Why Conservative Is Simply Better....

The 1998 Republican Congress and Bill Clinton gave us a path to zero debt. But then the number of retards and bigots in the GOP metastasized and everything went to shit in a hurry.

And it started with, "Reagan taught us deficits don't matter."

You just posted this….you say the politicians don't care about the deficit….right? That they turn everything they touch to shit….right?

Your solution….give them even more money. How does that make any sense?
I am far less concerned about tax rates than I am about tax expenditures.

Our American Politboro has the rubes completely snookered into focusing on tax rates. The American Politboro is guiding the conversation so the rubes never catch on to what is really happening out there.

They got this whole Us vs. Them thing going to keep the rubes divided. And they got the rubes to all have their hands out for government gifts while blaming Them for the debt.

It's working beautifully!
I can only post with borg drones so often. You guys really think that giving more of your money to politicians, to spend, steal, waste and lose is better than you keeping it for yourselves and your families and spending it according to your needs and priorities…..you are really sick in the head…and I don't know what will cure it.

You bitch about government being controlled by big business…right? And that big business buys politicians who then give big business our money…right?

And so you want to give those same people more of your money…in the form of taxes….right?

You guys are simply nuts.
The giant elephant you seem to be missing is that Republicans spends as much, if not more, than Democrats.

After you have lived through a few Administrations of both parties, with every variation of friendly and opposition houses of Congress, it becomes blazingly obvious that both parties are HUGE SPENDERS.

But many of you piss drinkers live in denial and walk about like this:


No…..yes…republicans spend as much as democrats…right? That is just what you posted…right? And I agree with you…..they are politicians, they spend our money for their own purposes…..

My answer…..give them less money to spend.

Your answer to politicians who spend to much money and don't care about the consequences?….give them more money…...
I am far less concerned about tax rates than I am about tax expenditures.

Our American Politboro has the rubes completely snookered into focusing on tax rates. The American Politboro is guiding the conversation so the rubes never catch on to what is really happening out there.

They got this whole Us vs. Them thing going to keep the rubes divided. It's working beautifully!

No….you want to give them more money….right? None of us on the Conservastive side think it is working out beautifully…….that is why we want to cut off the spigot…..give them less money.

YOu say we are snookered by crooked politicians…right?

What is your answer? Give them more money…

How does that make any sense?
The 1998 Republican Congress and Bill Clinton gave us a path to zero debt. But then the number of retards and bigots in the GOP metastasized and everything went to shit in a hurry.

And it started with, "Reagan taught us deficits don't matter."

You just posted this….you say the politicians don't care about the deficit….right? That they turn everything they touch to shit….right?

Your solution….give them even more money. How does that make any sense?
Nope. I never said give them more money.

I said the Republicans are hypocrites. How you confused that in your pointy head to 'give them more money' is beyond me.
I can only post with borg drones so often. You guys really think that giving more of your money to politicians, to spend, steal, waste and lose is better than you keeping it for yourselves and your families and spending it according to your needs and priorities…..you are really sick in the head…and I don't know what will cure it.

You bitch about government being controlled by big business…right? And that big business buys politicians who then give big business our money…right?

And so you want to give those same people more of your money…in the form of taxes….right?

You guys are simply nuts.
The giant elephant you seem to be missing is that Republicans spends as much, if not more, than Democrats.

After you have lived through a few Administrations of both parties, with every variation of friendly and opposition houses of Congress, it becomes blazingly obvious that both parties are HUGE SPENDERS.

But many of you piss drinkers live in denial and walk about like this:


Yes…Bush spent too much….obama spent too much…..they all spend our money and waste, steal, lose it and spend it on themselves for power and to help their friends….

Conservative solution…cut off the money to the very politicians doing it….

Your solution…give them more money…because they will spend the next money better…right?
The 1998 Republican Congress and Bill Clinton gave us a path to zero debt. But then the number of retards and bigots in the GOP metastasized and everything went to shit in a hurry.

And it started with, "Reagan taught us deficits don't matter."

You just posted this….you say the politicians don't care about the deficit….right? That they turn everything they touch to shit….right?

Your solution….give them even more money. How does that make any sense?
Nope. I never said give them more money.

I said the Republicans are hypocrites. How you confused that in your pointy head to 'give them more money' is beyond me.

Do you want to increase taxes? If you do…you want to give them more money.
I am going to pull the curtain back now, and maybe some of the rubes will wake up.

