Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Lemonade is made from lemons

Lemonade is made from lemons

Lemons are one ingredient of lemonade. Can you name the others, or should I provide a link?

Dodging again from that you don't even know what business development is or how your company does it even though you spend four hours a week reading reports on it

I'm not dodging anything.

You wrote: Lemonade is made from lemons

I answered: Lemons are one ingredient of lemonade. Can you name the others, or should I provide a link?

What is business development and what are the reports you're spending 4 hours a week saying about it as an approach? You don't even understand the question, do you? You think the future of your company and how it's going to grow are "grunt work"

:lmao: That's classic for a guy claiming to be a CEO.

Hey, CEO, what market segments and geographies are you going to target next? What products and services are you going to add? Are you looking to acquire? What do you do that you should probably spin off because it's not a core competency and it distracts from what your company is good at?

The CEO: Don't give a shit, that's "grunt" work, my staff are sending me a report ...


Yeah, you're a CEO

Compiling information is grunt work. CEO's don't do grunt work, their subordinates do.

Begging the question:

"Hey, CEO, what market segments and geographies are you going to target next? What products and services are you going to add? Are you looking to acquire? What do you do that you should probably spin off because it's not a core competency and it distracts from what your company is good at?

The CEO: Don't give a shit, that's "grunt" work, my staff are sending me a report ..."
Compiling information is grunt work. CEO's don't do grunt work, their subordinates do.

It's amazing - everything is "grunt work" in your mind. It's amazing how many corporations are paying six-figures for people to do "grunt work". I think we've established that you have no idea what a CEO does.

That was established long ago. one pee pee is only capable of regurgitating talking points. His CEO experience consists of what he has seen in the movies. And none of this has the slightest thing to do with public assistance. How about we get back to that subject.

You're wrong. Greedy CEO's are the reason we need public assistance AND are the reason we have wage disparity.
Compiling information is grunt work. CEO's don't do grunt work, their subordinates do.

It's amazing - everything is "grunt work" in your mind. It's amazing how many corporations are paying six-figures for people to do "grunt work". I think we've established that you have no idea what a CEO does.

That was established long ago. one pee pee is only capable of regurgitating talking points. His CEO experience consists of what he has seen in the movies. And none of this has the slightest thing to do with public assistance. How about we get back to that subject.

You're wrong. Greedy CEO's are the reason we need public assistance AND are the reason we have wage disparity.

Bullshit. Greedy CEO's of multinational corporations have bought your politicians and enacted laws that cripple and destroy the small corporations that threaten them. THAT is what has driven people to the poor house, government controls at the behest of their multinational corporate masters, who YOU support. Now go away little flea.
How can I be a trust fund baby when I'm the one that created the trust? Some Republican Presidential candidates would fit that analogy.
You didn't create the trust. I can tell by talking to you. You're a pathological liar (like a Clinton) who has been caught lying and whose limited education has been exposed. I seriously doubt you could set up a doll house, much less a trust.

You are correct. I didn't 'set-up'/'create' the trust, my Attorney did.
Yeah - I know. Actually, your parent's attorney set up the trust.

Obviously way more likely than that he did. But he knows so little about businesses and trusts that even if his parents set it up he would know more than that. Everything he has said is straight CEO hate bias from MS-NBC

Yet, you haven't proven that I'm wrong. Interesting.


You proved you are wrong

1) You didn't know that you need to pay taxes on the money you take out of your trust to live on or invest in your own portfolio

2) Oh, then you're committing fraud and paying all your bills including mortgage, property and other taxes from your trust using "debit and credit cards" because Nevada doesn't tell the feds

3) You thought your trust needed to pay you a $1 salary to not take money out. You're mixing corporations and trusts because you don't understand them

4) You don't think the CEO needs to care what the strategic direction of growing the company is, it's just a report done by grunt workers

5) You don't think your company needs management at all actually, just good workers

6) Good workers who do what to you is grunt work

7) You don't think the CEO needs to interact with customers, vendors, partners or even his own senior staff, just send e-mails and read reports

You don't know shit about companies, I proved that in spades just by keeping you talking. I'd write a strongly worded letter to MS-NBC how they set you up like a bitch
Compiling information is grunt work. CEO's don't do grunt work, their subordinates do.

It's amazing - everything is "grunt work" in your mind. It's amazing how many corporations are paying six-figures for people to do "grunt work". I think we've established that you have no idea what a CEO does.

