Why can't Public Assistance increase?

You're far from a CEO, you have a job as a business packager.

From a guy who doesn't know what "business development" means, that's classic.

Let's say for the sake of argument that you aren't lying. Let's say you actually do know what you are talking about and you are just too lazy to write any content because you think we're a bunch of poseurs who don't know what we are talking about. If what you are saying is true, you have clearly decided to not write any content to back up that you know what you are talking about.

Now, suppose you are wrong about the part that we don't know what we are talking about. First of all, the questions are too good for you to not realize that. Second, think about how stupid we think you are right now. Again if you do know what you are talking about, you know why if we know what we are talking about why we would think that since you've systematically chosen to provide zero content behind your claims.

I'm cracking myself up. You probably never worked for a company. You're a shallow liar

Business development is grunt work.

The COO/CFO directs staff to write numerous proposals which I either approve, approve with changes, or disapprove.

Lemonade is made from lemons

Lemonade is made from lemons

Lemons are one ingredient of lemonade. Can you name the others, or should I provide a link?

Dodging again from that you don't even know what business development is or how your company does it even though you spend four hours a week reading reports on it

I'm not dodging anything.

You wrote: Lemonade is made from lemons

I answered: Lemons are one ingredient of lemonade. Can you name the others, or should I provide a link?
Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.
So first you were a "CEO" and now you're a trust fund baby? :lmao:

I'd say the second is FAR more likely that the first. But something tells me the second isn't all that likely either. Your education level is just too pitiful to be a true trust fund baby. Something tells me the "trust" you are referring to is something normal people call "welfare".

How can I be a trust fund baby when I'm the one that created the trust? Some Republican Presidential candidates would fit that analogy.
You didn't create the trust. I can tell by talking to you. You're a pathological liar (like a Clinton) who has been caught lying and whose limited education has been exposed. I seriously doubt you could set up a doll house, much less a trust.

He hasn't said anything that a rich hating leftist wouldn't have said on MS-NBC

I've stated reality.
Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.
So first you were a "CEO" and now you're a trust fund baby? :lmao:

I'd say the second is FAR more likely that the first. But something tells me the second isn't all that likely either. Your education level is just too pitiful to be a true trust fund baby. Something tells me the "trust" you are referring to is something normal people call "welfare".

How can I be a trust fund baby when I'm the one that created the trust? Some Republican Presidential candidates would fit that analogy.
You didn't create the trust. I can tell by talking to you. You're a pathological liar (like a Clinton) who has been caught lying and whose limited education has been exposed. I seriously doubt you could set up a doll house, much less a trust.

You are correct. I didn't 'set-up'/'create' the trust, my Attorney did.
Yeah - I know. Actually, your parent's attorney set up the trust.
I never stated that CEO's 'sit at home in their bathrobes.' I stated that they don't work nearly as hard as you think they do.

That's astounding ignorant. The average CEO puts in 16 hours per day. Bill Gates would routinely sleep in his office at Microsoft headquarters for three days in a row before finally going home because there simply wasn't enough time to commute home, sleep, and commute back to the office. Steve Jobs likewise. Elon Musk of both Tesla and SpaceX has been sleeping on the factory floor of Tesla in a sleeping bag.

The bottom line is that you are a typical ignorant liberal. You don't read anything. You don't research anything. You simply buy into whatever propaganda people like Hitlery Clinton and Barack Obama feed you. You're also a typical liberal in that you're a pathological liar - having claimed that you're a CEO of multiple companies and yet you only work 10 hours per week total. You've never run a company in your life and you know it. Liberals are such disgusting liars.

I suppose you believe that Gates invented the P.C., Jobs invented the iPhone, and Musk invented the electric car, which of course they didn't. They are/were all fantastic innovators and CEO's that hired talent to push they're effort. That's what CEO's do.
I never stated that CEO's 'sit at home in their bathrobes.' I stated that they don't work nearly as hard as you think they do.

