Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Free market capitalism will adjust. If Walmart is gouging you then it won't happen too long before completion comes in to take market share away from Walmart. Walmart drove mom and pops out because they were able to offer better pricing. Besides, Walmart gets competition from other stores like Target and Home Depot in products where they compete.

This is not to mention that Walmart has the same enemy as mom and pop, and that is the internet. More and more people shop online every year.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

What do you do when you run out of other peoples money?
Ridiculous RW talking point, dupe.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?
Well we have a huge deficit, I mean if you don't know that, then maybe you need to stay out of politics.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

What do you do when you run out of other peoples money?
Ridiculous RW talking point, dupe.
Yeah dupe.....I'm so smart....me smash dupes!!!! arrrrrrg!!!!!!!
So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget.

Because we don't have a "bloated military budget". That's just a libtard talking point that you are sadly buying into without any research on your part. We need to drastically increase our military budget and we need to drastically reduce our idiotic and completely unconstitutional "public assistance".

Here are some facts for you junior. If our military budget is so "bloated" - why are our military personnel scavenging parts from museums to keep our aircrafts flying?!?
  • Marine Corps mechanics have had to scavenge F-18 parts from museums to keep their planes flying. Even with the scavenging, only 30% of those F-18s are ready to fly today. Unfortunately, similar serious challenges face all the military services.
  • The 2016 Index of U.S. Military Strength looked at the size, capabilities, and readiness of each part of the military and concluded that as a package the military is only “marginal” in its ability to protect America.
Congress Must Act Now to Start Rebuilding the US Military
  • Headlines of “increased shipbuilding and aircraft” are likely misleading. Recent stories about the budget include 10 destroyers and nine Virginia-class submarines, but this was already the shipbuilding plan for the next five years.
  • When it comes to fighter aircraft, while the headlines talk about more F-18s and F-35s, those are all likely in future years of the budget (2018 and beyond).
  • Indications are that in 2017, we will actually see a cut to these same fighter programs.
  • Promising things in future years is easy, particularly when you won’t be around.

Don’t Believe the Defense Budget Hype

As you can see - the only thing "bloated" is your misinformation.
Yes we do. We know very well how well he did. Suma cume laude. Top 5% of his class. So, unless that particular class of Harvard graduates was full of gorillas, and rhesus monkeys, then we know very well how well he did.

Where exactly you got that info from? Is there some proof, other that hearsay, to back that up? You know, something like photo, diploma, certificate, award. Also, I would like to read some of his work from Harvard law review.

Have I personally seen the transcripts? No. Did he publicly release them? Yes. Your response to his college achievements is just as idiotic, and irrational as the birther stupidity during his first campaign.

Lemme guess. You're one of those retards who still insist he isn't an American citizen, too, aren't you?

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Typical leftist, when cornered, goes for the insults.

Don't make it about me, answer the questions from my previous post.

Plus, where are the transcripts you claim he publicly released?
Free market capitalism will adjust. If Walmart is gouging you then it won't happen too long before completion comes in to take market share away from Walmart. Walmart drove mom and pops out because they were able to offer better pricing. Besides, Walmart gets competition from other stores like Target and Home Depot in products where they compete.

Not only that but consumer demands change. First, there was Sears... consumers wanted something more than everything under one roof located in downtown USA... they wanted lower prices and better suburban convenience... enter K-mart. Over time, the consumer demands changed... they wanted something more than low prices... they wanted more friendly customer service... enter Walmart. Today's consumer is again changing and evolving... they want more than low price and friendly service.

Trends change, people change, capitalism in the free market changes as well. Currently, there is a trend toward homegrown organic produce and personalized services. Online shopping has become huge. Amazon has now surpassed Walmart in annual sales revenue. New businesses are popping up every day to meet modern demands.... that's the beauty of a free market, free enterprise system.
Yes, in every business I've ever worked in, the higher you are, the longer you work. The guy again shows his knowlege of business is a Kelvin zero. He doesn't explain how he makes $4.5 million a year when he knows zero about business. I think there's a reason for that ...

Of course there is. He gives himself away all the time. That's how we know he's giving us a BS story.

Either that, or he's the first supposed CEO in charge of five companies in our country. Anybody that knows anything about CEO's knows they have a contract with one company only.. The company may have some subsidiaries a CEO oversees, but not more than one company.

But that's the great thing about the internet: you can be anybody you want to be. :banana::banana::banana:

I've never met a CEO who someone could talk to as dim wittedly about the need to make a profit as onepercenter does at the level he'd have to be to make $4.5 million a year where he'd last a half hour before being escorted to the door. And I've seen several senior managers escorted to the door for being dumb asses.

