Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Who built, maintains, and makes improvements on the power grid?

The individual PRIVATE COMPANIES that own, build, and maintain the electric grid. I happen to work for one of the largest ones in the country. We are regulated by the Feds and the individual States we do business in.

Certain, individual communities have chosen to maintain their grids as public utilities (similar to water and sewer systems). These tend to be more rural areas.
What are we spending our budget on, that is running so tightly, thatg we could not allocate some of it to increase public assistance, and poverty prevention?

You're NEVER going to prevent poverty. No matter what you do... no matter how rosy your shit smells... no matter how many rich people you devour... nothing is ever going to eliminate poverty. So that's a pipe dream... a Utopian fantasy that isn't going to happen.

I don't know if you've ever heard this phrase but it's fairly popular...
Give a man a fish, feed him for a day... Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.

See if you can let that soak in for a few minutes because it's important in this debate. So, is it better to throw a few more dollars to someone who is dependent on government or would it be better to use those same dollars to implement a program to teach these people how to start their own business or handle their finances? Or maybe some other resource they could utilize in helping themselves up?

Now... Let me say this... I hate working hard. I know, a lot of people love it... live for it... can't get enough of working hard. That's not me! I had rather not work if I can avoid it. I have a modest size yard at my house and grass grows like crazy here in Alabama, so we have to cut the grass about once a week, at least. I don't LIKE doing it... would rather not have to do it... but I am also frugal and don't like spending money to pay someone to do it. So, begrudgingly, I will pull out the lawnmower every week and cut my own grass.... BUT... if someone were to come along and say, Boss... you don't ever have to worry about cutting your grass again, we'll pay for it to be cut and you don't have to do a thing.... well, guess what I would say to that? And once that program starts, do you think I will suddenly say... hey, it's okay, you don't need to do this anymore, I can handle it on my own! Of course not... in fact, since it seems to be no problem for someone to cut my grass, I might suggest they also trim my hedges and maybe wash my car.

Now... Let's take this in a different direction... let's say my neighbor sees me sweating and fighting my antique push mower around the yard... and he comes to me and says... Hey, Boss? I have this fancy riding lawnmower with zero-turn-radius and all the bells and whistles... you are welcome to use it to cut your grass if you will cut mine too while you're at it! ....If I am getting the free grass cutting benefit, I am probably going to decline that offer because sitting on my ass is easier. But if it's a choice between pushing around my old mower or using the awesome mower... I'll take the awesome mower, even if I have to do a little more grass cutting.... it's still a better deal than what I had. You see, it's about motivation and perspectives.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?
Feel free to move
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

Whip out your wallet, your debit card and your checkbook and have at it dumbass.
Who is taking advantage of them? They applied for a job, agreed to work for X money, and the employer decided to accept the agreement.

Only a liberal would call that "being taken advantage of."

Any employer that doesn't pay a living wage is a predator.

predator |ˈpredətər|
1 an animal that naturally preys on others: wolves are major predators of rodents.
2 a person or group that ruthlessly exploits others: a website frequented by sexual predators.• a company that tries to take over another.

Better learn what those big words mean before you use them.
I never wrote that. I wrote: Don't you find it disgusting that in the wealthiest country in the world we have poor people? It's called wage disparity, a Republican ideal.

Why should anybody find that disgusting? It's not up to the country to solve poverty because it can't be solved except by the individual.

Poverty: The situation of not having money.
Solution: Get money.
Method: Get a job and make money.
Plan: Spend money only on necessities. Save money left over in a bank account.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%

Translation Norway, Finland and Great Britain spend $4,650 per person on welfare, while the U.S.A. spends $3,869,985 per person on welfare.

I never wrote that. I wrote: Don't you find it disgusting that in the wealthiest country in the world we have poor people? It's called wage disparity, a Republican ideal.

Why should anybody find that disgusting? It's not up to the country to solve poverty because it can't be solved except by the individual.

Poverty: The situation of not having money.
Solution: Get money.
Method: Get a job and make money.
Plan: Spend money only on necessities. Save money left over in a bank account.

Isn't it amazing how they RAIL against the best system man has ever created to deal with poverty? Our free market, free enterprise, capitalist, constitutional republican system is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires and lifting more people out of poverty than any system man has ever invented.... and all they want to do... all they live for... is to destroy that system!

Mindless idiots, every single one of them!
Isn't it amazing how they RAIL against the best system man has ever created to deal with poverty? Our free market, free enterprise, capitalist, constitutional republican system is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires and lifting more people out of poverty than any system man has ever invented.... and all they want to do... all they live for... is to destroy that system!

Mindless idiots, every single one of them!

Agreed. But it's the infection of the liberal mind set.

Liberals have this delusion that we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much money. That means when some have too much, that's why others have too little.

Of course realists on the right understand that this is just a misguided thought on their part. If government took every dollar away from every millionaire and billionaire, it wouldn't help one poor person. It would just give government more money to waste.

Money is limitless in this country. I've never asked any of my employers for a raise, and they responded by telling me they'd love to give me one, but they don't have any money because the rich have it all.

"Just how much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
Don't you find it disgusting that in the wealthiest country in the world we have poor people? It's called wage disparity, a Republican ideal.

Why should we find having poor people disgusting? It's not like we made them poor. They are responsible for their own poverty.

But I guess that defies the liberal playbook where very few are responsible for their own plight.

