Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

Despite doing that, FDR still remains in the top 3 according to polls. But again, your opinion is noted.

Polls? HAHAHA. FDR was a mass murderer as proved by his policy of urban bombing IN ww2. He killed MILLIONS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS.

FDR helped defeat the Nazis in that war. Being he was a Democrat, I understand your frustration. At any rate, he remains among the top three presidents of all time regardless of your consternations.
Despite doing that, FDR still remains in the top 3 according to polls. But again, your opinion is noted.

Polls? HAHAHA. FDR was a mass murderer as proved by his policy of urban bombing IN ww2. He killed MILLIONS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS.

Regardless of how sound that argument is or isn't ... what's it got to do with polls?

Nothing. It just drives the brain-dead right crazy that America still considers FDR one of the best presidents in U.S. history.
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.

Bottom line? Carter was an absolute idiot and, until OBarry was elected, was the most incompetent president this country has ever had. OBarry now edges him out by a mile.....
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.

Bottom line? Carter was an absolute idiot and, until OBarry was elected, was the most incompetent president this country has ever had. OBarry now edges him out by a mile.....
Funny thing is that more people approve of the job Obama is doing than they did George Bush was doing. That makes Bush even worse than Obama. :eek:
Oh my....even among the GOP?

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Then there's the entertainment of armchair pundits presuming to be able to judge the legacy of a POTUS before his term is even up. :lmao:
Despite doing that, FDR still remains in the top 3 according to polls. But again, your opinion is noted.

Polls? HAHAHA. FDR was a mass murderer as proved by his policy of urban bombing IN ww2. He killed MILLIONS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS.

FDR helped defeat the Nazis in that war.

That fucking scumbag FDR acted all too similarly to the Nazis and was all too cozy with the Communists. He was a grave threat to our nation.
There will never be enough proof to Reagan supporters and there was never a serious investigation.

Meaning you don't have Jack but you dislike Reagan so much you'll believe a completely unsubstantiated story, we get it.

No it means we could have Reagan on tape(which we do) admitting he traded weapons for hostages and dupes will tell us he meant mythical hostages in Lebanon by mythical pro Iranian groups that Reagan felt compelled to send billions in weapons to get released.
Does this look mythical to you, dumbshit?

Being a good leader is not something that can be determined by SAT scores. Carter may have been the smartest peanut farmer in the country but he was completely unsuited to the office of President. He lacked the temperament and the character for the job.

Temperament, perhaps. Connections, certainly. But character --- not so much. Back when this thread was actually on topic we established that in several area, including but not limited to the Torrijos-Carter treaty and as some wag put it, "giving away Iran". Carter had more moral character than any of the malleable puppets who have occupied the office since. By plenty.Disclaimer: this post not subject to editing.

This is certainly true, and it does, of course, suggest that a pure moral character is not an important attribute for president of the US. Very sad, but realistic. To be president, one has to be able to play high stakes chess with everyone in the world, including those closest to you. It's necessary to be manipulative, to assess good and 'evil' all around you, to be very cynical and to be able to go against what you may believe to be right and wrong in order to serve broader goals. Being a 'good' man or woman is not at the top of the list for being a good president.
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Look, I can tell right now that you didn't live through Jimmy Carter--and you're also more than likely a liberal trying to defend him. No one really cared for his decision to cancel the Olympics--in fact Americans were pretty pissed about it. Giving away the Panama Canal wasn't real popular with Americans either. We built it--and lots of Americans died building it.

The dislike of Jimmy Carter crossed BOTH party lines. Democrats didn't like him--Republicans didn't like him. Americans couldn't wait to remove him from office and that is why Ronald Reagan beat Carter in an all out 49 state landslide win. It was a slaughter--and election night was over very early. When Carter lost there were parties going on all over this nation in celebration.

His ONLY accomplishment was a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, but that was greatly over-shadowed by Iran waving their knifes in the throats of 50 American hostages for a year and a half. That was the news. Along with 10% unemployment--and standard 30 year fixed mortgages at 22%.

Actually Americans were disappointed with the boycott, but hardly anyone was "pissed about it."

Do you have the slightest idea how much it costs to operate the Panama Canal system? Along with the obvious operating expenses we had to keep a large military base going there as well.

A lot of the unemployment came from our heroic retreat from South VietNam. Some ex soldiers from that era STILL can't get jobs.

The OPEC oil monopoly didn't help at all.

As for Iran-Contra, it's long since been proven that Reagan/Daddy Bush set Carter up to fail, just so he'd lose in the 1980 election.

(I voted for Joe Walsh, who was running in Ohio that year, btw.)
Despite doing that, FDR still remains in the top 3 according to polls. But again, your opinion is noted.

Polls? HAHAHA. FDR was a mass murderer as proved by his policy of urban bombing IN ww2. He killed MILLIONS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS.