You guys know about Grover Norquist's tax pledge right?

Here is what it says:

I, _____, pledge to the taxpayers of the (____ district of the) state of ______ and to the American people that I will: ONE, oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rate for individuals and business; and TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.

Notice anything?
If anyone knows of an actual conservative, point them put please? Liberals and real conservatives can cut deals all the day long, we respect each other.
I am going to pull the curtain back now, and maybe some of the rubes will wake up.

You guys know about Grover Norquist's tax pledge right?

Here is what it says:

I, _____, pledge to the taxpayers of the (____ district of the) state of ______ and to the American people that I will: ONE, oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rate for individuals and business; and TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.

Notice anything?

Do you want to raise taxes?
The 1998 Republican Congress and Bill Clinton gave us a path to zero debt. But then the number of retards and bigots in the GOP metastasized and everything went to shit in a hurry.

And it started with, "Reagan taught us deficits don't matter."

You just posted this….you say the politicians don't care about the deficit….right? That they turn everything they touch to shit….right?

Your solution….give them even more money. How does that make any sense?
Nope. I never said give them more money.

I said the Republicans are hypocrites. How you confused that in your pointy head to 'give them more money' is beyond me.

Do you want to increase taxes? If you do…you want to give them more money.
I want to ban all tax expenditures. It would provide a massive surplus which could then be used to lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and pay down the debt. And once the debt was paid off, we could lower tax rates for EVERYONE even more. This would also have the added benefit of serendipitous instant campaign finance reform. And people who earn identical incomes would be paying identical taxes.

I am sure you have heard me say all this before.
I am going to pull the curtain back now, and maybe some of the rubes will wake up.

You guys know about Grover Norquist's tax pledge right?

Here is what it says:

I, _____, pledge to the taxpayers of the (____ district of the) state of ______ and to the American people that I will: ONE, oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rate for individuals and business; and TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.

Notice anything?

Do you want to raise taxes?
Nope. See post 211.

It's weird. I am positive you have heard me talk about tax expenditures and the ability to lower tax rates.

More evidence you are willfully deaf.

So did you notice anything curious about that pledge?
And TODAY, the political descendants of those Southern right wing conservatives stand in the way of every civil rights bill for gays as Republicans.

The Democrats have always been the party of racism.

In fact, the most popular elected Democrat, former President Clinton, has an unmitigated history of racism.

Bet you love Clinton, huh, Fakey II?

The CONservatives old bait and switch.


CONservatives of the CONfederate States of AmeriKKKa WERE Democrats who fought PROGRESSIVE ABE and the Repubs, it was PROGRESSIVES who gave US civil rights, while the CONservatives (almost exclusively from the Southern CONservative CONfederate states of AmeriKKKa who fought it.


"The contemporary tendency in our society is to base our distribution on scarcity, which has vanished, and to compress our abundance into the overfed mouths of the middle and upper classes until they gag with superfluity. If democracy is to have breadth of meaning, it is necessary to adjust this inequity. It is not only moral, but it is also intelligent. We are wasting and degrading human life by clinging to archaic thinking.

The curse of poverty has no justification in our age. It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism at the dawn of civilization, when men ate each other because they had not yet learned to take food from the soil or to consume the abundant animal life around them. The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and immediate abolition of poverty."


Hmmm.....so you're opposed to poverty?

See if you can glean the cause of same, in this list:

Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected
a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.

Top 10 Poorest Cities run by Democrats

The richest cities in America are also run by Democrats.

"Going For Broke: Is Los Angeles Headed in the Same Direction as Detroit? California Pension Reform President Dan Pellissier thinks our pension liabilities could have us filing for chapter eleven in two to three years.

....blames L.A.’s pension predicament on California's overly magnanimous policies. “We’re too generous,” he says, “and therein lies the problem: After 9/11, many fire and policemen got their bump in the pension formula, taking them from a 2% pension plan to a 3% pension plan, which is a 50% increase. By not putting any money away to cover all of those 50% increases, [the government] automatically created an underfunded pension liability.” - See more at: Going For Broke: Is Los Angeles Headed in the Same Direction as Detroit? - Los Angeles Magazine

"Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin"
Know what that means?


Hint the Cali pension increases were done in 1999, thanks to a law that allowed the 2% to 3% which of support from EVERYONE of the GOPers in the state Assembly/Senate except ONE. It was a little while later Dubya fukked up by ignoring the warnings on 9/11!
Really? No one noticed anything peculiar about Grover Norquist's pledge?
If you lower taxes, and increase spending, what happens to the deficit?

