Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Bullshit. Greedy CEO's of multinational corporations have bought your politicians and enacted laws that cripple and destroy the small corporations that threaten them. THAT is what has driven people to the poor house, government controls at the behest of their multinational corporate masters, who YOU support. Now go away little flea.

your politicians

I smell a Canadian! Reno, Alberta, Canada.
Are you baked?

I caught him writing the queens English. He's a poser like BriPat.
Stop listening to the voices in your head.

I take it 'New England' is actually 'Nova Scotia.' God, how many of you Canadian circus freaks are on here?
Are you loaded again?
Obviously way more likely than that he did. But he knows so little about businesses and trusts that even if his parents set it up he would know more than that. Everything he has said is straight CEO hate bias from MS-NBC

Yet, you haven't proven that I'm wrong. Interesting.


You proved you are wrong

1) You didn't know that you need to pay taxes on the money you take out of your trust to live on or invest in your own portfolio

2) Oh, then you're committing fraud and paying all your bills including mortgage, property and other taxes from your trust using "debit and credit cards" because Nevada doesn't tell the feds

3) You thought your trust needed to pay you a $1 salary to not take money out. You're mixing corporations and trusts because you don't understand them

4) You don't think the CEO needs to care what the strategic direction of growing the company is, it's just a report done by grunt workers

5) You don't think your company needs management at all actually, just good workers

6) Good workers who do what to you is grunt work

7) You don't think the CEO needs to interact with customers, vendors, partners or even his own senior staff, just send e-mails and read reports

You don't know shit about companies, I proved that in spades just by keeping you talking. I'd write a strongly worded letter to MS-NBC how they set you up like a bitch

1) You didn't know that you need to pay taxes on the money you take out of your trust to live on or invest in your own portfolio

It didn't come out of a portfolio. It's a corporate expense.

2) Oh, then you're committing fraud and paying all your bills including mortgage, property and other taxes from your trust using "debit and credit cards" because Nevada doesn't tell the feds

The business of the corporation is to manage the trust. The corporation pays the taxes since the corporation actually touches the monies, not me.

3) You thought your trust needed to pay you a $1 salary to not take money out. You're mixing corporations and trusts because you don't understand them

I'm paid $1.00/yr by my company which qualifies me for benefits.

4) You don't think the CEO needs to care what the strategic direction of growing the company is, it's just a report done by grunt workers

I never wrote that. I stated that the information gathered is done by others, NOT the CEO.

5) You don't think your company needs management at all actually, just good workers

I never write that.

6) Good workers who do what to you is grunt work


7) You don't think the CEO needs to interact with customers, vendors, partners or even his own senior staff, just send e-mails and read reports

I never wrote I don't interact. I travel about two weeks per month. I don't tend to day-to-day operations, that's why I have a COO/CFO, besides, it's 2016, every Monday morning at 7:00am we have a Skype conference.

Your personal expenses are NOT company expenses. Sure, you can write off a few things, autos, computers, that kind of thing. But not your personal expenses. Your trust cannot pay your personal bills for you and not report it as income. You are such an awful liar, according to you, you're committing major tax fraud on that Nevada isn't going to report you.

No CPA, attorney or trustee would do for you what you claim because they would go to jail too and no one is going to jail for you. According to your own story, you're in jail, that's why you don't work.

You are so full of shit, it's comic.

If I believe your story, you're a criminal tax cheat. Your professional staff are breaching their code of ethics. You're able to put all your expenses in your life on credit and debit cards. And it's all based on that Nevada doesn't report tax cheats to the feds so you're in the clear. Yeah. You're getting skinned alive. There's a point you just need to say you give, we're at that point

Yet you haven't shown how a trust managed by a corporation is cheating. The IRS rule is if you touch the trust monies you owe taxes. I never touch trust funds.

The corporation does pay federal tax, $180,000.00 on $4.5M, or 4%. Which is why the rich and wealthy ALWAYS funnel monies through corporations.

I'm just laughing at you right now. You're a four year old. You think you can write off your fruit loops as a business expense.

Let's say everything you said is true. You're not writing off expenses that Republicans said you can write off. You're a tax fraud who's going to jail
I'm just laughing at you right now. You're a four year old. You think you can write off your fruit loops as a business expense.

