Why Dick and Liz Cheney Hate Trump so Much

This “discussion” to me reveals that Trump’s appeal is strongest today among those who still buy into his “man of the people” image. But the rest of us see Trump as a born rich, now old and very dangerous lunatic whose few remaining loyal friends (like Roger Stone) are simply grifters and con artists. Of course millions of ordinary Americans think Trump is their friend, and “love” Trump as much as they “hate” those they have been taught to call “Demoncrats” and “RINOs.”

There is plenty to despise about the very Conservative warmongering Cheney family, whose dark “patriotism” to U.S. power and empire abroad was once warmly embraced by most Republicans. The Democrats have done their worst to make themselves an easy target for white rightwing populists by embracing “identity politics,” while the U.S. “working class” has lost its former power and status in society. Today money rules and corrupts almost everybody and every institution.

But supporting a dangerous conman like Trump because somebody you hate “hates” him … is like “cutting your nose off to spite your face.”
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And why does she think patriotic voters will embrace her just because her dad is quoted in her new campaign ad?
You don't get it. No real patriot needs to hear anything from Shooter Dick to understand Trumpery is antithetical to democracy.
And why does she think patriotic voters will embrace her just because her dad is quoted in her new campaign ad?

---I wrote about this insane ad that Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) put out that featured her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney. In the ad, Cheney claims that in the 246-year history of our nation, no individual has posed a greater threat than President Donald Trump.---

Glen Greenwald is a Putin stooge.

I'm no fan of Liz Cheney and even less of her father...but they got this one right.

Greenwald never gets it right
you're all wrong. Trump IS the man of the people. HE IS NOT a politician, He IS a businessman and everything he did for this country during his four years WAS GOOD and God willing WILL be good again.
Tom Paine 1949 You say his friends are grifters.... got substantial links for that...police report? anything?

and so Mr. Trump is Too? I'd like to see links for that. Now YOu say he is a grifter and corrupt. Show me one democrat who has not shown himself to possess every last one of the traits you criticize President Trump as having.. And they did it UNDER OUR NOSES, In front of us..and continue to do so...yet not a word about them. I don't understand this hatred for this man who proved himself in office in spite of the hate filled obstacles and lies put in his path on a daily basis and it continues.
I don't get this hatred. I guess i walked away from the democrat party so long ago that i cannot relate to their thinking at all.

Why the hatred?

1.One reason for the hatred is that President Trump defeated the most corrupt politician in American history who will not accept the results of the elections, and who started and participated in the Russia Hoax to remove President Trump. Crooked Hillary will not go away.

The truth did not matter; the Dems just lied, as they do with President Trump.

The Democratic Party and the media have declared war on President Trump and his voters. President Trump fights back, and he does have some strong supporters, such as Representatives Jordan, Gaetz, Meadows, Nunes, Radcliffe, and others, and Senator Graham. But most of the Republican senators have remained silent, and worse, Senator Mitt Romney has joined in the attacks on President Trump.

The Democratic Party and the media have given up on debating the issues. You either agree with them, primarily on abortion, or else they will try to destroy your life, as they did with Bork, Thomas, Kavanaugh, and now Trump. They will try to destroy anyone who opposes abortion, which destroys innocent life.

It is no surprise that a political party that does not care for the innocent life of the unborn also does not care for destroying the lives of its political opponents and will justify corrupt means to achieve its ends.
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And why does she think patriotic voters will embrace her just because her dad is quoted in her new campaign ad?

---I wrote about this insane ad that Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) put out that featured her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney. In the ad, Cheney claims that in the 246-year history of our nation, no individual has posed a greater threat than President Donald Trump.---

Trump refused to kiss the RINO ass of the Bush administration so the RINOs hate him.

The same with that asshole McCain. Look how he stopped Obamacare from being curtailed (although he ran on a platform to do that) just to spite Trump. Disgusting.

Democrats are the scum of this country but RINOs are not far behind.
Maybe the Cheneys just hate what Trump has done to the GOP.

