Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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Without reading the entire report, which I don't have time to do right now, I have no idea what specific statements were made to which those footnotes relate. However, if you look on the very first page, you see this:

Description of System: Each year, CDC requests abortion data from the central health agencies of 52 reporting areas (the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and New York City). This information is provided voluntarily. For 2007, data were received from 49 reporting areas. For the purpose of trend analysis, data were evaluated from the 45 areas that reported data every year during the preceding decade (1998--2007). Abortion rates (number of abortions per 1,000 women) and ratios (number of abortions per 1,000 live births) were calculated using census and natality data, respectively.

(emphasis mine)

I prefer chocolates to flowers, thanks.

Read it. They get stats from a tiny number of clinics and is voluntary. They cite Gottmacher REPEATEDLY in their report.

And flowers...I like daffodils this time of the year.

It is, indeed, voluntary. Nevertheless, that IS still where they get their stats. If you continue to read their paper, you will see that they clearly TELL you that repeatedly. Further on, they give a more detailed description of their system, and it says, again:

Each year, CDC requests tabulated data from the central health agencies of 52 reporting areas (the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and New York City) to document the number and characteristics of women obtaining abortions in the United States.

. . .

In most states, collection of abortion data is facilitated by the legal requirement for hospitals, facilities, and physicians to report abortions to a central health agency (14). These central health agencies voluntarily provide CDC the aggregate numbers for the abortion data they have collected (15).

Furthermore, if you actually go through and READ the footnoted passages that reference the Guttmacher Institute, you will see that they are NOT being referenced as the primary source of abortion statistics. They are being referenced as corroboration of the CDC's primary statistics, derived from separate sources. Essentially, they are saying, "See? Other people are getting the same numbers with THEIR methods, so ours are probably accurate."

So once again, the CDC does not get its statistics from the Guttmacher Institute. They get them from state government agencies, and COMPARE them with the numbers the Guttmacher Institute gets from its sources.

My lord you are so full of shit.

Once again, the CDC DOES get stats from Guttmacher. Whether they use them to compare (wtf are you talking about) or not is a moot point. They still get stats from Guttmacher.

I was right, you were wrong, get over it.
PS...I read the article, I read the references. I do know how to read this shit, Care. I read and reference this stuff for work and school.

So go back, take a fucking pill, and get over it.
Im fucking TIRED of reading the INCONVENIENCE card about why SOME women opt to have an abortion.
93% is 'some'?
ITS NOT AN INCONFUCKINGVENIENCE. Its a HORRIBLE decision to FUCKING make to remove a baby from ones womb. IT ISNT FUCKING EASY.

Apparently, a sizable number of women disagree

One third of women who had an abortion [in 2008] were on their second, third or even eighth termination, new figures show.
Women having multiple abortions reaches record high - Times Online

1% of abortions...

Why Women Have Abortions
Its late. Im tired. And Im an idiot for coming back in this thread. But, instead of farting rainbows and unicorns out my ass, Im just gonna spit it out.

Im fucking TIRED of reading the INCONVENIENCE card about why SOME women opt to have an abortion. ITS NOT AN INCONFUCKINGVENIENCE. Its a HORRIBLE decision to FUCKING make to remove a baby from ones womb. IT ISNT FUCKING EASY. Calling those that do such a thing is just as bad as calling Nam Vets Baby Killers and spitting in their face when they came home. SOMETIMES SHIT HAPPENS.
A baby growing in a womb NOT ASKED FOR (and YES WE KNOW WHAT BIRTH CONTROL IS YOU FUCKTARDS) and PLANTED THERE AGAINST OUR WILL whether its from a family member or a stranger is most assuredly considered to carry full term then placing it up for adoption..along with the mental anguish the HOST has to deal with deciding what is best for the HOST AND the baby itself.

So...you finger wagglers who whine and bitch and fucking moan about those who make that decision and call them baby killers and offer all kinds of FUCKING reasons WHY we should carry such a burden for NINE FUCKING MONTHS can KISS MY FUCKING ASS.

This pisses me off no end and Im fed up with it. Thats what I get for being bored and wandering back in here. Entirely my fault. But at least I said what I fucking felt like saying for fucking once.

You think it should go full term? Then YOU pay for the shrink during those nine months, YOU pay the hospital bills and YOU take the kid when its born. Otherwise, STFU.

So keep your fucking legs closed..... just because you can open them shouldn't mean you have the right to murder.
Its late. Im tired. And Im an idiot for coming back in this thread. But, instead of farting rainbows and unicorns out my ass, Im just gonna spit it out.

Im fucking TIRED of reading the INCONVENIENCE card about why SOME women opt to have an abortion. ITS NOT AN INCONFUCKINGVENIENCE. Its a HORRIBLE decision to FUCKING make to remove a baby from ones womb. IT ISNT FUCKING EASY. Calling those that do such a thing is just as bad as calling Nam Vets Baby Killers and spitting in their face when they came home. SOMETIMES SHIT HAPPENS.
A baby growing in a womb NOT ASKED FOR (and YES WE KNOW WHAT BIRTH CONTROL IS YOU FUCKTARDS) and PLANTED THERE AGAINST OUR WILL whether its from a family member or a stranger is most assuredly considered to carry full term then placing it up for adoption..along with the mental anguish the HOST has to deal with deciding what is best for the HOST AND the baby itself.

