Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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I like the idea of people coming together and figuring out how to get the number of abortions to the lowest number possible.
Step One: Tell your daughters to keep their legs shut and your sons to keep their dicks in their pants if they're not ready to be responsible for a baby.

That would end 93% of all abortions.
JB is pro-life. Period.

I see that Immie won't comment on the fact that if abortion were illegal, there would be less of it.

So what it comes down to is that the pro-abortion crowd would like to see abortion numbers reduced....but not if that means making it illegal. Gotta keep that door open to kill babies if *needed*...even though there is no true need.

I commented on that many many pages ago. You simply are unreasonable on the reality of this issue. Edit: the question was not addressed to me and since you and I had that very discussion earlier in this thread, I saw no reason to go back and cover that again.

Also, I happened to have been reading other threads along with this one.

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You know, people who break the law take risks. It's a risky thing to break the law. Particularly when you're breaking the law in order to kill another human being.

The idea of a huge abortion black market opening up and suddenly millions of women dying because they are just THAT DESPERATE to kill their babies is a myth. There are absolutely no statistics or facts that support it.

There are, however, stats and facts which show definitively that child abuse has increased since the advent of legalized abortion. There are stats and facts that definitively show that abortions have increased EXPONENTIALLY since the advent of legalized abortion. There are stats which show that women are CURRENTLY dying thanks to slipshod practices at LEGAL abortion clinics.

Why don't we try to confine ourselves to the facts, instead of getting all wrapped up in the myths propagated by the baby-killing industry?

Already stated why I think those old stats on # of abortions is faulty, not going to get into it again.

I'm saying making it illegal would just cause women to go online and figure out how to do it at home, those websites would skyrocket, as well as doctors and "doctors" offering to do that service off the books and that would be a very difficult thing to prove without catching in the act.
I like the idea of people coming together and figuring out how to get the number of abortions to the lowest number possible.
Step One: Tell your daughters to keep their legs shut and your sons to keep their dicks in their pants if they're not ready to be responsible for a baby.

That would end 93% of all abortions.

I don't agree, you're going against basic human instinct to tell people age 15-20 something (or whatever age) to not want to have sex, completely unrealistic.
JB is pro-life. Period.

I see that Immie won't comment on the fact that if abortion were illegal, there would be less of it.

So what it comes down to is that the pro-abortion crowd would like to see abortion numbers reduced....but not if that means making it illegal. Gotta keep that door open to kill babies if *needed*...even though there is no true need.

I commented on that many many pages ago. You simply are unreasonable on the reality of this issue.

Also, I happened to have been reading other threads along with this one.


Er, no, I know the reality. I know the numbers and the facts.

You are the one who keeps saying "but but but" with a complete absence of any supporting documentation. You are basing your entire argument upon the belief that the facts mean nothing, and your gut feeling is correct.

And your gut feeling has been placed there directly by pro-abortion marketing.
I like the idea of people coming together and figuring out how to get the number of abortions to the lowest number possible.
Step One: Tell your daughters to keep their legs shut and your sons to keep their dicks in their pants if they're not ready to be responsible for a baby.

That would end 93% of all abortions.

I don't agree, you're going against basic human instinct to tell people age 15-20 something (or whatever age) to not want to have sex, completely unrealistic.

Yeah, cuz we all know that 15-20 year old kids must be allowed to do anything they want, and a good parent just accepts the fact that they will engage in dangerous behavior...

This is why we turn over our bank accounts and car keys to them as soon as they turn 15! Cuz after all, it's against basic human instinct to tell a kid "no! That's dangerous!"
Make it illegal, as all murder is illegal. It would do more to limit the number of abortions than anything else.

I think all that would do is create a black market, same way it did with drug use. If someone wants to have an abortion, just like if someone wants to smoke weed, they'll do it regardless of law.

And yet murder, rape, and theft are all illegal.

You would prefer an anarchist eutopia?
JB is pro-life. Period.

I see that Immie won't comment on the fact that if abortion were illegal, there would be less of it.

So what it comes down to is that the pro-abortion crowd would like to see abortion numbers reduced....but not if that means making it illegal. Gotta keep that door open to kill babies if *needed*...even though there is no true need.