That was established long ago. one pee pee is only capable of regurgitating talking points. His CEO experience consists of what he has seen in the movies. And none of this has the slightest thing to do with public assistance. How about we get back to that subject.

You're wrong. Greedy CEO's are the reason we need public assistance AND are the reason we have wage disparity.
There is no "wage disparity". Sadly, your lack of basic, fundamental economics makes it impossible for you to grasp that. Let's have a little demonstration here - why was Michael Jordan paid $30 million per year to dunk a basketball while a teacher is paid $60,000 per year?
Compiling information is grunt work. CEO's don't do grunt work, their subordinates do.

It's amazing - everything is "grunt work" in your mind. It's amazing how many corporations are paying six-figures for people to do "grunt work". I think we've established that you have no idea what a CEO does.

That was established long ago. one pee pee is only capable of regurgitating talking points. His CEO experience consists of what he has seen in the movies. And none of this has the slightest thing to do with public assistance. How about we get back to that subject.

You're wrong. Greedy CEO's are the reason we need public assistance AND are the reason we have wage disparity.

They're why we need tornado sirens, sun screen and tobacco filters too
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

It should be 0.0%.

Anytime you want some freeloader getting something I suggest you provide them with a percentage of your money.

We've spent as a country $22 trillion dollars over the past 50 years trying to have a massive effect on poverty. We have today the same percentage of American in poverty as we did before wasting that much.

When the Constitution includes the word food stamps, healthcare, WIC, Section 8 housing, and the like, you'll have a point. As long as it includes a delegated authority of Congress to raise and support a military with funding, you have no argument other than you don't like the amount for which authority is given to spend thinking it should go to something for which no authority exists.

Constitutional bloviating aside, if wages would have kept par with costs the $22T figure would have been 90+% less. Thanks to those that voted Republican over the last 50 years, that didn't happen.

Remember: Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class.
You've never heard of a family trust corporation? One of those nifty Nevada tricks, as Nevada doesn't share corporation information with the IRS.

Bill Gates is a Nevada corporation. So is Microsoft.

Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.

Oh stop lying you lying sack of shit. If you take your salary, you pay taxes on it

My salary is $1.00/yr. Through hiring financial experts, I'm one of the many thousands of 'unemployed' rich people.

Here's a story from 2012 that illustrates;

Millionaires On US Unemployment? Yes, And That's Perfectly Legal (For Now)

Again not knowing what you are talking about, why would you pay yourself a $1 salary? That has nothing to do with owning your company through a trust.

That being while again you can't explain your lie that you didn't know you have to pay taxes on the money you take out every year to invest in your own portfolio and live on.

You need to write MS-NBC and complain they aren't helping you be a fake CEO well enough, you need more information so you don't look like the imbecile they are making you look like here

The $1.00/yr keeps me as an employee for healthcare benefit.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

It should be 0.0%.

Anytime you want some freeloader getting something I suggest you provide them with a percentage of your money.

We've spent as a country $22 trillion dollars over the past 50 years trying to have a massive effect on poverty. We have today the same percentage of American in poverty as we did before wasting that much.

When the Constitution includes the word food stamps, healthcare, WIC, Section 8 housing, and the like, you'll have a point. As long as it includes a delegated authority of Congress to raise and support a military with funding, you have no argument other than you don't like the amount for which authority is given to spend thinking it should go to something for which no authority exists.
Actually it's worse than that - we have a higher percentage now than we did before. Because government "public assistance" incentivizes people not to work. So they don't.

We have a higher percentage today because of the BushCo economic crash of 2007-2008, which through the efforts of Republicans the middle class hasn't fully recovered.
My salary is $1.00/yr. Through hiring financial experts, I'm one of the many thousands of 'unemployed' rich people.

Here's a story from 2012 that illustrates;

Millionaires On US Unemployment? Yes, And That's Perfectly Legal (For Now)

That isn't what I asked. I asked how you live

Very well, thank you.

Exactly. Again, you prove you don't know what you are talking about. You said you don't pay taxes, showing you heard about CEOs and trusts on MS-NBC and didn't realize you have to pay taxes on the money you withdraw because Keith Olberman didn't explain that part to you. So with low information, you gave the low information response you don't pay taxes. You're a terrible liar

When did I withdraw money? I use debit and credit cards paid by a Nevada corporation. Nevada doesn't share information with the IRS.

You make $4.5 million and you live on tax fraud. Got it And I thought you were lying ...

Fraud? LOL!!!! It's the Republican tax code.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

It should be 0.0%.