If you spend more than you take in, you have a deficit.

How do you spend more than you take in? How is this possible?

You borrow.

Now read Grover's pledge again:

I, _____, pledge to the taxpayers of the (____ district of the) state of ______ and to the American people that I will: ONE, oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rate for individuals and business; and TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.
Social conservatives:
"Social conservatives may believe that the government has a role in encouraging or enforcing traditional values or behaviours. A social conservative wants to preserve traditional morality and social mores, often by opposing what they consider radical policies or social engineering."
If you want to talk about conservatives like reagan who tripled the national debt, go for it.

Reagan brought in more money through his tax cuts....and the democrat controlled congress spent all of it an more.....they lied to him....

Tax cuts do NOT pay for themselves. -Alan Greenspan Former Federal Reserve Chairman

Reagan Chief Economist Feldstein: "It's Not That You Get More Revenue By Lowering Tax Rates, It Is That You Don't Lose As Much."

Feldstein In 1986: "Hyperbole" That Reagan Tax Cut "Would Actually Increase Tax Revenue."

Conservative Economist Holtz-Eakin: "No Serious Research Evidence" Suggests Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush CEA Chair Mankiw: Claim That Broad-Based Income Tax Cuts Increase Revenue Is Not "Credible," Capital Income Tax Cuts Also Don't Pay For Themselves

Bush-Appointed Federal Reserve Chair Bernanke: "I Don't Think That As A General Rule Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush Treasury Secretary Paulson: "As A General Rule, I Don't Believe That Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush OMB Director Nussle: "Some Say That [The Tax Cut] Was A Total Loss. Some Say They Totally Pay For Themselves. It's Neither Extreme."

Bush CEA Chairman Lazear: "As A General Rule, We Do Not Think Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush Economic Adviser Viard: "Federal Revenue Is Lower Today Than It Would Have Been Without The Tax Cuts."

Bush Treasury Official Carroll: "We Do Not Think Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

The Pinocchio Test

It is time to abandon this myth. Reagan may have convinced himself he had been snookered, but that belief is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the deal he had reached.

Congress was never expected to match the tax increases with spending cuts on a 3-to-1 basis. Reagan appeared to acknowledge this in his speech when he referred to outlays (which would include interest expenses), rather than spending cuts. In the end, lawmakers apparently did a better job of living up to the bargain than the administration did.

If people want to cite the lessons of history, they need to get the history right in the first place.

Four Pinocchios

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.
George Gilder: The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan

Reaganomics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So where is the value of increasing wealth when you are handed a bill you cannot pay?

Ya' mean sorta like this?

After 6 1/2 years of Obama, 47% of Americans could not handle a $400 expense:

"The survey results reveal a lack of economic preparedness among many adults. Only 53 percent of respondents indicate that they could cover a hypothetical emergency expense costing $400 without selling something or borrowing money. Thirty-one percent of respondents report going without some form of medical care in the past year because they could not afford it." FRB: Press Release--Federal Reserve Board issues Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households--May 27, 2015

Yep, 30+ years of GOP policy AND specifically 8 years of Dubya/GOP policy. When the GOP dig holes, they dig wide and deep, just ask FDR...
Grover's pledge is a pledge not to raise taxes.

It is what is NOT in there which is peculiar.

There is no pledge not to increase spending.

GOP: Borrow and spend.
Reagan brought in more money through his tax cuts....and the democrat controlled congress spent all of it an more.....they lied to him....

Tax cuts do NOT pay for themselves. -Alan Greenspan Former Federal Reserve Chairman

Reagan Chief Economist Feldstein: "It's Not That You Get More Revenue By Lowering Tax Rates, It Is That You Don't Lose As Much."

Feldstein In 1986: "Hyperbole" That Reagan Tax Cut "Would Actually Increase Tax Revenue."

Conservative Economist Holtz-Eakin: "No Serious Research Evidence" Suggests Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush CEA Chair Mankiw: Claim That Broad-Based Income Tax Cuts Increase Revenue Is Not "Credible," Capital Income Tax Cuts Also Don't Pay For Themselves

Bush-Appointed Federal Reserve Chair Bernanke: "I Don't Think That As A General Rule Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush Treasury Secretary Paulson: "As A General Rule, I Don't Believe That Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush OMB Director Nussle: "Some Say That [The Tax Cut] Was A Total Loss. Some Say They Totally Pay For Themselves. It's Neither Extreme."

