Why can't Public Assistance increase?

We've always used Tax Dollars to support our own. And that will continue. Our massive Debt can't be blamed on our poor. There are many other factors to be considered. Such as massive Corporate Bailouts and Endless War. The poor & weak are easy targets, but they aren't to blame. I think it's a despicable bully-tactic trying to blame them.

I don't think anybody placed the blame entirely on them, but they certainly are a part of it.
Umm... NO. Nick Saban doesn't make $5.2 million a year because he is good at delegating and directing. He makes that much because he is good at bringing National Championship trophies to Tuscaloosa.

CEOs who command a high salary are similarly good at what they do... which is to maximize profits. Delegating and directing are certainly good skills for a CEO to have but it's far from what makes them great CEOs or why they are paid so well.

Nick Saban could be awesome at delegating and directing... If he lost half his games and didn't bring home trophies for Alabama, he would lose his job. CEOs could be the best delegate/directors in the world... if they don't increase the company's profits they are fired.

But returning to my point... CEOs are paid highly by a Capitalist because they are of value to the Capitalist. To sit here and presume they don't deserve what they are paid is silly.... you're not paying them, the capitalist is. It's the value THEY consider them to have, not YOU.

Funny how the "one percenter" who makes 4.5 large (according to him) a year doesn't grasp the importance of profit, isn't it?

Where did I write profits aren't important?

When you blew off CEOs needing to direct people to make profits. Maybe you need to start reading your posts before clicking "post reply" and ask yourself, what point am I trying to make here?

My point is that the higher you climb in the ivory tower, the less work you actually do.

Top CEOs Work Crazy Hours Even On Normal Days

This Is CEOs' One Secret to Staying Ultra-Productive

Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours
My point is that the higher you climb in the ivory tower, the less work you actually do.

It depends on what you mean by "work." Are you talking about manual labor?

I often quip that I've not "worked" since I was in college 35 years ago. Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. But it takes an enormous effort to be successful. A lot of blood, sweat, tears, determination and commitment. To some, those words imply "work" but when you genuinely love what you do, it's not work at all.

Work is the amount of time you spend on other than personal issues.
I am a CEO of five corporations that have a combined asset/revenue of $780M, and I work 8-10 hours per week. Why? Because I placed an adequate platform, implemented a check and balance system, and hired VERY talented people to direct the day-to-day operations of each company.

I also use those big-bad regulations to my benefit.

Yeah I don't believe you. You're either lying, or a criminal...and lying.

Yet you can't refute any of my posts. So I'm also smarter than you.

You're not smarter than a toaster. You don't even understand that refuting a post means you're against what the post said. You're dumb as a ... well ... post ...

You mean a logical retort based on fact?


Are you sniffing glue or just drunk?

Since you haven't figured it out yet, I've asked you first.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

What do you do when you run out of other peoples money?

There are billions of trillions of dollars just in investments. If 10% of that was used for investing in people, this would be a better palce.
Funny how the "one percenter" who makes 4.5 large (according to him) a year doesn't grasp the importance of profit, isn't it?

Where did I write profits aren't important?

When you blew off CEOs needing to direct people to make profits. Maybe you need to start reading your posts before clicking "post reply" and ask yourself, what point am I trying to make here?

My point is that the higher you climb in the ivory tower, the less work you actually do.

Top CEOs Work Crazy Hours Even On Normal Days

This Is CEOs' One Secret to Staying Ultra-Productive

Yes, in every business I've ever worked in, the higher you are, the longer you work. The guy again shows his knowlege of business is a Kelvin zero. He doesn't explain how he makes $4.5 million a year when he knows zero about business. I think there's a reason for that ...

When you hire VERY talented people, direct those people correctly, how much effort do you need?
How do you explain Carly Fiorina then?

I don't have to explain Carly Fiorina. She is a brilliant woman with a great mind and was a great CEO for HP and others. The thing about free market capitalism is, it sometimes changes with the markets and there is nothing a CEO can do about that. You see... we don't exist in a Utopian universe where everything is always fair and perfect. Trends come and go, things change, situations and circumstances change with the times.