Anytime you want some freeloader getting something I suggest you provide them with a percentage of your money.

We've spent as a country $22 trillion dollars over the past 50 years trying to have a massive effect on poverty. We have today the same percentage of American in poverty as we did before wasting that much.

When the Constitution includes the word food stamps, healthcare, WIC, Section 8 housing, and the like, you'll have a point. As long as it includes a delegated authority of Congress to raise and support a military with funding, you have no argument other than you don't like the amount for which authority is given to spend thinking it should go to something for which no authority exists.
Actually it's worse than that - we have a higher percentage now than we did before. Because government "public assistance" incentivizes people not to work. So they don't.

We have a higher percentage today because of the BushCo economic crash of 2007-2008, which through the efforts of Republicans the middle class hasn't fully recovered.

Yet a number 10 million higher than when Bush left office still live on food stamps despite the claims Obama made about how much he's done.
Lemons are one ingredient of lemonade. Can you name the others, or should I provide a link?

Dodging again from that you don't even know what business development is or how your company does it even though you spend four hours a week reading reports on it

I'm not dodging anything.

You wrote: Lemonade is made from lemons

I answered: Lemons are one ingredient of lemonade. Can you name the others, or should I provide a link?

What is business development and what are the reports you're spending 4 hours a week saying about it as an approach? You don't even understand the question, do you? You think the future of your company and how it's going to grow are "grunt work"

:lmao: That's classic for a guy claiming to be a CEO.

Hey, CEO, what market segments and geographies are you going to target next? What products and services are you going to add? Are you looking to acquire? What do you do that you should probably spin off because it's not a core competency and it distracts from what your company is good at?

The CEO: Don't give a shit, that's "grunt" work, my staff are sending me a report ...


Yeah, you're a CEO

Compiling information is grunt work. CEO's don't do grunt work, their subordinates do.

Begging the question:

"Hey, CEO, what market segments and geographies are you going to target next? What products and services are you going to add? Are you looking to acquire? What do you do that you should probably spin off because it's not a core competency and it distracts from what your company is good at?

The CEO: Don't give a shit, that's "grunt" work, my staff are sending me a report ..."

Target: Currently, we're actively working in the nine western States with plans to expand to the gulf coast then up the eastern seaboard. That being said, if WiFi technology dramatically increases to eliminate cables for all electrical, phone, internet, and TV etc., the demand for delivery will increase about 10,000 fold and keep us put.

Products or services: My three supply companies and leasing company are adding at or close to 50%/yr. Towers are close to 100% leased space and all new towers being built over at least the next two years are already fully leased.

Acquire: Probably a gulf coast equipment leasing company.

Spin-off: (Future) power packs for homes to turn WiFi into electricity.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

It should be 0.0%.

Anytime you want some freeloader getting something I suggest you provide them with a percentage of your money.

We've spent as a country $22 trillion dollars over the past 50 years trying to have a massive effect on poverty. We have today the same percentage of American in poverty as we did before wasting that much.

When the Constitution includes the word food stamps, healthcare, WIC, Section 8 housing, and the like, you'll have a point. As long as it includes a delegated authority of Congress to raise and support a military with funding, you have no argument other than you don't like the amount for which authority is given to spend thinking it should go to something for which no authority exists.

Constitutional bloviating aside, if wages would have kept par with costs the $22T figure would have been 90+% less. Thanks to those that voted Republican over the last 50 years, that didn't happen.

Remember: Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class.

Untrue. Capitalism is the only system whereby a poor clod, such as yourself, can make it big through ideas, work, and initiative. Crony capitalism (also known as fascism) renders the People into two classes. The haves and the have nots. Socialism does the same. ANY collectivist society ultimately bifurcates into a two tier system, a very small elite, and the rest of the poor slobs.

That's why socialism always fails.
Compiling information is grunt work. CEO's don't do grunt work, their subordinates do.

It's amazing - everything is "grunt work" in your mind. It's amazing how many corporations are paying six-figures for people to do "grunt work". I think we've established that you have no idea what a CEO does.

That was established long ago. one pee pee is only capable of regurgitating talking points. His CEO experience consists of what he has seen in the movies. And none of this has the slightest thing to do with public assistance. How about we get back to that subject.

You're wrong. Greedy CEO's are the reason we need public assistance AND are the reason we have wage disparity.