I commented on that many many pages ago. You simply are unreasonable on the reality of this issue.

Also, I happened to have been reading other threads along with this one.


Er, no, I know the reality. I know the numbers and the facts.

You are the one who keeps saying "but but but" with a complete absence of any supporting documentation. You are basing your entire argument upon the belief that the facts mean nothing, and your gut feeling is correct.

And your gut feeling has been placed there directly by pro-abortion marketing.

And you seem to forget that there is 40 years of promotion of abortion to over come. Simply going back ain't gonna happen.

The fact is since you pie in the sky assumption that going backwards would give us the exact opposite effects of passing Roe v. Wade hasn't happened, neither one of us can "prove" our beliefs.

I like the idea of people coming together and figuring out how to get the number of abortions to the lowest number possible.
Step One: Tell your daughters to keep their legs shut and your sons to keep their dicks in their pants if they're not ready to be responsible for a baby.

That would end 93% of all abortions.

I don't agree

93% of abortions are done for simple convenience- according to the abortion industry. Them's the facts

, you're going against basic human instinct to tell people age 15-20 something (or whatever age) to not want to have sex, completely unrealistic.
We also tell men to not rape attractive young girls

We also tell people to not bash eachother's skulls in with rocks when angry

We also tell people to not simple take their neighbor's car if they want it
We also tell people to not kill their children out of pure convenience because they don't want stretch marks
Step One: Tell your daughters to keep their legs shut and your sons to keep their dicks in their pants if they're not ready to be responsible for a baby.

That would end 93% of all abortions.

I don't agree, you're going against basic human instinct to tell people age 15-20 something (or whatever age) to not want to have sex, completely unrealistic.

Yeah, cuz we all know that 15-20 year old kids must be allowed to do anything they want, and a good parent just accepts the fact that they will engage in dangerous behavior...

This is why we turn over our bank accounts and car keys to them as soon as they turn 15! Cuz after all, it's against basic human instinct to tell a kid "no! That's dangerous!"

I see, so in your mind telling a kid no=it won't happen?

My point is 95%+ of people have sex or want to have sex and the chance doesn't come up before they're able to have kids and that's not changing, so a realistic idea is a little better.
Step One: Tell your daughters to keep their legs shut and your sons to keep their dicks in their pants if they're not ready to be responsible for a baby.

That would end 93% of all abortions.

I don't agree, you're going against basic human instinct to tell people age 15-20 something (or whatever age) to not want to have sex, completely unrealistic.
We also tell men to not rape attractive young girls

We also tell people to not bash eachother's skulls in with rocks when angry

We also tell people to not simple take their neighbor's car if they want it
We also tell people to not kill their children out of pure convenience because they don't want stretch marks

Call me crazy, but I guess I don't equate all those things to the simple act of sex.

I respect my father more than any man and love him to death, if he told me not to have sex when I was in h-s, and a young hot woman told me to have sex when I was in h-s, it was going to happen and most people who are honest with themselves would agree.

Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States
I don't agree, you're going against basic human instinct to tell people age 15-20 something (or whatever age) to not want to have sex, completely unrealistic.
We also tell men to not rape attractive young girls

We also tell people to not bash eachother's skulls in with rocks when angry

We also tell people to not simple take their neighbor's car if they want it
We also tell people to not kill their children out of pure convenience because they don't want stretch marks

Call me crazy, but I guess I don't equate all those things to the simple act of sex.

Yes, you do. They're all simple instincts- and that is your entire argument for advocating the killing of one's children out of simple convenience because you don't want to grow up and be responsible for your actions and decisions in life.
Official abortion statistics are often low due to incomplete reporting. In the United States, for example, not all states mandate such reporting. Even in those states that require or encourage reporting of abortion statistics, this reporting is incomplete (as demonstrated by higher numbers reported to abortion advocacy organizations). From 1988 to 1997, the total number of U.S. abortions reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control was 11.3% lower than the total number reported to the Alan Guttmacher Institute (the research branch of Planned Parenthood). In 1998 four states discontinued state-level gathering of abortion statistics, contributing to the 25.4% drop in CDC figures from 1997 to 1998. "

Abortion statistics and other data
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