Bush CEA Chairman Lazear: "As A General Rule, We Do Not Think Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush Economic Adviser Viard: "Federal Revenue Is Lower Today Than It Would Have Been Without The Tax Cuts."

Bush Treasury Official Carroll: "We Do Not Think Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

The Pinocchio Test

It is time to abandon this myth. Reagan may have convinced himself he had been snookered, but that belief is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the deal he had reached.

Congress was never expected to match the tax increases with spending cuts on a 3-to-1 basis. Reagan appeared to acknowledge this in his speech when he referred to outlays (which would include interest expenses), rather than spending cuts. In the end, lawmakers apparently did a better job of living up to the bargain than the administration did.

If people want to cite the lessons of history, they need to get the history right in the first place.

Four Pinocchios

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

Tax cuts do pay for themselves….they always bring in more money…the problem….the democrats spend all of the money and then borrow and spend more….so if you outspend the money you generate with tax cuts….don't blame the tax cut, blame the spenders.

DUMBFUX (CONservatives/GOPers) don't understand there is a LEFT AND RIGHT SIDE TO LAFFERS CURVE, and NO credible economist thinks ANY tax cut the past 50+ years has brought in more revenues. NONE



Clinton raised the national debt 41%

Obama made it reach the sky.

Notice how I set the record straight without any vulgarity?
That's because I'm not a Liberal.
Your stupidity and bigotry is far more vulgar than any dirty words could be.

Clearly I've wounded you, Fakey the Second, and you are forced to resort to lying.

I'm a paragon of truth and honesty.....and knowledge.

You should aspire to same.
Reagan brought in more money through his tax cuts....and the democrat controlled congress spent all of it an more.....they lied to him....

Tax cuts do NOT pay for themselves. -Alan Greenspan Former Federal Reserve Chairman

Reagan Chief Economist Feldstein: "It's Not That You Get More Revenue By Lowering Tax Rates, It Is That You Don't Lose As Much."

Feldstein In 1986: "Hyperbole" That Reagan Tax Cut "Would Actually Increase Tax Revenue."

Conservative Economist Holtz-Eakin: "No Serious Research Evidence" Suggests Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush CEA Chair Mankiw: Claim That Broad-Based Income Tax Cuts Increase Revenue Is Not "Credible," Capital Income Tax Cuts Also Don't Pay For Themselves

Bush-Appointed Federal Reserve Chair Bernanke: "I Don't Think That As A General Rule Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush Treasury Secretary Paulson: "As A General Rule, I Don't Believe That Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush OMB Director Nussle: "Some Say That [The Tax Cut] Was A Total Loss. Some Say They Totally Pay For Themselves. It's Neither Extreme."

Bush CEA Chairman Lazear: "As A General Rule, We Do Not Think Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

Bush Economic Adviser Viard: "Federal Revenue Is Lower Today Than It Would Have Been Without The Tax Cuts."

Bush Treasury Official Carroll: "We Do Not Think Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves."

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

The Pinocchio Test

It is time to abandon this myth. Reagan may have convinced himself he had been snookered, but that belief is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the deal he had reached.

Congress was never expected to match the tax increases with spending cuts on a 3-to-1 basis. Reagan appeared to acknowledge this in his speech when he referred to outlays (which would include interest expenses), rather than spending cuts. In the end, lawmakers apparently did a better job of living up to the bargain than the administration did.

If people want to cite the lessons of history, they need to get the history right in the first place.

Four Pinocchios

The historical myth that Reagan raised $1 of taxes in exchange for $3 of spending cuts

Tax cuts do pay for themselves….they always bring in more money…the problem….the democrats spend all of the money and then borrow and spend more….so if you outspend the money you generate with tax cuts….don't blame the tax cut, blame the spenders.

DUMBFUX (CONservatives/GOPers) don't understand there is a LEFT AND RIGHT SIDE TO LAFFERS CURVE, and NO credible economist thinks ANY tax cut the past 50+ years has brought in more revenues. NONE



Clinton raised the national debt 41%

Obama made it reach the sky.

Notice how I set the record straight without any vulgarity?
That's because I'm not a Liberal.

The real vulgarity is saying you're Conservative and then not acting like it.

Changing the subject is hardly the equivalent of denying that every single thing I posted is accurate, linked, documented and correct.

And they are.

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