Bullshit. Greedy CEO's of multinational corporations have bought your politicians and enacted laws that cripple and destroy the small corporations that threaten them. THAT is what has driven people to the poor house, government controls at the behest of their multinational corporate masters, who YOU support. Now go away little flea.

your politicians

I smell a Canadian! Reno, Alberta, Canada.
Greedy CEO's are the reason we need public assistance AND are the reason we have wage disparity.

Free market capitalism, by it's nature, has no room for greed. Competition sees to this. It's just not even debatable. It's like complaining there are "greedy football players" because they score more points than other football players. Peyton Manning wins the Super Bowl because he was more "greedy" than Cam Newton! This is ridiculous.

We have public assistance because some people need help and we're a benevolent society.

"Wage disparity" is a natural result of a free society with free enterprise and free markets. The keyword here being "freedom." We are FREE to achieve higher wealth status through our skills, talents and efforts. It is only in a closed Marxist system where everyone has essentially the same pot to piss in and that's all they ever have. They are not permitted the freedom to achieve higher wealth status.

Free market is like a marathon race in which we are all participants. Some of us are couch potatoes who don't want to run in the marathon, we'd rather sit on the couch eating Cheetos. Some of us are mediocre runners who participate but we're content with just being in the race. And then, some of us are experienced marathoners who have trained and can compete for the trophy. So, each day, another "leg" of the marathon is run.... at the end of the day, the seasoned runners are going to naturally be ahead of all others. The couch potatoes are naturally going to be in last place. At no point during the marathon will there be a time when the couch potatoes gain ground on the seasoned runners. The "disparity" between the seasoned runners and couch potatoes will constantly grow... it's a natural result of the dynamics.

What people like YOU want to do is hobble the seasoned runners. You feel that we'll all be better off if we take a baseball bat to the ankles of the seasoned runners so the couch potatoes won't get so far behind. MY position is... you'll never solve the "wage disparity" problem because it's natural in a free market system... but you mitigate it by motivating the couch potato. Get them up and running. Even if it seems difficult and slow at first.. .eventually, perhaps they can keep up with the mediocre runners.... heck, they may even excel and one day be a seasoned runner. And the effect this has on the mediocre runner is to motivate him to excel and try to catch the seasoned pros. There may still be a disparity which constantly grows but it grows at a much slower rate. The key is motivation.
Compiling information is grunt work. CEO's don't do grunt work, their subordinates do.

It's amazing - everything is "grunt work" in your mind. It's amazing how many corporations are paying six-figures for people to do "grunt work". I think we've established that you have no idea what a CEO does.

That was established long ago. one pee pee is only capable of regurgitating talking points. His CEO experience consists of what he has seen in the movies. And none of this has the slightest thing to do with public assistance. How about we get back to that subject.

You're wrong. Greedy CEO's are the reason we need public assistance AND are the reason we have wage disparity.

Bullshit. Greedy CEO's of multinational corporations have bought your politicians and enacted laws that cripple and destroy the small corporations that threaten them. THAT is what has driven people to the poor house, government controls at the behest of their multinational corporate masters, who YOU support. Now go away little flea.

your politicians

I smell a Canadian! Reno, Alberta, Canada.
Are you baked?
You didn't create the trust. I can tell by talking to you. You're a pathological liar (like a Clinton) who has been caught lying and whose limited education has been exposed. I seriously doubt you could set up a doll house, much less a trust.

You are correct. I didn't 'set-up'/'create' the trust, my Attorney did.
Yeah - I know. Actually, your parent's attorney set up the trust.

Obviously way more likely than that he did. But he knows so little about businesses and trusts that even if his parents set it up he would know more than that. Everything he has said is straight CEO hate bias from MS-NBC

Yet, you haven't proven that I'm wrong. Interesting.


You proved you are wrong

1) You didn't know that you need to pay taxes on the money you take out of your trust to live on or invest in your own portfolio

2) Oh, then you're committing fraud and paying all your bills including mortgage, property and other taxes from your trust using "debit and credit cards" because Nevada doesn't tell the feds

3) You thought your trust needed to pay you a $1 salary to not take money out. You're mixing corporations and trusts because you don't understand them

4) You don't think the CEO needs to care what the strategic direction of growing the company is, it's just a report done by grunt workers

5) You don't think your company needs management at all actually, just good workers

6) Good workers who do what to you is grunt work

7) You don't think the CEO needs to interact with customers, vendors, partners or even his own senior staff, just send e-mails and read reports

You don't know shit about companies, I proved that in spades just by keeping you talking. I'd write a strongly worded letter to MS-NBC how they set you up like a bitch

1) You didn't know that you need to pay taxes on the money you take out of your trust to live on or invest in your own portfolio

It didn't come out of a portfolio. It's a corporate expense.