Let's say everything you said is true. You're not writing off expenses that Republicans said you can write off. You're a tax fraud who's going to jail

That's okay, it will only be a make-believe jail. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I'm just laughing at you right now. You're a four year old. You think you can write off your fruit loops as a business expense.

Let's say everything you said is true. You're not writing off expenses that Republicans said you can write off. You're a tax fraud who's going to jail

That's okay, it will only be a make-believe jail. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Exactly! Even if he was the tax cheating shilll he claims to be. No way tax accountants, lawyers and trustees would go along with his fraud.

Hey guys, I'm cheating on my taxes, writing off my breakfast cereal as business expenses. And it's all because Republicans said I can! Bam!

Um... what are those handcuffs for? Let go of me. Republicans OK's it. They didn't? What the fuck?
There is no free market

What EVERY Marxist-Socialist claims.

A free market is a market economy based on supply and demand with little or no government control which doesn't exist. As a matter of fact, the definition of business is through regulation.

Why do you need government to tell you to take your best deal? How stupid are you?

Your problem is your lying ass met a real CEO, and you're going down like the MS-NBC informed Democrat worshiping bitch that you are
Exactly! Even if he was the tax cheating shilll he claims to be. No way tax accountants, lawyers and trustees would go along with his fraud.

Hey guys, I'm cheating on my taxes, writing off my breakfast cereal as business expenses. And it's all because Republicans said I can! Bam!

Um... what are those handcuffs for? Let go of me. Republicans OK's it. They didn't? What the fuck?

Like I said earlier, he surfs the internet and gets these bogus stories, and then says he's the person involved in these scams.

He's not involved in anything. He probably never filed a long tax return in his life. It's apparent he doesn't even truly understand what a tax write-off is or what it means.

I run my own part-time business. I know that write-offs don't mean much unless you have a lot of them. But liberals think that if you write-off $500.00, that means government gives you that $500.00. That's not what it means at all. When you write-off $500.00, it means you don't pay taxes on that $500.00 you spent.

I have to divide all my expenses per rental unit. If I have one apartment I didn't spend much money on that year (let's say $250.00 or below) it isn't worth my time listing it. It's only a couple of bucks and probably costs me more for my tax preparer to itemize it than it is just to throw the receipts away.

That's besides the fact that you don't want the IRS to flag you for some petty write-off you actually didn't have, only to discover you have much larger write-offs that you shouldn't have deducted.
  • Thanks
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If Republicans would have put as much effort to help the middle class as Obama we'd not be writing of this.

And what effort by DumBama might that be, bringing in all these foreigners to take our jobs and keep our wages down?

That would be Sheriff Joe not arresting employers because they fund his election campaigns. Obama has deported more illegals than any President, EVER, so your point is a lie.

Since when does stopping them at the border mean deportation?

The deportations are from illegals arrested on US soil.

Care to comment on the failure of Sheriff Joe?
You're wrong. Greedy CEO's are the reason we need public assistance AND are the reason we have wage disparity.

We don't "need" public assistance, we have public assistance. Big difference.

Wage disparity is due to more Americans finding their dream. We make a new millionaire every day in this country just with lotteries alone. With more things to buy than ever before, those who provide goods and services deserve what they earned.

CEO's have control over the company they work for and not society. CEO's don't provide social programs--Democrats provide social programs.

Since wages haven't kept par with costs, the NEED for public assistance has increased.

Wage disparity is due to Americans finding their dream and wanting more than their dream is worth. During the Visa card economy of W., investors received record returns which they still want to receive, but the Visa card is maxed out, so companies take the easy way out and off-shore to slave workers.

I believe that CEO's have a responsibility to their companies and society and a whole. I talk-the-talk AND walk-the-walk by staring my employees at $23.50/hr plus benefits. None of my employees are a burden to society. Can Walmart say the same?
Yet, you haven't proven that I'm wrong. Interesting.


You proved you are wrong

1) You didn't know that you need to pay taxes on the money you take out of your trust to live on or invest in your own portfolio

2) Oh, then you're committing fraud and paying all your bills including mortgage, property and other taxes from your trust using "debit and credit cards" because Nevada doesn't tell the feds

3) You thought your trust needed to pay you a $1 salary to not take money out. You're mixing corporations and trusts because you don't understand them

4) You don't think the CEO needs to care what the strategic direction of growing the company is, it's just a report done by grunt workers

5) You don't think your company needs management at all actually, just good workers

6) Good workers who do what to you is grunt work

7) You don't think the CEO needs to interact with customers, vendors, partners or even his own senior staff, just send e-mails and read reports

You don't know shit about companies, I proved that in spades just by keeping you talking. I'd write a strongly worded letter to MS-NBC how they set you up like a bitch

1) You didn't know that you need to pay taxes on the money you take out of your trust to live on or invest in your own portfolio

It didn't come out of a portfolio. It's a corporate expense.