In the early 1900s, all the buggy whip makers in America went under. Was it because they had bad CEOs running their companies? Or was it because times changed and buggy whips were no longer needed by the market? Was it "fair" that all those people lost their jobs through no fault of their own? No, but free market capitalism isn't always fair.... nothing is... LIFE is not FAIR!

So... Someone who made buggy whips all those years, perhaps they decided to start making belts, hoses and upholstery for automobiles? This is how free market capitalism works. Things come and go, people change, businesses change. 20 years ago, there was a VHS movie rental store on virtually every corner... you don't see them anymore because something better came along. Is that FAIR? No, it's Capitalism!

Fionna is an IDIOT. She, along with every CEO of HP failed to manage change correctly.
I am a CEO of five corporations that have a combined asset/revenue of $780M, and I work 8-10 hours per week. Why? Because I placed an adequate platform, implemented a check and balance system, and hired VERY talented people to direct the day-to-day operations of each company.

I also use those big-bad regulations to my benefit.

You're not a "CEO" junior. No CEO works 8 to 10 hours per week. If you hired someone else to run all of your companies then they are the CEO genius.

The fact that you need even that much explained to you makes me quite certain you don't own even a single company and you're not worth more than a few thousand in total assets.

If a boss of any business hires correctly, why would you need to work more?
I am a CEO of five corporations that have a combined asset/revenue of $780M, and I work 8-10 hours per week. Why? Because I placed an adequate platform, implemented a check and balance system, and hired VERY talented people to direct the day-to-day operations of each company.

I also use those big-bad regulations to my benefit.

You're not a "CEO" junior. No CEO works 8 to 10 hours per week. If you hired someone else to run all of your companies then they are the CEO genius.

The fact that you need even that much explained to you makes me quite certain you don't own even a single company and you're not worth more than a few thousand in total assets.

If a boss of any business hires correctly, why would you need to work more?
Because a CEO has a quite a bit on their plate (as I previously outlined above). So I think it's safe to say at this point that you blatantly lied about everything.
Funny how the "one percenter" who makes 4.5 large (according to him) a year doesn't grasp the importance of profit, isn't it?

Where did I write profits aren't important?

When you blew off CEOs needing to direct people to make profits. Maybe you need to start reading your posts before clicking "post reply" and ask yourself, what point am I trying to make here?

My point is that the higher you climb in the ivory tower, the less work you actually do.

Top CEOs Work Crazy Hours Even On Normal Days

This Is CEOs' One Secret to Staying Ultra-Productive

Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours

I am a CEO of five corporations that have a combined asset/revenue of $780M, and I work 8-10 hours per week. Why? Because I placed an adequate platform, implemented a check and balance system, and hired VERY talented people to direct the day-to-day operations of each company.

I also use those big-bad regulations to my benefit.

You're not a "CEO" junior. No CEO works 8 to 10 hours per week. If you hired someone else to run all of your companies then they are the CEO genius.

The fact that you need even that much explained to you makes me quite certain you don't own even a single company and you're not worth more than a few thousand in total assets.

If a boss of any business hires correctly, why would you need to work more?
Because a CEO has a quite a bit on their plate (as I previously outlined above). So I think it's safe to say at this point that you blatantly lied about everything.

If the company hired correctly, wouldn't the plate be divided?
I am a CEO of five corporations that have a combined asset/revenue of $780M, and I work 8-10 hours per week. Why? Because I placed an adequate platform, implemented a check and balance system, and hired VERY talented people to direct the day-to-day operations of each company.

I also use those big-bad regulations to my benefit.

You're not a "CEO" junior. No CEO works 8 to 10 hours per week. If you hired someone else to run all of your companies then they are the CEO genius.

The fact that you need even that much explained to you makes me quite certain you don't own even a single company and you're not worth more than a few thousand in total assets.