FDR helped defeat the Nazis in that war. Being he was a Democrat, I understand your frustration. At any rate, he remains among the top three presidents of all time regardless of your consternations.

I am certain most of you on this board are too young to remember but democrats used to be hawks. The democrats of today are nothing like their predecessors, that died with JFK. JFK the President who said do not ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

Obviously he would be rolling over in his grave to see what the democrat party has turned into.
Look, I can tell right now that you didn't live through Jimmy Carter--and you're also more than likely a liberal trying to defend him. No one really cared for his decision to cancel the Olympics--in fact Americans were pretty pissed about it. Giving away the Panama Canal wasn't real popular with Americans either. We built it--and lots of Americans died building it.

The dislike of Jimmy Carter crossed BOTH party lines. Democrats didn't like him--Republicans didn't like him. Americans couldn't wait to remove him from office and that is why Ronald Reagan beat Carter in an all out 49 state landslide win. It was a slaughter--and election night was over very early. When Carter lost there were parties going on all over this nation in celebration.

His ONLY accomplishment was a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, but that was greatly over-shadowed by Iran waving their knifes in the throats of 50 American hostages for a year and a half. That was the news. Along with 10% unemployment--and standard 30 year fixed mortgages at 22%.

Actually Americans were disappointed with the boycott, but hardly anyone was "pissed about it."

Do you have the slightest idea how much it costs to operate the Panama Canal system? Along with the obvious operating expenses we had to keep a large military base going there as well.

A lot of the unemployment came from our heroic retreat from South VietNam. Some ex soldiers from that era STILL can't get jobs.

The OPEC oil monopoly didn't help at all.

As for Iran-Contra, it's long since been proven that Reagan/Daddy Bush set Carter up to fail, just so he'd lose in the 1980 election.

(I voted for Joe Walsh, who was running in Ohio that year, btw.)

Again--we have a lil Einstein thumb sucking liberal that didn't LIVE during or through the Carter administration that just cannot believe how UNPOPULAR Jimmy Carter was with Americans on both sides of the isle. Now you've come up with some kind of conspiracy theory that Reagan and Bush 1 set him up on Iran--and that's why he lost the election?

Sweet Baby Jesus--you don't know that the "misery index" came out during the Carter administration?

The PROOF of how unpopular, including the overwhelmling majority of Democrats, that hated Jimmy Carter is right here.


Carter V Reagan

And here is Reagan's second term win--even bigger than the 1st.


Reagan V Mondale

But according to you thumb sucking liberals Reagan was a baaaaad President--:lol:

You won't convince the millions, including democrats, commonly referred to as "Reagan democrats" of that, that's for certain.
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Uh -- I think you're the one who wasn't born yet Junior. Electoral votes don't represent "hate". And btw Carter didn't run in 1984.

Maybe you should stick with Sponge Bob. Simple fare for simple minds.
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Uh -- I think you're the one who wasn't born yet Junior. Electoral votes don't represent "hate". And btw Carter didn't run in 1984.

Maybe you should stick with Sponge Bob. Simple fare for simple minds.

Well with a little reading comprehension you'll note it says Reagan V Mondale on the second map.

I lived through Jimmy Carter--obviously you didn't. You're living Jimmy Carter memorabilia through Wikipedia.

Maybe "hate" was a bad word to use. The map more than illustrates how many millions in this country believed Jimmy Carter to be a LOUSY President. Simply because he was.


Carter V Reagan
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Uh -- I think you're the one who wasn't born yet Junior. Electoral votes don't represent "hate". And btw Carter didn't run in 1984.

Maybe you should stick with Sponge Bob. Simple fare for simple minds.

Well with a little reading comprehension you'll note it says Reagan V Mondale on the second map.

Then why did you try to pretend it was a point about Carter?
And you want to talk reading comprehension? Pffft.

I lived through Jimmy Carter--obviously you didn't. You're living Jimmy Carter memorabilia through Wikipedia.


I tellya what - the first time I boarded a commercial flight, the president of the United States was Harry Truman. You're embarrassing yourself, son.

Maybe "hate" was a bad word to use. The map more than illustrates how many millions in this country believed Jimmy Carter to be a LOUSY President. Simply because he was.


Carter V Reagan

As I said... simple minds.

Go back and read the thread. Learn some shit.

"Wikipedia".... frickin' goofball.
meh... Carter is easy recent-memory low-hanging fruit...

if you seriously want to get into the subject of presidents who royally fucked up the country, go back and read up about LBJ... and Wilson... and Buchanan...

and while you're at it, Lincoln... (putting on the hard hat and flak jacket for responses to this one...)
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Uh -- I think you're the one who wasn't born yet Junior. Electoral votes don't represent "hate". And btw Carter didn't run in 1984.

Maybe you should stick with Sponge Bob. Simple fare for simple minds.

