time to sell and stay with my old life.

Now OnePercenter on the other hand considers growth and profits a theoretical issue he's in favor of but only when pressed. He has zero idea how to develop a business. It starts with how you're going to grow profits, it doesn't end there.

Percenter is like a painter who paints a wall. Then looks at the paint he spilled on the floor and declares that's his masterpiece! Wow, look guys, I made a profit. How'd that happen?

He doesn't realize how shallowly obvious his is to anyone who actually knows what he's saying
You can't hire the 'perfect fit' employee for your company? What do you think head hunters do?

You didn't say the perfect fit for a company. You said "if a company hired correctly, wouldn't the plate be divided". Don't move the goalposts after you've been proven wrong. The plate will never be divided "equally". That's just idealistic liberalism speaking.
Why would a CEO be involved in the day to day operation. EVERY example you posted has nothing to do with the postition of CEO.

Really? So government passing legislation that places regulations on an industry is "day-to-day operations"? A CEO wouldn't concern himself with a competitor rolling out a new product? What is it that you think a CEO does all day - play golf and count his money like Ebenezer Scrooge? Like all libererals, you get your information from Hollywood and then form your opinions from that.

Perfect fit IS hiring correctly.

Since regulations take months to pass and months to implement, only an idiot would be caught off guard and/or use this as an excuse.

Any good CEO knows what her/his competitors are doing.
You can't hire the 'perfect fit' employee for your company? What do you think head hunters do?

You didn't say the perfect fit for a company. You said "if a company hired correctly, wouldn't the plate be divided". Don't move the goalposts after you've been proven wrong. The plate will never be divided "equally". That's just idealistic liberalism speaking.
Why would a CEO be involved in the day to day operation. EVERY example you posted has nothing to do with the postition of CEO.

Really? So government passing legislation that places regulations on an industry is "day-to-day operations"? A CEO wouldn't concern himself with a competitor rolling out a new product? What is it that you think a CEO does all day - play golf and count his money like Ebenezer Scrooge? Like all libererals, you get your information from Hollywood and then form your opinions from that.

Perfect fit IS hiring correctly.

Since regulations take months to pass and months to implement, only an idiot would be caught off guard and/or use this as an excuse.

Any good CEO knows what her/his competitors are doing.

Just stop. You're so full of poo it is obvious to everyone you're totally bogus. And, you still aren't addressing the point of the OP which is once you have run out of other peoples money your whole ball of wax collapses.
You can't hire the 'perfect fit' employee for your company? What do you think head hunters do?

You didn't say the perfect fit for a company. You said "if a company hired correctly, wouldn't the plate be divided". Don't move the goalposts after you've been proven wrong. The plate will never be divided "equally". That's just idealistic liberalism speaking.
Why would a CEO be involved in the day to day operation. EVERY example you posted has nothing to do with the postition of CEO.

Really? So government passing legislation that places regulations on an industry is "day-to-day operations"? A CEO wouldn't concern himself with a competitor rolling out a new product? What is it that you think a CEO does all day - play golf and count his money like Ebenezer Scrooge? Like all libererals, you get your information from Hollywood and then form your opinions from that.

Perfect fit IS hiring correctly.

Since regulations take months to pass and months to implement, only an idiot would be caught off guard and/or use this as an excuse.

Any good CEO knows what her/his competitors are doing.
Says the idiot who thinks a CEO wouldn't concern themselves with that stuff :lol:
You can't hire the 'perfect fit' employee for your company? What do you think head hunters do?

You didn't say the perfect fit for a company. You said "if a company hired correctly, wouldn't the plate be divided". Don't move the goalposts after you've been proven wrong. The plate will never be divided "equally". That's just idealistic liberalism speaking.
Why would a CEO be involved in the day to day operation. EVERY example you posted has nothing to do with the postition of CEO.

Really? So government passing legislation that places regulations on an industry is "day-to-day operations"? A CEO wouldn't concern himself with a competitor rolling out a new product? What is it that you think a CEO does all day - play golf and count his money like Ebenezer Scrooge? Like all libererals, you get your information from Hollywood and then form your opinions from that.

Perfect fit IS hiring correctly.

Since regulations take months to pass and months to implement, only an idiot would be caught off guard and/or use this as an excuse.

Any good CEO knows what her/his competitors are doing.
Says the idiot who thinks a CEO wouldn't concern themselves with that stuff :lol:

Yes, one subject one percenter knows nothing about is what a "good CEO knows" ...

Our Government has always spent other peoples' money. It's been that way since day one. It spends it on all sorts of things that i have a problem with. Spending it on the poor doesn't bother me. Spending it on bailing out $Millionaire/Billionaire Fatcats and Endless War, does.

Our Constitution doesn't protect spending on bailouts or the poor, but it does authorize our government to protect it's people which war does whether you agree with the war or not.

Very few of our tax dollars go to the poor; those who have little or no choice. Most of our dollars go to the lazy, the irresponsible, and the uneducated. Those are all choices, not misfortunes.

Nah, you're just buying into greedy white Republican dude propaganda. There will always be abusers. Some do abuse the System. But in general, the money goes to folks who really need it. And i'm fine with that. It's some of the other things that i have a problem with. Way too much money is spent on takin care of wealthy fatcats and endless war.

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