2) Oh, then you're committing fraud and paying all your bills including mortgage, property and other taxes from your trust using "debit and credit cards" because Nevada doesn't tell the feds

The business of the corporation is to manage the trust. The corporation pays the taxes since the corporation actually touches the monies, not me.

3) You thought your trust needed to pay you a $1 salary to not take money out. You're mixing corporations and trusts because you don't understand them

I'm paid $1.00/yr by my company which qualifies me for benefits.

4) You don't think the CEO needs to care what the strategic direction of growing the company is, it's just a report done by grunt workers

I never wrote that. I stated that the information gathered is done by others, NOT the CEO.

5) You don't think your company needs management at all actually, just good workers

I never write that.

6) Good workers who do what to you is grunt work


7) You don't think the CEO needs to interact with customers, vendors, partners or even his own senior staff, just send e-mails and read reports

I never wrote I don't interact. I travel about two weeks per month. I don't tend to day-to-day operations, that's why I have a COO/CFO, besides, it's 2016, every Monday morning at 7:00am we have a Skype conference.

Your personal expenses are NOT company expenses. Sure, you can write off a few things, autos, computers, that kind of thing. But not your personal expenses. Your trust cannot pay your personal bills for you and not report it as income. You are such an awful liar, according to you, you're committing major tax fraud on that Nevada isn't going to report you.

No CPA, attorney or trustee would do for you what you claim because they would go to jail too and no one is going to jail for you. According to your own story, you're in jail, that's why you don't work.

You are so full of shit, it's comic.

If I believe your story, you're a criminal tax cheat. Your professional staff are breaching their code of ethics. You're able to put all your expenses in your life on credit and debit cards. And it's all based on that Nevada doesn't report tax cheats to the feds so you're in the clear. Yeah. You're getting skinned alive. There's a point you just need to say you give, we're at that point

Yet you haven't shown how a trust managed by a corporation is cheating. The IRS rule is if you touch the trust monies you owe taxes. I never touch trust funds.

The corporation does pay federal tax, $180,000.00 on $4.5M, or 4%. Which is why the rich and wealthy ALWAYS funnel monies through corporations.

I'm just laughing at you right now. You're a four year old. You think you can write off your fruit loops as a business expense.

Let's say everything you said is true. You're not writing off expenses that Republicans said you can write off. You're a tax fraud who's going to jail

Nevada not sharing corporate information with the IRS was a Republican Governor signature.

Over the last 45 years EVERY tax loophole that has benefited the rich/wealthy was from a Republican administration or majority in Congress.
I'm just laughing at you right now. You're a four year old. You think you can write off your fruit loops as a business expense.

Let's say everything you said is true. You're not writing off expenses that Republicans said you can write off. You're a tax fraud who's going to jail

That's okay, it will only be a make-believe jail. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Exactly! Even if he was the tax cheating shilll he claims to be. No way tax accountants, lawyers and trustees would go along with his fraud.

Hey guys, I'm cheating on my taxes, writing off my breakfast cereal as business expenses. And it's all because Republicans said I can! Bam!

Um... what are those handcuffs for? Let go of me. Republicans OK's it. They didn't? What the fuck?

How many unemployed millionaires are there in the US? How many of those gained taxpayer support through social welfare programs?
There is no free market

What EVERY Marxist-Socialist claims.

A free market is a market economy based on supply and demand with little or no government control which doesn't exist. As a matter of fact, the definition of business is through regulation.

Why do you need government to tell you to take your best deal? How stupid are you?

Your problem is your lying ass met a real CEO, and you're going down like the MS-NBC informed Democrat worshiping bitch that you are

How is the government doing such?
Obviously way more likely than that he did. But he knows so little about businesses and trusts that even if his parents set it up he would know more than that. Everything he has said is straight CEO hate bias from MS-NBC

Yet, you haven't proven that I'm wrong. Interesting.