Trumpsters can't pretend that they don't know what that means, because they LOVE what he's done to the party.
This “discussion” to me reveals that Trump’s appeal is strongest today among those who still buy into his “man of the people” image. But the rest of us see Trump as a born rich, now old and very dangerous lunatic whose few remaining loyal friends (like Roger Stone) are simply grifters and con artists. Of course millions of ordinary Americans think Trump is their friend, and “love” Trump as much as they “hate” those they have been taught to call “Demoncrats” and “RINOs.”

There is plenty to despise about the very Conservative warmongering Cheney family, whose dark “patriotism” to U.S. power and empire abroad was once warmly embraced by most Republicans. The Democrats have done their worst to make themselves an easy target for white rightwing populists by embracing “identity politics,” while the U.S. “working class” has lost its former power and status in society. Today money rules and corrupts almost everybody and every institution.

But supporting a dangerous conman like Trump because somebody you hate “hates” him … is like “cutting your nose off to spite your face.”
Soon as the hate the rich tirade began the remainder was useless
We know the little Cheney is pandering for a job at CNN, but what's Dick's agenda? A McCain funeral...

Most profound statement..."It's because Trump ran - and won - denouncing their neoconservative worldview, now the Dem worldview.
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Cheney is a still hated has-been. Liz is an exposedCo servatove hater who wanted to be one winning side and chose the wrong side. Democrats kissed her ass, she fell for the 'we're your new best friend' act, she's lost everything, about to be booted from office, & she blames Trump for her piss-poor decision to go after Trump.

Democrats are giving her nothing.
@WEATHER53 wrote:
Soon as the hate the rich tirade began the remainder was useless

Tom Paine earlier wrote:
This “discussion” to me reveals that Trump’s appeal is strongest today among those who still buy into his “man of the people” image. But the rest of us see Trump as a born rich, now old and very dangerous lunatic whose few remaining loyal friends (like Roger Stone) are simply grifters and con artists. Of course millions of ordinary Americans think Trump is their friend, and “love” Trump as much as they “hate” those they have been taught to call “Demoncrats” and “RINOs.”

There is plenty to despise about the very Conservative warmongering Cheney family, whose dark “patriotism” to U.S. power and empire abroad was once warmly embraced by most Republicans. The Democrats have done their worst to make themselves an easy target for white rightwing populists by embracing “identity politics,” while the U.S. “working class” has lost its former power and status in society. Today money rules and corrupts almost everybody and every institution.

But supporting a dangerous conman like Trump because somebody you hate “hates” him … is like “cutting your nose off to spite your face.”
There is no “hate the rich” polemic here. But I’m proudly blue-collar working class and smart enough not to be fooled by Trump. The modest home and car and savings I own come from money I myself earned through my own labor. I pay my taxes and pay my way. I’m quite content NOT to have been born with a silver spoon. I’m no politician nor party partisan polical hack, either. I didn’t vote for Hillary. Trump being Trump, if he runs again I will certainly vote for his opponent — who I sure as hell hope won’t be Biden in 2024!

I don’t hate wealth — there are good and bad rich people. But I sure as hell don’t suck up to the blood-sucking capitalists who make a habit of using other people’s wealth to make themselves rich and destroy our country’s industry too. Nor do I support Hedge Fund finance capitalists bribing politicians to pass laws that leave them paying lower tax rates than I myself pay! Republicans supported the Citizen’s United decision and oppose all attempts to reign in our corporate, banking and Private Capital oligarchy. They once again saved (with the help of the vote of one Democratic Senator) the infamous “carried interest tax loophole” that Trump once promised to get rid of, but which he subsequently kept in his 2017 tax giveaway bill for corporations and the super rich.

What are you? A deluded worker who thinks Trump is your buddy? An ex-“conservative” Republican who used to support Bush and the elder Cheney? — but now won’t admit it? Are you “middle class”? A “professional”? Are you yourself “rich”? I ask only because I have been honest in telling you who I am and what I believe. You also wrongfully assume that I somehow automatically “hate the rich.” Why is that? Do you support the billionaire oligarchy?

Mostly, whether they are Republicans or Democrats, the billionaire class fights for their own interests. This makes them play Americans off against each other expertly, the better to run the country and dominate both parties!
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