why common people don't believe the MSM or the Democrats! Obama's $8m home!

Obama tells Romney the cold war is over...

It was. We simply ignored Putin. And we sanctioned them. And we dropped oil prices which killed Russia. Oils doing better so is russia.

Putin clearly has something on trump.

"We dropped oil prices?" Are you trying to tell us that lower oil prices were the result of deliberate Obama policy?


Which Obama policy caused oil prices to drop, taking huge areas of potential oil producing areas off the market?
See how the far left did not care about Putin as they allowed Putin to run wild.

And yet that is some how Trumps fault!
Hard to tell Putin he can’t invade another sovereign nation when we did it first. At least Crimea is Russia’s neighbor. What were we doing half way around the world in iraq

See the far left still diving those debunked narratives. Only if the far left would grow up!

See the far left will make excuse for Obama and rewrite history, they still believe history starts in 2003 in Iraq..
And you think the unemployment number was fake until trump got in then it was real.

You’re a pawn

See how the far left has nothing in their arsenal, they just follow their programmed narratives.

It must be tough that so many are doing better under Trump than they ever did under Obama. Must be killing you far left drones that people are being prosperous and do not need government to do it!
I got my big raise in 2017 because of my 2016 numbers. Manufacturing has slowed because of trumps tariffs but I’m glad you coal miners are doing great

See how the far left still runs their debunked narratives?

The manufacturing sector has been on fire since Trump was elected — March was another strong month for the industry

See they will lie to push any narrative their uber rich whites master tell them to push!
Obama tells Romney the cold war is over...

It was. We simply ignored Putin. And we sanctioned them. And we dropped oil prices which killed Russia. Oils doing better so is russia.

Putin clearly has something on trump.

"We dropped oil prices?" Are you trying to tell us that lower oil prices were the result of deliberate Obama policy?


Which Obama policy caused oil prices to drop, taking huge areas of potential oil producing areas off the market?

Do not ask this far left drone to post any facts, they do not have any..

U.S. oil industry set to break record, upend global trade
Obama continued on income inequality, saying, “History shows that societies which tolerate vast differences in wealth feed resentments and reduce solidarity and actually grow more slowly. And when economic power is concentrated in the hands of the few, history also shows that political power is sure to follow and that dynamic eats away at democracy.”

After the speech calling for rich people to get smaller houses, Obama traveled back to America and to his $8.1 million eight-bedroom, nine-and-a-half bathroom mansion in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the world.
Obama Attacks Wealthy For Big Houses Before Returning To His $8 Million MansionView attachment 206089
I wouldn't spend 8 million dollars for a house so close to my neighbors that I could throw a softball through their windows from my bedroom. Nuh uh.

Especially in the same neighborhood as Obama.
I didn't trust the MSM nor the Democrats way before this. And while at it, I'll state my mistrust of all media and also include Republicans, the Libertarians and those Green Party folks. Basically when it comes right down to it the only one I trust is my dog.
Hard to tell Putin he can’t invade another sovereign nation when we did it first. At least Crimea is Russia’s neighbor. What were we doing half way around the world in iraq

See the far left still diving those debunked narratives. Only if the far left would grow up!

See the far left will make excuse for Obama and rewrite history, they still believe history starts in 2003 in Iraq..
And you think the unemployment number was fake until trump got in then it was real.

You’re a pawn

See how the far left has nothing in their arsenal, they just follow their programmed narratives.

It must be tough that so many are doing better under Trump than they ever did under Obama. Must be killing you far left drones that people are being prosperous and do not need government to do it!
I got my big raise in 2017 because of my 2016 numbers. Manufacturing has slowed because of trumps tariffs but I’m glad you coal miners are doing great

See how the far left still runs their debunked narratives?

The manufacturing sector has been on fire since Trump was elected — March was another strong month for the industry

See they will lie to push any narrative their uber rich whites master tell them to push!
You’re doing what you claim I’m doing. Stop with the fake news I’m on the ground seeing it

This reminds me of the bush era. Republicans told us the economy was doing fine even into the Great Recession.
Obama tells Romney the cold war is over...

It was. We simply ignored Putin. And we sanctioned them. And we dropped oil prices which killed Russia. Oils doing better so is russia.

Putin clearly has something on trump.

"We dropped oil prices?" Are you trying to tell us that lower oil prices were the result of deliberate Obama policy?


Which Obama policy caused oil prices to drop, taking huge areas of potential oil producing areas off the market?

Do not ask this far left drone to post any facts, they do not have any..

U.S. oil industry set to break record, upend global trade

The president doesn’t have anything to do with the economy, no wait, they do.

The unemployment rate isn’t real, now it’s real

Trump hasn’t fixed the middle class problems he fixed the rich. The fix is in.
Because he fucking earned it and he should be able to leave it to anyone that he wants. He is wealthy today because of his grandma's business, no reason that should not pass to his kids and their kids and their kids.

