Why can’t the haters tell us how Trump’s policies have negatively affected their lives?

Dem's mocked Trump and boasted about how they would easily beat him in 2016. Then Trump whooped their ass and mocked them. THAT's why the left are bitter and hateful.
All I know is, if I were compelled to post “Orange Man Bad” threads, one after the next, you could bet your ass I’d be able to tell you exactly how the Orange Man was fucking my life up.

Thanks for more non-information from yet another Cult45 member. You can't handle the fact that many people just plain don't like your Orange Virus. Possibly 53% of voters these days, nitwit. They don't need a specific reason to suit your delicate fee fees. They don't need to be personally affected by his brand of bullshit to see it literally everywhere. They think he's a gigantic Orange Virus that pollutes everything it touches. Get it? :3:

Hahaha...hell yeah, his “brand of bullshit” is horrible...it includes the following:
Americans First
Unification of America’s Best
Enforcement of law and respect for American sovereignty
A historically high stock market
A historically low unemployment
Tax cuts for our most productive
Those are all things stemming from Trump policy which directly affect my quality of life...Given your level of asshurt, I’m certain you can list some things that are ruining your life...no?
I’ve asked many of our resident haters to explain exactly how Trump and or his policies have sent their lives into a death spiral...I’ve yet to have one articulate an answer. Why is that?

There are a number of people who have died because their health care insurance is no longer affordable because Trump pulled the subsidies.

There are 11 people in a Synagogue in Pittsburgh who are dead because Trump said that a George Soros funded caravan was coming to America.

Prices on all kinds of imports have gone up, and because of the steel tariffs, small manufacturing companies are closing down across the US. Farmers in the midwest have lost the market for their crops due to tariff's, and 5000 troops have been uselessly sent to the border when they could be spending Thanksgiving with their families.

Increases in hate crimes, public shootings and general lawlessness since Trump was elected.

The list goes on and on.
Thanks for more non-information from yet another Cult45 member. You can't handle the fact that many people just plain don't like your Orange Virus. Possibly 53% of voters these days, nitwit. They don't need a specific reason to suit your delicate fee fees. They don't need to be personally affected by his brand of bullshit to see it literally everywhere. They think he's a gigantic Orange Virus that pollutes everything it touches. Get it? :3:

In other words, you are totally irrational and see no need for any other Trump hater to be rational as well.

Thanks for being so clear about displaying that the hive mind operates on pure conformity and lack of reason.

So, you're butt hurt because I don't like your Orange Virus? What would you know about reason?

We just need to hear some desperate, ignorant, pathetic Loon tell us they hate Trump because all their lowlife illegal friends do and because he refuses to champion filth. There’s really no other reasons bud...this is simple shit, just say it.
All I know is, if I were compelled to post “Orange Man Bad” threads, one after the next, you could bet your ass I’d be able to tell you exactly how the Orange Man was fucking my life up.

Thanks for more non-information from yet another Cult45 member. You can't handle the fact that many people just plain don't like your Orange Virus. Possibly 53% of voters these days, nitwit. They don't need a specific reason to suit your delicate fee fees. They don't need to be personally affected by his brand of bullshit to see it literally everywhere. They think he's a gigantic Orange Virus that pollutes everything it touches. Get it? :3:

Hahaha...hell yeah, his “brand of bullshit” is horrible...it includes the following:
Americans First
Unification of America’s Best
Enforcement of law and respect for American sovereignty
A historically high stock market
A historically low unemployment
Tax cuts for our most productive
Those are all things stemming from Trump policy which directly affect my quality of life...Given your level of asshurt, I’m certain you can list some things that are ruining your life...no?

My life is pretty great with absolutely no input from the White House, thanks.
I’ve asked many of our resident haters to explain exactly how Trump and or his policies have sent their lives into a death spiral...I’ve yet to have one articulate an answer. Why is that?

There are a number of people who have died because their health care insurance is no longer affordable because Trump pulled the subsidies.

There are 11 people in a Synagogue in Pittsburgh who are dead because Trump said that a George Soros funded caravan was coming to America.

Prices on all kinds of imports have gone up, and because of the steel tariffs, small manufacturing companies are closing down across the US. Farmers in the midwest have lost the market for their crops due to tariff's, and 5000 troops have been uselessly sent to the border when they could be spending Thanksgiving with their families.

Increases in hate crimes, public shootings and general lawlessness since Trump was elected.

The list goes on and on.

Sheesh he's even the Canadians gas
Thanks for more non-information from yet another Cult45 member. You can't handle the fact that many people just plain don't like your Orange Virus. Possibly 53% of voters these days, nitwit. They don't need a specific reason to suit your delicate fee fees. They don't need to be personally affected by his brand of bullshit to see it literally everywhere. They think he's a gigantic Orange Virus that pollutes everything it touches. Get it? :3:

In other words, you are totally irrational and see no need for any other Trump hater to be rational as well.

Thanks for being so clear about displaying that the hive mind operates on pure conformity and lack of reason.

So, you're butt hurt because I don't like your Orange Virus? What would you know about reason?