If a boss of any business hires correctly, why would you need to work more?
Because a CEO has a quite a bit on their plate (as I previously outlined above). So I think it's safe to say at this point that you blatantly lied about everything.

If the company hired correctly, wouldn't the plate be divided?
If rainbows glowed bright enough, wouldn't we all see the unicorn in the sky? :cuckoo:

Your idealistic view is both immature and ignorant. Business is a state of constant fluidity. How exactly does one "hire correctly" for that? Do you think Microsoft makes the same exact amount of money every day with the same exact work load every day? Or do you think it fluctuates wildly from day to day? There is a near endless volume of the unknown. From personnel (John Smith called off sick today, Jane Doe walked out on us), to competition (Widgets Inc. launched a new product line today), to government intervention (the legislation implementing costly regulations on us passed this morning). And then there is your customer base. There is no way to know when someone will suddenly become your customer (creating more demand that you have to meet) or when someone will suddenly cease to be your customer (creating a shortage which impacts product inventory and revenue).

So unless you can literally have employee-on-demand (instantly on board, up to speed, and contributing and instantly off the payroll when necessary), then your entire position is nonsensical.
Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours

This proves beyond any doubts I may have had (which weren't many), that you are NOT a CEO... never have been and never will be. This is the typical sardonic liberal understanding as to what a CEO does and the basis for why they think CEOs are undeserving of their salary.

The only meeting a CEO attends with multiple persons is with the board of directors. This varies depending on the business. It may be a weekly meeting, it may be a teleconference. It may be monthly or even bi-monthly, depending on logistics and schedules. The bulk of meetings a CEO has are one-on-one with various managers or department heads. Their secretary handles most of their email correspondence and phone calls.

While some CEOs might suggest "new business" from time to time, they are mostly not involved with developing new business. This is left to people who are experts in market analysis and gathering of data. The CEOs primary responsibility is decision making in the day-to-day operations. He is the show-runner. This encompasses almost all aspects of a corporate hierarchy. In a large corporation, there are hundreds of decisions made weekly and the board entrusts this to a CEO who has demonstrated a keen ability to make good decisions.

Workouts and golf? Ha.... you may see a CEO on a golf course a few times a year if they are lucky. You might find some company presidents on the golf course, or managers trying to schmooze a client... but CEOs just don't have time for that. They are far too busy reviewing aspects of their business in order to make sound decisions.

Like I said, you have demonstrated a lack of knowledge on the role of a CEO which proves beyond any doubt that you are certainly NOT a CEO. You might be a sociopath who believes he is a CEO... that's possible, I guess. I think you're just a habitual liar... you don't make $4.5 million a year or anywhere close to that. I doubt you even have a job. The only "one percent" you belong to is the 1% of mentally incompetent people who can manage to function in polite society.
Like I said, you have demonstrated a lack of knowledge on the role of a CEO which proves beyond any doubt that you are certainly NOT a CEO. You might be a sociopath who believes he is a CEO... that's possible, I guess. I think you're just a habitual liar... you don't make $4.5 million a year or anywhere close to that. I doubt you even have a job. The only "one percent" you belong to is the 1% of mentally incompetent people who can manage to function in polite society.

Agreed. He's one of those people who runs around telling everyone they are a "former Navy Seal" so they can get attention. Only in his case it's "I'm a CEO who makes $4.5 million per year while working only 10 hours per week".
Funny how the "one percenter" who makes 4.5 large (according to him) a year doesn't grasp the importance of profit, isn't it?

Where did I write profits aren't important?

When you blew off CEOs needing to direct people to make profits. Maybe you need to start reading your posts before clicking "post reply" and ask yourself, what point am I trying to make here?

My point is that the higher you climb in the ivory tower, the less work you actually do.

Top CEOs Work Crazy Hours Even On Normal Days

This Is CEOs' One Secret to Staying Ultra-Productive

Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours

Sure it is. :booze:
I am a CEO of five corporations that have a combined asset/revenue of $780M, and I work 8-10 hours per week. Why? Because I placed an adequate platform, implemented a check and balance system, and hired VERY talented people to direct the day-to-day operations of each company.