You proved you are wrong

1) You didn't know that you need to pay taxes on the money you take out of your trust to live on or invest in your own portfolio

2) Oh, then you're committing fraud and paying all your bills including mortgage, property and other taxes from your trust using "debit and credit cards" because Nevada doesn't tell the feds

3) You thought your trust needed to pay you a $1 salary to not take money out. You're mixing corporations and trusts because you don't understand them

4) You don't think the CEO needs to care what the strategic direction of growing the company is, it's just a report done by grunt workers

5) You don't think your company needs management at all actually, just good workers

6) Good workers who do what to you is grunt work

7) You don't think the CEO needs to interact with customers, vendors, partners or even his own senior staff, just send e-mails and read reports

You don't know shit about companies, I proved that in spades just by keeping you talking. I'd write a strongly worded letter to MS-NBC how they set you up like a bitch

1) You didn't know that you need to pay taxes on the money you take out of your trust to live on or invest in your own portfolio

It didn't come out of a portfolio. It's a corporate expense.

2) Oh, then you're committing fraud and paying all your bills including mortgage, property and other taxes from your trust using "debit and credit cards" because Nevada doesn't tell the feds

The business of the corporation is to manage the trust. The corporation pays the taxes since the corporation actually touches the monies, not me.

3) You thought your trust needed to pay you a $1 salary to not take money out. You're mixing corporations and trusts because you don't understand them

I'm paid $1.00/yr by my company which qualifies me for benefits.

4) You don't think the CEO needs to care what the strategic direction of growing the company is, it's just a report done by grunt workers

I never wrote that. I stated that the information gathered is done by others, NOT the CEO.

5) You don't think your company needs management at all actually, just good workers

I never write that.

6) Good workers who do what to you is grunt work


7) You don't think the CEO needs to interact with customers, vendors, partners or even his own senior staff, just send e-mails and read reports

I never wrote I don't interact. I travel about two weeks per month. I don't tend to day-to-day operations, that's why I have a COO/CFO, besides, it's 2016, every Monday morning at 7:00am we have a Skype conference.

Your personal expenses are NOT company expenses. Sure, you can write off a few things, autos, computers, that kind of thing. But not your personal expenses. Your trust cannot pay your personal bills for you and not report it as income. You are such an awful liar, according to you, you're committing major tax fraud on that Nevada isn't going to report you.

No CPA, attorney or trustee would do for you what you claim because they would go to jail too and no one is going to jail for you. According to your own story, you're in jail, that's why you don't work.

You are so full of shit, it's comic.

If I believe your story, you're a criminal tax cheat. Your professional staff are breaching their code of ethics. You're able to put all your expenses in your life on credit and debit cards. And it's all based on that Nevada doesn't report tax cheats to the feds so you're in the clear. Yeah. You're getting skinned alive. There's a point you just need to say you give, we're at that point

Yet you haven't shown how a trust managed by a corporation is cheating. The IRS rule is if you touch the trust monies you owe taxes. I never touch trust funds.

The corporation does pay federal tax, $180,000.00 on $4.5M, or 4%. Which is why the rich and wealthy ALWAYS funnel monies through corporations.

You're the one who said a corporation owned by a trust is cheating, dumb ass. Why would I want to show that? I don't think anything is wrong with it.

You're going in circles. The question was how you live. You said you write off all your costs of living as corporate expenses. Which again shows what a liar you are. You can't do that and no professional lawyers, accountants and trust managers are letting you. We covered this, liar

You proved you are wrong

1) You didn't know that you need to pay taxes on the money you take out of your trust to live on or invest in your own portfolio

2) Oh, then you're committing fraud and paying all your bills including mortgage, property and other taxes from your trust using "debit and credit cards" because Nevada doesn't tell the feds

4) You don't think the CEO needs to care what the strategic direction of growing the company is, it's just a report done by grunt workers

5) You don't think your company needs management at all actually, just good workers

6) Good workers who do what to you is grunt work

7) You don't think the CEO needs to interact with customers, vendors, partners or even his own senior staff, just send e-mails and read reports

You don't know shit about companies, I proved that in spades just by keeping you talking. I'd write a strongly worded letter to MS-NBC how they set you up like a bitch

1) You didn't know that you need to pay taxes on the money you take out of your trust to live on or invest in your own portfolio

It didn't come out of a portfolio. It's a corporate expense.