We just need to hear some desperate, ignorant, pathetic Loon tell us they hate Trump because all their lowlife illegal friends do and because he refuses to champion filth. There’s really no other reasons bud...this is simple shit, just say it.

What is it you want to hear, monkey boy? I don't have any illegal immigrant friends. I'm also not a racist. Sorry to bust your winger fantasies.
Thanks for more non-information from yet another Cult45 member. You can't handle the fact that many people just plain don't like your Orange Virus. Possibly 53% of voters these days, nitwit. They don't need a specific reason to suit your delicate fee fees. They don't need to be personally affected by his brand of bullshit to see it literally everywhere. They think he's a gigantic Orange Virus that pollutes everything it touches. Get it? :3:

In other words, you are totally irrational and see no need for any other Trump hater to be rational as well.

Thanks for being so clear about displaying that the hive mind operates on pure conformity and lack of reason.

So, you're butt hurt because I don't like your Orange Virus? What would you know about reason?

We just need to hear some desperate, ignorant, pathetic Loon tell us they hate Trump because all their lowlife illegal friends do and because he refuses to champion filth. There’s really no other reasons bud...this is simple shit, just say it.

What is it you want to hear, monkey boy? I don't have any illegal immigrant friends. I'm also not a racist. Sorry to bust your winger fantasies.

Ahm according to the left if you use the word monkey you're indeed a racist.

Remember that daffy monkey things up they lost their minds over
Thanks for more non-information from yet another Cult45 member. You can't handle the fact that many people just plain don't like your Orange Virus. Possibly 53% of voters these days, nitwit. They don't need a specific reason to suit your delicate fee fees. They don't need to be personally affected by his brand of bullshit to see it literally everywhere. They think he's a gigantic Orange Virus that pollutes everything it touches. Get it? :3:

In other words, you are totally irrational and see no need for any other Trump hater to be rational as well.

Thanks for being so clear about displaying that the hive mind operates on pure conformity and lack of reason.

So, you're butt hurt because I don't like your Orange Virus? What would you know about reason?

We just need to hear some desperate, ignorant, pathetic Loon tell us they hate Trump because all their lowlife illegal friends do and because he refuses to champion filth. There’s really no other reasons bud...this is simple shit, just say it.

What is it you want to hear, monkey boy? I don't have any illegal immigrant friends. I'm also not a racist. Sorry to bust your winger fantasies.

Ahm according to the left if you use the word monkey you're indeed a racist.

Remember that daffy monkey things up they lost their minds over

Oh, silly me. Bad Tumblin', bad!
I’ve asked many of our resident haters to explain exactly how Trump and or his policies have sent their lives into a death spiral...I’ve yet to have one articulate an answer. Why is that?

“There are a number of people who have died because their health care insurance is no longer affordable because Trump pulled the subsidies.”
Free shit beggars probably should hate Trump. Pay for your own healthcare like all legit people do.

“There are 11 people in a Synagogue in Pittsburgh who are dead because Trump said that a George Soros funded caravan was coming to America.”
Well then, I suppose the Kenyan killed and raped many Americans by incentivizing illegals to migrate to the U.S.

“Prices on all kinds of imports have gone up, and because of the steel tariffs, small manufacturing companies are closing down across the US. Farmers in the midwest have lost the market for their crops due to tariff's.”
Farmers are subsidized and the trade war can’t be won in a few months. Smart people think long term, big picture.

“5000 troops have been uselessly sent to the border when they could be spending Thanksgiving with their families.”
Our military personnel takes great pride in defending our nations sovereignty.

“Increases in hate crimes, public shootings and general lawlessness since Trump was elected.”
So, you're butt hurt because I don't like your Orange Virus? What would you know about reason?

I'm not butt hurt at all. I don't like the man's personality and did not vote for him, but I have three qualities you lack -- I am intelligent, rational and fair minded, and so I am able to separate my attitudes towards him as a person and that of him as a President.

You just come off as a stupid shit who just hates him and so opposes everything he does. If it were to come out that Trump loves dogs, you would be the type to kick some puppies just to make sure.
So, you're butt hurt because I don't like your Orange Virus? What would you know about reason?

I'm not butt hurt at all. I don't like the man's personality and did not vote for him, but I have three qualities you lack -- I am intelligent, rational and fair minded, and so I am able to separate by attitudes towards him as a person and that of him as a President.

You just come off as a stupid shit who just hates him and so opposes everything he does. If it were to come out that Trump loves dogs, you would be the type to kick some puppies just to make sure.

Not true, sir. I love doggies.
Trump took away half my state and local tax deduction

Why should you be able to deduct your state and local taxes when I can't? What makes you so freaking special? The country shouldn't have to subsidize your state and local taxes.

I’ve asked many of our resident haters to explain exactly how Trump and or his policies have sent their lives into a death spiral...I’ve yet to have one articulate an answer. Why is that?
Over 3 million Americans lost their health coverage under Trump and directly due to Trump's policies ....

Number of Americans without health insurance spiked by more than 3 million under Trump

Furthermore, Trump and Republicans are doing all they can to hurt more Americans with their policies, including but not limited to, stripping away protections for pre-existing conditions

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