That's astounding ignorant. The average CEO puts in 16 hours per day. Bill Gates would routinely sleep in his office at Microsoft headquarters for three days in a row before finally going home because there simply wasn't enough time to commute home, sleep, and commute back to the office. Steve Jobs likewise. Elon Musk of both Tesla and SpaceX has been sleeping on the factory floor of Tesla in a sleeping bag.

The bottom line is that you are a typical ignorant liberal. You don't read anything. You don't research anything. You simply buy into whatever propaganda people like Hitlery Clinton and Barack Obama feed you. You're also a typical liberal in that you're a pathological liar - having claimed that you're a CEO of multiple companies and yet you only work 10 hours per week total. You've never run a company in your life and you know it. Liberals are such disgusting liars.

I suppose you believe that Gates invented the P.C., Jobs invented the iPhone, and Musk invented the electric car, which of course they didn't. They are/were all fantastic innovators and CEO's that hired talent to push they're effort. That's what CEO's do.
Uh...no genius....the pc was around for a long time before Gates. What he created was Windows. And you can try all you want to proclaim that he hired someone else to do it - but that's simply not the case. Gates himself (along with Paul Allen) actually coded the Windows software. While Jobs wasn't technical, he was the driving force behind the business. He's the one that handled marketing, sales, public relations, etc. to launch Apple. And Elon Musk is in fact a technical engineer highly involved with conception, design, etc.
Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.
So first you were a "CEO" and now you're a trust fund baby? :lmao:

I'd say the second is FAR more likely that the first. But something tells me the second isn't all that likely either. Your education level is just too pitiful to be a true trust fund baby. Something tells me the "trust" you are referring to is something normal people call "welfare".

How can I be a trust fund baby when I'm the one that created the trust? Some Republican Presidential candidates would fit that analogy.
You didn't create the trust. I can tell by talking to you. You're a pathological liar (like a Clinton) who has been caught lying and whose limited education has been exposed. I seriously doubt you could set up a doll house, much less a trust.

You are correct. I didn't 'set-up'/'create' the trust, my Attorney did.

Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.

Oh stop lying you lying sack of shit. If you take your salary, you pay taxes on it

My salary is $1.00/yr. Through hiring financial experts, I'm one of the many thousands of 'unemployed' rich people.

Here's a story from 2012 that illustrates;

Millionaires On US Unemployment? Yes, And That's Perfectly Legal (For Now)

That isn't what I asked. I asked how you live

Very well, thank you.

Exactly. Again, you prove you don't know what you are talking about. You said you don't pay taxes, showing you heard about CEOs and trusts on MS-NBC and didn't realize you have to pay taxes on the money you withdraw because Keith Olberman didn't explain that part to you. So with low information, you gave the low information response you don't pay taxes. You're a terrible liar
From a guy who doesn't know what "business development" means, that's classic.

Let's say for the sake of argument that you aren't lying. Let's say you actually do know what you are talking about and you are just too lazy to write any content because you think we're a bunch of poseurs who don't know what we are talking about. If what you are saying is true, you have clearly decided to not write any content to back up that you know what you are talking about.

Now, suppose you are wrong about the part that we don't know what we are talking about. First of all, the questions are too good for you to not realize that. Second, think about how stupid we think you are right now. Again if you do know what you are talking about, you know why if we know what we are talking about why we would think that since you've systematically chosen to provide zero content behind your claims.

I'm cracking myself up. You probably never worked for a company. You're a shallow liar

Business development is grunt work.

The COO/CFO directs staff to write numerous proposals which I either approve, approve with changes, or disapprove.

Lemonade is made from lemons

Lemonade is made from lemons

Lemons are one ingredient of lemonade. Can you name the others, or should I provide a link?

Dodging again from that you don't even know what business development is or how your company does it even though you spend four hours a week reading reports on it

I'm not dodging anything.

You wrote: Lemonade is made from lemons

I answered: Lemons are one ingredient of lemonade. Can you name the others, or should I provide a link?

What is business development and what are the reports you're spending 4 hours a week saying about it as an approach? You don't even understand the question, do you? You think the future of your company and how it's going to grow are "grunt work"

:lmao: That's classic for a guy claiming to be a CEO.

