Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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I've still not gotten a decent answer for my simple question to pro-abortionists/pro-choicers:

If there's a chance you could be wrong about babies being alive...why chance it?

Cuz it's a loaded question.

We've made the assessment that we don't find it to be a living baby until a certain point, so you're asking a question with an assessment that we don't agree with.

If you know it's not a living baby..........why not have an early abortion if you want?

That's not an actual question, just giving you a comparison to what you're asking, as you and the pro-life crowd have made the assessment that it is a living baby.
A few points

1.) I miss Immanuel, the only person who I can have a grown up discussion about the abortion issue on here :(.
2.) There's a reason society doesn't view an early miscarriage as they do a baby dying, funerals/obituaries/etc, providing an example of it happening once won't prove me wrong either.
3.) Sure would be nice if the pro-lifers would spend more time speaking positively about adoption after going through the pregnancy, rather than using 99% of their time and effort to talk down to everyone who doesn't share their exact same views.

Let's see what kind of insults that post brings, anything new?

1) "Grown-up discussion" apparently means "treats my crap with respect it doesn't deserve and can't earn on its merits".

2) If you can define that "reason" as anything that constitutes actual proof that unborn babies are not living humans, I'd like to hear that, rather than just a vague implication that it MUST mean you're right.

3) Sure would be nice if pro-aborts would spend more time sharing arguments based on reality, rather than the perception they WISH was reality. "Pro-lifers need to speak positively about adoption." Oh, really? And now you're going to show us some evidence besides your desire to believe it that pro-lifers have no interest in adoption, right? And no, the fact that THIS THREAD - a thread on abortion, not on adoption - is focusing on its topic is not proof.
Why is it ok to take the life of a 2 month old unborn human
Because they don't look like us. Same reason it's okay to kill blacks.

Which brings us once again to Margaret Sanger and the reason Planned Parenthood exists...
Grace said:
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What's wrong Grace?

Once again the pro-abortion crowd proves the really, really, really hate facts.
A few points

1.) I miss Immanuel, the only person who I can have a grown up discussion about the abortion issue on here :(.
2.) There's a reason society doesn't view an early miscarriage as they do a baby dying, funerals/obituaries/etc, providing an example of it happening once won't prove me wrong either.
3.) Sure would be nice if the pro-lifers would spend more time speaking positively about adoption after going through the pregnancy, rather than using 99% of their time and effort to talk down to everyone who doesn't share their exact same views.

Let's see what kind of insults that post brings, anything new?

1) "Grown-up discussion" apparently means "treats my crap with respect it doesn't deserve and can't earn on its merits".

2) If you can define that "reason" as anything that constitutes actual proof that unborn babies are not living humans, I'd like to hear that, rather than just a vague implication that it MUST mean you're right.

3) Sure would be nice if pro-aborts would spend more time sharing arguments based on reality, rather than the perception they WISH was reality. "Pro-lifers need to speak positively about adoption." Oh, really? And now you're going to show us some evidence besides your desire to believe it that pro-lifers have no interest in adoption, right? And no, the fact that THIS THREAD - a thread on abortion, not on adoption - is focusing on its topic is not proof.

I would think the positives of adoption would be the first thing someone speaking out against abortion would go to, sadly that's not the case. Seems like to me positively enforcing the idea of adoption would work better than negatively attacking through holier than thou proclamations.
I've still not gotten a decent answer for my simple question to pro-abortionists/pro-choicers:

If there's a chance you could be wrong about babies being alive...why chance it?

Cuz it's a loaded question.

We've made the assessment that we don't find it to be a living baby until a certain point, so you're asking a question with an assessment that we don't agree with.

If you know it's not a living baby..........why not have an early abortion if you want?

That's not an actual question, just giving you a comparison to what you're asking, as you and the pro-life crowd have made the assessment that it is a living baby.

Of course it's a living human. Otherwise, why would one seek an abortion?

a·bor·tion: the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy.

preg·nan·cy: 1. the state or condition of being pregnant; 2. the period from conception to childbirth

If one is pro-choice then be pro-choice. Just be aware that the choice of abortion terminates/ends/destroys/kills a human being that is in the early stages of development. No way around it . . . . regardless of the multitude of excuses and rationalizations that have been posted.
I've still not gotten a decent answer for my simple question to pro-abortionists/pro-choicers:

If there's a chance you could be wrong about babies being alive...why chance it?

Cuz it's a loaded question.

We've made the assessment that we don't find it to be a living baby until a certain point, so you're asking a question with an assessment that we don't agree with.

If you know it's not a living baby..........why not have an early abortion if you want?

That's not an actual question, just giving you a comparison to what you're asking, as you and the pro-life crowd have made the assessment that it is a living baby.

Of course it's a living human. Otherwise, why would one seek an abortion?

a·bor·tion: the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy.

preg·nan·cy: 1. the state or condition of being pregnant; 2. the period from conception to childbirth

If one is pro-choice then be pro-choice. Just be aware that the choice of abortion terminates/ends/destroys/kills a human being that is in the early stages of development. No way around it . . . . regardless of the multitude of excuses and rationalizations that have been posted.

I'm not overly worried about the wording, just about everyone agrees with some abortions or some version of timing whether it's the morning after pill or within the first month, 2 months, etc.

Truth is I want the same number of abortions the pro-life crowd wants, the same legislation done away with the pro-life crowd wants, I'm not sure why ONLY focusing on the differences is what has to be done.

The differences would have zero impact legislatively anyways.
1.) I miss Immanuel, the only person who I can have a grown up discussion about the abortion issue on here :(.
2.) There's a reason society doesn't view an early miscarriage as they do a baby dying, funerals/obituaries/etc, providing an example of it happening once won't prove me wrong either.
3.) Sure would be nice if the pro-lifers would spend more time speaking positively about adoption after going through the pregnancy, rather than using 99% of their time and effort to talk down to everyone who doesn't share their exact same views.