Why the fuck does the Govt deserve half of it just because he died?

That is just stupid
And then obama deserves that big home. He earned it not malia and Aisha and not baron don jr or Eric or Ivan’s.

They can keep half

Yes Obama funneled the money that was supposed to go to the DNC into his personal pacs.

But as you see you far left drones hold him as a GOD for doing that!

Yes Obama was so popular he lost 1000 seats nationwide.

He let Putin run wild all over the world!
Putin and Russia were irrelevant until trump won. Obama gave Putin zero attention. Making russia great again

See how the far left did not care about Putin as they allowed Putin to run wild.

And yet that is some how Trumps fault!
Hard to tell Putin he can’t invade another sovereign nation when we did it first. At least Crimea is Russia’s neighbor. What were we doing half way around the world in iraq

So Iraq never invaded Kuwait. Kuwait never asked for help to throw out the Iraq invaders in 1991. There never was a "1998 liberation of Iraq" Act passed and signed by Bill Clinton.
The UN never put sanctions on Iraq. Saddam never starved an average of 144,000 children per year. Iraq per capita was never $518 in 2003 vs today $16,500.
You would still have Saddam in power today then having starved 3,888,000 children, totally destroying Mesopotamia and 100,000s of people that lived there...PLUS still have
Iraqis living on $518 per person per year?
Well I certainly know who you are!
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.

No problem with Obama taking time off, no problem with his getting $300,000 for a speech, no problem with him having an $8,000,000 home in a nice neighborhood.

The thing I find funny is his speech is about the monetary inequities and how the divide between richer and poorer is becoming greater and tougher to bridge and how the rich don’t need big houses, fancy vacations, live lavishly, that the rich should share the wealth, then he goes home to an eight bedroom, nine and a half bathroom home in one of the richest neighborhoods in the world. $8,000,000 home how many Americans can afford it? Why doesn’t he share his wealth, he is worth $20,000,000, does he need all that money? Like he said there is only so much money you can spend.

When he gives his wealth away, buys a home that is more average of what common Americans have, then he is walking the talk, right now he Comes up as a do as I say not as I do person.
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.

I doubt Trump will take anything and he's working now for no salary.

He's a billionaire he doesn't need our tax dollars.
Oh, don't worry. He'll take it alright. Just like Trump University and his casinos and his private resorts.
He'll take it.
And while we're all criticizing OBAMA for having a nice house in the Kalorama district of D.C. so his daughter can finish high school there.....
does ANYONE remember what kind of indecently wealth flaunting homes Trump owns?
Makes the Obama home look like a trailer.

Trump isn’t going around telling the world that the rich need to share their wealth with others, Obama is doing that. You want to criticize, then walk your talk or you open yourself up to criticism. The average home in America is $200,000 his home is over 40 times than the average home, how much home does he really need?
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.

No problem with Obama taking time off, no problem with his getting $300,000 for a speech, no problem with him having an $8,000,000 home in a nice neighborhood.

The thing I find funny is his speech is about the monetary inequities and how the divide between richer and poorer is becoming greater and tougher to bridge and how the rich don’t need big houses, fancy vacations, live lavishly, that the rich should share the wealth, then he goes home to an eight bedroom, nine and a half bathroom home in one of the richest neighborhoods in the world. $8,000,000 home how many Americans can afford it? Why doesn’t he share his wealth, he is worth $20,000,000, does he need all that money? Like he said there is only so much money you can spend.

When he gives his wealth away, buys a home that is more average of what common Americans have, then he is walking the talk, right now he Comes up as a do as I say not as I do person.

Agree with you but Obama IS so so wrong about his statements as I've earlier shown.

I'd like to know what history books show these Obama statements to be true:

Statement 1:
Obama said in that above speech :
"And when economic power is concentrated in the hands of the few, history also shows that political power is sure to follow and that dynamic eats away at democracy.”

Where did Obama get the information about the following countries categorized as "democracies"... that have "economic power concentrated in a the hands of the few"
According to the 2015 Democracy Index:
20 most democratic countries in the world…do you live there?
New Zealand.
When in any of the above "democracies" was as Obama stated unequivocally ....."economic power concentrated in the hands of the few"?

I have never heard the above countries have economic power concentrated in the hands of the few that it ate away at their democracy.

Again hyperbole.

Hatred of America exemplified by Obama's gross flamboyant use of hyperbole.

Statement 2:
Also where in any history books were there as Obama stated:
"societies which tolerate vast differences in wealth feed resentments and reduce solidarity and actually grow more slowly."?
On the contrary the USA society has more people capable of doing more while spending less time working to feed themselves than any time in history.