2) Oh, then you're committing fraud and paying all your bills including mortgage, property and other taxes from your trust using "debit and credit cards" because Nevada doesn't tell the feds

The business of the corporation is to manage the trust. The corporation pays the taxes since the corporation actually touches the monies, not me.

3) You thought your trust needed to pay you a $1 salary to not take money out. You're mixing corporations and trusts because you don't understand them

I'm paid $1.00/yr by my company which qualifies me for benefits.

4) You don't think the CEO needs to care what the strategic direction of growing the company is, it's just a report done by grunt workers

I never wrote that. I stated that the information gathered is done by others, NOT the CEO.

5) You don't think your company needs management at all actually, just good workers

I never write that.

6) Good workers who do what to you is grunt work


7) You don't think the CEO needs to interact with customers, vendors, partners or even his own senior staff, just send e-mails and read reports

I never wrote I don't interact. I travel about two weeks per month. I don't tend to day-to-day operations, that's why I have a COO/CFO, besides, it's 2016, every Monday morning at 7:00am we have a Skype conference.
Compiling information is grunt work. CEO's don't do grunt work, their subordinates do.

It's amazing - everything is "grunt work" in your mind. It's amazing how many corporations are paying six-figures for people to do "grunt work". I think we've established that you have no idea what a CEO does.

That was established long ago. one pee pee is only capable of regurgitating talking points. His CEO experience consists of what he has seen in the movies. And none of this has the slightest thing to do with public assistance. How about we get back to that subject.

You're wrong. Greedy CEO's are the reason we need public assistance AND are the reason we have wage disparity.
There is no "wage disparity". Sadly, your lack of basic, fundamental economics makes it impossible for you to grasp that. Let's have a little demonstration here - why was Michael Jordan paid $30 million per year to dunk a basketball while a teacher is paid $60,000 per year?

Because Jordan has a great manager and school budgets are continually being attacked by Republicans.
Family trust corporations is not a type of corporation. It's a corporation owned by a trust.

How do you live if your entire salary is retained in the trust?

No, it's a trust that incorporated for tax advantages.

How do I live? Very well, thank you! Debit and credit cards provided by the trust who provides for those listed in the trust.

Oh stop lying you lying sack of shit. If you take your salary, you pay taxes on it

My salary is $1.00/yr. Through hiring financial experts, I'm one of the many thousands of 'unemployed' rich people.

Here's a story from 2012 that illustrates;

Millionaires On US Unemployment? Yes, And That's Perfectly Legal (For Now)

Again not knowing what you are talking about, why would you pay yourself a $1 salary? That has nothing to do with owning your company through a trust.

That being while again you can't explain your lie that you didn't know you have to pay taxes on the money you take out every year to invest in your own portfolio and live on.

You need to write MS-NBC and complain they aren't helping you be a fake CEO well enough, you need more information so you don't look like the imbecile they are making you look like here

The $1.00/yr keeps me as an employee for healthcare benefit.

Exactly what I said. That is the arrangement with your imaginary company. It has nothing to do with your imaginary trust. You don't know the difference. Just like you didn't know you do need to take the money to live on out of your trust and pay taxes on it, you heard from MS-NBC you don't pay taxes as an imaginary CEO. They lied, scooter. Also, you have a trust supposedly with other people and you aren't taking money out, so how are you earning $4.5 large when it's all mixed together?

Seriously, MS-NBC has to inform you better than this on CEO hate, you get everything wrong
That isn't what I asked. I asked how you live

Very well, thank you.

Exactly. Again, you prove you don't know what you are talking about. You said you don't pay taxes, showing you heard about CEOs and trusts on MS-NBC and didn't realize you have to pay taxes on the money you withdraw because Keith Olberman didn't explain that part to you. So with low information, you gave the low information response you don't pay taxes. You're a terrible liar

When did I withdraw money? I use debit and credit cards paid by a Nevada corporation. Nevada doesn't share information with the IRS.

You make $4.5 million and you live on tax fraud. Got it And I thought you were lying ...

Fraud? LOL!!!! It's the Republican tax code.

No, it's not. You can't have your trust pay your bills and not pay taxes on it. MS-NBC has screwed you. They made you look more stupid than you do on your own, it's not easy to do

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