Why can't the Repubs let go of the laptop?

SPECIAL REPORT: Hunter Biden found guilty on all three counts in federal gun trial​

Now for the next round of Hunter/Joe Biden foreign agent activities.
“Hunter Biden’s corporate entities implicated by today’s indictments funneled foreign cash that landed in Joe Biden’s bank account,” Comer added.

Why don’t you think the Bidens are out there crying about a hoax and rigged trial? Demeaning the judge and jury and political enemies?
Yup, just like Trump. Difference is they are respecting the legal process while Trump and co can’t let their egos accept fault and are therefore trashing it. Like spoiled children.

I can remember back when you were nowhere near this dishonest.
Lefties lie….it is what they do.

Ever see a lefty show contrition for lying about the laptop?

Any of the 51 “EXPERTS” who lied ever APOLOGIZE for lying?
Interesting poll. Here's the salient question. How many of the respondents were misinformed about the contents of the laptop by RWM?
For instance. Along with your reliable source and link.

Thank you, thank you so much!
Without the false allegations of criminal behavior made against Joe the choice for prez becomes more stark. Vote for an elderly man who is doing his best to make the country stronger, or vote for an elderly man who is a convicted felon trying to stay out of jail.

You amplified the lie and interfered with an election.

berg80 said:
What appears to be happening here is after the total collapse of the voter fraud narrative, right wing media needed to find another baseless fraud to foment among the minions in order to keep stringing them along. It is unacceptable after flogging the notion Trump actually won the election to admit that he didn't. So here comes the Hunter laptop fantasy. Providing The Following with another lunatic rationale to cling to so they can hold on to their perceived aggrievement.
To which I reply SO WHAT since it has nothing to do with Joe.
Some other emails on the drive (Hunter's laptop)...that have been the foundation for previous news reports could not be verified because the messages lacked verifiable cryptographic signatures.
One such email was widely described as referring to Joe Biden as “the big guy” and suggesting the elder Biden would receive a cut of a business deal. One of the recipients of that email has vouched publicly for its authenticity but President Biden has denied being involved in any business arrangements.
Some other emails on the drive (Hunter's laptop)...that have been the foundation for previous news reports could not be verified because the messages lacked verifiable cryptographic signatures.
One such email was widely described as referring to Joe Biden as “the big guy” and suggesting the elder Biden would receive a cut of a business deal. One of the recipients of that email has vouched publicly for its authenticity but President Biden has denied being involved in any business arrangements.

The Clintons perfected -

Democrats paid attention.
To which I reply SO WHAT since it [Hunter's Laptop] has nothing to do with Joe.
That just makes you sound desperate.

IF the laptop did not implicate President Biden in any way, why have the Democrats worked so hard for YEARS to distance themselves from the laptop, falsely claiming that it was Russian disinformation, that it had been compromised, that aliens had beamed it up, and filled it with lies?
A gun form charge… a failure to pay taxes charge… nothing of the Bs that’s been circulating for the past 5 years. Where the rape? Where’s the illegal influence pedaling and money laundering?

IF that's all there is, why are Democrats to incredibly desperate to destroy President Trump? Not just destroy but kill him if necessary.
Why don’t you think the Bidens are out there crying about a hoax and rigged trial? Demeaning the judge and jury and political enemies?
Because they do not, under any circumstances, want to draw attention to the fact that just a few months earlier, President Biden's prosecutors and Hunter's defense had "negotiated" a never-heard-of-before sweetheart deal where Hunter would get immunity for all his wrongdoing, and in the future.

Thank God that there is a judge who actually read the document and threw up red flags saying, what the heck is this? Suddenly, NOBODY knew what it contained or who was responsible.

IF that's all there is, why are Democrats to incredibly desperate to destroy President Trump? Not just destroy but kill him if necessary.
If? They’ve had that laptop and have been investigating for over five years!

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