For example in the USA and these are the facts with sources...(unlike Obama's totally unsourced, unattributed statements!)..

By 1890, there were about 4,000 millionaires in the United States, Google Answers: statistics on millionaires, late 1800s

In terms of today's dollars one million in 1890 would be equal to $27 million today. FACT: The Inflation Calculator

How many people in the USA have net worth over $25 million today?
There were 172,000 households with net worth above $25 million... The Number of High-Net-Worth Households in the US Continues to Grow - Marketing Charts

FACTS then from 1890 when there were 4,000 millionaire households and it grew to in 2016 172,000 households with equivalent in 1890 dollars above $25 million.
So what was the growth factor?
The number of people who were worth what 4,000 millionaires was worth in 1890 grew by 4,375% to 172,000 in 2016.
Yea but the United States is much bigger people would criticize..

USA households in 1890 --- 12,690,000 U.S. Households, Families, and Married Couples, 1890–2006

That would then be 0.032% of all the households were millionaires (4,000/12,690,000.

Versus The United State in 2017 of 117,716,237 households ..U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: UNITED STATES

172,000 USA households with net worth above $25 million divided by 117,716,237 households or 0.146%

So even though the population grew 995% times what it was in 1890 the "evil" capitalist" millionaire class grew 4,375%

Also his hyperbolic undocumented statements didn't consider this FACT!

Over a billion people have been lifted out of poverty since 1990
Over 1 billion people have been lifted out of poverty since 1990, but the next billion will be harder

So again Obama's hyperbole is totally obliterated by the FACTS!
Our country has created 4,375% more millionaires in 1890 equivalence even though the population has grown 995%

What is going on here???

As of the end of 2016, there were a record 10.8 million millionaires nationwide,
according to a new study from Spectrem Group's Market Insights Report 2017.Mar 24, 2017
how many millionaires in usa 2017 - Google Search
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.

No problem with Obama taking time off, no problem with his getting $300,000 for a speech, no problem with him having an $8,000,000 home in a nice neighborhood.

The thing I find funny is his speech is about the monetary inequities and how the divide between richer and poorer is becoming greater and tougher to bridge and how the rich don’t need big houses, fancy vacations, live lavishly, that the rich should share the wealth, then he goes home to an eight bedroom, nine and a half bathroom home in one of the richest neighborhoods in the world. $8,000,000 home how many Americans can afford it? Why doesn’t he share his wealth, he is worth $20,000,000, does he need all that money? Like he said there is only so much money you can spend.

When he gives his wealth away, buys a home that is more average of what common Americans have, then he is walking the talk, right now he Comes up as a do as I say not as I do person.

How do you know (1) how much money he has, and (2) what he does with it?

You appear to be ass-suming a negative out of nothing. Why would you do that?
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.

No problem with Obama taking time off, no problem with his getting $300,000 for a speech, no problem with him having an $8,000,000 home in a nice neighborhood.

The thing I find funny is his speech is about the monetary inequities and how the divide between richer and poorer is becoming greater and tougher to bridge and how the rich don’t need big houses, fancy vacations, live lavishly, that the rich should share the wealth, then he goes home to an eight bedroom, nine and a half bathroom home in one of the richest neighborhoods in the world. $8,000,000 home how many Americans can afford it? Why doesn’t he share his wealth, he is worth $20,000,000, does he need all that money? Like he said there is only so much money you can spend.

When he gives his wealth away, buys a home that is more average of what common Americans have, then he is walking the talk, right now he Comes up as a do as I say not as I do person.

I think you have this all wrong. He could have purchased a 15 bedroom, for 20 million. Instead, he went the budget route at 8 million. I think we should give credit where it is due.
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.

The difference is that Trump will donate to charity. Obama is a philanthropist in the great tradition of Joe Biden who barely donates anything at all.
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.

The difference is that Trump will donate to charity. Obama is a philanthropist in the great tradition of Joe Biden who barely donates anything at all.

We should be donating to Biden for his great service to our country!
Just one more PHONY liberal talking out his ass. I wonder what he got paid for that phony speech, $300k? Sure I'll give a speech on wealth inequality, if you pay me $300k.
He deserves it. He had the hardest job in the world for eight years. He earned the respect of people all over the world for his attempts at nuclear disarmament and supporting economic efforts to bring the world's poor into the 21st century.
You want to take on the job of the Presidency for eight years? Never a single minute actually "off," with the weight of the world on your shoulders? No wonder he disappeared on a three month vacation as soon as he was done.
$300K is diddly squat. You can bet Trump will ask for $750K when he's out of office.
That really isn't the point. He is chastising people for doing what he is doing.
Do you really think his speech meant that people who work hard shouldn't have a nice home in a good neighborhood? That is not the take away I got from it.

We all know you can't read, so why are you proving it?

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