So...you finger wagglers who whine and bitch and fucking moan about those who make that decision and call them baby killers and offer all kinds of FUCKING reasons WHY we should carry such a burden for NINE FUCKING MONTHS can KISS MY FUCKING ASS.

This pisses me off no end and Im fed up with it. Thats what I get for being bored and wandering back in here. Entirely my fault. But at least I said what I fucking felt like saying for fucking once.

You think it should go full term? Then YOU pay for the shrink during those nine months, YOU pay the hospital bills and YOU take the kid when its born. Otherwise, STFU.

Spare us the emotional rant.

Read the stats. You're basing everything on your personal experience and while you find it compelling, you don't speak for everyone.

And the burden is a baby. Grow the fuck up and give up the narcisissm. All you're doing is proving the case it's a selfish act.
Grace is the abortionists' useful idiot. Rape and incest are ~1% of all abortions and repeat abortions hit an all-time high since such things were monitored in 2008 (I don't have the data for 2009 or 2010).

93% of all abortions are done out of convenience, this according to a group founded as an extension of Planned Parenthood. Women who are real victims are a very small minority, and deserve honest consideration of their trauma and suffering when considering what decisions they might make and why they might make them before casting judgment of their characters. To trot them out and parade them around to justify countless abortions as birth control, however, to is to use them and make a spectacle of their suffering. It trivializes what they've experienced by turning them from women with real experiences to nothing more than convenient rhetorical devices to be sent out on stage and used as an excuse for the 93% of abortions that are done out of simple convenience. It is like shooting a man for playing his music too loud and then parading a battered women in front of the court and claiming that, because of her suffering, your own cold-blooded actions somehow cannot be criticized.

Real feminists should be outraged by those who use and exploit these women thusly.
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For the record, I had forgotten Grace had indicated that she had an abortion when I replied and if I sounded harsh, I apologize for it.


I don't believe that simply because an abortion is chosen for a purpose of convenience that it is an easy choice to make. In some cases, it may very well be easy while in others it is probably heart-wrenching.

Nor do I believe that a woman that has made that decision or has had to make that decision is a terrible person regardless of why she chose that option. When we are faced with difficult decisions, we are not always thinking with clear minds. We are afraid and we do things that in other circumstances we would never consider doing.

Abortion is a very difficult decision to have to make. Unfortunately, the industry and our nation try to make it so easy that it becomes almost second nature. That is a sad thing. The taking of a human life should be a difficult decision to make in every instance.

There is a quote by Robert E. Lee that goes something like this: "It is well that war is so terrible - otherwise we would grow too fond of it."

Robert E. Lee Quotes - The Quotations Page

The same thing applies in this situation. It is good that abortion is terrible otherwise we would find it too easy to take the life within us.

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I would imagine that killing an unborn human would weigh much more heavily on one's conscience than giving the infant up for adoption.

The 1/3 who are having their 2nd, 3rd, or 8th abortion would seem to disagree

Yeah, guess I should have personalized that one even more. My bad.

I knew a girl in h.s. who at 15 had already had 2 abortions and flat out said that was her method of birth control.
I can only think it says something about our humanity or I should say in inhumanity when you think of the ease of which women consider abortions.

Just how can any woman do that? I cannot even wrap that around my head. Purposely taking a life of a child..MY child..ANY child>>> no I can't wrap that around my mind. How can anyone?

Don't bring a psychiatrist, poor me, expense, into the discussion. You might as well put a gun to your child's head that is already born. There is no excuse. Or your own head if it had been your mother's decision.
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Keep my legs closed? Really? Tell that to the motherfucker that forced them open, asshole.

Immie, no problem. Thanks for the clarification.

JB, I speak for myself, as I do in all threads I participate in. I had one abortion as soon as I was told I was pregnant due to the attack. Unlike some, I dont lump everything or anyone into a tiny box I myself think they should fit in to according to my beliefs or opinions. I feel strongly about things I have experienced MYSELF.
Now you, too, can kiss my ass. Im nobodies idiot. Someone plants a seed in me that I fought against for planting, that seed IS going to be removed and I dont give a fuck what it is. Dont like it? Tough shit. Wanna call me a baby killer? Whatever floats your fucking leaky boat. And that goes for all of you who sit on your pedestals and judge others.
Fuck off. You've judged every single one of us.

Rapes count for less than one percent of one percent of all abortions. And in the past, as now, women who were raped were able to legally obtain an abortion if they wanted one.

So what exactly is your argument? I lost it in the histrionics.
Suck my ass, Allie.
You cant even comprehend what has been said in this thread but ask me what my argument is?
Idiot fucktard.
I would imagine that killing an unborn human would weigh much more heavily on one's conscience than giving the infant up for adoption.

Women who choose to carry babies conceived in rape say that exactly. The ones I have heard speak of it say they believe that there is a purpose for everything, and they cling to the notion that a child is a positive and wonderful thing that comes out of a terrible occurrence.
Suck my ass, Allie.
You cant even comprehend what has been said in this thread but ask me what my argument is?
Idiot fucktard.

Nice. A great example of how abortion creates peace of mind and happiness for all who reach out for it.
BTW, emu...how do you feel about that glib comment that the *other* board you frequented made this one look like kindergarten, now? Cuz you look like you're losing it.
Now that I spilled my guts in extreme anger..a first for me since being here..I extend my apologies and will return to full fluff mode. ONCE IM COOLED OFF. But for now...this subject SUCKS.

Well, by all means, let's only ever discuss FUN political and social issues in this country. :lalala:
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