2) Oh, then you're committing fraud and paying all your bills including mortgage, property and other taxes from your trust using "debit and credit cards" because Nevada doesn't tell the feds

The business of the corporation is to manage the trust. The corporation pays the taxes since the corporation actually touches the monies, not me.

3) You thought your trust needed to pay you a $1 salary to not take money out. You're mixing corporations and trusts because you don't understand them

I'm paid $1.00/yr by my company which qualifies me for benefits.

4) You don't think the CEO needs to care what the strategic direction of growing the company is, it's just a report done by grunt workers

I never wrote that. I stated that the information gathered is done by others, NOT the CEO.

5) You don't think your company needs management at all actually, just good workers

I never write that.

6) Good workers who do what to you is grunt work


7) You don't think the CEO needs to interact with customers, vendors, partners or even his own senior staff, just send e-mails and read reports

I never wrote I don't interact. I travel about two weeks per month. I don't tend to day-to-day operations, that's why I have a COO/CFO, besides, it's 2016, every Monday morning at 7:00am we have a Skype conference.

Your personal expenses are NOT company expenses. Sure, you can write off a few things, autos, computers, that kind of thing. But not your personal expenses. Your trust cannot pay your personal bills for you and not report it as income. You are such an awful liar, according to you, you're committing major tax fraud on that Nevada isn't going to report you.

No CPA, attorney or trustee would do for you what you claim because they would go to jail too and no one is going to jail for you. According to your own story, you're in jail, that's why you don't work.

You are so full of shit, it's comic.

If I believe your story, you're a criminal tax cheat. Your professional staff are breaching their code of ethics. You're able to put all your expenses in your life on credit and debit cards. And it's all based on that Nevada doesn't report tax cheats to the feds so you're in the clear. Yeah. You're getting skinned alive. There's a point you just need to say you give, we're at that point

Yet you haven't shown how a trust managed by a corporation is cheating. The IRS rule is if you touch the trust monies you owe taxes. I never touch trust funds.

The corporation does pay federal tax, $180,000.00 on $4.5M, or 4%. Which is why the rich and wealthy ALWAYS funnel monies through corporations.

I'm just laughing at you right now. You're a four year old. You think you can write off your fruit loops as a business expense.

Let's say everything you said is true. You're not writing off expenses that Republicans said you can write off. You're a tax fraud who's going to jail

Nevada not sharing corporate information with the IRS was a Republican Governor signature.

Over the last 45 years EVERY tax loophole that has benefited the rich/wealthy was from a Republican administration or majority in Congress.

You spent a few hours watching MS-NBC to get revved up again?
I'm just laughing at you right now. You're a four year old. You think you can write off your fruit loops as a business expense.

Let's say everything you said is true. You're not writing off expenses that Republicans said you can write off. You're a tax fraud who's going to jail

That's okay, it will only be a make-believe jail. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Exactly! Even if he was the tax cheating shilll he claims to be. No way tax accountants, lawyers and trustees would go along with his fraud.

Hey guys, I'm cheating on my taxes, writing off my breakfast cereal as business expenses. And it's all because Republicans said I can! Bam!

Um... what are those handcuffs for? Let go of me. Republicans OK's it. They didn't? What the fuck?

How many unemployed millionaires are there in the US? How many of those gained taxpayer support through social welfare programs?

I don't know, I missed that MS-NBC show. What did they say?
How are the Republican efforts of keeping worker salaries low a benefit to workers?

Sorry but I don't recall the Republican sponsored "Keep Worker's Salaries Low Bill" do you have a number or something I can look up?

Salaries are low primarily because we have 12 million illegal aliens in the country providing a source of cheap labor. Other reasons are related to the 2,000 regulations per year being churned out by Obama-led Democrats in congress which force capitalists to cut any corners they can to stay in business. Workers are lucky to even have jobs.

You keep complaining about wages not keeping up with costs but we've been chasing your liberal progressive pipe dream of a "living wage" for over 82 years with the minimum wage. Now, if you are the corporatist fat cat you claim to be, you understand why corporatists LOVE the minimum wage... it allows you to baseline labor costs. Rather than having to negotiate individually on the basis of what a man brings to the table, you can blow him off with "company policy" to pay based on the minimum wage. This has saved you trillions over the years in wage negotiations. Just toss them a dollar or so every now and then so you can say you're doing something.

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