Hey, CEO, what market segments and geographies are you going to target next? What products and services are you going to add? Are you looking to acquire? What do you do that you should probably spin off because it's not a core competency and it distracts from what your company is good at?

The CEO: Don't give a shit, that's "grunt" work, my staff are sending me a report ...


Yeah, you're a CEO
No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.
So first you were a "CEO" and now you're a trust fund baby? :lmao:

I'd say the second is FAR more likely that the first. But something tells me the second isn't all that likely either. Your education level is just too pitiful to be a true trust fund baby. Something tells me the "trust" you are referring to is something normal people call "welfare".

How can I be a trust fund baby when I'm the one that created the trust? Some Republican Presidential candidates would fit that analogy.
You didn't create the trust. I can tell by talking to you. You're a pathological liar (like a Clinton) who has been caught lying and whose limited education has been exposed. I seriously doubt you could set up a doll house, much less a trust.

He hasn't said anything that a rich hating leftist wouldn't have said on MS-NBC

I've stated reality.

Right, that CEOs don't give a shit how their company is going to grow, you get reports from your staff on "grunt work." As I said, you haven't said anything that MS-NBC doesn't spin about CEOs.

That and you're a trust owner who doesn't realize you need to pay taxes on what you ... take out ... of the trust !!!

You're such a simpleton it's a hoot.
No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.
So first you were a "CEO" and now you're a trust fund baby? :lmao:

I'd say the second is FAR more likely that the first. But something tells me the second isn't all that likely either. Your education level is just too pitiful to be a true trust fund baby. Something tells me the "trust" you are referring to is something normal people call "welfare".

How can I be a trust fund baby when I'm the one that created the trust? Some Republican Presidential candidates would fit that analogy.
You didn't create the trust. I can tell by talking to you. You're a pathological liar (like a Clinton) who has been caught lying and whose limited education has been exposed. I seriously doubt you could set up a doll house, much less a trust.

You are correct. I didn't 'set-up'/'create' the trust, my Attorney did.
Yeah - I know. Actually, your parent's attorney set up the trust.

Obviously way more likely than that he did. But he knows so little about businesses and trusts that even if his parents set it up he would know more than that. Everything he has said is straight CEO hate bias from MS-NBC
A jacket is not a job.

Did I say it was? It is the exact same thing though. If the wages are not acceptable, then don't take the job. If you don't think the jacket is worth what the seller is asking, then buy a jacket elsewhere.

Did I say it was? It is the exact same thing though. If the wages are not acceptable, then don't take the job. If you don't think the jacket is worth what the seller is asking, then buy a jacket elsewhere.

What if all the wages are not acceptable and retailers conspired to drive up jacket prices?

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone
Price fixing between businesses is illegal. Between unions, however, it's perfectly legal. The truth, though, is simple. A valuable employee will earn more.

Walmart comes in using tax payer subsidies, lowers prices to eliminate competition, then once the competition is gone they start incrementally raising prices. That's NOT price fixing?

How do Unions price fix?
By demanding the same wages as all the other unions. Ever see a union undercut another union's wage floor?
It can be done. Help the struggling warriors in the trenches. Share the love. We'll all benefit from it.


You and I have widget companies. We are competitors. With your company, you share the love. With my company, I pay the workers what they are worth and get the best and the brightest to run the major operations in the company.

How long do you suppose it would take before I put your company out of business?

That's all fear my friend. Just like when the Minimum Wage is increased, all businesses are supposed to 'fold immediately.' But it never happens. Sadly, you've fallen for the greedy white Republican dude Bullshit.
Boy, I'm glad no one is saying that kind of stuff. That sounds exaggerated and totally fake.
I never stated that CEO's 'sit at home in their bathrobes.' I stated that they don't work nearly as hard as you think they do.