Well with a little reading comprehension you'll note it says Reagan V Mondale on the second map.

I lived through Jimmy Carter--obviously you didn't. You're living Jimmy Carter memorabilia through Wikipedia.

Maybe "hate" was a bad word to use. The map more than illustrates how many millions in this country believed Jimmy Carter to be a LOUSY President. Simply because he was.


Carter V Reagan

They "believed" he was a lousy President for several reasons.

One was the hostages, which it seems, Reagan and the boys were able to kibosh getting a release on due to secret deals for arms.

Another was his battle with oil companies who engineered a "shortage" which mysteriously disappeared after the election.

A third was the deliberate recession of Paul Volcker to squash stagflation.

Oh, and he told Americans the truth. He told them they'd be better off if they would stop wasting so much energy.
Uh -- I think you're the one who wasn't born yet Junior. Electoral votes don't represent "hate". And btw Carter didn't run in 1984.

Maybe you should stick with Sponge Bob. Simple fare for simple minds.

Well with a little reading comprehension you'll note it says Reagan V Mondale on the second map.

I lived through Jimmy Carter--obviously you didn't. You're living Jimmy Carter memorabilia through Wikipedia.

Maybe "hate" was a bad word to use. The map more than illustrates how many millions in this country believed Jimmy Carter to be a LOUSY President. Simply because he was.


Carter V Reagan

They "believed" he was a lousy President for several reasons.

One was the hostages, which it seems, Reagan and the boys were able to kibosh getting a release on due to secret deals for arms.

Another was his battle with oil companies who engineered a "shortage" which mysteriously disappeared after the election.

A third was the deliberate recession of Paul Volcker to squash stagflation.

Oh, and he told Americans the truth. He told them they'd be better off if they would stop wasting so much energy.

I lived through the Carter years, too...

my (as dispassionate as possible) observations from back then...

1) times weren't particularly good, but they weren't all that bad either...

2) Carter seemed to go about things in an honorable and well-intentioned way...

3) Carter was probably one of the most, if not the most, inept presidents this country has ever had...
Uh -- I think you're the one who wasn't born yet Junior. Electoral votes don't represent "hate". And btw Carter didn't run in 1984.

Maybe you should stick with Sponge Bob. Simple fare for simple minds.

Well with a little reading comprehension you'll note it says Reagan V Mondale on the second map.

I lived through Jimmy Carter--obviously you didn't. You're living Jimmy Carter memorabilia through Wikipedia.

Maybe "hate" was a bad word to use. The map more than illustrates how many millions in this country believed Jimmy Carter to be a LOUSY President. Simply because he was.


Carter V Reagan

They "believed" he was a lousy President for several reasons.

One was the hostages, which it seems, Reagan and the boys were able to kibosh getting a release on due to secret deals for arms.

Another was his battle with oil companies who engineered a "shortage" which mysteriously disappeared after the election.

A third was the deliberate recession of Paul Volcker to squash stagflation.

Oh, and he told Americans the truth. He told them they'd be better off if they would stop wasting so much energy.
One was the hostages, which it seems, Reagan and the boys were able to kibosh getting a release on due to secret deals for arms.
How 'bout you post some proof or STFU?

Another was his battle with oil companies who engineered a "shortage" which mysteriously disappeared after the election.
There was never a shortage. The reason prices came down was because Reagan removed Carter's price freezes at the pump level, enabling AMERICAN companies to find new sources, thus driving the price of oil DOWN.

A third was the deliberate recession of Paul Volcker to squash stagflation.
Carter appointed Paul Volker, dumbass, for the purpose of fighting inflation. He turned off the printing presses (which stopped inflation). It wasn't Volker's fault that Carter caused inflation with his policies. You're not very well informed, are you?
Well with a little reading comprehension you'll note it says Reagan V Mondale on the second map.

I lived through Jimmy Carter--obviously you didn't. You're living Jimmy Carter memorabilia through Wikipedia.

Maybe "hate" was a bad word to use. The map more than illustrates how many millions in this country believed Jimmy Carter to be a LOUSY President. Simply because he was.


Carter V Reagan

They "believed" he was a lousy President for several reasons.

One was the hostages, which it seems, Reagan and the boys were able to kibosh getting a release on due to secret deals for arms.

Another was his battle with oil companies who engineered a "shortage" which mysteriously disappeared after the election.

A third was the deliberate recession of Paul Volcker to squash stagflation.

Oh, and he told Americans the truth. He told them they'd be better off if they would stop wasting so much energy.

I lived through the Carter years, too...

my (as dispassionate as possible) observations from back then...

1) times weren't particularly good, but they weren't all that bad either...

2) Carter seemed to go about things in an honorable and well-intentioned way...

3) Carter was probably one of the most, if not the most, inept presidents this country has ever had...

I lived through them too. It was the only time I saw my father cry.
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