Why should we find having poor people disgusting? It's not like we made them poor. They are responsible for their own poverty.

I never wrote that. I wrote: Don't you find it disgusting that in the wealthiest country in the world we have poor people? It's called wage disparity, a Republican ideal.
It's not a Republican ideal, any more than equally shared misery is a democrat ideal.

It's not a Republican ideal, any more than equally shared misery is a democrat ideal.

Name one Republican politician that either authored or supported any legislation that benefited the middle class, without giving rich/wealthy/corporations a bigger boost.
Who built, maintains, and makes improvements on the power grid?

The individual PRIVATE COMPANIES that own, build, and maintain the electric grid. I happen to work for one of the largest ones in the country. We are regulated by the Feds and the individual States we do business in.

Certain, individual communities have chosen to maintain their grids as public utilities (similar to water and sewer systems). These tend to be more rural areas.

The individual PRIVATE COMPANIES that own, build, and maintain the electric grid. I happen to work for one of the largest ones in the country. We are regulated by the Feds and the individual States we do business in.

Certain, individual communities have chosen to maintain their grids as public utilities (similar to water and sewer systems). These tend to be more rural areas.

Wrong. The national power grid was built by the federal government and the DOE is responsible for maintaining and expanding.

The private companies that own, build, and maintain the national power grid are government contractors.
Who is taking advantage of them? They applied for a job, agreed to work for X money, and the employer decided to accept the agreement.

Only a liberal would call that "being taken advantage of."

Any employer that doesn't pay a living wage is a predator.

predator |ˈpredətər|
1 an animal that naturally preys on others: wolves are major predators of rodents.
2 a person or group that ruthlessly exploits others: a website frequented by sexual predators.• a company that tries to take over another.

Better learn what those big words mean before you use them.

predator |ˈpredətər|
1 an animal that naturally preys on others: wolves are major predators of rodents.
2 a person or group that ruthlessly exploits others: a website frequented by sexual predators.• a company that tries to take over another.

Better learn what those big words mean before you use them.

I have it correct.
I never wrote that. I wrote: Don't you find it disgusting that in the wealthiest country in the world we have poor people? It's called wage disparity, a Republican ideal.

Why should anybody find that disgusting? It's not up to the country to solve poverty because it can't be solved except by the individual.

Poverty: The situation of not having money.
Solution: Get money.
Method: Get a job and make money.
Plan: Spend money only on necessities. Save money left over in a bank account.

Why should anybody find that disgusting? It's not up to the country to solve poverty because it can't be solved except by the individual.

Poverty: The situation of not having money.
Solution: Get money.
Method: Get a job and make money.
Plan: Spend money only on necessities. Save money left over in a bank account.

You are a sociopath.
Why should anybody find that disgusting? It's not up to the country to solve poverty because it can't be solved except by the individual.

Poverty: The situation of not having money.
Solution: Get money.
Method: Get a job and make money.
Plan: Spend money only on necessities. Save money left over in a bank account.

You are a sociopath.

I'm sure anybody that defeats you in a debate is a sociopath.
I never wrote that. I wrote: Don't you find it disgusting that in the wealthiest country in the world we have poor people? It's called wage disparity, a Republican ideal.

Why should anybody find that disgusting? It's not up to the country to solve poverty because it can't be solved except by the individual.

Poverty: The situation of not having money.
Solution: Get money.
Method: Get a job and make money.
Plan: Spend money only on necessities. Save money left over in a bank account.

Isn't it amazing how they RAIL against the best system man has ever created to deal with poverty? Our free market, free enterprise, capitalist, constitutional republican system is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires and lifting more people out of poverty than any system man has ever invented.... and all they want to do... all they live for... is to destroy that system!

Mindless idiots, every single one of them!

Isn't it amazing how they RAIL against the best system man has ever created to deal with poverty? Our free market, free enterprise, capitalist, constitutional republican system is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires and lifting more people out of poverty than any system man has ever invented.... and all they want to do... all they live for... is to destroy that system!

Mindless idiots, every single one of them!

There is no free market or enterprise, and the Republican system since at least 1970 has been throwing the middle class under the bus. I should know, I'm one of those capitalists.
There is no free market or enterprise, and the Republican system since at least 1970 has been throwing the middle class under the bus. I should know, I'm one of those capitalists.

You're also FOS.

Anybody with the slightest knowledge of our economy understands that it's consumer demand that threw our workers under the bus. Customers demand cheap products and they don't care what workers are paid or where their products are produced at.

Politicians do not control that. Our government is not in charge of creating good jobs, good wages, and good benefits. They may be able to create incentives, but those are withering as well.
There is no free market or enterprise, and the Republican system since at least 1970 has been throwing the middle class under the bus. I should know, I'm one of those capitalists.

"Middle class" is a myth developed by Marxists. Roughly 38% of the people who were considered "middle class" in 1970 are not in the "middle class" today. Most moved up, some moved down. Likewise, the group you call "the rich" aren't the same people either.... nor are "the poor" ...these are all class categories you speak of as if they never change. We don't have classes in America. You are free to aspire to any class you want to be in.

You claim to be a capitalist but you're espousing Marxism so that means you can only be a corporatist. You're actually a bigger threat to free market capitalism than the Socialists. You exploit the power of government for your advantage. That's not free market capitalism... it's the antithesis of it.

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