That's astounding ignorant. The average CEO puts in 16 hours per day. Bill Gates would routinely sleep in his office at Microsoft headquarters for three days in a row before finally going home because there simply wasn't enough time to commute home, sleep, and commute back to the office. Steve Jobs likewise. Elon Musk of both Tesla and SpaceX has been sleeping on the factory floor of Tesla in a sleeping bag.

The bottom line is that you are a typical ignorant liberal. You don't read anything. You don't research anything. You simply buy into whatever propaganda people like Hitlery Clinton and Barack Obama feed you. You're also a typical liberal in that you're a pathological liar - having claimed that you're a CEO of multiple companies and yet you only work 10 hours per week total. You've never run a company in your life and you know it. Liberals are such disgusting liars.

I suppose you believe that Gates invented the P.C., Jobs invented the iPhone, and Musk invented the electric car, which of course they didn't. They are/were all fantastic innovators and CEO's that hired talent to push they're effort. That's what CEO's do.
Uh...no genius....the pc was around for a long time before Gates. What he created was Windows. And you can try all you want to proclaim that he hired someone else to do it - but that's simply not the case. Gates himself (along with Paul Allen) actually coded the Windows software. While Jobs wasn't technical, he was the driving force behind the business. He's the one that handled marketing, sales, public relations, etc. to launch Apple. And Elon Musk is in fact a technical engineer highly involved with conception, design, etc.

Douglas Engelbart is the inventor of Windows. Gates and Allen brought it to market.
The subordinates make all of the revenue. The CEO sets the direction and delegates.

Again... that is simply not true and it's one of many things you've said that leads me to think you've never run a business in your life. Everyone in a company is of value, otherwise, they wouldn't be there... the company is about making profit and there's no room for people to be paid who bring no value to the table. So everyone is of value and they are generally paid accordingly.

Revenue, on the other hand, is the money brought in by a company. Out of that, expenses have to be paid and that leaves the profit. Revenue is going to depend on a myriad of factors. It's not solely determined by the "subordinates." How much revenue could a sewing company make without sewing machines? Did the seamstress furnish the sewing machine? What about the thread and material? How about the marketing and advertising for the products? Does the seamstress work on that as well? Do they provide the insurance, maintenance, transportation costs, etc.? So... how can you possibly claim they make all the revenue? They perform a task and are paid for what they do. It's FAR from being all there is to producing revenue.

You are simply a mental midget, posing here as someone who is supposedly wealthy. What a fucking JOKE... you're not wealthy, you're probably a fraudulent disability recipient with nothing better to do every day than sit here on your computer (which someone else paid for) espousing the virtues of Marxism.

Companies are about providing a product or service to gain profit.

Heren't the thing you're not understanding about debating. When you respond to a post as if you disagree with it, it's kind of assumed that you're against they point they made. Capiche?

I never actually been in a debate on USMB. I have spent a lot of time correcting stupid.
But at some point you actually need to stop talking to yourself and correspond with other people...
No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.

Oh stop lying you lying sack of shit. If you take your salary, you pay taxes on it

My salary is $1.00/yr. Through hiring financial experts, I'm one of the many thousands of 'unemployed' rich people.

Here's a story from 2012 that illustrates;

Millionaires On US Unemployment? Yes, And That's Perfectly Legal (For Now)

That isn't what I asked. I asked how you live

Very well, thank you.

Exactly. Again, you prove you don't know what you are talking about. You said you don't pay taxes, showing you heard about CEOs and trusts on MS-NBC and didn't realize you have to pay taxes on the money you withdraw because Keith Olberman didn't explain that part to you. So with low information, you gave the low information response you don't pay taxes. You're a terrible liar

When did I withdraw money? I use debit and credit cards paid by a Nevada corporation. Nevada doesn't share information with the IRS.
Business development is grunt work.

The COO/CFO directs staff to write numerous proposals which I either approve, approve with changes, or disapprove.

Lemonade is made from lemons

Lemonade is made from lemons

Lemons are one ingredient of lemonade. Can you name the others, or should I provide a link?

Dodging again from that you don't even know what business development is or how your company does it even though you spend four hours a week reading reports on it

I'm not dodging anything.

