Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

There will never be enough proof to Reagan supporters and there was never a serious investigation.

Meaning you don't have Jack but you dislike Reagan so much you'll believe a completely unsubstantiated story, we get it.

No it means we could have Reagan on tape(which we do) admitting he traded weapons for hostages and dupes will tell us he meant mythical hostages in Lebanon by mythical pro Iranian groups that Reagan felt compelled to send billions in weapons to get released.

I remember it well. There were hostages in Lebanon. Iran did help secure their release. Then the terrorist in Lebanon captured more hostages. The Reagan Administration sold the weapons and diverted the profits covertly to fund the militants besieging Nicaragua. That had nothing to do with the 1979 hostage crisis which was in fact resolved by the time Reagan took office.
Polls? HAHAHA. FDR was a mass murderer as proved by his policy of urban bombing IN ww2. He killed MILLIONS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS.

FDR helped defeat the Nazis in that war. Being he was a Democrat, I understand your frustration. At any rate, he remains among the top three presidents of all time regardless of your consternations.

I am certain most of you on this board are too young to remember but democrats used to be hawks. The democrats of today are nothing like their predecessors, that died with JFK. JFK the President who said do not ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

Obviously he would be rolling over in his grave to see what the democrat party has turned into.

A majority of Democrats in the Senate voted for the Iraq invasion and occupation.
Polls? HAHAHA. FDR was a mass murderer as proved by his policy of urban bombing IN ww2. He killed MILLIONS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS.

FDR helped defeat the Nazis in that war.

That fucking scumbag FDR acted all too similarly to the Nazis and was all too cozy with the Communists. He was a grave threat to our nation.

Obviously he wasn't, since he's consistently ranked in the top 3 POTUS ever.

We need another FDR!
meh... Carter is easy recent-memory low-hanging fruit...

if you seriously want to get into the subject of presidents who royally fucked up the country, go back and read up about LBJ... and Wilson... and Buchanan...

and while you're at it, Lincoln... (putting on the hard hat and flak jacket for responses to this one...)

LBJ was a great president. So was Wilson. Buchanan sucked: literally - he is thought to have been a queer.
meh... Carter is easy recent-memory low-hanging fruit...

if you seriously want to get into the subject of presidents who royally fucked up the country, go back and read up about LBJ... and Wilson... and Buchanan...

and while you're at it, Lincoln... (putting on the hard hat and flak jacket for responses to this one...)

LBJ was a great president. So was Wilson. Buchanan sucked: literally - he is thought to have been a queer.

Ah, the REAL tolerant libtard rears it's ugly head! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Meaning you don't have Jack but you dislike Reagan so much you'll believe a completely unsubstantiated story, we get it.

No it means we could have Reagan on tape(which we do) admitting he traded weapons for hostages and dupes will tell us he meant mythical hostages in Lebanon by mythical pro Iranian groups that Reagan felt compelled to send billions in weapons to get released.

I remember it well. There were hostages in Lebanon. Iran did help secure their release. Then the terrorist in Lebanon captured more hostages. The Reagan Administration sold the weapons and diverted the profits covertly to fund the militants besieging Nicaragua. That had nothing to do with the 1979 hostage crisis which was in fact resolved by the time Reagan took office.

Technically, the hostages were freed while Carter was still president, though not long before Reagan was sworn in.
Not technically -- literally. Warren Christopher. We went over this several pages back. Several wags tried to tell me Reagan did it. Several wags who since went strangely silent.

But yanno, that's probably another good illustration of how the media and the established machine worked against him. The fact that Carter and Christopher were successful at that resolution went all but unreported, while the image of the actor swearing in while the hostages were released was just left as a Hollywood implication scene, and played over and over. Nobody came on a newscast and said that Reagan did it... they just left the image there as bait.

In part it's also how media works; a report on a treaty doesn't sell nearly as well as soap opera.

You know -- that "liberal media"... :rolleyes:
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Carter was destroyed and taken down by the far left when they openly hijacked the DNC during this time and it all started over (you guessed it) a health care law.
"Strangely silent"


Gave up in disgust.

Finding out history you were ignorant of is "disgusting", huh? That explains a lot of your posts.

If Carter were still posing as a president there would still be American hostages in Iran.

Yeah ummm... it was the Carter Administration that got them out of there, history-man.

Revisionist much?

Not at all, you take it if you want it revised.
You'll have to get over the small problem of Warren Christopher. Good luck with that.

It was exactly at that point you went silent, unable to come to grips with the fact that you were wrong.

Feel free to make the case that it's my job to go wipe those posts of yours out so you don't look as ignorant as you do right now. You know, because it's never your fault, so gimme gimme gimme...

Ineptness kills.

Story related to me by a survivor:

The team that was sent into Iran, during the Carter regime, spent weeks adapting weapons and even helicopters to deal with the extreme conditions known to exist at the hostage site. They practiced over and over - had it down perfect.

Then, just before departing, Carter issued an edict forbidding them to take the modified helicopters they had developed. Made them, instead, use unmodified choppers that were closer to the site already. The mission went on. And failed because sand got into the engines and the game was lost.

Your Jimmy at his finest.

Let me save you the trouble of asking me to do for your work for you. You want a link? You Goddamn well find one for yourself.
Ineptness kills.

Story related to me by a survivor:

The team that was sent into Iran, during the Carter regime, spent weeks adapting weapons and even helicopters to deal with the extreme conditions known to exist at the hostage site. They practiced over and over - had it down perfect.

Then, just before departing, Carter issued an edict forbidding them to take the modified helicopters they had developed. Made them, instead, use unmodified choppers that were closer to the site already. The mission went on. And failed because sand got into the engines and the game was lost.

Your Jimmy at his finest.

..... Link?

Oh wait, you did say "some guy told me". Forgot who I was dealing with. :rolleyes:

Let me save you the trouble of asking me to do for your work for you. You want a link? You Goddamn well find one for yourself.

Isn't my claim, is it?

Here's how it works:

"Millihenry is a mongoloid idiot who eats babies".

Now go fetch a link and prove it. Until you do, it's fact. And when you do -- it's still fact.

All you have to do is suspend the laws of logic and reality, and you can invent any story you want.

Don't forget to take your meds.
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Liberals always expect others to do their work for them.

But then, those libs, want a government check for not having done it.

I want one also, let's re-elect GW Bush...I could have been accepted then with what I have now.....but not now...

I still remember Shrub's bribe. Mine was thirteen dollars and seventy-four cents. Huzzah.

I splurged. Went out and bought myself an appetizer.
Carter was the weakest president in living history. Obama is not done yet, but he's giving him a run for his money. The former is undisputable. The latter is quickly running out of time to dethrone him. Putin has trumped Obama as no Russian has ever trumped a POTUS before.

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