Let's see what kind of insults that post brings, anything new?

Shouldn't that read....let's see what kind of insults that posts invites? Considering your insulting start

2)Society does view a lost wanted child miscarried as a death.
3)They do. Sharing the view that killing is not a worthy trait bothers you that much?
A few points

1.) I miss Immanuel, the only person who I can have a grown up discussion about the abortion issue on here :(.
2.) There's a reason society doesn't view an early miscarriage as they do a baby dying, funerals/obituaries/etc, providing an example of it happening once won't prove me wrong either.
3.) Sure would be nice if the pro-lifers would spend more time speaking positively about adoption after going through the pregnancy, rather than using 99% of their time and effort to talk down to everyone who doesn't share their exact same views.

Let's see what kind of insults that post brings, anything new?

Why would it bring anything else, since it is, in essence, a post that insults everybody of the opposition?

Essentially you say in that post that everybody (except Immie) who disagrees with you is stupid, and none of their arguments will work cuz you said so.

Completely worthless as far as arguments go. And you like to discuss it with Immie because Immie agrees with you. No big mystery there.

I agree with him? Hardly. But there is a difference between you and me. You think calling everyone who disagrees with you murderers is the way to making changes. I think all that does is piss them off and make bringing about change less likely to happen.

I would rather open the channels of communication and maybe help bring about a consensus than to continue the idiotic name calling while more babies die.


PS love the new avatar. But then I have always love a tigress.
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I don't think calling everyone murderers changes things.

I think people who kill babies in the womb are committing murder. And I won't gloss over that because it's *easier*. You will.
I don't think calling everyone murderers changes things.

I think people who kill babies in the womb are committing murder. And I won't gloss over that because it's *easier*. You will.

I view the warmongering of the United States as baby-killing, innocent human killing, etc etc.

Others don't view it that way, but I won't stoop to calling people who approve of our wars and/or want more war as pro baby-killing or pro innocent-people killing because they don't view it the same way as I do. I'm confident if they did view it as baby killing, they'd be against it as strongly as I am, but they don't.
I don't think calling everyone murderers changes things.

I think people who kill babies in the womb are committing murder. And I won't gloss over that because it's *easier*. You will.

I view the warmongering of the United States as baby-killing, innocent human killing, etc etc.

Others don't view it that way, but I won't stoop to calling people who approve of our wars and/or want more war as pro baby-killing or pro innocent-people killing because they don't view it the same way as I do. I'm confident if they did view it as baby killing, they'd be against it as strongly as I am, but they don't.

That's the difference between radicals like AllieBaba, and the more thinking individuals like yourself.

Thinking people realize that others don't necessary view things as they do, and adjust, even their own communication to that reality.

Radicals believe every does or SHOULD think like them, and if not they are crazy and should be treated as such...hence you AllieBaba, The.T, CaliforniaGirl types.
Wtf does that have to do with this thread?


To open your eyes to see 2 sides of the coin.

You view early abortion as baby-killing, I and others don't, you call us pro baby-killing.

I view our warmongering as baby-killing, you and others don't, I won't stoop to calling you a baby-killer because you don't have the same view even though there's zero argument in the scientific community about whether our wars result in dead babies.
Just in case you missed it...

The author of the OP, JBeukema, insists that he is pro-choice.

If the irony of this fact doesn't smack you square in the face, then go back and re-read the OP.

If the irony is still lost on you, you're not very bright.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
A few points

1.) I miss Immanuel, the only person who I can have a grown up discussion about the abortion issue on here :(.
2.) There's a reason society doesn't view an early miscarriage as they do a baby dying, funerals/obituaries/etc, providing an example of it happening once won't prove me wrong either.
3.) Sure would be nice if the pro-lifers would spend more time speaking positively about adoption after going through the pregnancy, rather than using 99% of their time and effort to talk down to everyone who doesn't share their exact same views.

Let's see what kind of insults that post brings, anything new?

1) "Grown-up discussion" apparently means "treats my crap with respect it doesn't deserve and can't earn on its merits".

2) If you can define that "reason" as anything that constitutes actual proof that unborn babies are not living humans, I'd like to hear that, rather than just a vague implication that it MUST mean you're right.

3) Sure would be nice if pro-aborts would spend more time sharing arguments based on reality, rather than the perception they WISH was reality. "Pro-lifers need to speak positively about adoption." Oh, really? And now you're going to show us some evidence besides your desire to believe it that pro-lifers have no interest in adoption, right? And no, the fact that THIS THREAD - a thread on abortion, not on adoption - is focusing on its topic is not proof.

So that is what I do and it is not grown up because I try to be respectful of other people?

I can be very disrespectful when I want to be. However, in this instance, I think the line in the sand between what I as a Pro-lifer want and what the vast majority of the pro-choice people want is a lot thinner than most of us realize. If other people come to realize that then this tragedy comes closer to ending. What is wrong with that? What is wrong we being respectful of people with whom you disagree?

Just in case you missed it...

The author of the OP, JBeukema, insists that he is pro-choice.

If the irony of this fact doesn't smack you square in the face, then go back and re-read the OP.

If the irony is still lost on you, you're not very bright.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

Insists he's pro-choice?

Wtf does that have to do with this thread?


To open your eyes to see 2 sides of the coin.

You view early abortion as baby-killing, I and others don't, you call us pro baby-killing.

I view our warmongering as baby-killing, you and others don't, I won't stoop to calling you a baby-killer because you don't have the same view even though there's zero argument in the scientific community about whether our wars result in dead babies.

The mere fact that AllieBaba cannot see your point, and he will never get, exemplifies how radical and extreme he is.
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