You wrote: Lemonade is made from lemons

I answered: Lemons are one ingredient of lemonade. Can you name the others, or should I provide a link?

What is business development and what are the reports you're spending 4 hours a week saying about it as an approach? You don't even understand the question, do you? You think the future of your company and how it's going to grow are "grunt work"

:lmao: That's classic for a guy claiming to be a CEO.

Hey, CEO, what market segments and geographies are you going to target next? What products and services are you going to add? Are you looking to acquire? What do you do that you should probably spin off because it's not a core competency and it distracts from what your company is good at?

The CEO: Don't give a shit, that's "grunt" work, my staff are sending me a report ...


Yeah, you're a CEO

Compiling information is grunt work. CEO's don't do grunt work, their subordinates do.
So first you were a "CEO" and now you're a trust fund baby? :lmao:

I'd say the second is FAR more likely that the first. But something tells me the second isn't all that likely either. Your education level is just too pitiful to be a true trust fund baby. Something tells me the "trust" you are referring to is something normal people call "welfare".

How can I be a trust fund baby when I'm the one that created the trust? Some Republican Presidential candidates would fit that analogy.
You didn't create the trust. I can tell by talking to you. You're a pathological liar (like a Clinton) who has been caught lying and whose limited education has been exposed. I seriously doubt you could set up a doll house, much less a trust.

You are correct. I didn't 'set-up'/'create' the trust, my Attorney did.
Yeah - I know. Actually, your parent's attorney set up the trust.

Obviously way more likely than that he did. But he knows so little about businesses and trusts that even if his parents set it up he would know more than that. Everything he has said is straight CEO hate bias from MS-NBC

Yet, you haven't proven that I'm wrong. Interesting.
Free market capitalism will adjust. If Walmart is gouging you then it won't happen too long before completion comes in to take market share away from Walmart. Walmart drove mom and pops out because they were able to offer better pricing. Besides, Walmart gets competition from other stores like Target and Home Depot in products where they compete.

Not only that but consumer demands change. First, there was Sears... consumers wanted something more than everything under one roof located in downtown USA... they wanted lower prices and better suburban convenience... enter K-mart. Over time, the consumer demands changed... they wanted something more than low prices... they wanted more friendly customer service... enter Walmart. Today's consumer is again changing and evolving... they want more than low price and friendly service.

Trends change, people change, capitalism in the free market changes as well. Currently, there is a trend toward homegrown organic produce and personalized services. Online shopping has become huge. Amazon has now surpassed Walmart in annual sales revenue. New businesses are popping up every day to meet modern demands.... that's the beauty of a free market, free enterprise system.
Freedom scares some people, because they can't handle uncontrolled change. I believe there is a part of their brain that needs to hear an authority state that everything is under control for them to feel safe. These are the people who sided with the British in the Revolutionary war. They feared change.

Freedom is messy, chaotic, risky, wonderful and preferable to the alternative.
A jacket is not a job.

Did I say it was? It is the exact same thing though. If the wages are not acceptable, then don't take the job. If you don't think the jacket is worth what the seller is asking, then buy a jacket elsewhere.

Did I say it was? It is the exact same thing though. If the wages are not acceptable, then don't take the job. If you don't think the jacket is worth what the seller is asking, then buy a jacket elsewhere.

What if all the wages are not acceptable and retailers conspired to drive up jacket prices?

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone
Price fixing between businesses is illegal. Between unions, however, it's perfectly legal. The truth, though, is simple. A valuable employee will earn more.

Walmart comes in using tax payer subsidies, lowers prices to eliminate competition, then once the competition is gone they start incrementally raising prices. That's NOT price fixing?

How do Unions price fix?
By demanding the same wages as all the other unions. Ever see a union undercut another union's wage floor?

Which Union 'undercut' another's wage floor?
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

What do you do when you run out of other peoples money?

There are billions of trillions of dollars just in investments. If 10% of that was used for investing in people, this would be a better palce.
Now I know you're full of it. There are not sextillions of dollars just in investments.

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