One was a CFO in the Netherlands this spring I worked with who said the purpose of companies is to provide jobs. Shortly after that, the CEO told me the CFO was about to be fired. And he was, shortly after that. I'd been hired by the CEO's boss's boss who was the president of the International business because they ... weren't ... making ... money. I'd worked for him before and that's why he hired me, they weren't making money.

Making money is like a pulse. If you have cancer and no pulse, you deal with not having a pulse first. Obviously it wasn't just that one statement, it was the pattern of not grasping #1 is making a profit because without that you don't exist.
No offense, but that's outdated angry white Republican dude thinking. Most of the large corporations are too top-heavy in terms of bloated salaries. The pay could be distributed more equitably. Share more of the love with the struggling warriors in the trenches.
No offense - but that's ignorant regressive angry libtard thinking. This is as stupid as saying cut QB salaries in the NFL to "share more love" with the backup punter. The money is as the top because that is where the talent is, the credentials are, and where the experience is, and most of all - where the company is won or lost.

If you say so.
I do. I really do. And I'm right.

Nah, i'm guessing you're just a typical angry white Republican dude. Your thinking is outdated and hateful.
Well you're guessing wrong. There is nothing "hateful" about free market value. You sound so much like a libtard that it's downright frightening. Ron Paul would vomit seeing you using his name and posting like a socialist.

We can do better helpin our People out. Much better.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?
Increasing public assistance for any able bodied person is habituating, and does not encourage seeking a job. Not the same with those who are not able bodied physically or mentally. They should be supported to a decent life style. Left wing fanatics like you can never be allowed in a position of leadership.
No offense - but that's ignorant regressive angry libtard thinking. This is as stupid as saying cut QB salaries in the NFL to "share more love" with the backup punter. The money is as the top because that is where the talent is, the credentials are, and where the experience is, and most of all - where the company is won or lost.

If you say so.
I do. I really do. And I'm right.

Nah, i'm guessing you're just a typical angry white Republican dude. Your thinking is outdated and hateful.
Well you're guessing wrong. There is nothing "hateful" about free market value. You sound so much like a libtard that it's downright frightening. Ron Paul would vomit seeing you using his name and posting like a socialist.

We can do better helpin our People out. Much better.
Even reasonable liberal progressives (not left wing fanatics) recognize we need to properly assist those who cannot help themselves. Beyond that welfare is habituating. Our current system discriminates against young white needy people.
Greedy white Republican dude fear mongering. Stop falling for it. It's Bullshite.


That's his response to EVERYTHING.

Paula hates bigotry. Damn Republicans, they're all bigots ...

Nah, but most Republicans are greedy angry white dudes. I don't buy into their Bullshite.

You're a useless sack of shit, get off your ass and get a job. Now I sound like your parents, don't I?
Greedy white Republican dude fear mongering. Stop falling for it. It's Bullshite.


That's his response to EVERYTHING.

Paula hates bigotry. Damn Republicans, they're all bigots ...

Nah, but most Republicans are greedy angry white dudes. I don't buy into their Bullshite.

You're a useless sack of shit, get off your ass and get a job. Now I sound like your parents, don't I?

Nope, ya still sound like a typical greedy angry tiny-dicked white Republican dude.

Paula hates bigotry. Damn Republicans, they're all bigots ...

Nah, but most Republicans are greedy angry white dudes. I don't buy into their Bullshite.

You're a useless sack of shit, get off your ass and get a job. Now I sound like your parents, don't I?

Nope, ya still sound like a typical greedy angry tiny-dicked white Republican dude.

Ouch, that hurts! :lmao:

Sorry man, I tried to help you out there ...
Yes, that's one way. We've always done that. But we need to come up with other solutions too.

Well, I haven't seen those solutions from you. All you've been for is giving people more money that they didn't earn nor is theirs in the first place. And you are correct, we have been doing that, and that's why it isn't working too well.
Yes, that's one way. We've always done that. But we need to come up with other solutions too.

Well, I haven't seen those solutions from you. All you've been for is giving people more money that they didn't earn nor is theirs in the first place. And you are correct, we have been doing that, and that's why it isn't working too well.

We've always used Tax Dollars to support our own. And that will continue. Our massive Debt can't be blamed on our poor. There are many other factors to be considered. Such as massive Corporate Bailouts and Endless War. The poor & weak are easy targets, but they aren't to blame. In fact, i think it's a despicable bully-tactic trying to blame them. Pretty cowardly.

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