I also use those big-bad regulations to my benefit.

You're not a "CEO" junior. No CEO works 8 to 10 hours per week. If you hired someone else to run all of your companies then they are the CEO genius.

The fact that you need even that much explained to you makes me quite certain you don't own even a single company and you're not worth more than a few thousand in total assets.

If a boss of any business hires correctly, why would you need to work more?
Because a CEO has a quite a bit on their plate (as I previously outlined above). So I think it's safe to say at this point that you blatantly lied about everything.

If the company hired correctly, wouldn't the plate be divided?
If rainbows glowed bright enough, wouldn't we all see the unicorn in the sky? :cuckoo:

Your idealistic view is both immature and ignorant. Business is a state of constant fluidity. How exactly does one "hire correctly" for that? Do you think Microsoft makes the same exact amount of money every day with the same exact work load every day? Or do you think it fluctuates wildly from day to day? There is a near endless volume of the unknown. From personnel (John Smith called off sick today, Jane Doe walked out on us), to competition (Widgets Inc. launched a new product line today), to government intervention (the legislation implementing costly regulations on us passed this morning). And then there is your customer base. There is no way to know when someone will suddenly become your customer (creating more demand that you have to meet) or when someone will suddenly cease to be your customer (creating a shortage which impacts product inventory and revenue).

So unless you can literally have employee-on-demand (instantly on board, up to speed, and contributing and instantly off the payroll when necessary), then your entire position is nonsensical.

You can't hire the 'perfect fit' employee for your company? What do you think head hunters do?

Why would a CEO be involved in the day to day operation. EVERY example you posted has nothing to do with the postition of CEO.
Like I said, you have demonstrated a lack of knowledge on the role of a CEO which proves beyond any doubt that you are certainly NOT a CEO. You might be a sociopath who believes he is a CEO... that's possible, I guess. I think you're just a habitual liar... you don't make $4.5 million a year or anywhere close to that. I doubt you even have a job. The only "one percent" you belong to is the 1% of mentally incompetent people who can manage to function in polite society.

Agreed. He's one of those people who runs around telling everyone they are a "former Navy Seal" so they can get attention. Only in his case it's "I'm a CEO who makes $4.5 million per year while working only 10 hours per week".

I was a Coxswain in the Coast Guard.
You can't hire the 'perfect fit' employee for your company? What do you think head hunters do?

You didn't say the perfect fit for a company. You said "if a company hired correctly, wouldn't the plate be divided". Don't move the goalposts after you've been proven wrong. The plate will never be divided "equally". That's just idealistic liberalism speaking.
Why would a CEO be involved in the day to day operation. EVERY example you posted has nothing to do with the postition of CEO.

Really? So government passing legislation that places regulations on an industry is "day-to-day operations"? A CEO wouldn't concern himself with a competitor rolling out a new product? What is it that you think a CEO does all day - play golf and count his money like Ebenezer Scrooge? Like all libererals, you get your information from Hollywood and then form your opinions from that.
Last edited:
Funny how the "one percenter" who makes 4.5 large (according to him) a year doesn't grasp the importance of profit, isn't it?

Where did I write profits aren't important?

When you blew off CEOs needing to direct people to make profits. Maybe you need to start reading your posts before clicking "post reply" and ask yourself, what point am I trying to make here?

My point is that the higher you climb in the ivory tower, the less work you actually do.

Top CEOs Work Crazy Hours Even On Normal Days

This Is CEOs' One Secret to Staying Ultra-Productive

Here's my week.

Meeting 3 hours.
E-mail 3 hours
Developing new business 4 hours
Workout 10 hours
Golf 10 hours

Isn't it cool they direct deposit your welfare checks now instead of having to go stand? With driving, that's be another hour or two a week for you.

Developing new business, that's the funniest one. What can you do in 4 hours when you know nothing about business???


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